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61 Cards in this Set

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What are the Tx Principles?

Common cold & cough

Symptoms Aversion to cold, slight fever, headache, no sweat, nasal congestion w clear runny mucous, sneezing, cough w thin-white or clear sputum
T: Thin-white coat
P: Floating-tight
V: Superficial, light red, located at Wind Gate
Dispel Wind
Scatter Cold
Stop cough
What are the Tx Principles?

Common cold & cough

Symptoms High fever, slight aversion to cold, headache, sweat, yellow sticky nasal mucous, sore throat, cough w white or yellow sticky sputum
T: Normal body w a red tip & yellow coat
P: Floating-rapid
Dispel Wind
Clear Heat
Transform Phlegm
Stop cough
What are the Tx Principles?

Common cold & cough

Symptoms High fever, headache, slight sweat, red eyes, face & lips, thirst, vexation, nose bleeds, cough w thick-yellow profuse sputum that is hard to expectorate, scanty urine
T: Red w yellow-greasy coat
P: Rapid-slippery
V: Fresh red & superficial
Clear Dampness & Heat
Transform Phlegm
Stop cough
What are the Tx Principles?

Common cold & cough

Symptoms Cough w white-thin profuse phlegm, sound of phlegm rattling in the throat, no appetite, chest oppression, pale facial complexion
T: White-greasy coat
P: Floating-slippery
Resolve Phlegm
Stop cough
Dry Dampness
What are the Tx Principles?

Common cold & cough

Symptoms Cough w profuse phlegm, slight aversion to cold, fever, no thought for eating or drinking, foul-smelling breath, abd distension which is worse w pressure
T: Red w thick-white coat
P: Deep-slippery
V: Purple
Relieve the Exterior
Disperse accumulation
Transform food
Stop cough
What are the Tx Principles?

Common cold & cough

Symptoms Dry cough w scanty-thick-yellow phlegm that is not easy to expectorate, thirst, dry throat, itchy throat, hoarseness, heat sensation in palms & soles, cough w blood, tidal fever
T: Red w scanty coat
P: Thready-rapid
Nourish Yin
Stop cough
What are the Tx Principles?

Common cold & cough

Symptoms Weak cough w white-clear-dilute sputum, pale complexion, SOB, unwillingness to speak, weak voice, intolerance to cold, prefers warmth, profuse sweat
T: Pale & tender
P: Thready-forceless
Bolster SP
Nourish Qi
What are the Tx Principles?

Pneumonia - 1st stage

Symptoms Aversion to cold, fever w no sweat, SOB, lack of thirst, cough w thin white phlegm
T: Thin white greasy coat
P: Float-tight
V: Blue at Wind Gate
Disperse Wind
Scatter Cold
Diffuse the LU
Stop cough
What are the Tx Principles?

Pneumonia - 1st stage

Symptoms High fever w sweat, thirst, cough w sticky yellow phlegm, chest oppression, SOB, yellow urine, mild aversion to wind, rapid respiration, red throat, no nasal discharge & no tears, vexation & agitation
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Floating-rapid
Clear Heat
Diffuse the LU
Transform Phlegm
What are the Tx Principles?

Pneumonia - 2nd stage

Symptoms Fever, vexation, agitation, thirst, sweat, cough w sticky yellow phlegm, chest oppression, wheezing, flared nostrils, purple lips, red complexion, rattling sound in LU
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Slippery-rapid or wiry-slippery
Clear Heat
Ventilate the LU
Eliminate Phlegm
Stop cough
What are the Tx Principles?

Pneumonia - 3rd stage

Symptoms Low fever, night sweats, flushed face, dry cough or expectoration of a scant amount of phlegm
T: Red body w scanty coat
P: Thready-rapid
Nourish & moisten Yin
Clear the LU
What are the Tx Principles?

Pneumonia - 3rd stage

Symptoms Intermittent low grade fever which appears when patient is tired, weak voice, no desire to speak, thin watery phlegm, SOB, pale complexion, lassitude, lack of appetite
T: Pale body w white greasy coat
P: Weak
Tonify LU & SP Qi
What are the Tx Principles?

Pneumonia - 4th stage

Symptoms Shallow rapid breath, cyanosic lips, cold limbs, vexation, restlessness, pale complexion
T: Purple & dark body w thin white coat
P: Rapid-faint-weak-feeble (over 128 bpm)
V: Deep purple vessel at Life Gate
Strengthen & tonify HT Yang
Restore Yang
Consolidate collapse
What are the Tx Principles?

Pneumonia - 4th stage

Symptoms High fever, delirium, semi-consciousness, vexation, restlessness, convulsions, rapid breathing, panting, stiff nape, lock jaw, eyes rolling back
T: Crimson w no coat
P: Rapid
V: Vessel shows to tip of finger
Calm LV
Expel Wind
What are the Tx Principles?

Anorexia (Yan Shu)

Symptoms No interest in food for a prolonged period of time, lusterless facial complexion, emaciation, abd distension, flatulence, loose stools
T: Thin white greasy coat
P: Slippery-forceless
Fortify SP & ST
What are the Tx Principles?

Anorexia (Yan Shu)

Symptoms Pale lusterless complexion, no desire to eat or no taste when eating
T: Thin greasy white coat
P: Forceless
Bolter SP
Help & strengthen transformation
What are the Tx Principles?

Anorexia (Yan Shu)

Symptoms No desire for food or drink, dry mouth, dry stools
T: Shiny body w peeled coat
P: Fine
Nourish & strengthen ST Yin
What are the Tx Principles?


Symptoms No desire for food or drink, abd & epigastric distension & pain, belching, constipation or diarrhea
T: Yellow greasy coat
P: Rapid-slippery
Relieve stagnation
Promote digestion
Stop vomiting
What are the Tx Principles?


Symptoms Emaciation, yellow sallow complexion, severe bloating & distension of the abd, lack of appetite, listlessness, dizziness, fatigue, poor mental concentration, diarrhea or loose stools
T: Pale w white coat
P: Weak-fine
Strengthen the SP & ST
Tonify Qi & Blood
Promote digestion
What are the Tx Principles?


Symptoms Emaciation, constant hunger, abd pain & distension, peri-umbilical pain, moodiness, irritability, anal itching, loose stools that contain undigested food, diarrhea, belching, restless sleep, teeth grinding
T: Yellow coat
P: Slippery
Kill parasites
Promote digestion
Stop pain
What are the Tx Principles?

Canker sore & mouth ulcers

Symptoms Numerous mouth ulcers or mouth erosion w red borders & local pain, refusal to eat, irritability, excessive crying, halitosis, drooling, scant yellow urination, constipation, fever, red face
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Slippery-rapid
Clear Toxic Heat
Drain Fire downward
What are the Tx Principles?

Canker sore & mouth ulcers

Symptoms Erosion or ulceration on the tongue w red borders & local pain, it is hard to eat food, irritability, thirst w desire to drink, scant yellow urine
T: Red tip & thin yellow coat
P: Thready-rapid
Clear Fire
Drain Heat
What are the Tx Principles?

Canker sore & mouth ulcers

Symptoms Ulcers in the mouth or tongue erosions that are pale & scattered, lesions without pain, drooling, tiredness, malar flush, dry mouth w no thirst
T: Light red w no coat
P: Thready-rapid
Nourish Yin
Drain def Fire
What are the Tx Principles?

Chicken pox (varicella)

Symptoms Fever, aversion to cold, cough, nasal congestion, moist, red watery blisters appearing first on the scalp & face & spreading to the torso
T: Thin white coat
P: Floating-rapid
Clear Heat from the Exterior
Dispel Dampness
Resolve Toxins
What are the Tx Principles?

Chicken pox (varicella)

Symptoms High fever, agitation, restlessness, dry mouth, red facial complexion, thirst, densely packed purple eruptions, ulcerations when pox rupture (fluid in the eruptions is turbid)
T: Thick yellow dry coat
P: Rapid-surging
Clear Heat
Cool Blood
Resolve Toxins
What are the Tx Principles?

Mumps (epidemic parotiditis)

Symptoms Mild fever, swelling & pain of the parotid glands on one or both sides of the throat, difficulty swallowing, sore throat
T: Red w thin white or yellow coat
P: Floating-rapid
V: Superficial, bluish green
Clear Heat from Exterior
Reduce swelling
What are the Tx Principles?

Mumps (epidemic parotiditis)

Symptoms High fever, agitation & restlessness, thirst, no appetite, vomiting, diffuse swelling of the parotid glands, distending pain & hardness of the parotid glands, red swollen, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, headache
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Slippery-rapid
Clear Heat
Resolve Toxins
Reduce swelling
What are the Tx Principles?

Measles (rubeola) - Uncomplicated

Symptoms Fever, aversion to cold, mild cough, watery eyes, photophobia, runny nose, diarrhea, white spots in the mouth w red borders (Koplik's spots)
T: Yellow coat
P: Floating-rapid
Clear Exterior Wind-Heat
What are the Tx Principles?

Measles (rubeola) - Uncomplicated

Symptoms High fever, restlessness, thirst, severe cough, swollen eyes, raised red maculopapular rash appearing behind the ears then spreading in sequence to the neck, face, chest back & limbs, rash exudes a watery fluid & appears w tidal fever
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Surging-rapid
Clear Heat Toxins
Out-thrust rash
What are the Tx Principles?

Measles (rubeola) - Uncomplicated

Symptoms Fever abates, rash begins to disappear in the same order that it appeared (behind the ear to limbs), desquamation, appetite improves, dry cough, yellow urine
T: Red w scanty coat
P: Fine-rapid, may be thready
Clear remaining Toxins
Nourish Yin & Qi
What are the Tx Principles?

Measles (rubeola) - Complicated

Symptoms Rash is dark purple in color or indistinct, incomplete eruption, high fever, severe cough, panting, asthma, phlegm in the throat, thirst, cold limbs, bluish-grey facial complexion, cyanotic lips, scanty reddish urine
T: Scarlet w yellow coat
P: Rapid-slippery
Clear Heat
Resolve Toxins
Diffuse the LU
Transform Phlegm
What are the Tx Principles?

Measles (rubeola) - Complicated

Symptoms Rash appears but the spots are not raised, fever, restlessness, thirst, red, swollen throat, pain w swallowing, hoarse voice, difficulty breathing
T: Red w thick yellow coat
P: Rapid
Clear Heat
Resolve Toxins
Disinhibit the throat
What are the Tx Principles?

Measles (rubeola) - Complicated

Symptoms High fever, irritability, delirium, purple rash fused into patches over the whole body, unconsciousness in severe cases, convulsions, flared nostrils
T: Dark red crimson
P: Rapid
Calm LV
Extinguish Internal Wind
Clear Ying level
Resolve Toxins
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Acute

Symptoms Abrupt onset of convulsions, high fever, headache, swollen throat, thirst, agitation & restlessness, limb spasms, jaw tetany, clouding of consciousness, rolling back of the eyes, in severe cases opisthitonos
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Rapid-wiry
V: Greenish purple venule
Clear Wind-Heat
Open the orifices
Extinguish Wind
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Acute

Symptoms No thought for food or drink, vomiting, abd distension, blockage of stools, fever, convulsions w spasms & tremors of the limbs, neck rigidity, jaw tetany, sudden lack of consciousness
T: Thick yellow slimy coat
P: Wiry-slippery
Clear Heat
Transform Phlegm
Open the orifices
Stop convulsions
Reduce food stagnation
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Acute

Symptoms No fever, lack of warmth in the limbs, restless sleep, mental agitation, episodic convulsions
T: Thin coat
P: Deep
V: Greenish purple venule
Stop convulsions
Calm the spirit
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Acute

Symptoms Happens in summer, high fever, profuse sweat, headache, neck rigidity, nausea, vomiting, irritability, agitation, loss of consciousness, spasm in 4 limbs
T: Yellow greasy coat
P: Floating-rapid
Clear Summer-Heat
Stop convulsions
Open the orifices
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Acute

Symptoms Acute onset, high fever, irritable, agitation, thirst, loss of consciousness, convulsions, delirium
T: Deep red or crimson w yellow rough coat
P: Rapid-forceful
Clear Heat
Open the orifices
Cool Blood
Expel Internal Wind
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Chronic

Symptoms Emaciation, sallow complexion, tiredness, deep sleep, lack of warmth in the 4 limbs, loose stools, chronic convulsions w mild tremors of the hands & feet, dimming of consciousness, sleeping w eyes not fully closed
T: Pale w white coat
P: Deep-weak
Fortify SP
Pacify LV
Stop convulsions
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Chronic

Symptoms Intermittent convulsions, restlessness & agitation, red cheeks, thin body, low-grade fever, feverish palms & soles, dry stools
T: Red w scanty coat
P: Rapid-thready
Nourish & supplement LV & KD Yin
Stop convulsions
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile convulsions - Chronic

Symptoms Pale complexion, depressed fontanelles, unconscious or coma, weak, cold breath, profuse sweat, cold limbs, 4 limbs tremors, cold-clear-watery stools
T: Pale w thin white coat
P: Deep-thready w no spirit
Nourish & tonify SP & KD
Bolster Yang
Revive consciousness
Stop convulsions
What are the Tx Principles?


Symptoms Night time enuresis, possible lower intelligence, frequent clear urine during day, pale facial complexion, lower body is cold & weak, cold extremities, intolerance to cold
T: Pale w white coat
P: Deep-weak
Warm & supplement KD Yang
Secure & astringe urine
What are the Tx Principles?


Symptoms Night time enuresis, lassitude, SOB, spontaneous sweating, white facial complexion, lack appetite, loose stools
T: Pale w white coat
P: Weak
Tonify Qi
Secure Essence
Astringe urine
What are the Tx Principles?


Symptoms Night time enuresis, urine is concentrated, yellow & foul smelling, agitation & restlessness, sleep talking, bruxism (teeth grinding), red lips
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Rapid-forceful
Drain Damp-Heat from LV channel
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile jaundice

Symptoms Bright yellow skin, face & eyes like an orange, tiredness, fatigue, no desire to drink milk, constipation, scanty yellow urine, in severe cases: irritability, agitation, thirst, vomit, abd distension, coma, convulsions
T: Red w yellow coat
P: Slippery-rapid
Drain Damp-Heat
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile jaundice

Symptoms Slight dark yellow complexion, eyes & skin, or prolonged jaundice, tiredness, fatigue, lack of warmth in the 4 limbs, poor appetite, easy vomiting, loose stools w grey white color, scanty urination, abd distension, SOB in severe cases
T: Pale w white greasy coat
P: Tight slippery
Warm Middle Burner
Transform Dampness
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile jaundice

Symptoms Deep & dark yellow face, skin & eyes, gradually getting worse, abd fullness & distension, tiredness, fatigue, poor appetite, easily vomiting after eating, scanty yellow urine, grey stools, nose bleeds, dark red lips, skin rashes are possible along w abd masses due to enlarged LV
T: Maculate dots, purple w yellow coat
Remove Blood statis
Resolve masses
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile diarrhea

Symptoms Abd pain & distension relieved by diarrhea, foul-smelling stools, halitosis, no thought for food or drink
T: Thick greasy white or yellow coat
P: Slippery
F: Engorged at the Wind Gate
Promote digestion
Remove stagnation
Stop diarrhea
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile diarrhea

Symptoms Watery diarrhea w no foul odor, abd pain, intestinal gurgling, aversion to cold, white facial complexion, cold limbs
T: White greasy coat
P: Soggy-fine
Scatter Cold
Dishinibit Dampness
Stop diarrhea
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile diarrhea

Symptoms Thin yellow stools w a foul odor, tenesmus, explosive discharge of stools, abd pain, no appetite, nausea, fever, thirst, scanty yellow urine, fatigue
T: Greasy yellow coat
P: Slippery-rapid
Clear Heat
Dishinibit Dampness
Stop diarrhea
What are the Tx Principles?

Infantile diarrhea

Symptoms Chronic intermittent or lingering diarrhea, undigested food in the stools, diarrhea after eating, light colored stools w no foul odor, sallow yellow facial complexion
Tonify SP
Stop diarrhea
What are the Tx Principles?

Abdominal pain

Symptoms Acute & sudden abd pain that is relieved by warmth, crying & pumping of the legs to the abd, loose stools, cold hands & feet, white somber facial complexion, dark lips, copious urine
T: White slimy coat
P: Deep-tight, not floating due to the Cold having gone into the interior
Warm the Middle Burner
Scatter Cold
Regulate Qi
Stop pain
What are the Tx Principles?

Abdominal pain

Symptoms Abd pain & distension after over-eating, no thought of food & drink, pain relieved by foul smelling diarrhea & aggravated by pressure, belching, vomiting, acid regurgitation
T: Thick greasy coat
P: Slippery
Disperse food
Remove stagnation
Stop pain
What are the Tx Principles?

Abdominal pain

Symptoms Dull periodic abd pain which is relieved w the application of heat or pressure, pain increases w fatigue or hunger, loose stools, pale face, listlessness, fatigue, lack of warmth in limbs
T: Pale w white coat
P: Deep-thready
Warm & supplement SP Yang
Stop pain
What are the Tx Principles?

Abdominal pain

Symptoms Abd pain which is stabbing in nature & fixed in location, pain is aggravated by external pressure, dark facial complexion
T: Purple
P: Wiry or rough
Move Blood & Qi
Resolve statis
Stop pain
What are the Tx Principles?

Pediatric hyperactivity

Symptoms Hyperactivity, thin body, insomnia, palpitations, agitation, dizziness, tinnitus, low-grade afternoon fever, red cheeks, night sweat
T: Red thin w scanty coat
P: Weak-thready
Supplement LV & KD Yin
Subdue Yang
Quiet the spirit
What are the Tx Principles?

Pediatric hyperactivity

Symptoms Lack of concentration, poor memory, sallow yellow facial complexion, pale lips & nails, tiredness, insomnia, palpitations, SOB, poor appetite, loose stools
T: Pale w white coat
P: Weak-fine
Fortify the SP & HT
Tonify Qi
Nourish Blood
What are the Tx Principles?

Pediatric hyperactivity

Symptoms Hyperactivity, easily angered, vexation & tiredness, nausea, fullness & oppression of the chest
T: Red sides & slimy coat
P: Wiry-slippery
Clear Heat
Remove Phlegm
Open orifices
What are the Tx Principles?

Pediatric hyperactivity

Symptoms Hyperactivity, inter-cranial hemorrage at birth due to trauma, dark facial complexion, irritability
T: Purple
P: Choppy
Quicken the Blood to remove statis
Quiet spirit
What are the Tx Principles?

Delayed development

Symptoms Muscles & bones are weak, red cheeks, low-grade tidal fever, slow development to sit, stand & walk, delayed teeth
T: Red w scanty coat
P: Weak-thready
Tonify & nourish LV & KD Yin
What are the Tx Principles?

Delayed development

Symptoms Listlessness, lassitude, no speech by the age of 3 or speech is not coherent, sallow facial complexion, withered yellowish hair, no appetite
T: Shiny w no coat
P: Fine-forceless
Supplement HT
Nourish Blood