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12 Cards in this Set

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97% of worlds water is in

The ocean

Fresh water % of world's water


Fresh water % available to us

30.1% (lakes, rivers, rain, plants, animals)

Percent of worlds water we can use


4 sources of water

Ground water, rainfall, glaciers, something else (vegetation?)

Who consumes the most water?

Developed areas

Indirect water consumption

Meats, t-shirts, plants and plant products

U.S. pop water consumption average

155 gal/day per person

U.S. water uses

Thermoelectric power 50%

Irrigation 33%

Public use 11%

Industey 5%

Water poverty amount

13 gallons, 50 liters/ day

Major uses of water around the world

Irrigation and power, not major everywhere tho

How is water unevenly distributed?

Some places are drier than others. Poor people have less access. Minorities have less access.