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322 Cards in this Set

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1. What does the maintenance of potassium balance in the extracellular fluid depend upon?
Depends primarily on excretion by the kidneys b/c the amt excreted in the feces is only about 5-10% of the potassium intake.

Also, the control of potassium distribution between the extracellular and intracellular compartments also plays an important role in the balance. This redistribution between the intra and extracellular compartments provides a first line of defense against changes in extracellular fluid potassium concentration.
2. What are four factors that shift potassium into cells (decrease extracellular concentrations)?
1. Insulin
2. Aldosterone
3. β-adrenergic stimulation
4. Alkalosis
3. What are 8 factors that shift potassium of of cells (increase extracellular concentrations)?
1. Insulin deficiency (DM)
2. Aldosterone deficiency (Addisons)
3. β-adrenergic blockade
4. Acidosis
5. Cell lysis
6. Strenuous exercise
7. Increased ECF osmolarity
8. Acidosis
4. How does insulin stimulate potassium uptake into cells?
One of the most important factors that increase cell potassium uptake after a meal is insulin.

In people w/DM, the rise in plasma potassium concentration after eating is much greater that normal. Injections of insulin, however, can help to correct the hyperkalemia.
5. How do variations in aldosterone affect potassium concentrations?
Excess aldosterone secretion (Conn's syndrome) is almost invariably associated w/hypokalemia, due in part to movement of EC potassium into the cells.

Conversely, patients w/deficient aldosterone production (Addison's), often have clinically significant hyperkalemia due to accumulation of potassium in the EC space as well as to renal retention of potassium.
6. How does β-adrenergic stimulation and blockade affect cellular uptake of potassium?
Increased secretion of catecholamines, especially epinephrine, can cause movement of potassium from the EC to the IC fluid, mainly by activation of the β₂-adrenoceptors.

Treatment of hypertension w/β-blockers, such as propanolol, causes potassium to move out of the cells and creates a tendency toward hyperkalemia.
7. How do acid-base abnormalities cause changes in potassium distribution?

1. Metabolic acidosis increases EC potassium concentration b/c it causes a loss of potassium from the cells.

2. Metabolic alkalosis decreases EC fluid potassium concentration.

One effect of increased hydrogen ion concentration is to reduce the activity of the sodium-potassium ATPase pump. This in turn decreases cellular uptake of potassium and raises EC potassium concentration.
8. Why does cell lysis cause increased EC potassium concentrations?
As cells are destroyed, large amts of potassium contained in the cells are released into the EC compartment. This can cause significant hyperkalemia if large amts of tissue are destroyed as occurs w/severe muscle injury or w/RBC lysis.
9. How can exercise affect potassium concentrations?
Strenuous exercise can cause hyperkalemia by releasing potassium from skeletal muscle into the ECF.

Usually the hyperkalemia is mild, but it may be clinically significant after heavy exercise in patients treated w/β-blockers or those w/DM.
10. How does increased ECF osmolarity affect potassium ion concentrations?
Increased ECF osmolarity causes osmotic flow of water out of the cells.

The cellular dehydration increases intracellular potassium concentration, thereby promoting diffusion of potassium out of the cells and increasing ECF potassium concentration.

Decreased ECF osmolarity has the opposite effect.
11. What three things determine renal potassium excretion?

What is the normal rate of potassium filtration per day?
Determined by the sum of:
1. Rate of potassium filtration (GFR x plasma potassium concentration)
2. Rate of potassium re-absorption by the tubules
3. Rate of potassium secretion by the tubules

The normal rate of potassium filtration is about 756 mEq/day
12. About how much of the filtered potassium is reabsorbed in the proximal tubules?

Loop of Henle?
About 65% in the proximal

About 25-30% in the loop of Henle, esp in the TAL where potassium is actively co-transported along w/sodium and chloride.
13. Most daily variations in potassium excretion is caused by what?
Caused by changes in potassium secretion in distal and collecting tubules.

The most important sites of regulating potassium excretion are the principal cells of the late distal tubules and cortical collecting tubules. Here, potassium can either by reabsorbed or secreted, depending on the needs of the body.
14. What are the cells in the late distal and cortical collecting tubules the secrete potassium called?
Called "principal" cells, and make up about 90% of the epithelial cells in these regions.
15. How does secretion of potassium from the blood into the tubular lumen occur?
Secretion of potassium occurs via two steps:

1. Uptake of potassium from the interstium into the cell by the sodium-potassium ATPase pump in the basolateral membrane of the cell; this pump moves sodium out of the cell and moves potassium into the cell.

2. Passive diffusion of potassium from the interior of the cell into the tubular fluid. This is due to the high IC concentration of potassium caused by the ATPase pump. The luminal membrane of the principal cells is highly permeable to potassium due to the special channels that are specifically permeable to potassium ions.
16. What are the three primary factors that control potassium secretion by principal cells?
1. The activity of the Na-K ATPase pump
2. The electrochemical gradient for potassium secretion from the blood to the tubular lumen
3. The permeability of the luminal membrane for potassium
17. What are the roles of intercalated cells?
These cells can reabsorb potassium during potassium depletion.

This is believed to be a result of a H-K ATPase transport mechanism located in the luminal membrane. This transporter is necessary to allow potassium reabsorption during ECF potassium depletion, but under normal conditions it plays a small role in controlling the excretion of potassium.
18. What are the three most important factors that stimulate potassium secretion by the principal cells?

What is one factor that decreases potassium secretion?
1. Increased ECF potassium concentration
2. Increased aldosterone
3. Increased tubular flow rate

Acidosis decreases potassium secretion
19. What are the three mechanisms by which increased ECF potassium concentration causes increased secretion?
1. Increased ECF potassium stimulates the Na-K ATPase pump, thereby increases potassium uptake across the basolateral membrane which causes increased potassium to move into the tubule.
2. Increased ECF potassium concentration increases the potassium gradient from the renal interstitial fluid to the interior of the epithelial cell; this reduces backleakage of potassium ions form inside the cells thru the basolateral membrane.
3. Increased potassium concentration stimulates aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex, which further stimulates potassium secretion.
20. How does aldosterone increase potassium secretion?
Aldosterone stimulates active reabsorption of sodium ions by the principal cells of the late distal tubules and collecting ducts.

Also, aldosterone increases the permeability of the luminal membrane for potassium, further adding to the effectiveness of aldosterone in stimulating potassium secretion.
21. What is the negative feedback system used to control ECF potassium ion concentration?
1. An increase in plasma potassium concnetration stimulates aldosterone secretion and therefore increases the blood levels of aldosterone.
2. The increase in aldosterone causes a marked increase in potassium excretion by the kidneys
3. The increased potassium excretion then reduces the ECF potassium concentration back toward normal.
22. What happens to potassium levels when the aldosterone feedback system is blocked?
Any increases in potassium intake causes a much larger increase in potassium concentration.

This happens in Addison's disease.
23. What effect does an increased distal tubular flow rate have on potassium secretion?

Why is this important?
Increased distal tubular flow rate increases potassium secretion.

When potassium is secreted into the tubular fluid, the luminal concentration of potassium increases, thereby reducing the driving force for potassium diffusion across the luminal membrane. With increased tubular flow rate, the secreted potassium is continuously flushed down the tubule, so that the rise in tubular potassium concentration becomes minimized.

This is important b/c this preserves normal potassium excretion during changes in sodium intake. For instance, the high distal tubular flow rate that occurs w/a high sodium intake tends to increase potassium secretion.

Therefore the effects of high sodium intake, decreased aldosterone secretion and the high tubular flow rate, counterbalance each other, so that there is little change in potassium excretion.
24. What effect does acute acidosis have on potassium secretion?

What about chronic acidosis?
Acute acidosis reduces potassium secretion b/ the increases hydrogen ion concentration reduces the activity of the sodium-potassium ATPase pump.

Chronic acidosis can cause an increase in urinary potassium excretion. This is due in part to an effect of chronic acidosis to inhibit proximal tubular NaCl and water reabsorption, which increases distal volume delivery, thereby stimulating the secretion of potassium. This effect overrides the inhibitory effect of hydrogen ions on the sodium-potassium ATPase pump.
25. What are the effects of hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia?
Hypocalcemia causes the excitability of nerve and muscles cells to increase markedly and can result in tetany.

Hypercalcemia depresses neuromuscular excitability and can lead to cardiac arrhythmias.
26. What happens to calcium binding to plasma proteins with acidosis and alkalosis?
With acidosis, less calcium is bound. Conversely, in alkalosis, a greater amt of calcium is bound to the plasma proteins.

Thus, patients w/alkalosis are more susceptible to hypocalcemic tetany.
27. What is the most important regulator of bone uptake and release of calcium?

What three main effects does it regulate?

PTH regulates plasma calcium concentration through three main effects:
1. Stimulating bone resorption
2. Stimulating activation of vitamin D, which then increases intestinal reabsorption of calcium
3. Directly increasing renal tubular calcium reabsorption.
28. Where in the kidneys is filtered calcium secreted and reabsorbed?
Only about 50% of the plasma calcium is ionized; therefore only about 50% of the plasma calcium can be filtered at the glomerulus.

Normally, about 99% of it is reabsorbed by the tubules, w/only 1% of the filtered calcium excreted.

About 65% of the filtered calcium is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule; 25-30% in the loop of Henle; and 4-9% in the distal and collecting tubules.
29. What is one of the primary controllers of renal tubular calcium reabsorption?
PTH. W/increased PTH, there is increased Ca reabsorption in the TAL of Henle and distal tubules, which reduces urinary excretion of calcium.

Conversely, reduction of PTH promotes calcium excretion by decreasing reabsorption in the loops of Henle and distal tubules.
30. What happens to calcium reabsorption in the proximal tubules?
It parallels sodium and water reabsorption. Thus, in EC volume expansion or increased arterial pressure (both of which decrease proximal sodium and water reabsorption) there is also reduction of calcium reabsorption and thus increased calcium excretion.
31. What two other factors influence calcium reabsorption?
1. Plasma concentration of phosphate. An increase in plasma phosphate stimulates PTH, which increases calcium reabsorption by the renal tubules.

2. Calcium reabsorption is also stimulated by metabolic acidosis and inhibited by metabolic alkalosis.
32. How is renal phosphate excretion controlled?
Controlled by an overflow mechanism and PTH.

PTH controls through two effects:
1. PTH promotes bone resorption, thereby dumping large amts of phosphate ions into the ECF for the bone salts
2. PTH decreases the transport maximum for phosphate by the renal tubules so that a greater proportion of the tubular phosphate is lost in the urine.

Thus, whenever plasma PTH is increased, tubular phosphate reabsorption is decreased and more phosphate is excreted.
33. How is the regulation of magnesium excretion achieved?
Via mainly by changing tubular reabsorption.

The proximal tubule usually reabsorbs about 25% of the filtered magnesium.

The primary site of reabsorption is the loop of Henle, where about 65% is reabsorbed.
34. What three things lead to an increased magnesium excretion?
1. Increased ECF magnesium concentration
2. ECF volume expansion
3. Increased ECF calcium concentration
35. What mainly determines the ECF volume?
The balance between intake and output of water and salt.
36. Under steady-state conditions, how is sodium excretion controlled?

What two things are altered to control sodium excretion?
Sodium excretion is precisely matched to intake under steady-state conditions.

Sodium excretion is controlled by (1) altering glomerular filtration or (2) tubular sodium reabsorption rates.
37. If the kidneys become greatly vasodilated and the GFR increases, this raises NaCl delivery to the tubules...which in turn leads to what two compensations?
1. Increased tubular reabsorption of much of the extra NaCl filtered, called glomerulotubular balance

2. Macula densa feedback, in which increased NaCl delivery to the distal tubular causes afferent arteriolar constriction and return of GFR toward normal.
38. What happens to the effectiveness of pressure natriuresis with chronic increases in blood pressure?
It becomes greatly enhanced b/c the increased bloop pressure also, after a short time delay, suppresses renin release and, therefore, decreases formation of angiotensin II and aldosterone.
39. What are the two key components of a renal-body fluid feedback for regulating body fluid volumes and arterial pressure?
Pressure natriuresis and diuresis
40. Summary of renal-body fluid feedback system
1. Increase in fluid intake above level of urine output causes increase of fluid in body.
2. Fluid accumulates in the blood and interstitial spaces, causing parallel increases in blood volume and ECF volume.
3. An increase in blood volume raises mean circulatory filling pressure
4. Increase in MCF pressure raises the pressure gradient for venous return
5. An increased pressure gradient for venous return elevates cardiac output
6. An increased cardiac output raises arterial pressure
7. An increased arterial pressure increases urine output via pressure diuresis
8. The increased fluid excretion balances the increased intake, and further accumulation of fluid is prevented.
41. What are three reasons for why the blood volume remains constant?
1. A slight change in blood volume causes marked change in cardiac output
2. A slight change in CO causes a large change in BP
3. A slight change in BP causes a large change in urine output.
42. What are the four principal factors that can cause accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces?
1. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
2. Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure
3. Increased permeability of the capillaries
4. Obstruction of lymphatic vessels
43. Why does about almost all the additional fluid go into the interstitial spaces and not into the blood when the ECF volume rises more than 30-50% above normal?
This occurs b/c once the interstitial fluid pressure rises from its negative value to become positive, the tissue interstitial spaces become compliant, and large amts of fluid then pour into the tissues w/o interstitial fluid pressure rising much more.

In other words, the safety factor against edema is lost once the tissues become highly compliant.
44. When blood volume is reduced and the reflex activation of the sympathetic nervous system is activated, what three effects decrease sodium and water excretion?
1. Constriction of the renal arterioles, with resultant decreased GFR
2. Increased tubular reabsorption of salt and water
3. Stimulation of renin release and increased angiotensin II and aldosterone formation, both of which further increase tubular reabsorption.
45. What is one of the body's most powerful controllers of sodium excretion?
Angiotensin II.

When sodium intake is elevated, renin secretion is decreased, causing decreased angiotensin II formation.

A reduced level of angiotensin II decreases tubular reabsorption of sodium and water, thus increasing the kidney's excretion of sodium and water.
46. What happens when angiotensin II formation is blocked?
It shifts pressure natriuresis to lower blood pressures.
47. Why does excessive angiotensin II not cause large increases in ECF volume?
Increased arterial pressure counterbalances angiotensin-mediated sodium retention.

With larger increases in angiotensin II levels, the high levels initially cause sodium and water retention by the kidneys and a small increase in ECF volume.

This also initiates a rise in BP that quickly increases kidney output of sodium and water, thereby overcoming the sodium- and water-retaining effects of the angiotensin II and re-establishing a balance between intake an output of sodium at a higher blood pressure.
48. What is aldosterone's role in controlling renal excretion?
Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption, especially in the cortical collecting tubules. It also increases potassium excretion in the urine.

The function of aldosterone in regulating sodium is closely related to that of angiotensin II.
49. During chronic oversecretion of aldosterone, what happens to the sodium retention as the arterial pressure rises?

The kidneys "escape" from sodium retention as the pressure rises.

After 1-3 days of sodium and water retention, the ECF volume rises by about 10-15% and there is a simultaneous rise in BP. When the BP rises sufficiently, the kidneys escape from the sodium and water retention and thus excrete amts of sodium equal to the daily intake, despite continued presence of high levels of aldosterone.

This is mainly due to pressure natriuresis and diuresis.
50. What happens to excess ADH secretion on sodium concentration?
Excess ADH secretion usually causes only small increases in ECF volume but large decreases in sodium concentration.

Thus, high levels of ADH do not cause major increases of either body fluid volume or arterial pressures, although high ADH levels can cause severe reductions in EC sodium ion concentration. The reason for this is that increased water reabsorption by the kidneys dilutes the EC sodium, and at the same time, the small increase in blood pressure that does occur causes loss of sodium from the ECF in the urine through pressure natriuresis.
51. What is the role of ANP in controlling renal excretion?
ANP, released by the cardiac atrial muscle fibers is an important natriuretic hormone. Once released, ANP enters the circulation and acts on the kidneys to cause small increases in GFR and decreases in sodium reabsorption by the collecting ducts.

These combined actions of ANP leads to increased excretion of salt and water, which helps to compensate for the excess blood volume.
52. Why does excessive production of ANP or even complete lack of ANP not cause major changes in blood volume?
These effects can easily be overcome by small changes in blood pressure, acting through pressure natriuresis.

For example, infusions of large amts of ANP initially raise urine output of salt and water and cause slight decreases in blood volume. In less than 24 hours, this effect is overcome by a slight decrease in BP that returns urine output toward normal, despite continued excess of ANP.
53. What triggers the various mechanism in the body to increase sodium excretion?
High sodium intake leads to a slight increase in ECF volume. It is mainly this small increase in ECF volume that triggers these mechanisms.
54. Explain increased blood volume with heart disease
In congestive heart failures, the CO is reduced, and consequently, decreases arterial pressure. THis in turn activates multiple sodium retaining systems, especially the renin-angiotensin, aldosterone, and sympathetic nervous systems. In addition, the low BP itself causes the kidneys to retain salt and water.

Therefore, the kidneys retain volume in an attempt to return the arterial pressure and CO to normal.

If the heart is greatly weakened, however, arterial pressure will not be able to increase enough to restore urine output to normal. When this occurs, the person develops severe circulatory congestion and eventually dies of pulmonary edema.
55. What is nephrotic syndrome?
In nephrotic syndrome, the glomerular capillaries leak large amts of protein into the filtrate and the urine b/c of an increased permeability of the glomerulus. 30-50 g of plasma protein can be lost in the urine each day, sometimes causing the plasma protein concentration to fall. As a result, the plasma colloid osmotic pressure falls to low levels. This causes the capillaries all over the body to filter large amts of fluid into the various tissues, which in turn causes edema and decreases the plasma volume.
56. Why does renal sodium retention occur in nephrotic syndrome?
The leakage of protein and fluid from the plasma into the interstitial fluid activates the various sodium retaining systems.

The kidneys continue to retain sodium and water until plasma volume is restored nearly to normal. However, b/c of the large amt of sodium and water retention, the plasma protein concentration becomes further diluted, causing still more fluid to leak into the tissues of the body. The net result is massive fluid retention by the kidneys until tremendous EC edema occurs.
57. What is cirrhosis and how does it affect sodium retention?
In liver cirrhosis, the reduction in plasma protein concentration results from destruction of the liver cells, thus reducing the ability of the liver to synthesize enough plasma proteins.

Cirrhosis also impedes the flow of portal blood thru the liver which in turn raises capillary pressure throughout the portal vascular bed, which also causes ascites.

Once fluid and proteins are lost from the circulation, the renal responses are similar; sodium and water retention.
58. What are three main implications of the anatomy of renal vessels?
1. B/c the arteries are largely end-arteries, occlusion of any branch usually results in infarction of the specific area it supplies.
2. All tubular capillary beds are derived from the efferent arterioles and thus glomerular disease that interferes w/blood flow thru the glomerular capillaries has profound effects on the tubules
3. The peculiarities of the blood supply to the renal medulla render them especially vulnerable to ischemia; the medulla does not have its own arterial blood supply but is dependent on the blood emanating from the glomerular efferent arterioles. Thus, minor interference w/the blood supply of the medulla may result in medullary necrosis from ischemia.
59. What are glomeruli and what are the major characteristics of their filtration?
The glomerulus consists of an anastomosing network of capillaries lined by fenestrated endothelium invested by two layers of epithelium.

The major characteristics of normal glomerular filtration are an extraordinarily high permeability to water and small solutes, b/c of the highly fenestrated nature of the endothelium, and impermeability to proteins, such as molecules the size of albumin or larger.
60. What is the glomerular barrier function?
This function discriminates among various protein molecules depending on their size (the larger, the less permeable) and charge (the more cationic, the more permeable).

This size and charge dependent barrier function is accounted for by the complex structure of the capillary wall, the collagenous porous and charged structure of the BGM, and the many anionic moieties present within the wall, including the acidic proteoglycans of the GBM and the sialoglycoproteins of epithelial and epithelial cell coats.

The charge-dependent restriction is important in the virtually complete exclusion of albumin from the filtrate, b/c albumin in an anionic molecule of pI 4.5.
61. What is the visceral epithelial cell AKA podocyte important for?
The podocyte is important for the maintenance of glomerular barrier function; its slit diaphragm presents a size selective distal diffusion barrier to the filtration of proteins, and it is the cell type that is largely responsible for synthesis of GBM components.

Proteins located in the slit diaphragm control glomerular permeability.
62. What are the important proteins have been identified in the slit diaphragm?
Nephrin; a transmembrane protein w/a large EC portion made up of Ig like domains.

Nephrin then forms molecular connections w/podocin, CD2-associated protein, and ultimately the actin skeleton.

Mutations in the genes that encode for these proteins give rise to nephrotic syndrome.
63. What is the structure and function of the tubules?
The structure of the tubule is correlated with its function; for ex: the highly developed structure of the proximal tubular cells, with their abundant long microvilli, numerous mitochondria, apical canaliculi, and extensive intercellular interdigitations is correlated w/their major functions: reabsorption of 2/3's of filtered sodium and water as well as glucose, potassium, phosphate, AAs, and proteins.

The proximal tubule is particularly vulnerable to ischemic damage. Furthermore, toxins are freq reabsorbed by the proximal tubule, rendering it also susceptible to chemical injury.
64. What is the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
It lies against the glomerulus where the afferent arteriole enters it. It consists of:
1. The JG cells, modified granulated smooth muscle cells that contain renin
2. The macula densa
3. The lacis cells or nongranular cells.

The JG apparatus is a small endocrine organ, and the JG cells are the principal sources of renin production in the kidney.
65. What are the four categories of renal diseases?
Renal diseases are divided into four categories based on the four basic anatomic compartments affected:

1. Glomeruli
2. Tubules
3. Intersitium
4. Blood vessels

Whatever the origin, there is a tendency for all forms of chronic renal disease ultimately to destroy all four components of the kidney, culminating in chronic renal failure.
66. What is azotemia?
Azotemia is a biochemical abnormality that refers to an elevation of the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels and is related largely to a decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR).

Azotemia is produced by many renal disorders but also arises from extrarenal disorders.
67. What is prerenal azotemia?
This is encountered when there is hypoperfusion of the kidneys (e.g. in hemorrhage or shock) that impairs renal function in the absence of parenchymal damage.
68. What is postrenal azotemia?
This is seen whenever urine flow is obstructed below the level of the kidney. Relief of the obstruction is followed by correction of the azotemia.
69. What is uremia?
When azotemia becomes associated w/a constellation of clinical signs and symptoms and biochemical abnormalities, it is termed uremia.

Uremia is characterized no only by failure of renal excretory function but also by a host of metabolic and endocrine alterations resulting from renal damage. There is, in addition, secondary involvement of the GI system, peripheral nerves, and heart, which is usually necessary for the Dx of uremia.
70. What is acute nephrotic syndrome?
ANS is a glomerular syndrome dominated by the acute onset of usually grossly visible hematuria, mild to moderate proteinuria, and hypertension; it is the classic presentation of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.
71. What is nephrotic syndrome?
Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, severe edema, hyperlipidemia, and lipiduria (lipids in the urine)
72. What is acute renal failure?

What is chronic renal failure?
Acute renal failure is dominated by oliguria or anuria, with recent onset of azotemia. It can result from glomerular, interstitial, or vascular injury or tubular necrosis.

Chronic renal failure is characterized by prolonged symptoms and signs of uremia, and is the end result of all chronic renal parenchymal diseases.
73. What are renal tubular defects?
Renal tubular defects are dominated by polyuria, nocturia, and electrolyte disorders. They are the result of either diseases that directly affect tubular structure (e.g. medullary cystic disease) or defects in specific tubular functions. The latter can be inherited (e.g. familial nephrogenic diabetes, cystinuria, renal tubular acidosis) or acquired (e.g. lead nephropathy).
74. What are the characteristics of UTIs?
UTI is characterized by bacteriuria and pyuria (bacteria and leukocytes in the urine). The infection may be symptomatic or asymptomatic, and it may affect the kidney or the bladder.
75. What are the four stages of chronic renal failure?
1. Diminished renal reserve (GFR = 50% of normal)
2. Renal insufficiency (GFR = 20-50% of normal with azotemia, anemia, and hypertension)
3. Renal failure (GFR < 20-25% of normal; with edema, metabolic acidosis, and hypocelcemia)
4. End-stage renal disease (GFR < 5% of normal; this is the terminal stage of uremia)
76. What is renal agenesis?
Total bilateral agenesis of the kidney is incompatible w/life and is usually encountered in stillborn infants. It is often associated w/many other congenital disorders (e.g. limb defects, hypoplastic lungs) and leads to early death.

Unilateral agenesis is an uncommon anomaly that is compatible w/normal life if no other abnormalities exist. The opposite kidney is usually enlarged as a result of compensatory hypertrophy. Progressive glomerular sclerosis sometimes develops in the remaining kidney.
77. What is renal hypoplasia?
Refers to failure of the kidneys to develop to a normal size. This may occur bilaterally, resulting in renal failure in early childhood, but it is more commonly encountered as a unilateral defect.

True renal hypoplasia is extremely rare. ***A truly hypoplastic kidney shows no scars and has a reduced number of renal lobes and pyramids, usually 6 or less.

In one form of hypoplastic kidney, oligomeganephronia, the kidney is small but the nephrons are markedly hypertrophied.
78. What is an ectopic kidney?
Ectopic kidneys lie either just above the pelvic brim or sometimes within the pelvis.

Because of their abnormal position, kinking or tortuosity of the ureters may cause urinary obstruction, predisposing to bacterial infection.
79. What are horseshoe kidneys?
Fusion of the upper (10%) or lower (90%) poles produces a horseshoe-shaped structure continuous across the midline anterior to the aorta and inferior vena cava.

This anomaly is quite common and is found in about 1 in 500-1,000 autopsies.
80. Why are cystic diseases of the kidney important?

Three reasons...
1. They are reasonably common and often represent diagnostic problems for clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists
2. Some forms, such as AKPD, are major causes of chronic renal failure
3. They can occasionally be confused w/malignant tumors.
81. What are the classifications of renal cysts?
1. Cystic renal dysplasia
2. Polycystic kidney disease
3. Medullary cystic disease
4. Acquired cystic disease
5. Simple renal cysts
6. Glomerulocytic disease
7. Extraparenchymal renal cysts
8. Renal cysts in hereditary malformation syndromes
82. What is cystic renal dysplasia?
Cystic renal dysplasia refers to sporadic, nonfamilial disease resulting from abnormal metanephric differentiation. It is frequently associated w/obstructive abnormalities of the ureter and lower urinary tract and may be uni- or bilateral.

Histologically, it is characterizedby the persistance in the kidney of abnormal structures- cartilage, undifferentiated mesenchyme, and immature collecting ductules, and by abnormal lobar organization.
83. What are the gross and morphological characteristics of cystic renal dysplasia?
Dysplasia can be unilateral or bilateral and is almost always cystic. In gross appearance, the kidney is usually enlarged, extremely irregular, and multicystic. The cysts vary in size from microscopic structures to some that are several cm in diameter.

On histologic exam, they are lined by flattened epithelium. Although normal nephrons are present, many have immature ducts.

*The characteristic histologic feature is the present of islands of undifferentiated mesenchyme, often w/cartilage, and immature collecting ducts.
84. What are the clinical features of cystic renal dysplasia?
When unilateral, the dysplasia is discovered by the appearance of a flank mass that leads to surgical exploration and nephrectomy.

The function of the opposite kidney is normal, and such patients have an excellent prognosis after surgical removal of the affected kidney. In bilateral renal dysplasia, renal failure may ultimately result.
85. What is autosomal dominant adult polycystic kidney disease?
ADPKD is a hereditary disorder characterized by multiple expanding cysts of both kidneys that ultimately destroy the renal parenchyma and cause renal failure.

It is a common condition affecting roughly 1/400 - 1,000 live births and accounting for about 5-10% of cases of chronic renal failure requiring transplantation or dialysis.

The disease is universally bilateral; reported unilateral cases probably represent multicystic dysplasia. The cysts initially involve only portions of the nephrons, so renal function is retained until the 4th or 5th decade of life.
86. What are the genetic causes of ADPKD?
ADPKD is autosomal dominant, with high penetrance. Family studies show that the disease is caused by mutations in genes located on chromosome 16p13.3 (PKD1) and 4q21 (PKD2).

Mutations of PKD1 account for about 85% of cases and are associated w/a more severe disease, ESRD or death occurring at an average of 53 years, compared to 69 years for PKD2.
87. What is the role of the PKD1 gene?
The PKD1 gene accounts for 85% of cases.

It encodes a large protein named polycystin1. Although the precise function is unknown, polycystin 1 normally localizes to tubular epithelial cells and has homology to proteins involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions.

It also servers a suppressor function; its loss leads to hyperplasia of epithelial cells.
88. What is the role of the PKD2 gene?
The PKD2 gene product polycystin-2 is an integral membrane protein. Polycystin-2 may act as a calcium-permeable cation channel and that a basic defect in ADPKD is a disruption in the regulation of intracellular calcium levels.
89. What is the general theory as to how these mutations cause the pathogenesis of ADPKD?
*These mutations alter cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that are important for tubular epithelial growth and differentiation.

Epithelial cells lining the cysts of ADPKD have a high proliferation rate. Cysts are freq detached from adjacent tubules and enlarge by active fluid secretion from the lining epithelial cells. In addition, the ECM produced by cyst-lining cells is abnormal. These findings have led to the scenario that cysts develop as a result of abnormality in cell differentiation, associated w/sustained cellular proliferation and some degree of apoptosis, transeptihelial fluid secretion, and remodeling of the ECM.
90. What is the morphology of ADPKD?

In gross appearance, the kidneys are usually bilaterally enlarged and may achieve enormous sizes. The external surface appears to be composed solely of a mass of cysts, up to 304 cm in diameter, w/no intervening parenchyma. However, microscopic exam reveals functioning nephrons dispersed between the cysts.

The cysts may be filled w/a clear, serous fluid or, more usually w/tubid, red to brown, sometimes hemorrhagic fluid.
91. What is the morphology of ADPKD?

As these cysts enlarge, they may encroach on the calyces and pelvis to produce pressure defects. The cysts arise from the tubules throughout the nephron and therefore have variable lining epithelia.

On occasion, papillary epithelial formations and polyps project into the lumen. Bowman capsules are occasionally involved in cyst formation, and glomerular tufts may be seen w/in the cystic space.
92. What are the clinical features of ADPKD?
Patients have flank pain from hemorrhage into cysts, hematuria, hypertension, proteinuria, progressive renal failure, and bilateral abdominal masses inducing a dragging sensation.

Progression is accentuated in the presence of hypertension, in blacks (w/sickle cell trait), and in males.

Patients w/PKD2 mutations tend to have an older age at onset and later development of renal failure.
93. What are the extrarenal anomalies associated with ADPKD?
1. About 40% have one to several cysts in the livers (polycystic liver disease) that are usually asymptomatic
2. Intracranial berry aneurysms, presumably from altered expression of polycystin in vascular smooth muscle, arise in the Circle of Willis, and subarachnoid hemorrhages from these account for death in about 4-10% of those with ADPKD
3. Mitral valve prolapse and other cardiac valvular anomalies occur in 20-25% of patients, but most are asymptomatic.
94. What is autosomal-recessive (childhood) polycystic kidney disease?
ARPKD is a rare developmental anomaly presenting from the perinatal through juvenile periods. Infants often succumb rapidly to renal failure.

Kidneys are enlarged by multiple, cylindrically dilated collecting ducts, oriented at right angels to the cortex and filling both the cortex and medulla.
95. What are the genetic causes of ARPKD?
The disease appears to be genetically homogenous, with a gene, PKHD1. The PKHD1 gene encodes a large novel protein, fibrocystin. This gene is highly expressed in adult and fetal kidney and also in liver and pancreas.

Fibrocystin is a protein that may function in cell surface receptors with a role in collecting-duct and biliary differentiation.
96. What is the morphology of ARPKD?
The kidneys are enlarged and have a smooth external appearance. On cut section, numerous small cysts in the cortex and medulla give the kidney a spongelike appearance.

Dilated elongated channels are present at right angles to the cortical surface, completely replacing the medulla and cortex.

On microscopic exam, there is cylindrical, or less commonly, saccular dilation of all collecting tubules. The cysts have a uniform lining of cuboidal cells, reflecting their origin from the collecting tubules.

The disease is bilateral; in almost all cases, the liver has cysts with portal fibrosis as well as proliferation of portal bile ducts.
97. What is the clinical course in ARPKD?
Patients who survive infancy may develop a peculiar type of hepatic fibrosis characterized by bland periportal fibrosis and proliferation of well-differentiated biliary ductules, a condition now termed congenital hepatic fibrosis. In older children, the hepatic picture in fact predominates.

Such patients may develop portal hypertension with splenomegaly.
98. What is medullary sponge kidney?
This disease should be restricted to lesions consisting of multiple cystic dilations of the collecting ducts in the medulla, usually presenting in adults.

Although it is typically an innocuous lesion discovered incidentally by radiographic studies, it can predispose to renal calculi, hematuria, infection, and dilated ducts.

On gross inspection, the papillary ducts in the medulla are dilated, and small cysts may be present. The cysts are lined by cuboidal epithelium or occasionally be transitional epithelium.
99. What with nephronophthisis-medullary cystic disease complex?
This complex is actually a family of progressive renal disorders, usually w/onset in childhood.

*The common characteristic is the presence of a variable number of cysts in the medulla, usually concentrated at the corticomedullary junction.

Although the presence of medullary cysts is important, the cortical tubulointerstitial damage is the cause of the eventual renal insufficiency.
100. What are the four variants of nephronophthisis-medullary cystic disease complex?
1. Sporadic; non-familial (20%)
2. *Familial juvenile nephronophthisis (50%)
3. *Renal-retinal dysplasia (15%)
4. **Adult onset medullary cystic disease (15%)

*Autosomal recessive
**Autosomal dominant
101. What are the clinical features of nephronophthisis-medullary cystic disease complex?
Affected children present first with polyuria and polydipsia, which reflect a marked defect in the concentrating ability of renal tubules. Sodium wasting and tubular acidosis are also prominent.

Some variants of juvenile nephronophthisis can have extrarenal associations, including ocular motor abnormalities, retinitis pigmentosa, liver fibrosis, and cerebellar abnormalities.

The expected course is progression to terminal renal failure in 5-10 years.
102. What are the genes involved in the pathogenesis of nephronophthisis-medullary cystic disease complex?
Thee genes, NPH1, NPH2, and NPH3, define the juvenile forms of the nephronophthisis and cause autosomal recessive disease.

The protein product of NPH1 is nephrocystin but its function is unknown.

Two genes (MCKD1 and MCKD2) with autosomal dominant transmission, have been identified as causing medullary cystic disease that is characterized by progression to endstage kidney disease in adult life.
103. What is the morphology of nephronophthisis-medullary cystic disease complex?
In gross appearance, the kidneys are small, have contracted granular surfaces, and show cysts in the medulla, most prominently at the corticomedullary junction. Small cysts are also seen in the cortex.

The cysts are lined by flattened or cuboidal epithelium and are usually surrounded by either inflammatory cells or fibrous tissues. In the cortex, there is widespread atrophy and thickening of the basement membranes of the proximal and distal tubules, together w/interstitial fibrosis.
104. What is acquired (dialysis-associated) cystic disease?
End-stage kidneys of patients undergoing dialysis can develop multiple cortical and medullary cysts.

They are often lined by atypical, hyperplastic epithelium that can undergo malignant transformation to renal cell carcinoma.

These cysts often contain calcium oxalate crystals.
105. What are simple renal cysts?

How do they differ radiologically from renal tumors?
These occur as multiple, single, usually cortical cystic spaces that vary widely. They are lined by low cuboidal epithelium and usually are 2-5 cm in diameter but can measure up to 10 cm. They have smooth walls and are filled w/clear serous fluid.

On occasion, they hemorrhage and calcification of the hemorrhage can cause flank pain and irregular contours, thus mimicking renal carcinoma.

Radiologic studies show that in contrast to renal tumors, renal cysts have smooth contours, are almost always avascular, and give fluid rather that solid signals on ultrasonography.
106. What is acute interstitial nephritis?
AIN is a syndrome that is characterized by an acute rise in serum creatinine w/fever, rash, eosinophilia, eosinphiluria, and histologically by interstitial edema w/cellular infiltrates.

AIN is an important cause of acute renal failure.
107. What are the most common causes of AIN?
1. Antimicrobial drugs
2. Penicillins (esp methicillin)
3. Rifampin
4. Sulfonamides

Systemic infections:
1. Legionnaires' disease
2. Leptospirosis
3. Streptococcal infections
4. CMV
5. Infectious mononucleosis

Primary renal infections such as acute bacterial pyelonephritis

Immune disorders:
1. Acute allograft rejection
2. SLE
3. Sjogren's sydnrome
108. What is acute pyelonephritis?
It is classified histologically as a form of AIN, however; in contrast to the allergic form of AIN, acute pyelonephritis is associated w/direct bacterial invasion of the renal medulla.

The clinical manifestations are predominantly those of infection, fever, chills, and flank pain.
109. How can a urinalysis provide important clues in the Dx of AIN?
Hematuria, sterile pyuria, and leukocyte casts are common findings in AIN.

Eosinophilia is highly suggested of AIN. Mild to moderate proteinuria is present in a majority of patients
110. How is the Dx of AIN made?
1. Urinalysis findings
2. Electrolyte abnormalities include hyperkalemia, RTA, and renal sodium wasting
3. *Definitive Dx is made only by renal biopsy
4. A gallium scan can be helpful to differentiate AIN from acute tubular necrosis (ATN). (In AIN caused by intense inflammatory infiltrate, kidneys will light up, whereas in ATN, they do not.)
111. What is the treatment for AIN?
Discontinuing the use of the offending drug is the primary treatment of drug-induced AIN.

In most cases, this approach usually results in the restoration of renal function w/in several weeks.

A short course of high-dose corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone 1 mg/kg/day for 1-2 weeks) may accelerate recovery, but the added risk in patients with underlying infections must be weighed against possible benefits.
112. What is chronic tubulotinerstitial nephropathy (CTN)?
CTN is characterized clinically by slowly progressive renal insufficiency, non-nephrotic range proteinuria, and functional tubular defects.

Pathologically, CTN is characterized by interstitial fibrosis w/atrophy and loss of renal tubules.
113. What are the clinical features of CTN?
1. Mononuclear cell infiltrate along with fibrosis and tubular atrophy (these tubular defects are disproportionately severe in relation to the degree of renal failure
2. Most patients have no clinical evidence of active renal inflammation
3. The urinalysis may show modest pyuria and minimal hematuria and in some cases show WBC and granular casts. Proteinuria levels are usually less than 1g/day.
114. How do the different causes of CTN damage different parts of the kidney?
1. Conditions such as multiple myeloma or heavy metal toxicity, which affect proximal tubule structures, may exhibit proximal RTA, glycosuria, aminoaciduria, and uricosuria.
2. Distal RTA, salt wasting, and hyperkalemia are seen in patients w/isolated distal tubular damage, as may occur w/chronic obstruction of amyloidosis.
3. Patients w/analgesic nephropathy, sickle cell disease, or ADPKD may reveal polyuria that is caused by a urinary concentrating defect secondary to medullary involvement.
115. What are the causes of CTN?
1. Urinary tract obstruction drugs (analgesics, NSAIDs, cisplatin, nitrosourea, lithium)
2. Vascular diseases such as nephrosclerosis
3. Heavy metals
4. Metabolic disorders
5. Medullary cystic disease, ADPKD, sickle hemoglobinopathies
6. Malignancies and granulomatous diseases
7. Immunologic diseases
116. What is analgesic nephropathy?

How is it Dx?
Excessive consumption of certain analgesics such as phenacetin or acetaminophen usually in combo w/aspirin, may result in chronic interstitial nephritis.

Sloughed papilla into the urinary tract may be associated w/gross hematuria, flank pain, passage of tissue in the urine, and abrupt decline in renal function.

Demonstration of papillary necrosis in the absence of other common causes (e.g. DM, UT obstruction, infection) suggests Dx. *Plain CT is the Dx method of choice.
117. What is the pathologic hallmark of benign nephrosclerosis?
An arteriolopathy that is most pronounced in the interlobular and afferent arterioles.
118. Lead nephropathy can lead to...?

What is the clinical triad?
Lead accumulates in the tubule cells and causes a proximal tubular injury, which may lead to:
1. glycosuria
2. aminoaciduria
3. chronic interstitial disease

*Clinical triad of hypertension, gout, and renal insufficiency suggests the possibility of lead nephropathy.

Tx is ETDA
119. What is the "myeloma kidney" (cast nephropathy)?
Myeloma kidney is characterized by laminated refractile tubular casts (surrounded by inflammatory cells and multinucleated giant cells) and by tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis.

Cast nephropathy leads to renal failure rapidly.
120. What are the most common functional abnormalities in the kidneys in Sjogren's syndrome?
Renal involvement in Sjogren's syndrome is usually in the form of chronic interstitial nephritis.

The most common functional abnormalities are distal hypokalemic RTA and urinary concentrating defects.
121. How is the Dx of polycystic kidney disease made?
Made based on radiographic evidence of multiple cysts distributed throughout the renal parenchyma in association w/renal enlargement.

Renal ultrasound is helpful to demonstrate bilateral involvement. CT scan w/contrast medium occasionally reveals more cystic involvement.
122. What is the treatment for polycystic kidney disease?
Therapy is directed toward control of hypertension and toward prevention and early treatment of UTIs.

Cyst infections should be treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol, or cirpofloxacin, which penetrate cyst walls and attain therapeutic levels.

ESRD is managed either by dialysis or transplantation.
123. How is the Dx of medullary sponge kidney made?
The Dx is made on IV pyelography by the characteristic radial pattern "bouquet of flowers" or "bunch of grapes" of contrast filled medullary cysts.
124. When are urinary tract obstructions thought to be a cause of renal failure?
When any patient has renal failure of unknown origin, especially in the absence of proteinuria.

Renal sonography is the method of choice.
125. What is postobstructive diuresis?
Eliminating the urinary tract obstruction is occasionally associated with postobstructive diuresis, which is caused partially by a solute diuresis from salt and urea retained during obstruction and partially by the renal concentrating defect.
126. What is nephrolithiasis?
Nephrolithiasis is a common cause of morbidity in the US; the peak incidence in the age group of 20-45 years, w/a predilection for men.

Calcium stones are the most common (75%). Patients with nephrolithiasis usually have hematuria, and sudden onset of pain located in the flank and radiating to the groin on the same side. It can be associated with polyuria, dysuria, vomiting and ileus.
127. How is the Dx of nephrolithiasis made?
Urinalysis is helpful in determining the pH, identifying hematuria, ruling out infection, and most important, identifying the type of crystals.

Uric acid stones are easily identifiable b/c they are the only radiolucent stones; cystine stones are less radiopaque and may assume the calyceal shape. Additionally, triple phosphate stones have a staghorn appearance.

Most reliable way to ID stones is crystallographic study when the stone is obtained thru a strain of urine.
128. What is the Tx for nephrolithiasis?
The majority of stones (90%) are passed spontaneously. Lithotripsy treatment is more beneficial in patients with renal pelvic or upper ureteral stones. Ureteroscopy is more successful in patients w/lower ureteral stones.
129. What is the recurrence of nephrolithiasis?
40% of those w/a first episode have a second within 2-3 years

75% have a recurrence in 7-10 years.

After 20 years, less than 10% remain stone free.
130. What are the recommendations for those with nephrolithiasis?
1. Consume approx 3L of fluid per day and 8-10 ounces at night.
2. Restrict animal protein
3. Restrict salt intake
4. Metabolic work-up in 6-8 weeks
131. What are the five risk factors for calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones?

What do they look like?
1. Hypercalciuria
2. Hypocitraturia
3. Hyperuricosuria
4. Hyperoxaluria
5. Decreased urine volume

Appear opaque, round, with multiple calculi
132. What are the four risk factors for magnesium ammonium phosphate stones (triple phosphate, struvite)?

What do they look like?
1. Anatomic urologic abnormality
2. Infection w/urease-producing organism
3. Hypercalciuria
4. Hyperuricosuria

Appear opaque and staghorn
133. What are the three risk factors for uric acid stones?

What do they look like?
1. Hyperuricosuria
2. Urine pH < 5.0
3. Decreased urine volume

Appear radiolucent
134. What are the two risk factors for cystine stones?

What do they look like?
1. Hypercystinuria
2. Decreased urine volume

Appear radiopaque, may be staghorn.
135. What are the characteristics of the blood flow through the liver from the portal vein and hepatic artery?
The liver has high blood flow and low vascular resistance.
136. What does cirrhosis of the liver do to the blood flow?
Cirrhosis greatly increases resistance to blood flow.

This is b/c liver parenchymal cells are destroyed and they are replaced w/fibrous tissue that eventually contracts around the blood vessels and impedes the blood flow.
137. Can the liver store blood?
The liver is a large, expandable, venous organ capable of acting as a valuable blood reservoir in times of excess blood volume and capable of supplying extra blood in times of diminished blood volume.
138. Does lymph flow through the liver?
Yes, the liver has very high lymph flow. B/c the pores in the hepatic sinusoids are very permeable and allow ready passage of both fluid and proteins, the lymph draining from the liver usually has a protein concentration of about 6 g/dl, which is a little less than that of plasma.

Also, the extreme permeability of the liver sinusoid epithelium allows large quantities of lymph to form. Therefore, about half of all the lymph formed in the body under resting conditions arises in the liver.
139. What is ascites?
When the pressure in the hepatic veins rise about normal, excessive amts of fluid transude into the lymph and leak thru the outer surface of the liver capsule into the abdominal cavity.

At vena caval pressures of 10-15 mm Hg, hepatic lymph flow increases to as much as 20x normal and the sweating from the surface of the liver can be so great that it causes large amts of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, which is caused ascites.
140. Can the liver regenerate?
Yes, it has a remarkable ability to restore itself after significant hepatic tissue loss from either partial hepatectomy or acute liver injury, so long as the injury is uncomplicated by viral infection or inflammation.
141. What factor is important in causing this regeneration?

What factor stops the regeneration?
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) appears to be important in causing liver cell division and growth.

After the liver has returned to its original size, the process of hepatic cell division is terminated. This is done via transforming growth factor-beta, a cytokine secreted by hepatic cells.
142. How is liver growth regulated?
It is closely regulated by some unknown signal related to body size, so that an optimal liver-to-body weight ration is maintained for optimal metabolic function.
143. What are Kupffer cells?
These cells are large phagocytic macrophages that line the hepatic venous sinuses and eliminate colon bacilli.
144. What are the four functions the liver performs in carbohydrate metabolism?
1. Storage of large amounts of glycogen
2. Conversion of galactose and fructose to glucose
3. Gluconeogenesis
4. Formation of many chemical compounds from intermediate products of carb metabolism
145. What is the glucose buffer function of the liver?
Storage of glycogen by the liver allows the liver to remove excess glucose from the blood, store it, and then return it to the blood when the glucose concentration falls too low in the blood.

Gluconeogenesis in the liver is also important in maintaining a normal blood glucose concentration. In such a case, large amts of AAs and glycerol from TAGs are converted into glucose, thereby helping to maintain a relatively normal blood glucose concentration.
146. What are three functions of the liver in fat metabolism?
1. Oxidation of fatty acids to supply energy for other body functions
2. Synthesis of large quantities of cholesterol, phospholipids, and most lipoproteins
3. Synthesis of fat from proteins and carbohydrates
147. How does the liver derive energy from neutral fats?
1. The fat is first split into glycerol and fatty acids.
2. The fatty acids are split via beta-oxidation into two carbon acetyl radicals that form acetyl coenzyme A.
3. Acetyl-CoA can enter the citric acid cycle and be oxidized to liberate large amts of ATP.
148. Where does most of the beta oxidation take place in the body?
Can take place in all cells of the body, but it occurs especially rapidly in the hepatic cells.
149. Can the liver use all the acetyl-CoA that is formed?
The liver itself cannot use all the acetyl-CoA that is formed; instead, it is converted by the condensation of two molecules of acetyl-CoA into acetoacetic acid. This is passed from the hepatic cells into the ECF and is then transported throughout the body to be absorbed by other tissues.

These tissues reconvert the acetoacetic acid into acetyl-CoA and then oxidize it in the usual manner.
150. What about cholesterol and phospholipids in the liver?
About 80% of the cholesterol synthesized in the liver is converted to bile salts, which are secreted into the bile; the remained is transported into lipoproteins and carried by the body to tissues.

Phospholipids are likewise synthesized in the liver and transported principally in the lipoproteins.
151. What are the four important functions of the liver in protein metabolism?
1. Deamination of AAs
2. Formation of urea for removal of ammonia from the body fluids
3. Formation of plasma proteins
4. Interconversions of the various AAs and synthesis of other compounds from AAs.
152. What is the deamination process and where does it principally take place?
Deamination of AAs is required before they can be used for energy or converted into carbs or fats.

Large amts of ammonia are formed via the deamination process.

A small amt of deamination can occur in the other tissues of the body, esp in the kidneys, but this is much less important than the deamination of AAs by the liver.
153. What happens if the liver does not form urea?
If the liver does not form urea, the plasma ammonia concentration rises rapidly and results in hepatic coma and death. Even greatly decreased blood flow through the liver can cause excessive ammonia in the blood.
154. What plasma proteins are formed by the hepatic cells?

What happens to the hepatic cells when the plasma protein concentration is depleted?
Essentially all the plasma proteins w/the exception of part of the gamma globulins, are formed by the hepatic cells. This accounts for about 90% of all the plasma proteins.

When the plasma protein concentration decreases, this causes rapid mitosis of the hepatic cells and growth of the liver to a larger size.

With chronic liver disease, plasma proteins may fall to very low levels, causing generalized edema and ascites.
155. What vitamins does the liver store?
The vitamin stored in greatest quantity in the liver is Vitamin A, but large quantities of vitamin D and B12 are normally stored as well.
156. Where is iron stored in the body and how is the accomplished?
Iron is stored in the greatest proportion in the liver in the form of ferritin. The hepatic cells contain large amts of protein called apoferritin, which is capable of combining with iron.

Thus, the apoferritin-ferritin system of the liver acts as a blood iron buffer, as well as an iron storage medium.
157. What substances does the liver form that are used in coagulation?

Does the liver form vitamin K?
1. Fibrinogen
2. Prothrombin
3. Accerator globulin
4. Factor 7

*The liver doesn't form vitamin K, instead, Vitamin K is required by the metabolic processes of the liver for the formation of prothrombin and factors 7, 9, and 10.
158. What is bilirubin?
This is a major end product of Hgb degradation. It also provides a valuable tool for diagnosing both hemolytic blood disease and various types of liver diseases.
159. How is bilirubin formed?

Four main steps...
1. When RBCs have become too fragile to last, their cell membranes rupture and the released Hgb is phagocytized by tissue macrophages (aka reticuloendothelial cells).
2. The Hgb is then split into globin and heme.
3. The heme ring is opened to give free iron and a straight chain of four pyrrole nuclei, which is the substrate from which bilirubin will be formed.
4. The first substance formed is biliverdin, but this is rapidly reduced to free bilirubin, which is gradually released from the macrophages into the plasma.
160. What happens to the free bilirubin?
It is absorbed through the hepatic cell membrane. In passing to the inside of the liver cells, it is released from the plasma albumin and soon thereafter conjugated about 80% with glucuronic acid to form bilirubin glucuronide, about 10% w/sulfate to form bilirubin sulfate, and about 10% with a multitude of other substances.
161. What is the fate of the bilirubin in the intestines?
Once in the intestines, about 1/2 of the conjugated bilirubin is converted by bacterial action into the substance urobilinogen, which is highly soluble.

Some of the urobilinogen is reabsorbed thru the intestinal mucosa back into the blood. Most of this is re-excreted by the liver back into the gut, but about 5% is excreted by the kidneys into the urine.

After exposure to air in the urine, the urobilinogen becomes oxidized to urobilin; alternatively in the feces, it becomes altered and oxidized to form stercobilin.
162. What are the two most common causes of jaundice, and what are the type types of jaundice called?
The most common causes:
1. Increased destruction of RBCs with rapid release of bilirubin into the blood
2. Obstruction of the bile ducts or damage to the liver cells so that even the usual amounts of bilirubin can not be excreted into the GI tract.

These two types are called hemolytic jaundice and obstructive jaundice, respectively.
163. What causes hemolytic jaundice?
Caused by hemolysis of RBCs.

In this condition, the excretory function of the liver is not impaired, but RBCs are hemolyzed so rapidly that the hepatic cells simply cannot excrete the bilirubin as quickly as it is formed. Therefore, the plasma concentration of free bilirubin rises to above normal levels. Likewise, the rate of formation of urobilinogen in the intestine is greatly increased, and much of this is absorbed into the blood and later excreted in the urine.
164. What causes obstructive jaundice?

Is this the conjugated or free type?
Caused by obstruction of bile ducts (gallstone or cancer blocks the common bile ducts) or liver disease (hepatitis).

In these conditions, the rate of bilirubin formation is normal, but the bilirubin formed cannot pass from the blood into the intestines. The free bilirubin still enters the liver cells and becomes conjugated in the usual way. This conjugated bilirubin is then returned to the blood via rupture of the congested bile canaliculi and direct emptying of the bile ino the lymph leaving hte liver.

*Thus, most of the bilirubin in the plasma becomes the conjugated type rather than the free type.
165. What chemical test can differentiate between hemolytic and obstructive jaundice?
In hemolytic jaundice, almost all the bilirubin is in the free form; in obstructive jaundice, it is in the conjugated form.

A test called the van den Berg reaction can be used to differentiate between the two.
166. When there is total obstruction of bile flow, would urobilinogen show in the urine? What color would the stools be?
In total obstructive jaundice, tests for urobilinogen in the urine are completely negative. Also, the stools become clay colored owing to a lack of stercobilin and other bile pigments.
167. What is a major difference between free and conjugated bilirubin in severe obstructive jaundice?
The kidneys can excrete small quantities of the highly soluble conjugated bilirubin but not the albumin bound free bilirubin.

Therefore, in severe obstructive jaundice, significant quantities of conjugated bilirubin appear int he urine. This can be demonstrated by simply shaking the urine and observing the foam, which turns an intense yellow.
168. Where is the quadrate lobe of the liver located
The quadrate lobe is visible on the upper part of the visceral surface of the liver and is bounded on the left by the fissure for ligamentum teres and on the right by the fossa for the gallbladder.

Functionally it is related to the left lobe of the liver.
169. Where is the caudate lobe of the liver located?
The caudate lobe is visible on the lower part of the visceral surface of the liver and is bounded on the left by the fissure for the ligamentum venosum and on the right by the groove for the inferior vena cava.

Functionally, it is separate from the right and the left lobes of the liver.
170. What are the three parts of the gallbladder, and where are the located?
1. A rounded end (fundus), which may project from the inferior border of the liver.
2. A major part in the fossa (body) which may be against the transverse colon and superior part of the duodenum.
3. A narrow part (neck) with mucosal folds forming the spiral fold.
171. Where is the pancreas located?
The pancreas lies mostly posterior to the stomach. It extends across the posterior abdominal wall from the duodenum, on the right, to the spleen, on the left.

The pancreas is retroperitoneal except for a small part of its tail and consists of a head, uncinate process, neck, body, and tail.
172. Where is the head and uncinate process located?
The head lies within the C shaped concavity of the duodenum

The uncinate process projects from the lower part of the head and passes posterior to the superior mesenteric vessels
173. Where is the neck and tail located?
The neck is anterior to the superior mesenteric vessels; posterior to the neck of the pancreas, the superior mesenteric and the splenic veins join to the form the portal vein.

The tail ends as it passes between layers of the splenorenal ligament.
174. Where does the pancreatic duct follow?

What does it form with the bile duct?
The pancreatic duct begins in the tail of the pancreas; it passes to the right thru the body of the pancreas, and then turns inferiorly after entering the head of the pancreas. In the lower part of the head of the pancreas, the pancreatic duct joins the bile ducts to form the hepatopancreatic ampulla.
175. What is an annular pancreas?
The pancreas develops from ventral and dorsal diverticula from the foregut. The dorsal bud forms most of the head, neck, and body of pancreas. The ventral bud rotates around the bile duct to form part of the head and the uncinate process.

If the ventral bud splits the two segments may encircle the duodenum. The duodenum is therefore constricted and may even undergo atresia. After birth, the child may fail to thrive and vomit due to poor gastric emptying.
176. How can an annular pancreas be discovered in utero?
Via ultrasound. The obstruction of the duodenum may also prevent the fetus from swallowing enough amniotic fluid causing polyhydraminos.
177. Where is the spleen located?
The spleen develops as part of the vascular system in the part of the dorsal mesentery that suspends the developing stomach from the body wall.

In the adult, the spleen lies against the diaphragm, in the area of rib 9 to rib 10. It is therefore in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen.
178. What is Hartmann's pouch?
From time to time, gallstones impact in the region of Hartmann's pouch, which is a bulbous region of the neck of the gallbladder.

When the gallstone lodges in this area, the gallbladder cannot empty normally and contractions of the gallbladder wall produce severe pain.
179. To what areas are referred pain sent to in cholecystitis?
If the inflammation involves the related parietal peritoneum of the diaphragm, pain may not only occur in the right upper quadrant, but may also be referred to the shoulder on the right side.

This referred pain is due to the innervation of the visceral peritoneum of the diaphragm by C3-C5.
180. What is pre-hepatic jaundice?
This is usually produced by conditions where there is an excessive breakdown of RBC (e.g. incompatible blood transfusion and hemolytic anemia).
181. What is post-hepatic jaundice?

What are the two most common causes?
Any obstruction of the biliary tree can produce jaundice, but the two most common causes are gallstones within the bile duct and an obstructing tumor at the head of the pancreas.
182. Why is splenic rupture so common?
The spleen has an extremely thin capsule and is susceptible to injury even when there is no damage to the surrounding structures.

When ruptured, it bleeds profusely into the peritoneal cavity.
183. How are bacterial infections in UTIs acquired?
Bacterial infection is usually acquired by the ascending route from the urethra to the bladder. The infection may then proceed to the kidney.
184. In what two settings are UTIs most common in?

What is the most common cause of UTIs?
1. Community-acquired (most common)
2. Hospital acquired (associated w/catheterizations)

Most common cause of UTIs is the gram-negative rod E. coli.
185. What 5 other members of the Enterobacteriaceae are also implicated in causing UTIs?
1. Proteeus mirabilis is often associated w/urinary stones b/c this organism produces a potent urease, which acts on urea to produce ammonia, rendering the urine alkaline.
2. Klebsiella*
3. Enterobacter*
4. Serratia*
5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa*

186. What 3 gram positive species are associated w/UTIs?
1. Staphyloccus saprophyticus is common in young sexually active women
2. Staphy. epidermidis*
3. Enterococcus*

187. What 3 species can be found when there has been hematogeneous spread to the urinary tract?
1. Salmonella typhi
2. Staph aureus
3. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
188. Are viral causes of UTIs common?

What are they associated with?
Viral causes of UTI are rare, although there are associations with hemorrhagic cystitis and other renal syndromes
188. Which viruses lead to hemorrhagic cystitis?
Human polyomaviruses, JC and BK, enter the body via the respiratory tract and infect eptiehlial cells in the kidney tubules and ureter. During normal pregnancy, the viruses may reactivate asymptomatically with the appearance of large amts of virus in the urine. Reactivation also occurs in immunocompromised patients and may lead to hemorrhagic cystitis.

In contrast to asymptomatic shedding, some serotypes of adenovirus have been implicated as a cause of hemorrhagic cystitis.
189. What other viruses cause renal syndromes?
High titers of CMV and rubella may be shed asymptyomatically in the urine of congenitally infected infants.

The rodent-borne hantavirus respsonsible for hemorrhagic fever, infects capillary blood vessels in the kidney and can cause a renal syndrome w/proteinuria.

Lastly, a number of other viruses can infect the kidneys, including mumps and HIV.
190. Which parasites/fungi cause UTIs?
1. Candidia spp. and Histoplasma capsulatum
2. Protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis (vaginitis)
3. Schistosoma haematobium, which results in inflammation of the bladder and commonly hematuria.
191. How does Schistosoma haematobium cause problems?
The eggs penetrate the bladder wall, and in severe infections large granulomatous reactions can occur and the eggs may become calcified.

Bladder cancer is associated w/chronic infections, although the mechanism is not known.

Obstruction of the ureter as a result of egg-induced inflammatory changes can also lead to hydronephrosis.
192. What three mechanical factors predispose to UTIs?
1. Anything that disrupts normal urine flow or complete emptying of the bladder or facilitates access of organisms to the bladder.
2. The shorter female urethra is shorter than the male urethra; sexual intercourse facilitates the movements of these organisms into the urethra.
3. In male infants, UTIs are more common in the uncircumcised and this is associated w/colonization of the inside of the prepuce and urethra w/fecal organisms.
193. What are the five main causes of obstruction to complete bladder emptying?
1. Pregnancy
2. BPH
3. Renal calculi
4. Tumors
5. Strictures
194. Which neurologic conditions cause one to lose control of the bladder and sphincters and thus cause a functional obstruction in urine flow?
Spina bifida, paraplegia, or MS cause a large residual volume of urine in the bladder and such patients are particularly prone to recurrent infections
195. What about the vesicoureteral reflux in UTIs?
This reflux is common in children w/anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract and may predispose to ascending infection and kidney damage.
196. Are people w/diabetes prone to UTIs?
People w/DM may have more severe UTIs and if diabetic neuropathy interferes w/normal bladder function, persistent UTIs are common.
197. How is catheterization a major predisposing factor for UTIs?
Bacteria can be pushed into the bladder as the catheter is inserted and while it is in place, bacteria reach the bladder by tracking up between the outside of the catheter and the urethra.

Contamination of the drainage system by bacteria from other sources can also result in infection.

Regardless, the duration of catheterization is directly associated w/increased probability of infection (increases 3-5% per day)
198. What serotypes of E. coli are specific to UTIs?

How are they different from those in GI tract infections?
The ability to cause infection in the urinary tract is limited to certain serogroups of E. coli such as O serotypes and K serotypes.

These serotypes differ from those associated w/GI tract infection which leads them to be called UPEC (uropathogenic E coli).

The success of these strains is due to a variety of genes in chromosomal pathogenicity islands that cause it to colonize in the periurethral areas.
199. What specific virulence factor allows UPEC to adhere?
P. fimbriae (pyelonephritis associated pili (PAP) pili).
200. What 3 virulence factors are present in E. coli that allow it to colonize and infect the urinary tract?

What about in Proteus spp.?
1. P. fimbriae
2. Capsular acid polysaccharide (K) antigens are associated w/the ability to cause pyelonephritis and are known to enable E. coli strains to resist host defenses by inhibiting phagocytosis
3. Hemolysin production by E. coli is linked w/the capacity to cause kidney damage; many hemolysin act more generally as membrane-damaging toxins.

Proteus spp. infections are related to their ability to cause pyelonephritis and stones via their urease production.
201. How is the healthy urinary tract resistant to bacterial colonization?
With the exception of the urethral mucosa, the urinary tract is excellent at ridding infections. The pH, chemical content and flushing help dispose of them.

Although urine is a good culture medium for most bacteria, it is inhibitory to some, and anaerobes and other species (non-hemolytic streptococci, corynebacteria, and staphylococci), which comprise most of the normal urethral flora, do not readily multiply in urine.
202. What antibodies are usually found in the urine after infection of the kidney?

What about in the lower urinary tract?
1. IgG
2. Secretory IgA

Low or undetectable serologic response (this reflects the superficial nature of the infection; the bladder and urethral mucosa are rarely invaded in UTIs).
203. What are the three symptoms of acute, lower UTIs?
1. Dysuria
2. Urgency
3. Frequency of micturition

These symptoms in the elderly and those with indwelling catheters are usually asymptomatic.
204. Pyruria in the absence of positive urine cultures can be due...?
Chlamydiae or tuberculosis and is also seen in patients receiving antibacterial therapy for UTI.
205. What are the symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis?

How does it arise?
Acute bacterial prostatitis causes systemic symptoms (fever) and local symptoms (perineal and low back pain, dysuria, and frequency).

May arise from ascending or hematogeneous infection, and people lacking the antibacterial substances in their prostatic fluid are more susceptible.
206. Patients with pyelonephritis present with...?

What organism is usually to blame?
Lower urinary tract symptoms and usually have a fever.

Staphylococci are a common cause and renal abscesses are generally present.

Recurrent episodes of pyelonephritis result in loss of function of renal tissue -> hypertension
207. Hematuria is a feature in...?

Pyuria is common in...?
Hematuria is a feature of endocarditis and a manifestation of immune complex disease, as well as a result of infections of the kidney.

Pyuria is common in kidney infections by M. tuberculosis, which cannot be grown by normal urine culture methods and therefore the patient can appear to have a sterile pyuria.
208. How are true infections distinguished from contaminated samples?
Via quantitative culture methods.

Bacteriuria is defined as significant when a properly collected midstream sample is shown to contain over 10⁵ oganisms/mL.

Infected urine usually contains only a single bacterial species; contaminated urine usually has < 10⁴ organisms/mL and often contains more than one bacterial species.

These rules do not apply to samples collected via other means other than MSUs.
209. Which two organisms require special urine samples?
M. tuberculosis

Schistosoma haematobium
210. Sterile pyruia is an important finding and may reflect...
1. Concurrent antibiotic therapy
2. Other diseases such as neoplasms or urinary calculi
3. Infection w/organisms not detected by routine urine culture methods
211. Which two agents are used only for lower UTIs?
1. Nitrofurantoin
2. Nalidixic acid

This is because they do not achieve adequate serum and tissue concentrations to treat upper UTIs.
213. What is the most common anomaly of the gallbladder?
A folded fundus is the most common anomaly, creating the so-called phrygian cap (the fundus is folded inward).
214. What is cholelithiasis?
Bile secretion allows hepatic elimination of bilirubin, xenobiotics, and cholesterol. Detergent bile salts are necessary to disperse and hydrolyze dietary lipids and facilitate their intestinal absorption. Cholesterol is solubilized by bile salts and co-secreted lecithin; supersaturation of bile w/cholesterol or bilirubin salts promotes stone formation.

Besides cholesterol stones (>50% crystalline cholesterol), pigmented cholesterol stones may also form (predominantly bilirubin calcium salts).
215. What are the risk factors for cholesterol gallstones?
1. Native americans, adults in industrialized nations
2. Increasing age, w/a male-female ration of 1:2
3. Estrogenic influences, clofibrate, obesity or rapid weight loss
4. Gallbladder stasis, as in spinal cord injury or pregnancy
5. Hypercholesterolemic syndromes
216. What are the risk factors for pigment gallstones?
1. Asian mroe than Western, rural more than urban
2. Chronic hemolytic syndromes (sickle cell disease)
3. Biliary tract infection
4. Heal disease (resection or bypass)
5. Cystic fibrosis w/pancreatic insufficiency
217. What is the pathogenesis of cholesterol stones?
When cholesterol concentrations exceed the solubilizing capacity of bile, cholesterol can no longer remain dispersed and nucleates into solid cholesterol monohydrate crystals.
218. What four simultaneous defects must occur for cholesterol stones to form?
1. Bile must be supersaturated w/cholesterol
2. Gallbladder hypomotility promotes nucleation
3. Cholesterol nucleation in bile is accelerated
4. Mucus hypersecretion in the gallbladder traps the crystals, permitting their aggregation into stones.
219. Which is the primary defect of the four? How is it mediated?
Supersaturation of bile w/cholesterol is the result of hepatocellular hypersecretion of cholesterol. This is the primary defect, mediated by abnormal regulation of hepatic mechanisms for delivering cholesterol to bile.

This abundant free cholesterol is toxic to the gallbladder and penetrates the wall and exceeds the ability of the mucosa to detox. Gallbladder hypomotility ensues.
220. What causes the gallbladder hypomotility?
Muscular stasis appears to result from both intrinsic neuromuscular dysmotility and from diminished muscular responsiveness to CCK.
221. What causes the accelerated nucleation of cholesterol crystals?
The relative composition of trace proteins in bile may be altered, such that the balance of antinucleating and pronucleating proteins shifts in favor of acceleration nucleation of cholesterol crystals.

This is further promoted by the presence of microprecipitates such as calcium salts.
222. How does gallbladder hypersecretion of mucus help form cholesterol stones?
The cholesterol crystals become trapped in the mucus for sustained periods, enabling their growth in macroscopic concretions.
223. What is the pathogenesis of pigmented stones?
Pigmented stones are complex mixtures of abnormal insoluble calcium salts of unconjugated bilirubin along w/inorganic calcium salts.

Unconjugated bilirubin is normally a minor component of bile but increases when infection of the biliary tract leads to release of β-glucuronides. Thus, infection of the biliary tract, as w/E. coli or Ascaris lumbricoides or by the liver fluke Opisthorchis sinensis, increases the likelihood of pigment stone formation.

*Also, intravascular hemolysis leads to increased hepatic secretion of conjugated bilirubin, thus lending to pigment stone formation.
224. What is the morphology of cholesterol stones?

Are they radio-lucent or radio-opaque?
Arise exclusively in the gallbladder and are composed of cholesterol ranging from 100% to 50%. Pure cholesterol stones are pale yellow, round to ovoid, and have a finely granular hard external surface.

Single stones are ovoid; multiple stones may be faceted.

Stones composed largely of cholesterol are radiolucent; sufficient calcium carbonate is found in 10-20% of cholesterol stones to render them readio-opaque.
225. What is the morphology of black pigment gallstones?

Where are they found?
Pigment gallstones are classified as black and brown. In general, black stones are found in sterile gallbladder bile. They contain oxidized polymers of calcium salts of unconjugated bilirubin.

The black stones are rarely more than 1.5 cm in diameter, and are almost always present in great number, and may crumble to the touch.

Their contours are spiculated and molded. They are radio-opaque
226. What is the morphology of brown pigment gallstones?

Where are they found?
Brown stones are found in infected intrahepatic or extrahepatic ducts. They contain pure calcium salts of unconjugated bilirubin, mucin glycoprotein, a substantial cholesterol fraction, and calcium salts of palmitate and stearate.

Brown stones tend to be laminated and soft and may have a soaplike or greasy consistency. They are radio-lucent
227. Which condition causes the "strawberry gallbladder" appearance?
Cholesterol normally entering the gallbladder mucosa by free exchange w/the lumen may be esterified by acyl CoA:cholesterol acryltransferase. Cholesterol hypersecretion byt he liver promotes excessive accumulation of cholesterol esters within the lamina propria of the gallbladder. The mucosal surface is studded w/minute yellow flecks, producing the "strawberry gallbladder"
228. What are the clinical features of gallstones?
From 70-80% of gallstone patients remain asymptomatic throughout life. Asymptomatic patients become symptomatic at the rate of 1-3% per year, and risk diminishes w/time.

Symptoms include spasmodic, colicky pain, owing to obstruction of the bile ducts by passing stones. Gallbladder obstruction generates right upper abdominal pain.
229. What are the complications of gallstones?

Are small or large stones more dangerous?
Empyema, perforation, fistulae, inflammation of the biliary tree (cholangitis), and obstructive cholestasis or pancreatitis.

The larger the stone, the less likely they are to enter the cystic or common ducts to produce obstruction; it is the very small stones or "gravel" that are more dangerous.

Occasionally, however, a large stone may erode directly into an adjacent loop of small bowel, generating intestinal obstruction (gallstone ileus).

*Most notable is the increased risk for gallbladder CA.
230. What is acute cholecystitis?
Acute calculous cholecystitis is an acute inflammation of the gallbladder, precipitated 90% of the time by an obstruction of the neck or cystic duct.

*It is the primary complication of gallstones and the most common reason for emergency cholecystectomy.
231. Does cholecystitis occur in the absence of gallstones?
Yes, generally in the very ill patient. Most cases occur in these circumstances:
1. Postoperative state after major, nonbiliary surgery
2. Severe trauma
3. Severe burns
5. Sepsis
6. Prolonged IV hyperalimentation
7. Postpartum state
232. What is the pathogenesis of acute calculous cholecystitis?

It results from chemical irritation and inflammation of the obstructed gallbladder.

The action of mucosal phospholipases hydrolyzes luminal lecithins to toxic lysolecithins. The normally protective glycoprotein mucus layer is disrupted, exposing the mucosal epithelium to the direct detergent action of bile salts.
233. What is the pathogenesis of acute calculous cholecystitis?

Prostaglandins released w/in the wall of the gallbladder contribute to mucosal and mural inflammation.

Gallbladder dysmotility develops; distention and increased intraluminal pressure compromise blood flow to the mucosa.

These events occur in the absence of bacterial infection; only later in the course may bacterial contamination develop.
234. What is the pathogenesis of acute acalculous cholecystitis?
Acute acalculous cholecystitis is thought to result from ischemia. The cystic artery is an end artery w/essentially no collateral circulation.

Contributing factors are:
1. Dehydration and multiple blood transfusions
2. Gallbladder stasis
3. Accumulation of microcrystals of cholesterol, viscous bile, and gallbladder mucus, causing cystic duct obstruction in the absence of stone formation
4. Inflammation and edema of the wall, compromising blood flow
5. Bacterial contamination and generation of lysolecithins
235. What is the morphology of acute cholecystitis?

The gallbladder is usually enlarged and tense, and it may assume a bright red or blotchy, violaceous to green-black discoloration, imparted by subserosal hemorrhages.

The serosal covering is freq layered by fibrin, and in severe cases, by a definite suppurative coagulated exudate.

In acalculous cholecystitis there is an absence of macroscopic stones. In the calculous form, the obstructing stone is usually present in the neck or the cystic duct.
236. What is the morphology of acute cholecystitis?

In addition to one or more stones, the gallblader lumen is filled w/a cloudy or turbid bile that may contain large amts of fibrin and frank pus, as well as hemorrhage.
237. What is empyema of the gallbladder?

What is gangrenous cholecystitis?
When the contained exudate is virtually pure pus, the condition is referred to as empyema of the gallbladder. In mild cases, the gallbladder wall is thickened, edematous, and hyperemic.

In more severe cases, it is transformed into a green-black necrotic organ, termed gangrenous cholecystitis.
238. What are the clinical features of acute cholecystitis?

The calculous form?
Symptoms include right upper quadrant or epigastric pain, mild fever, anorexia, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and nausea and vomiting. Jaundice suggests an obstruction of the common bile duct.

Acute calculous cholecystitis may appear w/remarkable suddenness and constitute an acute surgical emergency or may present w/mild symptoms that resolve without medical intervention.
239. What are the clinical features of acute acalculous cholecystitis?
The symptoms are more insidious; a high proportion of patients have no symptoms referable to the gallbladder. As a result of either delay in Dx or the disease itself, the incidence of gangrene and perforation is much higher than in the calculous form.

In rare instances, primary bacterial infection can give rise to acute acalculous cholecystitis including agents such as S. typhi and staph.
240. What is chronic cholecystitis?
Chronic cholecystitis may be a sequel to repeated bouts of mild to severe acute cholecystitis, but in many instances, it develops in the apparent absence of antecedent attacks. Although gallstones are usually present, they may not play a direct role in initiating inflammation. Rather, chronic supersaturation of bile w/cholesterol permits cholesterol stone formation and initiation of inflammation and gallbladder dysmotility.

Patient populations and symptoms are the same as for the acute form.

Microorganisms, usually E. coli and enterococci, can be cultured in about 1/3rd of cases.
241. What is the morphology of chronic cholecystitis?

The morphologic changes are variable and sometimes minimal. The serosa is usually smooth and glistening but may be dulled by subserosal fibrosis. Dense fibrous adhesions may remain as sequelae of prexistent acute inflammation.
242. What is the morphology of chronic cholecystitis?

On section, the wall is variably thickened, rarely to more than 3x normal.

**The wall has an opaque gray-white appearance and may be less flexible than normal. In the uncomplicated case, the lumen contains fairly clear, green-yellow mucoid bile and usually stones.

The mucosa itself is generally preserved.
243. What is the morphology of chronic cholecystitis?

On histologic exam, the degree of inflammation is variable. In the mildest cases, only scattered lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages are found in the mucosa and in the subserosal fibrous tissue. In more developed cases, there is marked subepithelial and subserosal fibrosis, accompanied by mononuclear cell infiltration. Reactive proliferation of the mucosa and fusion of the mucosal folds may give rise to buried crypts of epithelium within the wall.
244. What is the morphology of chronic cholecystitis? (What are Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses?)

Outpouchings of the mucosal epithelium through the wall (Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses) may be quite prominent.

Superimposition of acute inflammatory changes imply acute exacerbation of a previously chronically injured gallbladder.

In rare instances, extensive dystrophic calcification within the gallbladder wall may yield a porcelain gallbladder, notable for a markedly increased incidence of cancer.
245. What is xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis?
A rare condition in which the gallbladder is shrunken, nodular, and chronically inflamed w/foci of necrosis and hemorrhage.

Abundant macrophages packed w/lipids are admixed w/an exuberant fibrous tissue response, resulting in a massively thickened wall.

Gallstones are usually present.
246. What is hydrops of the gallbladder?
An atrophic, chronically obstructed gallbladder may contain only clear secretion.
247. What are the clinical features of chronic cholecystitis?
Usually characterized by recurrent attacks of either steady or colicky epigastric or right upper quadrant pain.

Nausea, vomiting, and intolerance for fatty foods are freq accompaniments.
248. What is choledococholithiasis?

What is the prevalence?
Choledocholithiasis is defined as the presence of stones within the bile ducts of the biliary tree, as opposed to cholethithiasis (stones in the gallbladder).

In western nations, almost all biliary tract stones are derived from the gallbladder, although both cholesterol and pigmented stones can form anywhere in teh biliary tree. In Asia, there is a much higher incidence of primary stone formation within the biliary tree, usually pigmented as a result of the biliary tract infections.
249. What are the symptoms of choledococholithiasis?
May be asymptomatic or may cause:
1. Obstruction
2. Pancreatitis
3. Cholangitis
4. Hepatic abscess
5. Secondary biliary cirrhosis
6. Acute calculous cholecystitis
250. What is cholangitis?

What causes it?
Cholangitis is the term used for bacterial infection of the bile ducts.

It can result from any lesion that creates obstruction to bile flow, most commonly choledocholithiasis. Uncommon causes include indwelling stents or catheters, tumors, acute pancreatitis, benign strictures, etc..
251. Where does bacteria enter into the biliary tract in cholangitis?
Bacteria most likely enter the biliary tract thru the sphincter of Oddi; infection of intrahepatic biliary radicals is termed ascending cholangitis.
252. What are the symptoms of cholangitis?
Cholangitis usually presents with fever, chills, abdominal pain, and jaundice, accompanied by acute inflammation of the wall of the bile ducts w/entry of neutrophils into the luminal space.

Intermittence of symptoms suggests bouts of partial obstruction.
253. What is the most severe form of cholangitis?
Suppurative cholangitis, in which purulent bile fills and distends bile ducts.
254. What is biliary atresia?
Extrahepatic biliary atresia is complete obstruction of the lumen of the extrahepative biliary tree within the first 3 months of life.

It is the single most frequent cause of death from liver disease in early childhood and accounts for 50-60% of children referred for liver transplantation, owing to the rapidly progressing secondary biliary cirrhosis.
255. What are the two major forms of biliary atresia?
They are based on the timing of luminal obliteration:
1. Fetal form (20%)
2. Perinatal form (more common)
256. What is the fetal form of biliary atresia?

What is the presumed cause?
This form accounts fo up to 20% of cases and is commonly associated w/other anomalies resulting from ineffective establishment of laterality of thoracic and abdominal organ development. These include malrotation of abdominal viscera, interrupted inferior vena cava, polysplenia, and congenital heart disease.

*The presumed cause is aberrant intrauterine development of the extrahepatic biliary tree.
257. What is the perinatal form of biliary atresia?

What is the cause?
More common is the perinatal form, in which a presumed normally developed biliary tree is destroyed following birth.

Although the cause is not known, viral infection has long been implicated, particularly reovirus and rotavirus. Genetic inheritance is also under scrutiny, given reports of biliary atresia occurring in twins and in families.

Regardless, a "multihit" process is proposed in which viral or toxic insult to the biliary epithelium leads to destruction of the biliary tree.
258. What is the morphology of biliary atresia?

The salient features include inflammation and fibrosing stricture of the hepatic or common bile ducts, periductular inflammation of intrahepatic bile ducts, and progressive destruction of the intrahepatic biliary tree.
259. What is the morphology of biliary atresia?

On liver biopsy, florid features of extrahepatic biliary obstruction are evident via marked bile ductular proliferation, portal tract edema and fibrosis, and parenchymal cholestasis.

In the remainder, inflammatory destruction of intrahepatic ducts leads to paucity of bile ducts and absence of edema or bile ductular proliferation on liver biopsy.

If unrecognized or uncorrected, cirrhosis develops within 3-6 mos of birth.
260. What are the three anatomic types of biliary atresia?
When the disease is limited to the common (type I) or hepatic bile ducts (type II) with patent proximal branches, the diseases is surgically correctable.

Unfortunately, 90% of patients have type III biliary atresia, in which there is also obstruction of bile ducts at or above the portahepatis. Theses cases are noncorrectable, since there are no patent bile ducts amenable to surgical anastomosis.
261. What are the clinical features of biliary atresia?
Infants w/biliary atresia present w/neonatal cholestasis, exhibit normal birth weight and postnatal weight gain, and the progression of initially normal stools to acholic stools.

At the time of presentation, serum bilirubin values are usually in the 6-12 mg/dL range, w/only moderately elevated ALT and AST and ALKPHOS levels.

Liver transplantation w/accompanying donor bile ducts remains the primary hope for salvage of these young patients.
262. What are choledochal cysts?
Choledochal cysts are congenital dilation of the common bile duct, presenting most often in children before age 10 w/the nonspecific symptoms of jaundice, and or recurrent abdominal pain that are typical of biliary colic.
263. Where do choledocal cysts form and what are the complications?
These uncommon cysts may take the form of segmental or cylindrical dilation of the common bile duct, diverticuli of the extrahepatic ducts, or choledochoceles, which are cystic lesions that protrude into the duodenal lumen.

Choledocal cysts predispose to stone formation, stenosis and stricture, pancreatitis, and obstructive biliary complications within the liver. In the older patient, the risk of bile duct CA is elevated.
264. Where do neoplasms of primary clinical importance derive from in the biliary tract?

How are adenomas classified?
Those of clinical importance derive from the epithelium lining the biliary tree.

Adenomas are benign epithelial tumors, and are classified as tubular, papillary, and tubulopapillary and are similar to adenomas found elsewhere in the alimentary tract.
265. What are inflammatory polyps in the biliary tract?

What is adenomyosis of the gallbladder?
Inflammatory polyps are sessile mucosal projections w/a surface stroma infiltrated with chronic inflammatory cells and lipid laden macrophages. These lesions may be difficult to differentiate from neoplasms on imaging studies.

Adenomyosis of the gallbladder is characterized by hyperplasia of the muscularis, containing intramural hyperplastic glands.
266. What is carcinoma of the gallbladder?
CA of the gallbladder is the 5th most common cancer of the digestive tract. It is slightly more common in women, typically presenting over the age of 60. Gallstones coexist in 60-90% of cases.

Presumably, gallbladders containing stones or infectious agents develop cancer as a result of irritative trauma and chronic inflammation.
267. What are the two patterns of growth in gallbladder CA?
1. Infiltrating
-more common and usually appears as a poorly defined area of diffuse thickening and induration of the gallbladder wall that may cover several square cm or may involve the entire gallbladder. *These tumors are scirrhous and have a very firm consistency.

2. Exophytic
-this pattern grows into the lumen as an irregular, cauliflower mass but at the same time invades the underlying wall. The luminal portion may be necrotic, hemorrhagic, and ulcerated. *The most common sites of involvement are the fundus and the neck.
268. What type of CA are most common in the gallbladder?
Adenocarcinomas are the most common. Some are papillary in architecture and are well to moderately differentiated; others are infiltrative and poorly differentiated to undifferentiated.

About 5% are squamous. A minority may exhibit carcinoid features.

**By the time these neoplasms are discovered, most have invaded the liver centrifugally, and may have extended to the cystic duct and adjacent bile ducts.
269. What are the clinical features of gallbladder CA?
Presenting symptoms are insidious and typically indistinguishable from those with cholelithiasis: abdominal pain, jaundice, anorexia, and nausea and vomiting.
270. What are carcinomas of the extrahepatic biliary tree?
These are uncommon but insidious tumors and generally produce painless, progressively deepening jaundice. They occur in older individuals and unlike cancers of the gallbladder, occur slightly more freq in men.

Gallstones are present in about 1/3 of cases.

Risk is increased in patients w/primary sclerosing cholangitic, UC, and cystic liver diseases, and from biliary tree fluke infections.
271. What are periampullary carcinomas?
A subgroup of biliary tree CAs are those arising in the immediate vicinity of the ampulla of Vater. Tumors of this regions also include adenomas of the duodenal mucosa and pancreatic CA.

Collectively, these tumors are referred to as periampullary tumors.
272. What is the morphology of extrahepatic bile duct CA?
Most tumors are firm, gray nodules within the bile duct wall; some may be diffusely infiltrative lesions; other are papillary, polypoid lesions.

Most bile duct tumors are adenocarcinomas that may or not be mucin-secreting.

An abundant fibrous stroma accompanies the epithelial proliferation.
273. What are Klatskin tumors?
Tumors arising from the part of the common bile duct between the cystic duct junction and the confluence of the right and left hepatic ducts at the liver hilus are called Klatskin tumors.

These tumors are notable for their slow-growing behavior, marked sclerosing characteristics, and the infrequent occurrence of distal metastases.
274. What are the clinical features of extrahepatic bile duct CA?
Jaundice, often preceded by decolorization of the stools, nausea, and vomiting and weight loss.

Hepatomegaly is present in about 50% and a palpable gallbladder is present in 25%.

Associated changes are elevated levels of serum ALKPHOS and aminotransferases and bile-stained urine.

Mean survival times range from 6-18 mos.
275. What is a common concern following laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
Biliary stricture most commonly follows operative trauma, involving iatrogenic injury to the biliary tree or the feeding vasculature.

Structures of the common hepatic duct proximal to the cystic ducts are usually malignant.
276. What is the composition of gram-positive bacteria?
In Gram-positive bacteria, the cell wall is composed of a thick layer of murein, through which nutrients, waste products, and antibiotics can diffuse. Lipoteichoic acids in the outer leaflet of the cytopasmic membrane intercalate thru the cell wall to the outer surface of Gram-positive bacteria.

The hydrophilic side chains of these molecules are involved in bacterial adherence, feeding, and evasion of the host immune system.

These bacteria appear purple.
277. What is the composition of gram-negative bacteria?
In gram-negative bacteria, the murein layer is thinner and is surrounded by a second, outer lipid bilayer membrane. Hydrophilic molecules cross this outer membrane through channels, which are formed by a cylindrical arrangement of porins.

Gram-negative bacterial also have LPS in the outer membrane, which is a major antigen for the immune response to Gram-negative organisms.

These bacteria appear pink.
278. What is the main difference between Gram-negative bacteria and mycobacteria?
Both mycobacteria and Gram-negative bacteria are encolsed by an inner membrane, a murein layer, and an outer membrane.

The main structural different is that in mycobacteria, the two leaflets of the outer membrane are asymmetric in size and composition; the inner leaflet of the outer membrane is composed of arabinogalactan and mycolic acids, whereas the outer leaflet is composed of extractable phospholipids.
279. What are the four inhibitors of murein monomer synthesis?
1. Fosfomycin
2. Fosmidomycin
3. Cycloserine
4. Bacitracin
280. Fosfomycin
MOA: Inhibits murein monomers. It is a PEP analogue that inhibits bacterial enol pyruvate transferase by covalent modification of the enzyme's active site. It enters the cells via G-6-P that are normally used by bacteria

Purpose: Gram-negative urinary tract infections: E. coli, Klebsiella, Serratia, Clostridia. ***It is excreted unchanged in the urine***

ADVERSE: Headache, diarrhea, nausea

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity
281. Therapeutic considerations for fosfomycin
1. Synergistic with beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones
2. Decreased absorption when coadministered with antacids or motility agents such as metoclopramide
3. Less effective against Gram-positive bacteria b/c these bacteria generally lack selective glycerophosphate and G6P transporters.
282. Fosmidomycin
Fosmidomycin, another PEP analogue, acts by the same mechanism as fosfomycin, and resistance typically arises via mutations in glycerophosphate or G6P transports.

Fosmidomycin also has activity against malaria, but the drug has a different MOA and is not currently in clinical use for that organism.
283. Cycloserine
MOA: Cycloserine is a structural analogue of D-Ala; it irreversibly inhibits both the alanine racemase and the synthetase that joins together two D-Ala molecules.

PURPOSE: Multidrug resistant tuberculosis infection and M. avium complex

ADVERSE: Seizures, somnolence, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis

CONTRA: Epilepsy, depression, anxiety, psychosis, severe renal insufficiency, alcohol abuse
284. Cycloserine therapeutic considerations
1. Alcohol, isoniazid, and eithionamide potentiate cycloserine toxicity
2. Pyridoxine may prevent cycloserine-induced peripheral neuropathy
3. Cycloserine inhibits hepatic metabolism of phenytoin
285. Bacitracin
MOA: Peptide antibiotic that inhibits dephosphorylation by forming a complex with bactoprenol pyrophosphate, rendering this lipid carrier useless for further rounds of murein monomer translocation.

PURPOSE: Cutaneous and eye infections (topical), GI decontamination of C. difficile or VRE (oral)

ADVERSE: If systemic absorption occurs: nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, bone marrow suppression; With topical: contact dermatitis, blurred vision, red eye

CONTRA: Coadministration with nephrotoxic agents or neuromuscular blocking agents.

NOTE: Drugs that act as metal chelators could interfere with the activity of bacitracin.
286. What are the two inhibitors of murein polymer synthesis?

How do they work?
Vancomycin and teicoplanin are glycopeptides with bactericidal activity against Gram-positive rods and cocci.

These agents interrupt cell wall syntehsis by binding tightly to the D-Ala D-Ala terminus of the murein monomer unit, inhibiting transglycosidase and thereby blocking the addition of murein units.
287. Vancomycin and teicoplanin
MOA: Interrupts cell wall syntehsis by binding tightly to the D-Ala D-Ala terminus of the murein monomer unit, inhibiting transglycosidase and thereby blocking the addition of murein units.

PURPOSE: MRSA (IV), and C. difficile enterocolitis (oral)

ADVERSE: Neurtropenia, ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, anaphylaxis, *Red man syndrome*

CONTRA: Solutions containing dextrose in patients with known corn allergy
288. Vancomycin and teicoplanin therapeutic considerations
1. Increased nephrotoxicity w/aminoglycosides
2. Red man syndrome can be avoided by slowing infusion rate or pre-administering antihistamines
3. Resistance occurs thru acquisition of DNA encoding enzymes that catalyze formation of D-Ala D-lactate
4. Teicoplanin is not used clinically in the US.
289. What is the "red man syndrome"?
Skin flushing or rash caused by fast infusion rates of vancomycin.

Other adverse effects of vancomycin are drug fever, hypersensitivity rash, and anaphylaxis.

These can be prevented by slowing the rate of infusion and by giving antihistamines prophylactically.
290. What are the four families of β-lactam agents?
1. Penicillins
2. Cephalosporins
3. Monobactams
4. Carbapenems
291. What are the two factors that determine a β-lactam's spectrum of action?
1. The degree to which it can penetrate the outer membrane and cell wall
2. Its ability to bind to specific transpeptidases once in the periplasmic space.
292. What are the broad spectrum β-lactams?
Hydrophilic agents such as ampicillin, amoxicillin, and especially, piperacillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin, and mezolocillin tend to have broader spectrum of action.
293. What are the narrow spectrum β-lactams?
Hydrophobic agents such as oxacillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, methicillin, and penicillin G tend to have narrow spectrum of action.
294. Penicillin G and V
MOA: β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by forming a covalent dead-end acyle enzyme intermediate (Suicide substrate inhibition). Penicillins have a 5-membered accessory ring attached to the β-lactam ring.

PURPOSE: Penicllin-sensitive S. aureus and S. pyogenes, rogal anaerobes, N. meningitidis, Clostridia species; Syphilis, Yaws, Leptospirosis. Prophylaxis of rheumatic fever (penicillin V)

ADVERSE: Seizures, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, drug-induced eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia, acute interstitial nephritis, anaphylaxis, rash, fever, injection site reaction, Jarisch Herxheimer reaction when used to treat syphilis.

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to penicillins
295. Penicillin G and V notes
1. Penicillin G is the IV preparation; Penicillin V is the oral preparation
2. Anticoagulant effects of warfarin may be potentiated by concomitant penicillin administration
3. IV penicillin G is preferred to oral penicillin V in hospital settings
4. *β-lactamase sensitive
296. What are the common uses for penicillin V?
Used mostly to treat mixed aerobic-anaerobic infections of the head and neck, such as dental abscesses.

Additionally, it is used to prevent recurrent rheumatic fever and recurrent streptococcal cellulitis in patients with lymphedema.
297. What are the five antistaphylococcal penicillins?
1. Oxacillin
2. Cloxacillin
3. Dicloxacillin
4. Nafcillin
5. Methicillin
298. Oxacillin, Cloxacillin, Dicloxacillin, Nafcillin, Methicillin
MOA: β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by forming a covalent dead-end acyle enzyme intermediate (Suicide substrate inhibition). Penicillins have a 5-membered accessory ring attached to the β-lactam ring.

PURPOSE: Skin and soft-tissue infections or systemic infection with β-lactamase producing MRSA

ADVERSE: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pseudomembranous colitis (cloxacilling, dicloxacillin), Hepatitis (oxacilling) interstitial nephritis, phlebitis (nafcillin)

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity

NOTES: *β-lactamase resistant! These agents are narrow spectrum.
299. What are the names of the four amino penicillins?
1. Ampicillin
2. Amoxicillin
3. Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid
4. Ampicillin/sulbactam

These agents have a positively charged amino group on the side chain which enhances diffusion through porin channels but does not confer resistance to β-lactamases.
300. What are the uses for IV ampicillin?
Invasive enterococcal infections and Listeria meningitis
301. What are the uses for oral amoxicillin?
Uncomplicated ear nose and throat infections, endocarditis prevention, dental surgery prophylaxis, and component of combination therapy for H pylori infection.
302. Adverse, contra, and notes for the amino penicillins
ADVERSE: Rash, anusea, vomiting, diarrhea

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity

1. Broad spectrum anti-bacteria activity
2. Ampicillin and amoxicillin are beta-lactamase sensitive as single agents; clavulanic acid and sulbactam are beta-lactamase inhibitors
3. Positively charged amino group on side chain enhances diffusion thru porin channels of Gram-negative bacteria
303. What are the two carboxy penicillins?
1. Carbenicillin
2. Ticarcillin

These agents are broad spectrum antibiotics that have a side chain carboxyl group that provides a negative charge which confers some resistance to some β-lactamases
304. What are the two ureido penicillins?
1. Piperacillin
2. Mezlocillin

These drugs have both positive and negative charges on their side chains and are generally more potent than the carboxy penicillins.

Their spectrum of action is similar to that of carboxy penicillins; in addition, they have activity against Klebsiella and enterococci
305. Carbenicillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin, mezlocillin
PURPOSE: Primarily used as treatment or prophylaxis against P. aeruginosa infection; Hospital acquired pneumonia due to resistant Gram-negative organisms

ADVERSE: Rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to penicillins

NOTES: Broad spectrum activity but primarily used against P. aeruginosa. Generally beta-lactamase sensitive except for carbenicillin and ticarcillin
306. What are the cepholsporins?
Cephalosporins differ structurally from penicillins by having a six-membered ring rather than a five membered ring attached to the β-lactam ring.
307. First generation cephalosporins:

Cefazolin & cephalexin
MOA: β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by forming a dead-end acyl enzyme intermediate; relatively good Gram-positive coverage; sensitive to many β-lactamases

PURPOSE: Proteus mirabilis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Skin and soft tissue infections, surgical prophylaxis

ADVERSE: Psuedomembranous enterocolitis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hepatotoxicity, nausea, vomiting, rash, diarrhea

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins (rarely cross-react w/penicillins)
308. Second generation cephalosporins:

Cefuroxime, cefotetan, cefoxitin
MOA: β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by forming a dead-end acyl enzyme intermediate; relatively broader Gram-negative coverage than first gen; more resistant to β-lactamases than first gen

PURPOSE: H. influenzae (cefuroxime), Enterobacter spp., Neisseria spp., P. mirabilis, E. coli, K. pneumoniae (cefotetan and cefoxitin)

ADVERSE: Psuedomembranous enterocolitis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hepatotoxicity, nausea, vomiting, rash, diarrhea, **Cefotetan may produce disulfiram-like reaction w/alcohol ingestion and block synthesis of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins (rarely cross-react w/penicillins)
309. Common uses for cefuroxime, cefotetan and cefoxitin?
Cefuroxime is primarily used in community acquired pneumonia

Cefotetan and cefoxitin are primarily used in intra-abdominal and pelvic infections.
310. Third generation cephalosporins:

Cefotaxime, ceftizoxime, ceftriaxone, cefoperazone, ceftazidime
MOA: β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by forming a dead-end acyl enzyme intermediate; *Highest CNS penetration of the cephalosporins.

PURPOSE: N. gonorrhoeae, Borrelia burgdorferi, H. influenza, most Enterobacteriaceae (ceftriaxone), H. influenzae (cefotaxime), P. aeruginosa (ceftazidime).

ADVERSE: Psuedomembranous enterocolitis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hepatotoxicity, nausea, vomiting, rash, diarrhea, **Ceftriaxone may cause cholestatic hepatitis, and cefoperazone may produce disulfiram-like reaction w/alcohol ingestion and block synthesis of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins (rarely cross-react w/penicillins)

NOTE: Resistant to many β-lactamases; highly active against Enterobacteriaceae, but less active against Gram-positive organisms than are first gen cephalosporins
311. Fourth generation cephalosporin:

MOA: β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase by forming a dead-end acyl enzyme intermediate; *resistant to many beta-lactamases

PURPOSE: Enterobacteriaceae, Neisseria, H. influenzae, P. aeruginosa, Gram-positive organisms

ADVERSE: Psuedomembranous enterocolitis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hepatotoxicity, nausea, vomiting, rash, diarrhea, **Cefepime may produce erythrocyte autoantibodies w/o significant hemolysis

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins (rarely cross-react w/penicillins)
312. What are the inhibitors of polymer crosslinking?
1. Aztreonam
2. Imipenem/cilastatin
3. Meropenem
4. Ertapenem
313. Aztreonam
MOA: A monobactam that inhibits transpeptidase by forming a dead-end acyl enzyme intermediate

PURPOSE: Gram-negative bacteria; *used in penicillin allergic patients*

ADVERSE: Same as penicillins

NOTES: No Gram-positive coverage
314. Imipenem/cilastatin, Meropenem, Ertapenem
MOA: A carbapenem that inhibits transpeptidase by forming a dead-end acyl enzyme intermediate

PURPOSE: Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria except MRSA, VRE, and Legionella

ADVERSE: same as penicillins, except *High plasma levels of imipenem and meropenem may cause seizures
315. Carbapenem notes
1. Cilastin inhibits renal dehydropeptidase I, which would otherwise inactivate imipenem
2. Probenecid may increase meropenem levels
3. All three agents decrease valproate levels
4. Ertapenem can be give one-daily.
316. What are the three antimicrobial agents?
1. Ethambutol
2. Pyrazinamide
3. Isoniazid (INH)
317. Ethambutol
MOA: Inhibits the arabinosyl transferase that adds arabinose units to the growing arabinogalactan chain and thus decreases arabinogalactan synthesis.

PURPOSE: Mycobacteriostatic, and used in combo with other antimycobacterials, including rifampin and streptomycin

ADVERSE: Optic neuritis, blindness, peripheral neuropathy, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, hyperuricemia, mania, nausea, vomiting

CONTRA: Known optic neuritis, patients unable to report visual changes such as young children, *Coadministration with antacids
318. Pyrazinamide
MOA: Pyrazinamide is a prodrug that must be converted to its active form pyrazinoic acid, which inhibits fatty acid synthestase 1 (FAS1) and thus inhibits mycolic acid synthesis.

PURPOSE: Mycobacterium species; used in combo w/rifampin and streptomycin

ADVERSE: Anemia, hepatotoxicity, arthralgias, hyperuricemia (usually asymptomatic)

CONTRA: Acute gout, severe hepatic dysfunction
319. Isoniazid and ethionamide
MOA: Targets the FAS2 complex and thus inhibits mycolic acid synthesis.

PURPOSE: Mycobacterium species, and is used in combo with other antimycobacterials

ADVERSE: Hepatitis, *neurotoxicity (paresthesias, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia), SLE, seizure, hematologic abnormalities

CONTRA: Acute liver disease

NOTES: Can inhibit or induce p450 enzymes and thus interacts w/other drugs such as rifampin, antiseizure meds, antifungals, and alcohol; *INH neurotoxicity can be prevented by pyridoxine supplementation
320. How does resistance to INH occur?
Resistance to INH results from an inactivating mutation in the mycobacterial enzyme catalase-peroxidase, which converts INH to ints antimycobacterial form. Mutations in the INHA gene, which is required for mycolic acid synthesis, also confer resistance to INH.
321. How does resistance to ethambutol occur?
Results from mutations in the arabinosyl transferase gene, some of which cause overexpression of the target enzyme
322. How does resistance to pyrazinamide occur?
Due to mutations in the pyrazinamidase gene, which result in the inability to convert the prodrug into its active form.