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25 Cards in this Set

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44) When amino acids are metabolized for energy, the nitrogen is converted to urea and then is excreted from the body by the
A) liver.
B) skin.
C) kidneys.
D) sweat glands.
E) spleen.
Answer: C
45) The reactions where fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids are called
A) glycerolysis.
B) glycolysis.
C) gluconeogenesis.
D) lipolysis.
E) liposuction.
Answer: D
46) The process of disassembling fatty acids into two-carbon units inside mitochondria is called
A) oxidative phosphorylation.
B) deamination.
C) ketonization.
D) chemiosmosis.
E) beta-oxidation
Answer: E
48) The liver and skeletal muscles store glucose as __________ for a ready energy source.
A) lipids
B) glucose
C) glycogen
D) urea
E) ketone bodies
Answer: C
49) The brain relies solely on __________ as its energy source. If it is deprived of this substrate, the cells soon die.
A) fatty acids
B) glucose
C) amino acids
D) insulin
Answer: B
50) Which can serve as substrates for ATP production?
A) glucose
B) amino acids
C) fatty acids
D) glycogen
E) all of the above
Answer: E
51) Gluconeogenesis refers to
A) converting glucose to glycogen storage.
B) removing glucose from storage as glycogen.
C) creating glucose from glycerol, amino acids, or lactate.
D) converting glucose to storage as adipose tissue.
E) removing fatty acids from adipose storage.
Answer: C
53) __________ is the process where fatty acids are slowly disassembled into two-carbon units.
A) Kreb's cycle
B) Beta oxidation
C) Oxidation phosphorylation
D) Glycolysis
E) Lipogenesis
Answer: B
12) The synthesis of glucose from a noncarbohydrate precursor is referred to as
A) glycogenesis.
B) glycogenolysis.
C) glycolysis.
D) gluconeogenesis.
E) glycogen.
Answer: D
13) During the fasting state, the energy stores of the __________ become the major source of glucose for the whole body.
A) brain
B) liver
C) muscles
D) pancreas
E) adipose tissues
Answer: B
15) The alpha cells of the pancreas produce
A) insulin.
B) glucagon.
C) renin.
D) cortisol.
E) digestive enzymes.
Answer: B
16) The beta cells of the pancreas produce
A) insulin.
B) glucagon.
C) renin.
D) cortisol.
E) digestive enzymes.
Answer: A
18) When blood glucose levels rise, as in the "fed" state,
A) insulin is released.
B) glucagon is released.
C) peripheral cells take up less glucose.
D) protein synthesis decreases.
E) all of the above
Answer: A
19) When blood glucose levels fall,
A) insulin is released.
B) glucagon is released.
C) peripheral cells take up less glucose.
D) protein synthesis decreases.
E) all of the above
Answer: B
22) During starvation,
A) carbohydrate utilization increases.
B) gluconeogenesis accelerates.
C) there is a decline in circulating ketone bodies.
D) structural proteins cannot be used as a potential energy source.
E) all of the above
Answer: B
23) The brain can use only __________ for energy.
A) glucose
B) fats
C) ketones
D) lactate
E) A and C
Answer: E
27) GLUT4 transporters are
A) stored in cytoplasmic vesicles.
B) inserted in response to glucagon.
C) inserted into the plasma membrane by endocytosis.
D) found in adipose and skeletal muscles.
E) A and D
Answer: E
28) Insulin
A) stimulates glycolysis.
B) stimulates lipogenolysis.
C) inhibits gluconeogenesis.
D) A and B
E) A and C
Answer: E
29) Glucagon
A) stimulates gluconeogenesis.
B) primarily targets the liver.
C) primarily targets skeletal muscle.
D) A and B
E) A and C
Answer: D
66) After ingestion of carbohydrates in an insulin-deficient diabetic, __________ would happen.
A) protein degradation
B) fat synthesis
C) ketone production
D) glycolysis
E) A and C
Answer: E
68) In the fasted state, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) Skeletal muscle will increase gluconeogenesis.
B) Pyruvate and lactate are transported to liver to make glucose.
C) Some amino acids will be deaminated.
D) Adipose breaks down its store of triglycerides.
Answer: A
69) The level of ketone bodies in the blood increases when high levels of __________ are being metabolized.
A) fatty acids
B) glucose
C) proteins
D) amino acids
E) carbohydrates
Answer: A
73) Which of the following symptoms would you expect to observe in a person suffering from type I diabetes mellitus?
A) glucosuria
B) ketoacidosis
C) thirst and polydipsia
D) hyperglycemia
E) all of the above
Answer: E
74) In type 2 diabetes, insulin levels are frequently normal, yet the target cells are less sensitive to the effects of insulin. This suggests that the target cells
A) are impermeable to insulin.
B) may have a defect in their signal transduction pathway.
C) cannot convert insulin to an active form.
D) have adequate internal supplies of glucose.
E) none of the above
Answer: B
77) On a tour of African countries, Don contracts a bad case of traveler's diarrhea. Because he can't eat very much, his body starts to use energy sources other than carbohydrates. This would result in
A) increased levels of urea in the blood.
B) ketosis.
C) a decreased blood pH.
D) increased gluconeogenesis in the liver.
E) all of the above
Answer: E