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86 Cards in this Set

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Total Body Fluid Varies According to...
1. Muscle Mass
2. Electrolytes
3. Body Fat
4. Age
5. Gender
How much of our body does fluid comprise?
60% male
50% female
77-80% infants and pediatrics
Body Fat & Fluid

As fat increases, what happens to water?
As fat increases, water decreases.
Gender & Fluid
Women have more fat and lees fluid because of that than men.
***Distribution of fluids can be...***
* Intracellular Fluid Compartments
* Extracellular Fluid Compartments
Inside the cell
Can be interstitial or intravascular.
In the veins and arteries but outside the cell.

In between the tissue cells, not inside them.

Total Body Water
Intracellular - 66% of TBW

Extracellular - 34% of TBW
---------Interstitial - 75%
---------Intravascular - 25%
The abnormal retention of fluid in the interstitial spaces of the extracellular fluid compartment or in serous cavities.
Third spacing
Aka Anasarca

third space fluid shift - Water, electrolytes & protein shift from the intravascular to the transcellular spaces
Transcellular Space
The pericardial sac

The peritoneal sac

The pleural cavity
substances that dissociate in solution to form ions
positive or negatively charged particles-ideally equal in body
Cation-positive ion (+)
Anion-negative ion (-)
135 to 145 mEq/L
3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L
95 to 105 mEq/L
8.5 to 10.5 mg/dl
1.8 to 3.0 mg/dl
2.4 to 4.1 mg/dl
***Serum Osmolality***
280 to 300 mOsm/Kg H20
Movement of PARTICLES (electrolytes) across a concentration gradient.
Movement of WATER across a semipermeable membrane from area of high concentration to low.
Oncotic/Osmotic Pressure
The pulling power of the solution to draw water across a semipermeable membrane.
Isotonic solution
same osmolality as body fluids
Hydrostatic Pressure
Pressure exerted by a fluid within a closed system on the walls of a container in which it is contained.

E.g the force exerted by blood against the vascular walls.
Oncotic pressure vs hydrostatic pressure
ontcotic - the pulling pressure that keeps the pressure within the vascular space. It puts pressure on the outside walls of the vasculars.

Hydrostatic - Puts pressure on the inside walls of the vasculars from the intravascular fluids.

There must be a balance between the two.
Albumin is the colloid (large molecule) plasma protein that maintains your colloid oncotic pressure

Maintains the fluid within the vascular space.

Low albumin causes seepy capillaries and fluid is going to diffuse into the tissues.

Colloid cause its a large molecule and it exerts a pulling pressure
Process where by fluid and solutes move together across a membrane from one compartment to another. The movement is from an area of higher pressure to one of lower pressure.
Water Balance
Goal is to have enough “effective circulating volume” to perfuse tissues
Mechanisms to increase volume
Atrial NatriureticPeptide
Normal Water Regulation
Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus sense an increase in osmolality (more solutes).


Hypothalamus secretes hypothalamic-releasing hormones

Stimulates the posterior pituitary to release ADH

ADH increases renal water retention (raises BP)

Osmolality returns to normal
*****Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System*****
Main goal is to increase blood volume.

The juxtaglomerular cells (specialized nephrons) of the kidney sense a decrease in BP

In response, kidney secretes renin (an enzyme).

The renin stimulates angiotensinogin (a vasoconstrictor) to convert to angiotensin I.

Angiotensin converting enzyme (in the lungs) then converts angiotensin I to Angiotensin II (Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor). The vasoconstrictor is now activated.

Blood pressure increases due to vasoconstriction.

Angiotensin II also stimulates the adrenal cortex/glands of the kidney to secrete aldosterone.

Aldosterone signals the tubule of the kidney to hold on to (retain) sodium (and water).

Therefore, there are 2 mecahnisms at work. One increases BP by vasconstricting the arteries while the other causes sodium retention (which increases water retention) to raise BP.

Angiotensin II
Potent vasoconstrictor
Normal urine pH

4.6 to 8.0
Normal urine specific gravity
1.005 to 1.030
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
Both oppose renin.

Specific to heart muscle.

When the heart is distended from too much fluid overload, ANP and BNP are released.

Since they oppose renin, they will vasodilate the vessels and cause excretion of fluids.

If a patient comes into the ER with fluid overload, BNP levels are checked.

If BNP levels are elevated, we know they're in congestive heart failure (CHF).
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
Stored in cells of atria and ventricles
Opposes renin-angiotensin system
Decreases blood pressure and volume
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
Stored mainly in ventricles
Levels correspond with heart failure
Increases Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) due to vasodilation
Decreased ability to sense thirst.

Elderly and stroke patients
Excess thirst.

Secondary to CHF or kidney disorder.

May also be psychogenic
Diabetes insipidus
Decreased ADH

Could be because the hypothalamus and pituitary are damaged (head trauma)


It could be that the kidneys are not responding to the ADH.
failure of the negative feedback system.

Hypovolemia (fluid volume defecit)
Body loses both water and electrolytes from the extracellular fluid (ECF) in similar proportions

Loss of Water and Electrolytes from:

1. Vomiting

2. Excessive sweating

3. Polyuria (excessive urine production)

4. Fever

5. Nasogastric suction/Abnormal drainage/ wound losses

Insufficient intake due to:

1. Anorexia

2. Nausea

3. Impaired swallowing, confusion, depression
2 Types of Fluid Imbalances
1. Isotonic

2. Osmolar
Isotonic Fluid Imbalance
water and electrolytes are lost or gained in equal proportions
Osmolar Fluid Imbalance
loss or gain of only water, thus osmolality of the serum is altered
*****Clinical Manifestations of fluid volume deficit (FVD)*****

* Complaints of weakness and thirst

* Weight loss
------2% loss=mild FVD
------5% loss=moderate
------8% loss=severe

* Decrease tissue turgor

* Dry mucous membranes, sunken eyeballs, decrease tearing

* Postural hypotension
Postural hypotension
same as orthostatic hypotension

a fall in blood pressure associated with an upright position, usually occurring as a result of standing still for a long time or rising from a prolonged stay in bed and often causing faintness, dizziness, and vision disturbances.
Fluid Volume Excess (hypervolemia)
The body retains both water and sodium in similar proportions to normal ECF.

Referred as hypervolemia. Due to:

1. Excess intake of sodium-containing intravenous fluids

2. Excess ingestion of sodium in diet or medications (antacids such as Alka-Seltzer)

3. Impaired fluid balance regulation related to:
-----renal failure
-----cirrhosis of the liver
****Clinical Manifestations-FVE****
* Weight Gain - over 24-48 hours

* Edema

* Hypertension

* Adventitious Breathe Sounds

* Jugular Venous Distension (JVD) - with the bed at 30 degrees, you should not be able to see the patients jugular vein.
Serum Osmolality
* A measure of the solute concentration of the blood.

* Normal value 280 to 300 mOsm/Kg

* Increased serum osmolality indicates FVD

* Decreased serum osmolality indicates FVE
Sodium (Na)
* Most abundant cation in ECF

* Normal ranges 135-145 mEq/L

* Major contributor to serum osmolality

* Control and regulates water balance, acid-base balance, & nerve function (its a current carrying ion, carries nervous impulses)

* Cl and water are reabsorbed with Na from the kidney tubules

* Coupled with Cl and HC03
* Can be hypertonic or hypotonic

* Causes H20 to move out of the vascular space into the intersitital space and then into the intracellular space

* Labs:
Plasma sodium below 135 mEq/L

Osmolality below 285 mOsm/kg
Specific Gravity below 1.010
Causes of Hyponatremia
Excessive sweating and loss of sodium
GI suction
Extreme Intake of salt free fluids
Adrenal Insufficiency
Head injury, stroke
Diuretic therapy
****Clinical Manifestations Hyponatremia*****
***FIRST SIGN IS AN ALTERED MENTAL STATUS (need Na for membrane potential in brain)***

Malaise, Muscle cramps
Abdominal cramps
Nausea and Vomiting, Diarrhea
Confusion and Lethargy < 120
Convulsions and Coma
* Excess Na+ in the blood plasma

* Increased extracellular osmotic pressure causes fluid to move out of the cells into the ECF

* Cell become dehydrated

* Water loss

* Plasma Sodium exceed 145 mEq/L

* Greatest in elderly and infants who can’t express thirst

* Two Mechanisms:
1. Water Loss
------Metabolic-fever, exercise, diarrhea, tube feedings

2. Sodium Gain
******Clinical Manifestations of Hypernatremia******
* Thirst

* Dry mucus membranes

* Rapid, thready pulse

* Hypotension

* Oliguria

* Confusion and Lethargy

* Muscle weakness Twitching

* Convulsions & Coma

* Plasma Sodium exceed 145 mEq/L

* Specific gravity of urine about 1.030
* Major cation of intracellular fluid (ICF)

* Normal range 3.5-5.0 mEq/L

* Dietary source (#1 bananas, peaches)

* Regulated by kidneys
-----Glomerular filtration (filtered by the kidneys at the entry port to the nephron)
-----Aldosterone (regulates potassium elimination in the distal tubules of the kidney)
-----Potassium/hydrogen ion exchange

* Regulated by EC/IC shifts
-----Insulin (Insulin also carries potassium into the cell. If patient is hyperkalemic, you give them insulin to drive the potassium into the cells).
-----Acid-Base balance
-----Exercise (muscle contraction increases potassium release)
What effect does exercise have on potassium?
Muscle contraction increases potassium release
What effect does insulin have on potassium?
Drives potassium back into the cells.
Potassium is responsible for...
1. Osmotic integrity of cells

2. Acid-base balance

3. Conduction of nerve impulses

4. Controls excitability of skeletal, cardiac & smooth muscle
----Action potentials in the muscles (cardiac contraction is the most important)
Causes of Hypokalemia
# 1 reason is inadequate intake because we do not store K+ very well.

Excess loss
--GI losses
--Renal losses

Transcellular losses
****Hypokalemia Clinical Manifestations****
* Muscle weakness + leg cramps

* Fatigue

* Anorexia and Nausea & Vomitting

* Decrease bowel sounds

* Cardiac arrythmias (severe hypokalemia)

* ECG: Prolonged PR Interval, flattened T, U wave, increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias
----- Effects conduction of the heart because the cardiac muscle is not able to repolarize.
Causes of Hyperkalemia
* Renal Insufficiency
----Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
----Autoimmune nephropathy
----Adrenal insufficiency
----ACEI/ARB’s (Ace Inhibitors & Angiotensin receptor blocking agents) - control BP (antihypertensive meds) and decrease aldosterone levels
----Potassium-sparing diuretics

* ICF to ECF movement
----Potassium/Hydrogen Ion (as potassium levels go up, hydrogen ions increase too [acidosis])

* Excessive administration

* RBC destruction - due to trauma or muscle damage. This increases potassium levels because it is released from the disrupted cells.
Hyperkalemia Clinical Manifestations
* Generalized muscle weakness

* Respiratory muscle weakness

* Paresthesis

* EKG Changes: Peaked T Waves, Prolongation of PR Interval with Widening QRS,

* V-fib & Cardiac arrest
* Normal Range: 8.5-10.5mg/dl (free active ionized calcium)

* Stored in bone, excreted by kidneys

1. Cation found in ICF
2. regulated by parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D (helps make calcium more absorbable) and calcitonin (opposes it and uptakes calcium into the bone)
3. Transmission of nerve impulses
4. Contraction of cardiac muscle
5. Formation of bones & teeth
6. Coagulation process

Calcium is found in largest quantity in body. 99% in bones (inactive form).
Mobilized by parathyroid gland. Remaining 1 % in blood either bound to protein (albumin) or in active, ionized form Ca++
Very important in coagulation process…should always check albumin/Calcium
How is Calcium affected by
1. Acidosis
2. Alkylosis
1. In acidosis - Ca++ is freed from albumin and therefore increased.

2. In alkalosis - Ca++ is decreased due to increased binding of Ca & albumin
Hypocalcemia Etiology
Poor absorption
---Vitamin D


***Hypocalcemia Clinical Presentation***
Tetany -
-----Hyperreflexia (overactive neurological reflexes)
-----Carpopedal spasm (spasms of the hands and feet),
-----Laryngospasm (spasm of the larynx, the voice box).

***Trousseau Sign - when a BP cuff is inflated, the patient's hand spasms (carpul spasms), hand muscles contract.

***Chvostek Sign - when you tap the facial nerve, there is a transient paralysis of the jaw (facial muscle).

Prolonged ST and QT

Laryngeal stridor – patient with an obstructed airway, when u auscultate you hear a high pitched sound from a narrowed airway.

Impaired Clotting

Hypotension arrest
Hypercalcemia Etiology
Increased bone release


Malignances - Malignant tumors release chemicals that cause CA release from bones


Increased GI Absorption
Hypercalcemia Clinical Presentation
Decreased LOC

EKG Changes (Calcium is a positive inotrope- increases strength of muscular contractions)

Shortened ST segments

Atrialventricular (AV) blocks

Renal Calculi

Bone Pain



Band keratopathy - calcium deposits on the eye.
We don't store it well

Normal Range:1.7-2.2mg/dl

* Second most abundant Intracellular cation

* Contracts the myocardium

* Influences transport of Na/K across cells

* Role in metabolism of carbs/proteins
Potassium and Magnesium relationship
Low potassium = Low magnesium

Should supplement both
Hypomagnesemia Etiology


Hypomagnesemia Clinical Presentation
Decreaded LOC

EKG changes

Flat or inverted T waves

Prolonged QT intervals



Similar to hypocalcemia
Hypermagnesemia Etiology
Renal Failure

Excessive intake
Hypermagnesemia Clinical Presentation
#1 Cause is renal failure

EKG changes

Peaked T waves


Decreased LOC

Decreased respirations

Hyporreflexia - depresses CNS

Basically slows everything down. Given to pregnant women for uterine contractions.
* Normal Range: 2.5-4.5mg/dl

* 85% found in bones & teeth

* Regulated by parathyroid

* Needed for ATP!

* Absorption takes place in GI, Jejunum

* Influences absorption of glucose and needed for metabolism of carbs, protein, and fat.

* Anion found highest in ICF
* Bone & teeth formation
* Nerve & muscle activity
* Acid Base
* Stores metabolic energy
Hyperphosphatemia Etiology
Renal Failure

Excess intake
-----Overadministration (IV, PO, Laxatives)


Hyperphosphatemia Clinical Presentation

S/S of hypocalcemia

Phosphate deposits in joints
Hypophosphatemia Etiology
Similar to hypomagnesemia...

Inadequate Intake

Malabsorption Syndrome


Renal Phosphate wasting - due to heavy metal poisoning
Dyspnea - shortness of breath (SOB)

Muscle Weakness


Decreased cardiac contractility