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38 Cards in this Set

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function of the _ Main job—filter waste products & remove excess fluid from the blood.
Metabolic waste such as nitrogenous and acidic
Hormones, drugs, and other foreign material from the body
Functions of _:
Regulate water, electrolytes and acid/base balance in the body
Secrete erythropoietin (RBC producer)
Activate vitamin D
Regulate BP through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
_= sphincter decreased muscular control, clonnis or flacid
Reabsorption of fluid and elctrolytes: _— from _ –controls reabsorption of H20 by altering permeability of distal convoluted tubule & collecting duct
posterior pituitary
Reabsorption of fluid and elctrolytes: _— from _—controls reabsorption of Na & H20 by exchanging Na ions for K or H ions in the distal convoluted tubule
adrenal cortex
Reabsorption of fluid and elctrolytes: _— from _—controls fluid balance by reducing Na & fluid reabsorption in the kidneys
Atrial naturietic hormone
_ rate: By constricting or dilating the arterioles, the amount of blood in the _ capillaries is adjusted & filtration is normally maintained regardless of fluctuations in BP.
_ example: if afferent arteriole is dilated, the efferent arteriole is constricted. This results in hydrostatic pressure increase &_increases.
3 factors to control GFR: 1. _
running from a bear or rest & digest. If running from a bear, vasoconstriction occurs in both arterioles
3 factors to control GFR: 2.
_ is released from juxtaglomerular cells in the kidney when blood flow in afferent is reduced->blood to the lungs stimulates _ release (acts as a vasoconstrictor).
3 factors to control GFR: 3.
Local reflex adjustments in _ of arterioles due to changes in blood flow.
So think of _as the ability of the kidneys to hold onto or release more fluid as necessary.
Pathology involving multiple systems is going to affect _
If Blood pressure is too low or too high, then _ is going to either be the cause or is going to react to the cause to regulate control of the body’s fluid levels.
_: 6 million Americans
Usually from E. Coli
Usually ascending in origin
Patients often perceive it as “back pain”
Women > men due to urethra shortness.
With a UTI Teach _ ( ) and _
Proper toileting, (wipe front to back)
Urinate after sex
_ s and s:
frequency, urgency, dysuria, nocturia, fever, chills, malaise
Ipsilateral shoulder pain is possible when kidneys are involved
_ Infectious process (acute) involving the kidneys or chronic inflammatory dz affecting kidney parenchyma & renal pelvis (chronic)
_ Pyelonephritis: bacteria ascending from bladder to kidneys
_ Pyelonephritis: tubulointestinal disorder due to changes in the kidneys. Can lead to renal insufficiency
_ s and s

Acute=abrupt. Fever, chills, malaise, HA, flank pain. CVA pain (Murphy’s sign)
Chronic—depends on cause.
_ Incidence—3-4% of all CA
Renal cell carcinoma is most common. Males>females
Etiology is linked to heredity.
Risk factors: smoking, obesity, HTN, asbestos exposure
renal CA
_ s and s

Classic triad—flank pain, hematuria, palpable abdominal mass
Hematuria—present in 50% of all cases
Renal CA
Incidence—5% of adults. Males>females.30-60 y/o for men, 20-30 for women.
Etiology—patients w/gout are more likely to develop uric acid derived stones. Dehydration leads to production.
Risk factors—obesity in women, excess intake of Ca, Na, sucrose, & animal protein. A lack of Ca & K.
_ s and s
Acute colicky flank pain radiating to groin or perineal areas w/hematuria. Unable to find a comfortable position. UTI symptoms are usually also present in over 90% of cases.
_ 3 most common causes are DM, HTN & glomerulonephritis
Kidney Dz or Renal Failure
_: ESRD is the final stage w/loss of the kidneys resulting in dialysis or kidney transplant
Kidney Dz or Renal Failure
Incidence—20 million
Risk factor to be aware of is increased analgesic use
Pathogenesis—destruction of the nephrons leads to decreased surface area available for filtration to occur. The kidneys are unable to regulate fluids, electrolytes, & pH balance or remove metabolic wastes from the blood.
Kidney Dz or Renal Failure
_ Numerous causes
Reduced GFR—oliguria (reduced pee) or anuria (no pee)
acute renal failure
_ s and s
Elevated BUN
Metabolic acidosis
acute renal failure
_ HTN or DM causes it
Chronic renal failure
_ s and s

Early—polyuria, anorexia, nausea, anemia, fatigue, exercise intolerance, HTN
End stage—oliguria, dry pruiritic, hyperpigmented & easily bruised skin
Peripheral neuropathy
Chronic renal failure
_ Occurs as a result of any dz that causes damage to the nephrons
Pathogenesis—damage to the glomerular cells allows larger molecules such as proteins to escape out of the circulation & into the urine.
Nephrotic syndrome
_ s and s
Proteinuria, hyperlipidemia; edema (principal symptom that brings patient to the physician)
Nephrotic syndrome
types of urinary incontinence:
_ (leaks with sneeze, cough, exertion)
_ (Gotta go, Gotta go)
_(weakness, and urgency)
_ (involuntary dribble or leaks)
_ risk factors

Advancing age
Chronic cough
Diabetes Mellitus
Neurologic disorders
Gender: female > male
Enlarged abdomen (ascites, tumor)
Urinary incontinence
_ modifiable risk factors

Chronic constipation
History of urinary tract infections (UTI)
Enlarged abdomen (pregnancy, obesity)
Caffeine, alcohol intake
Medications * diuretics* (nsaids, acetomenophin)
Urinary incontinence
If born with a missing kidney are more likely to have a missing _