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38 Cards in this Set

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autosomal dominant
- in heterozygous state
- family hx
- M and F equally affected
- 50% chance offspring affected
- penetrance - freq w/ which abnL gene produces ds
- expressivity - degree of abnL seen in diff indiv.
x-linked disorders
- almost all recessive
- transmitted by asymptomatic F hetero carriers
ds caused by mutations in structural proteins
1. Marfan syndrome
2. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Marfan syndrome
- autosomal dom
- qual. & quant. defects in fibrillin (collagen & elastin)
- affect skeleton, eyes, CV system
- eye changes - bilat. disloc. lens, retinal detachment
- CV - floppy valve, MV prolapse, AA, aortic disection
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - "human pretzel"
- autosomal dom
- defect of collagen synth
- hypermobile joints, hyperextensible, weak blood vessel walls
ds caused by mutation in receptor/transport proteins
-familial hypercholesterolemia
familial hyperchol
- 1 of MC autosomal dom ds
- 1 in 500
- LDL receptor on cell surface deficient
- accumulation of chol in plasma
- heterozygotes - chol deposits along tendon sheaths - CAD
- homozygous - xanthomas in childhood, MI by 15-20
hetero vs. homo FH
hetero - LDL receptors reduced, plasma chol inc
homo - LDL receptors absent, plasma chol greatly increased
cystic fibrosis (transmission)
autosomal recessive
- abnL in transport protein
ds by mutations in enzyme proteins
1. PKU
2. galactosemia
3. lysosomal storage ds
4. glycogen storage disorders
1. one of MC inborn errors of metabolism
2. def. absence of hepatic enzyme PAH - failure of conversion of dietary phenylalanine -> tyrosine
3. phenylalanine lvls nL @ birth, but high after 2nd wk
4. MR, musty odor
1. def in galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
2. accumulation of galactose and metabolies
3. inc blood galactose and galactosuria
4. liver - fatty --> fibrosis --> cirrhosis
Lysosomal storage ds
a. causes
b. types
a. accum of abnL amts of complex lipids, due to lack of fnxnl lysosomal enzymes
1. tay-sach ds
2. Gaucher ds
3. Niemann-Pick ds
tay-sach ds
1. defect - hexosaminidase
2. involves brain, retina
3. accum - ganglioside
4. motor, mental det. at 6moa
5. cherry red spot; death by 2-3 yoa
gaucher ds
1. defect - glucocerebrosidase
2. accum - cerebroside in RE cells
type 1 - brain not involved
type 2 - infants, CNS involv., mental det., death at young age
Niemann-Pick ds
1. defect - sphingomyelinase
2. involves - brain, liver, spleen, BM, lymph nodes
3. effect - accum of sphingomyelin
4. cherry red spot in retina
a. what is it
2. types
a. involvement of mult organs, a/w corase facial feat., clouding cornea, MR, narrowing coronary art.
1. Hurler syndrome
2. Hunter syndrome
Hurler syndrome
1. defect - -L-Induronidase
2. inheritance - auto recessive
3. accum - mucopolysacch - heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate
1. what
2. types
1. accumt of glycogen - cells pale and distended
a. von Gierke ds
b. McArdle syndrome
c. Pompe ds
von Gierke ds
1. defect - G6P
2. tissue - liver, kidney
3. accum - glycogen
4. mortality from liver/kidney failure
McArdle syndrome
1. defect - muscle phosphorylase
2. tissue - mm craps after exercise
Pompe ds
1. defect - glucosidase
2. tissue - heart, CM, cardiac failure by age 2
mild, severe, lethal
von Gierke, McArdle, Pompe
mild - McArdle
severe - von Gierke
lethal - Pompe
ds caused by mutations in proteins that regulate cell growth
neurofibromatosis type 1 & 2
neurofibromatosis 1
- auto dom
- MC - 90%
- multiple neurofibromas
- pigmented skin lesions - Cafe au lait spots
- pigmented iris hamartomas - Lisch nodules
- most serious complication - transformation of neurofibroma into malig tumor (neurofibrosarcoma)
Cafe au lait spots
pigmented skin lesions
Lisch nodules
pigmented iris hamartomas
neurofibromatosis 2 (acoustic NFM)
- rare
- bilateral acoustic neuromas
- peripheral neuromas w/ cafe au lait spots
ds w/. multifactorial (polygenic) inheritance
- genetic and environmental factors play imp role
- DM, HTN, gout, schizo
balanced t
usually not harmful
unbalanced t
small fragments lost (robertsonian t) results in abnL games and zygotes - abnL offspring
causes of chromosoal disorders
1. inc maternal age
2. ionizing rad - no safe low dose
3. drugs - anti cancer, thalidomide
down syndrome (trisomy 21)
- MC chromosomal disorder
- extra 21 chromosome (47XX + 21; 47XY + 21)
- 1/1550 live births in women <20 yoa
- 1/25 live births in women >45 yoa
- ventricular septal defect - resp for most death
- acute leukemia
- survivors - develop Alzheimer ds @ early age
Klinefelter syndrome
- male hypogonadism - most pts w/ 47, XXY
- 15% show mosaic patterns - 46XY/47XXY; 47XXY/48XXXY
- small testes, testicular atrophy, infertility, red facial & body hair, gynecomastia
turner syndrome
- female hypogonadism
- 55% absence of 1 X chromosome
- short stature, webbing of neck
- poor development of F 2ndary sex char - primarily amenorrhea
- rudimentary ovaries - fibrous streaks
Fragile X syndrome
- abnLity of X chromosome
- constriction localized to band
- transmitted as x-linked rec
- predom affects males
- MR, long face, large mandible, everted ears, enlarged testes
- multiple tendem triplet repeat mutation
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
- degen neuropathy
- b/L loss of vision
- mutation in mitochondrial genes (MG)
- carried only in ova
Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes
- ex of genomeic imprinting
- short stature, obesity, small hands & feet
- angelman - happy puppets