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108 Cards in this Set

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List some causes of mental illness.
Stress is considered a contributing factor causing exacerbation of mental disorders. Other factors are:

hereditary or congenital, accidental, traumatic, psycho-social, socioeconomic, or ones related to drug toxicity.

Chemical imbalances in the brain and its neurotransmitters also are postulated to be a causative factor.

The specific causes of mental illness remain unclear in many case

Explain hallucination.

(an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present)

Which accepted reference offers guidelines for criteria to be used in the clinical setting when diagnosing a mental disorder.
The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth - now fifth - edition

(DSM-IV - V)

Stress is considered a ___________ ______________ of mental disorders.
contributing factor,
Mental illness has been _____________ to the patient's ___________ to ___________ with stress imposed by _____________ society.
linked, inability, cope, modern
Psychological pain is _____________ and ____________ and can ________________ physical health.
real, intense, influence
Modern therapeutic approaches include control of symptoms with ___________________ ____________, including anti-psychotic drugs, ___________________, anxiolytics, CNS _________________, and anti-manic agents; hospitalization during ________________ episodes; psychotherapy; ______________________ therapy and group therapy.
psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, stimulants, acute, electroconvulsive
Play therapy is included in _________________ for some ________________.
counseling, children
Mental illness are categorized by _________. Each axis represents a ________________ part of the diagnosis.
axis, different
List the criteria for diagnosing mental retardation.
sub-average general intellectual functioning accompanied by significant limitations in adaptive functioning.

The diagnosis requires limitations in at least 2 of the following areas:

communication, home living, self-care, social or interpersonal skills, self-direction, and health and safety.

Onset must be before 18 years of age.

What is the cure for mental retardation?
There is no cure. When the deficit occurs, the brain cells die and cannot be restored.
When are most learning disorders in children first identified?
as the child begins the formal education process.
Identify a major factor that creates and maintains stuttering.
Describe learning disorders.
sometimes referred to as learning differences or learning disabilities, are conditions that cause children to learn in a manner that is not normal. Performance on standardized tests is lower than expected for age, schooling, and intelligence level.

The brain's ability to receive and process information is affected.

Mental retardation, or ______________ ______________ is not a disease but a wide range of conditions with many causes.
developmental disability,
Signs of mental retardation may be evident on well-baby ________________ or during ______________ _______________ checkups.
examinations, preschool routine
Mental retardation has ________________ ___________, many of which are unidentifiable.
numerous causes,
Learning disabilities occur when ____________ learn things _____________ in a manner that is ________ normal.
children, differently, not
The person with learning disorders exhibits ____________ in acquiring a _________ in a specific area of learning such as ____________, ______________, and __________________.
difficulty, skill, reading, writing, mathematics
List the five types of pervasive development disorders as identified in autistic spectrum.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS),

Rett's Syndrome,

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder,

Asperger's Syndrome

What four symptoms are nearly always present when a child has autism?
Social Isolation,

Cognitive (based on knowledge impairment), Language Deficits (shortages or missing), Repetitive Naturalistic Motions

List the three sub-types identified in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
ADHD combined type,

ADHD predominately inattentive type,

predominately hyperactivity-impulsive type.

Describe oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
a behavior disorder in which children demonstrate behaviors that are oppositional toward adults.
Which of the following medications are used in the treatment of ADHD?

-Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

-Amphetamine salts (Adderall)

-Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)

-All of the above

All of the above
Which of the following ADHD medications is NOT a DSA schedule II substance?

-Atomoxetine (Strattera)

-Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

-Amphetamine salts (Adderall)

-Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)

Atomoxetine (Strattera)
Name the medication used to treat Tourette's syndrome.
Haldol, clonidine or clonazepam, and Prozac
List examples of simple motor tics.
Eye blinking,

facial grimacing,


neck jerking

Explain the physical manifestations of tic disorders.

Can the person with this type of disorder control the tics?

Tic disorders appear as sudden, rapid, recurrent motor movement or vocalization that is nonrhythmic. The tics are irresistible, but they may be suppressed for varying lengths of time and diminish during sleep.

They cannot control the onset, no. They may be suppressed for varying lengths of time.

Identify the progressive degenerative disease of the brain in which there is a typical profile in the loss of mental and physical functioning. (It is the most frequent cause of deterioration of intellectual capacity or dementia.)
Alzheimer's Disease
Dementia involves deterioration of which three functions?
Perceiving, thinking, and remembering.
List causes of dementia.
The irreversible brain damage may be the result of compromised blood flow to the brain resulting from atherosclerosis, thrombi, or trauma. In addition, toxins, metabolic conditions, organic disorders, infections, tumors, or Alzheimer's disease may be responsible for the deterioration.
Which of the following medications is not a common therapy for Alzheimer's?

-Donepezil (Aricept)

-Paroxetine (Paxil)

-Risperidone (Risperdal)

-Vitamin K (Mephyton)

Vitamin K (Mephyton)
What is involved in the treatment of vascular dementia?
Treatment aims to increase the blood supply to the brain.

Low-dose aspirin, Plavix, Effient, and Pletal all are used for their antiplatelet effect in preventing stroke or its recurrence, especially with patients who are hypertensive or have had a myocardial infarction.

Drug therapy may help increase the blood flow.

When the carotid arteries are compromised, surgical intervention in the form of carotid endarterectomy may limit the progress of the condition.

Brain cell death is irreversible.

As the condition progresses, the patient may need to be institutionalized to ensure his or her safety and care.

What is the prognosis for the individual suffering from dementia caused by head trauma?
Similar to the prognosis for vascular dementia, improvement is guarded and depends on the extent of the cerebral insult.

Many of these patients are trainable with rehabilitation and can function in the community.

When the damage is severe, the patient may need to be institutionalized for care and safety.

List the four major groups of drugs that are often abused.




At what blood alcohol level would a person exhibit the following effects: impairment in coordination, judgment, memory, and comprehension? (Hint: in some states the person would be considered legally drunk)Your
Of the following drugs of abuse, which would be considered a stimulant?





Schizophrenia is thought to be ____________; therefore there is no known ____________.
genetic, prevention
Many different medications have been used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Which of the following drugs could be used?

-Olanzapine (Zyprexa)

-Haloperidol (Haldol)

-Ziprasidone (Geodon)

-All of the above

All of the above
Identify the disorder that is characterized by intense mood swings from manic to depressive.
Bipolar Disorder
Identify the drug of choice used during the acute manic phase of bipolar disease.
Lithium carbonate
Describe bipolar disorder.
a major affective disorder with abnormally intense mood swings from a hyperactive, or manic, state to a depressive syndrome.
Describe major depressive disorder.
a mood disorder characterized by one or more major depressive episodes.

Persons have no history of a manic or hypo-manic episode.

List the phases of the grief process as identified by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
1. Denial

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Suicide intervention is an attempt by ________, mental health, and community services to assist the depressed individual through the __________ situation.
medical, hopeless
Depression is frequently treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Which of the following is in this class?

-Fluoxetine (Prozac)

-Amitripyline (Elavil)

-Nortriptyline (Pamelor)

-None of the above

Fluoxetine (Prozac)
A person with a narcissistic personality would demonstrate what type of behavior?
The narcissistic personality demonstrates pathologic self-love or grandiose self-admiration. When criticized, the person reacts with rage or humiliation, based on an exaggerated sense of self-importance. These individuals lack empathy and tend to exploit others. They exhibit a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success.
Personality disorders typically begin in ____________.
Avoidance personality disorder avoids any __________ situation because of ________ of criticism, disapproval, or rejection.
social, fear
Individuals with schizoid personality disorder appear to lack or show emotion of _______________ or __________.
pleasure, pain
Chronic anxiety that is inappropriate can develop into what type of disorder?
depression, alcoholism anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders include four specific anxiety disorders. List these disorders.
generalizedanxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder
Identify the phobia associated with a fear of blood.
Name the phobia associated with a fear of disease.
Name the anxiety disorder that is caused from an overwhelmingly painful external event.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Identify the disorder in which the anxiety that a patient experiences is converted to a physical or somatic symptom as a defense mechanism.
Conversion Disorder
Name the associative sub-types of pain disorders
these associated with both psychological factors and general medical conditions, and those associated with only general medical conditions
Identify the type of preoccupation that a patient suffering from hypochondriasis experiences.
fear of having a serious disease
A patient who is fully aware that he or she is not sick or ill but seeks medical attention anyway would be having symptoms of which condition?
Munchhausen's syndrome
Identify the test that is used to assess sleep disorders.
Polysomnography, which measures rapid eye movement (REM) and the four non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep stages
To be diagnosed with insomnia, how long must sleeplessness endure?
1 month longer than 1 month
Identify the group of sleep disorders that include sleepwalking, night terrors, and nightmares.
Which of the following medications could be used for the treatment of insomnia? Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Pregabalin (Lyrica)

Zolpidem Correct!

Both B and C

Both B and C
Anxiety is a major factor that creates and maintains:
Autistic disorder Mood disorder Correct! Stuttering All of the above
Autistic disorder involves symptoms of: *Progressive deterioration of mental capacities *Extreme withdrawal and lack of social interaction

*Anxiety resulting from an external event of an overwhelming painful nature.

*none of the above

Extreme withdrawal and lack of social interaction
Haldol is the drug of choice used to treat:

*Alzheimer's disease

*Münchausen's syndrome

*Tourette's disorder

*none of the above

Tourette's disorder
Pancreatitis, cirrhosis, and peripheral neuropathy may be the result of the:

-Prolonged, heavy use of alcohol

-Occasional social drinking

-Excessive use of alcohol

-none of the above

Prolonged, heavy use of alcohol
Bipolar disorder causes symptoms of:

-Intense mood swings from manic to depressive

-Motor tics coupled with vocal tics

-Loss of concentration, fatigue, and appetite changes

-All of the above

Intense mood swings from manic to depressive
The grief process has five phases. They are, in order:

-Anger, depression, denial, bargaining, and acceptance

-Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance

-Depression, anger, denial, acceptance, and bargaining

-none of the above

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
Electroconvulsive therapy, psychotherapy, and antidepressant drug therapy may be used to treat:


-Major depressive disorders

-somatoform disorders

-none of the above

Major depressive disorders
Tourette's disorder is characterized by:

-Intense mood swings from manic to depressive -Decrease in social interaction

-Vocal and motor tics

-none of the above

Vocal and motor tics
Suicidal thoughts and actions may be brought on by:

-somatoform disorders


-major depression

-none of the above

major depression
Anxiety, amnesia, and impotence have been associated with:

-Tourette's syndrome

-Excessive use of alcohol

-Personality disorders


Excessive use of alcohol
Panic, phobic, and obsessive-compulsive disorders are all included in the group of:

-somatoform disorders

-anxiety disorders

-Personality disorders

-none of the above

anxiety disorders
Genetic disorders, infection, trauma, poisoning, early alterations in embryonic developmental general medical conditions, prematurity, or hypoxia are all identifiable causes of:


-Mental retardation

-anxiety disorders

-none of the above

Mental retardation
Identifiable causes of mental retardation include:

genetic disorders, infection, trauma, or poisoning.

early alterations in embryonic development and general medical conditions.

prematurity or hypoxia.

all of the above.

all of the above.
Criteria for the diagnosis of mental retardation include limitation in at least two of the following. -Communication, health, safety, and self care -Social or interpersonal skills, self-direction, and home living

-Adaptive functioning

-All of the above

All of the above
A major factor that creates and maintains stuttering is:



-vitamin deficiency.

-none of the above.

A child who experiences extreme withdrawal and obsessive behavior along with lack of social interaction suffers from:

attention-deficit disorder.

Tourette's disorder.


a learning disorder.

Pervasive development disorders includes autistic disorder, Rett's syndrome, and Asperger's syndrome. True False
ADD and ADHD are different disorders. True False


ODD is the most common referral complaint. True False


A tic disorder that includes multiple motor ties coupled with vocal ties is:

attention-deficit hyperactivity


Tourette's disorder.


a learning disorder.

Tourette's disorder
Treatment of Tourette's disorder may include which of the following medications?



Dexedrine and Ritalin

All of the above

______________ involves a progressive, general deterioration of the mental capacities of perceiving, thinking, and remembering. Somatoform disorder

Mood disorder

Sleep disorder


A progressive, degenerative disease of the brain most common in individuals over the age of 60 with symptoms that include loss of short-term memory, inability to concentrate, and changes in social skills and personality is called:

Alzheimer's disease.

conversion disorder.

bipolar disorder.


Alzheimer's disease
Children with Asperger's Syndrome tend to be of below average intelligence. True False
Excessive use of alcohol is frequently associated with:




all of the above.

all of the above
Prolonged, heavy use of alcohol may result in: pancreatitis.


peripheral neuropathy.

all of the above.

all of the above
Caffeine is considered as a drug of abuse. True False
The psychosis that is characterized by distortions of perception, emotions, and thoughts, and that often includes bizarre behavior, is:

bipolar disorder.

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

factitious disorder.


A major affective disorder with abnormally intense mood swings from manic state to depressive syndrome is:

Alzheimer's disease.

Tourette's disorder.

Bipolar disorder.

Munchhausen's syndrome.

Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a major affective disorder. True False
The individual experiencing sleep disturbances, fatigue, loss of concentration, appetite changes, despair, and hopelessness suffers from:

bipolar disorder.

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

major depressive disorder.

gender-identity disorder.

major depressive disorder
A distortion of perception is:

Alzheimer's disease.

bipolar disorder.

an hallucination.


an hallucination
Treatment of major depressive disorder includes:

electroconvulsive therapy.


antidepressant drug therapy.

all of the above.

all of the above
Major depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and actions that must be taken seriously for effective intervention. True False
Which of the following is NOT a sub-type of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Inattentive type

Attentive type

Hyperactive-impulsive type

Combined type

Attentive type
__________________ may limit the progression of vascular dementia.


Hormone therapy

Vitamin B12 injections

Carotid endarterectomy

Carotid endarterectomy
A traumatic insult causing reduced blood flow to the _________ may result in dementia.




medulla oblongata

The phases of the grief process in order are: -Depression, bargaining, anger, denial -Bargaining, anger depression, denial, acceptance

-Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

-Not identifiable

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
__________schizophrenia features either excitement or stupor with mutism, negativism, rigidity, and posturing.





The cause of seasonal affective disorder has been proposed to be an increase in the amount of the hormone:





Potential side effects of neuroleptic agents used to treat schizophrenia are known as: -etrapyramidal side effects.

-adverse effects.

-intrapyramidal side effects.

-post-traumatic stress disorder.

etrapyramidal side effects
In DSM-IV, Axis III diagnoses are:

-mood and thought disorders.

-stressors that contribute to the psychological condition.

-medical conditions.

-mental retardation and personality disorders.

medical conditions
With an alcohol level of ______, you are probably dead.





______________schizophrenia features a blatantly incoherent patient with delusions that are not systematized into a theme.





The acute manic phase of bipolar disease is treated by which of the following drugs? -




