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24 Cards in this Set

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Grade 1 and 2 quad contusion

Mild-moderate pain.

Mild swelling

Can perform greater than 90° flexion

Grade 3 quad Contusion

45-90° flexion

Limb (put on crutches)

Grade 4 quad contusions

Less than 45° flexion,

Palpable mass

Shluld be on crutches (NWB)

Pain, brushing, and swelling increase with each grade!

Management of quad contusion

POLICE (wrap knee in max flexion!)

Gentle stretch, ROM, (after 24hr ish)

Physicaian if myositis ossification

MOI of hamstring sprains (most common sprain)

1. High speed running (sprints)

2. Stretch related (kicking, sprints)

MOI quad contusion

Mid belly

Explosive contraction or overstretch

Where are the mild/severe groin strains?

Mild: distal MT jnt

Severe: proximal

(Typically adductor Longus)

Prevention of head and facial injuires

1. Helmets & cages/visors)

2. Mouthguards

3. Follow rules and use proper techniques

4. educate athlete (danger of successive concussions, rules & technique)

Facial contusion

Orbital hematoma (Black eye)

Ice and monitor

Rule out fracture And concussion

Scalp laceration

Refer if larger than half inch or eight of an inch deep.

What to do for lacerations?



Direct pressure

tx Shock

Skull fracture

MOI: direct blow or indirect (countra cue)

S&S: altered LOC, raccoon eye, CSF from nose or ears, battle signs, loss of sent or sight, deformaity, unequal pupils, paraysis, N/T, irregular breathing, seizures or convulsion

Hematoma of brain

1. Intercerebral

2. Epi dural

3. Sub dural


Intracerebral Hematoma

Large mass of Blood in brain tissue

Effects a person function (heart, respiratory, nerves, ect.)

Epidural hematoma

Between dural and bones

Due to torn middle menengeal arery (forms a mass of blood and builds pressure which affects brain functions)

S&S appear quickly (fall unconcious) lots of pain

Increase in BP decrease in Breath and HR

Subdural Hematoma

Occurs bt dura matter and pia matter in subarachnoid space

Sinus were venous blood pools get disrupted (aka torn)

- due to sudden deceleration or acceleration (e.g. whiplash

- often get delayed by hours or days

Surgery for hematomas

1. Epidural: decompression

2. Subdural: drainage via shunts

3. Intra-cranial: compression, repairs and drain

S&S of facal fractures and MOI

Pain, swelling


Mandibule: pain with bit, gums bleeding, etc.

Direct blow

Most common facial fractures

1. Nasal bone

2. Mandibule

3.. orbit (zygomatic)

4. Maximal

Barton bandage

Use to support factured jaw

Lefort facial fractures

Entire section disconnects

Lefort 1


Maxillary fracture (sperate teeth from face)

Lefort 2

Pyramidal fracture

Teeth = base

Nasofrontal = top

Differences between eye fracture and balck eye

1. Double vision

2. Movement restricted

3. Numbness

4. Eye sits LOWER