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9 Cards in this Set

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What is a noun?
A word that is a person, place or thing ("proper nouns" are capitalized and specific nouns, like a person's name).
What is an interjection?
a special word that shows emotion -- often at the beginning of a sentence and set off by a comma or exclamation point. (exs. oh, my, gosh, drats...)
What is a pronoun?
a word that takes the place of a noun (exs. you, me, I, he, she, it, they, we, them...). Possessive pronouns are pronouns that show "ownership" (exs. his, hers, ours, mine...).
What do the initials IVAN CAPP represent?
Interjection, Verb, Adjective, Noun, Conjunction, Adverb, Pronoun and Preposition!
What is a preposition?
A word that shows the relationship of word in a sentence to another word in the same sentence. (they also show where/location; where/direction; when/time; the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the same sentence). (Exs. of, to for, between, at, in, etc.).
What is an adjective?
A word that that tells us more about a noun -- a descriptive word. (exs. pretty, big, red...)
What is a verb?
a word that shows action or being. (exs. run, am, go, sleep...)
What is an adverb?
A word that tells us more about a verb, adjective or another adverb. They also tell us "how, where and when". (Exs. very, slowly, quietly...)
What is a conjunction?
A word that is used to join together other words or phrases (exs. either, or, and, but...).