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20 Cards in this Set

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converging lens

- used for hyperopia (far sightedness; lens is too short)

- thick part of glass is in middle

diverging lens

- used for myopia (nearsightedness; lens is too long)

- thick part of glass is on edges


1. otic

2. pterygopalatine

3. ciliary

4. submandibular ganglion

2. pterygopalatine: CN VII: greater petrosal; parasympathetic for lacrimal (from geniculate ganglion)

3. ciliary: CN III; parasympathetic for sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscle

4. submandibular ganglion: CN VII: chorda tympani; parasympathetic for lingual and sublingual


- inability to recognize faces

- p pathway (ventral pathway)

- right side

frontal eye field

- ipsilateral eye deviation (deviates toward lesion)

- contralateral gaze paralysis

- similar to abducens NUCLEUS lesion

- located in frontal lobe

middle ear cavity

where does the following course thru?

1. chorda tympani

2. facial nerve

3. mastoid air cells

1. chorda tympani = tympanic membrane (taste)

2. facial nerve = lateral wall; motor for facial

3. mastoid air cells = beyond posterior wall

infratemporal fossa key features

1. maxillary artery

2. V3 and muscles of mastication

3. TMJ

- zygomatic arch removed; temporalis and masseter reflected

- superficial part = pterygoids, lingual, inf alveolar

- deep part = branches of maxillary artery, auiculotemporal, etc

pterygopalatine fossa

- under nasal cavity

- nerves: foramen rotundum (v2), nerve of pterygoid canal (CN VII)

- pterygomaxillary fissure (maxillary nerve and artery to infratemporal region, post. sup. alveolar nerve) & inferior orbital fissure (infraorbital nerve and artery)

- sphenopalatine foramen


- bottom part;

- nodulus and floculus

- medial descending system; posture and balance


- most lateral part; hemisphere

- contralateral pontocerebellar fibers

- lateral descending system; fine movements

- lesion: asynergia; dysmetria; intention tremor


- medial part; vermis, paravermis

- ipsilateral spinocerebellar fibers

- vermis: medial descending system; posture and balance

- lesion: ataxia; position dependent nystagmus, unsteadiness

- paravermis: lateral descending system; fine movments

- lesion: lesion: asynergia; dysmetria; intention tremor


- inability to smell;

- CN I or frontal lobe lesion

Thalamus motor nuclei and associated components with lesions

1. ventral anterior (basal ganglia to SMA)

- lesion = dyskinesia (contralateral)

2. ventral lateral (cerebellum to LPA, motor cortex)

Thalamus limbic nuclei and associated components with lesions

1. anterior (mammillary body to anterior cingulate)

- mammillary body lesion = Karsakoff's (alcohol)

2. dorsal medial (amygdala/olf. to PFC)

Thalamus sensory nuclei and associated components with lesions

1. ventral posterior (medial lemniscus, STT, CTT to somatosensory cortex)

2. MGB (inferior colliculus to primary auditory)

3. LGB (superior colliculus to primary visual)

- lesion = contralateral homonomyous hemianopsia

right vs left cerebral dominance

left: calculations, language

right: face recognition, emotion, spatial, song

frontal lobe lesions

- contralateral paralysis

- broca's aphasia

- lateral gaze paralysis (FEF)

- anosmia (can't smell)

- impulsivity/disinhibition

- executive functions

parietal lobe lesions

- contralateral anethesia (can't feel)

- apraxia (speech)

- tactile agnosia (dominant side)

- contralateral neglect (non-dominant side)

- visuo-spatial deficits

temporal lobe lesions

- anterograde amnesia (hippocampus)

- kluver-bucy syndrome (amygdala)

- wernicke's aphasia (dominant side)

- prosopagnosia (right ventral); (facial recognition)

- pie-in-the sky (meyernt's loop)

occipital lobe lesions

- visual field deficits