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60 Cards in this Set

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Trypanosoma (lewisi and cruzi)

-both are in the amastigote form when they are in tissues

-T. lewisi

-is a parasite of rats

-in old world

-T. cruzi

-in new world

-causes Chagas disease

-transmitted via the kissing bug (probably what killed Darwin)

-common in Brazil/South America

-never found dividing in the blood of its mammalian host

-can become established in heart cells, striated muscle, CNS, glands


-Anterior end is the end with flagella

-Kinetoplast includes blepharoplast and parabasal body

-Usually T. lewisi

-Large undulating membrane


-Parabasal body lies directly at anterior end of nucleus

-Small undulating membrane

-Usually T. cruzi.


-No undulating membrane

-Parabasal body lies at anterior end of the nucleus but closer to flagellum

-Usually L. donovani


-No flagella

-No undulating membrane

-Usually L. tropica

Leishmania tropica


-Common in India

Leishmania donovani


-Common in India

Giardia lamblia (troph)

-2 nuclei

-2 or more rod shaped, darkly staining median parabasal bodies

-2 axostyles

-4 flagella

Giardia lamblia (troph)

-Blunt anterior end

-Tapering posterior end

-Convex dorsal surface

-Flat ventral surface

-free living form

-can live in tap water; hand to mouth transmission

Giardia lamblia (cyst)

-Broadly oval

-Cytoplasm contains axonemes plus median bodies

-Large, fairly central endosome

-4 nucleated

-turns into this form in adverse conditions; found in stools

Giardia lamblia (cyst)

-Turns into this form in adverse conditions

-Found in stools

-Can live in tap water

-Hand to mouth transmission (drinking or eating)

Trichomonas vaginalis

-Transmitted via sex

Trichomonas vaginalis

Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite

-Infects lower portion of small intestine and entire colon

-Monopodial (produces one large psuedopodium)

-Nucleus contains central karysome (more central than E. coli troph)

-Periphery of nuclear membrane consists of chromatin

-pathogenic *causes lesions in stomach

-through contact with feces

Entamoeba histolytica cyst

-Young cysts have large glycogen masses (vacuoles)

-Contain chromatin bodies with blunt ends

-usually has 4 nuclei

-edges more smooth

Entamoeba coli trophozoites

-Does not ingest or invade host tissue

-Nucleus has a large irregular karysome eccentrically placed

-Has food vacoules

-normal in the colon, not pathogenic

Entamoeba coli cysts

-Have 8 nuclei

-Commensalistic (not pathogenic)

-jagged chromatin body

-P. vivax

-cell at the top; only one trophozoite in the cell

-associated with Schuffners dots

-larger trophozoite

-P. malariae

-the cell in the lower right corner

-P. falciparum

-multiple trophozoites in the cell

-smaller trophozoites

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Balontidium cyst

Balantidium troph

-ciliated (cilia not visible with our microscopes)

-oval in shape

-prominent macronucleus

-Parasite of erythrocytes

-transmitted via ticks

-mosquitoes inject sporozites into human --->those enter the exo-erythocytic life cycle and infect liver cells which rupture & release schizont--->those enter the bloodstream and enter the erythrocytic life cycle and infect RBCs--->once inside RBC they are now called a trophozite--->those can form more schizont which can go on to infect more RBCs--->or those can become merozoites which grow into gametocytes--->mosquito ingests gametocytes--->those enter the sporogonic cycle--->sporozyte forms within mosquito--->cycle repeats

-if enough RBCs die you can become anemic

Ixodes Dammini

-"hard ticks"

-deer tick

-belongs to the family Ixodidae

-Texas fever tick

-is a vector of the piroplasm causing Texas fever of cattle

-one host specific

-belongs to the family Ixodidae

-rat flea

-vector for bubonic plague and murine typhus

-spermatheca of female used to distinguish the species-brush-like structure of metathorax

-infection via handling diseased rats

-belongs to the Family Pulicidae

-"soft tick"

-belongs to the Family Argasidae


-vectors of rickettsiae

-the kissing bug

-causes Chagus disease

-vector of trypanosoma

-the human flea

-closely resembles the plague flea

Ixodes ricinus

-castor bean tick

About ticks in general

-can causes babesia

-can cause lyme disease

ctenocephalides felis

-cat flea


-know the anatomy on other flashcard

-belongs to the Family Pulicidae

-human itch mite

-some can infect dogs or swine

-skin and texture resemble human fingerprint

-smaller than ticks

-rat flea

-vector for bubonic plague and murine typhus

-spermatheca of female used to distinguish the species

-brush-like structure of metathorax-infection via handling diseased rats

-belongs to the Family Pulicidae

-the human follicle mite

-slender worm like body, short stubby legs (each with a pair of claws)

-lives in the hair, skin pres of face, sometimes the scalp

-feed on secretions of skin glands

-Eastern dog or wood tick

-common seen in most of the US

-refer to the anatomy on other flashcard

-mosquito larva stage

-mosquito adult

-crabs or pubic lice

-has lateral processes on abdomen

-pincer like tarsal claw and tibial thumb

-looks like a crab

-belongs to the family Pediculidae

pediculis humanis

Arthropods General Characteristics

-have solid brains

-success of this phylum due to exoskeleton

-have ocelli which detect light and dark

-have a compound eye that creates images

ctenocephalides felis, female anatomy

dermacentor variabilis ventral view


- belong to the Class Insecta

- belongs to the Order Siphonapterida

Sucking Lice

-belongs to the Class Insecta

-belongs to the Order Anoplurida

Ticks and Mites

-Class Arachnidea

-Subclass Acaria

-Order: Parasitidia

-Suborder: Mesostigmatina

In April 1993 a sickness affected Milwaukee. Numbers grew up to hundreds of thousands people infected. Pattern of illness mirrored water distribution in Milwaukee. Water system was infected by Crypto spiridium. Symptoms including nausea, cramping, and severe diarrhea (20episodes a day). Largest parasitic outbreak ever recorded in the US. 200 people died from complications related to the parasitic infection(people with compromised immune systems, HIV people, very old and very young).

3 categories of parasites

1. Simple celled (protozoans)

2. Multicellular organisms-worms (roundworms,flatworms, tapeworms)

3. Ectoparasites

3 ways to catch

1. Eat them or drink infected water

2. Sexual intercourse

3. Via arthropod vectors

Lymphatic filiriasis/ elephantiasis- vector bourneparasitic disease caused by a roundworm nematode. Swelling due to the accumulation of lymph fluidby blockage of lymphatic channels by adult worms. Hard to diagnosis because lack of early symptoms

Anasacus- caused by a fish parasite transmittedto hosts by eating sushi (uncooked fish). Causes local invasion of GI tract of host. If fish sits around for too long and warms upthe parasites crawl out of the fish GI tract so then later when its used tomake sushi the parasite can affect us.

Tapeworm- acquired by eating uncooked flesh(beef tapeworm, fish tape worm, pork tape worm. Port tape worm can cause neurocysticytosis(leading cause of epilepsy in children in southwest). Larval stage is ingested and takes up residencyforming cysts in various locations in body.

Giardia lamblia- from drinking contaminatedwater; the cysts can survive chlorination. Adheres to walls of lower intestines

Guinea worm

Transmitted by ingesting crustacosines (cyclops)that live in water. Lives in subcutaneous tissues ànd forms blister ànd a headpokes out.

Schistosomeo Endemic and uses a snail as an intermediate hostbefore moving on to human. Burrow into skin of human and into thebloodstream

Onchoceirisis (river blindness)

Roundworm transmitted via vector the blackfly. Breeds in fast flowing streams and form fibrous nodule under the skin and thenspread microfilaria which migrate through subcutaneous tissue. Eventually they gain access to the eye and causeblindness·

Plasmodium falciparum (malaria)

Lady was infected and slipped into a coma.

Every 30sec malaria kills a children;. DDT used as insecticide to kill the mosquitos. Parasites binding to blood vessels in braincausing blood flow to the brain blocked which means no oxygen to the brain. quinine and arteminsisin based derivatives usedagainst malaria /animal reservoirs make parasite eradicationimpossible. Water filtering has made onchocrsis and spridiumgo down











