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13 Cards in this Set

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Taget fra abomasum/løben. 

ØV: hunorm
ØH: Voksne orme
NV: han 
NH: hun

Taget fra abomasum/løben.

ØV: hunorm

ØH: Voksne orme

NV: han

NH: hun

Haemonchus contortus: Stor løbeorm

ØV: Hvide ovarier, som indeholder strongylide æg. Tutus spiralsnoet rundt om den blodfylte tarm.

NV: kortere og tyndere end hun. Udviklet bursa, med assymetrisk dorsal lobe. Slanke spikler med modhager distalt.

NH: hun med vulva åbning dækket af vulva-lap.

Fundet i løben ved kvæg.

ØV: han 
ØH: hun 
Nederst: voksne orm

Fundet i løben ved kvæg.

ØV: han

ØH: hun

Nederst: voksne orm

Ostertagia ostertagi - Kvægets brune løbeorm

ØV: tynd orm. 1 cm. bursa men de er ikke særligt udviklede. Spikler - kraftige med fligede forgreninger distalt.

ØH: tynd brun orm. Veludviklet vulvalap. Uturus med mange strongylide æg. Tilspidsep bagende.

Nederst: sytrådstynde, brune, 1-1,5 cm. hun større end han.

Fundet i tyndtarmen. 

V: voksne orme fra kvæg
Midt: han fra får.
H: cephalisk vsikel - svær at se

Fundet i tyndtarmen.

V: voksne orme fra kvæg

Midt: han fra får.

H: cephalisk vsikel - svær at se

Cooperia spp.Typiske tyndtarmsstrongylider

C. oncophora i kvæg.

C. curticei : får og geder.

V: Distinctive coiled shape.

Midt: (C. curticei, mounted specimen) from sheep. Spicules visible, but gubernaculum is absent

Fra tyndtarmen af får

V: han
H: Hun

Fra tyndtarmen af får

V: han

H: Hun

Nematodirus spp. - Atypiske tyndtarmsstrongylider

V: Long and slender spicules with posteriorly fused tips. (spydspids lignende caudal fusion)

H: Uterus containing numerous large eggs which are two to three times bigger than typical strongyle eggs.

Fra tyndtarmen af drøvtyggere

v: voksne orm
H: voksen orm close-up

Fra tyndtarmen af drøvtyggere

v: voksne orm

H: voksen orm close-up

Bunostomum spp. Kvægets hageorm

v: Adult hookworms preserved in alcohol (1.5-2 cm long). Relatively stout worms. Anterior end rounded and curved (’hook’). Male with posterior bursa. Female with a pointed posterior end.

H: Forende med stor buccalkapsel, Kitintæner i bunden af buccalkapslen.

ØV: lang orm
ØH: mikroskopisk på denne orm
NV: mikroskopisk 
NH: forenden af orm, mirkoskopisk

ØV: lang orm

ØH: mikroskopisk på denne orm

NV: mikroskopisk

NH: forenden af orm, mirkoskopisk

Moniezia spp.Drøvtyggerbændelorm

ØV: Moniezia spp. (length: several metres). The scolex has four large suckers. Immature proglottids (segments) are narrow. Mature and egg-containing segments are more broad than they are long containing two bilateral positioned sets of genital organs. Interproglottidal glands are visible at the posterior border of each segment.

ØH: segmenter af M.benedeni.

NV: M. expansa. Mature segments with two lateral genital openings.

NH; M. expansa. Scolex with four suckers.Immature led smalle. Kønsmodne led har 2 laterale kønsåbninger. Ægfyldte led er korte og brede.

M. expansa hosts: Sheep, goats, cattle.

M. benedeni hosts: Cattle.

Intermediate hosts: Oribatid mites, living on dung and herbage.

Fra tynd og tyktarm ved drøvtyggere. 

V: Usporoleret oocyst i fæces

H: Sporulated oocysts

Fra tynd og tyktarm ved drøvtyggere.

V: Usporoleret oocyst i fæces

H: Sporulated oocysts

Eimeria spp.Tarmcoccidier

V: (length: ca 15-30 µm). Shape: spherical, ovoid or ellipsoidal depending on species. The cyst wall is usually clear and transparent and always composed of two distinct layers (double outline) with a micropyle which in some species is covered by a cap (polar cap --> polka ved nogen arter)

H: Will hold four sporocysts containing two sporozoites each (Eimeria spp.) or two sporocysts containing four sporozoites each (Isopspora spp.).

Hosts: : Cattle, sheep, goats, horses.

Location: Small intestine, colon.

Fundet i blind og tyktarm ved drøvtyggere

V: Voksne orm

H: Tarmvæg fra kbæg

Fundet i blind og tyktarm ved drøvtyggere

V: Voksne orm

H: Tarmvæg fra kbæg

Oesophagostomum spp.Fårets og kvægets knudeorm

V: Adult Oe. venulosum (in alcohol). From the large intestine of a sheep. Leaf crown(bladkrone) in the buccal capsule. Cephalic vesicles visible, cervical alae less conspicuous.

H: Intestinal wall from cattle with Oe. radiatum nodules (alcohol preservation). The nodules are visible when observed from the mucosal side.

O. radiatum hosts: Cattle.

O. venulosum hosts: Sheep, goat.

Location: Colon

Fundet i colon ved får. 

V: voksne orm

H: hanorm

Fundet i colon ved får.

V: voksne orm

H: hanorm

Trichuris ovisPiskeorm

V: Adult worm (length: 8-10 cm). Thin anterior end and stout posterior end (”whip” look).

Males with spirally coiled posterior ends.

Females with blunt posterior ends.

H: Adult male.

Close-up of spirally coiled posterior end.

One spicule only, protruding from a sheath.

filamentøs forende.

Hosts: Sheep, goats.

Location: Colon

Bronchierne fra kvæg.

Bronchierne fra kvæg.

Dictyocaulus viviparusKvægets lungeorm

Adult bovine lungworms in alcohol (length: 5-10 cm). Whitish. In a stereo microscope the small bursa of the male can be seen. Female worms are larger than males and their uteri contain numerous embryonated eggs which may be observed at the bottom of the flask. NB: Ovine lungworms (Dictyocaulus filaria) are host specific for sheep, but their morphological features are very much like D. viviparus !

Hosts: Cattle

Location: Lung.

Fundet i galdegangene af især drøvtggere: 

ØV + ØH: Voksen "fladorm"

NV: Metacercariae

NH: snegl

Fundet i galdegangene af især drøvtggere:

ØV + ØH: Voksen "fladorm"

NV: Metacercariae

NH: snegl

Fasciola hepatica - Stor leverikte

ØH: Adult in formalin. Flat hermaphroditic worms (length: 3-4 cm). The anterior end is a cone provided with an oral sucker (mouth + pharynx) and a ventral sucker next to the common genital opening. The testes are light and placed centrally. The vitelline glands form two dark peripheral fringes.

ØH: Adult, mounted specimen. All organs are branched. Intestinal caeca most easily visible anteriorly. The uterus is coiling, the cirrus and the ovary are seen immediately posterior to the ventral sucker. The two testes and the vitelline glands connect to the oötype via the spermatic and vitelline ducts, respectively.

NV: Metacercariae of F. hepatica. White, flat cysts, diameter ca 1 mm (just visible to the naked eye). Encystment on wet surfaces, incl. herbag (græsstrå?)

NH: The small amphibian snail Lymnaea truncatula. Right-twisted shell about 6-7 mm long and the shell opening representing some 50 % of the height. Found in neutral and slightly alkaline soil.

Almindelig muddersnegl.

Fundet i galdegange af drøvtyggere.

Fundet i galdegange af drøvtyggere.

Dicrocoelium dendriticum - Lille leverikte

V: Adults in formalin (length: 8-10 mm). Flat, hermaphroditic worms with an oral sucker on the anterior conus and a ventral sucker located next to the common genital opening.

H: Genital organs (mounted and stained): Uterus, containing eggs, located in the posterior part of the worm. Two small vitelline glands bilaterally located. Two rounded testes located anteriorly

Final hosts: Sheep, cattle, deer.

1st intermediate hosts: Land snails of many genera.

2nd intermediate host: Brown ants of the genus Formica (both intermediate hosts are required).

Location: Bile ducts (juveniles migrating via bilary duct as well as foraging adult flukes).

Blodsystemet ved kvæg

Farvet bloudstrygning

Blodsystemet ved kvæg

Farvet bloudstrygning

Babesia divergens

Giemsa stained blood smear with small pear-shaped (1-2 µm long) protozoa parasites located in red blood cells. Trophozoites are typically seen in pairs divergently positioned in an end-to-end formation peripherally in the erythrocytes. Present in temperate climate regions.

Hosts: Cattle (specific bovine parasite).

Intermediate hosts: Hard ticks (Ixodidae), mainly Ixodes ricinus.

Location: Blood vascular system.