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106 Cards in this Set

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What are the four things of Qualitative analysis?
Describe how you would make a direct smear.
Apply very thin film of feces to slide.
Add 1-2 drops of NaCl or distilled water.
Mix with circular motion.
Define fecal float
Parasitic eggs are less dense than saturated solutions, so they float to the top and are captured on the cover slip.
What is Baerman Technique
It isolates larvae from fresh feces (lungworm)
Phylum Nemathelminthes
Strongyloides stercoralis
Strongyloides stercoralis

(Hosts, CLM, Motile Ova, Zoonotic)
1. Hosts - Human, K9, Feline
2. CLM - Zoonotic thru larvae penetrating skin; Human infection can last for years.
3. Motile Ova - Ova routinely hatches prior to leaving the body; consequently, free larvae (L1 stage) is usually found in feces.
4. Zoonotic - Yes
What is the nickname for Haemonchus contortus? Why?
Barber pole worm b/c the white egg-filled uterus spirals around blood-filled gut
What is the pathology for Haemonchus contortus?
Bottle jaw
What is "bottle jaw" caused by?
Loss of plasma protein
On necropsy, a sheep is found to have severe damage to the small intestine caused by nodules in the mucosa. Name the likely parasite (genus and species).
Oesophagostomum columbianum
What is the pathology "pimply gut" refer to for Oesophagostomum columbianum?
Parasitic adults encapsulate themselves in nodules formed in intestines
What is the nickname for Chabertia?
Large Mouth Bowel Worm
This parasite was found in the feces of a horse that died of colic. Name the likely genus and species?

What causes thromboembolic colic?
Strongylus vulgaris
What is the nickname for Ancylostomidae?
What do Ancylostomidae's ova contain?
What animal is Ancylostoma caninum?
What is the morphology of the ova?
They are easily destroyed by freezing.
Where is Stephanurus dentatus found?
Swine urine
What is the intermediate host for Stephanurus dentatus?
What does Parelaphostrongylus tenuis cause?
Neurological disease
What is the nickname for Oxyuris?
What is the host for Oxyuris equi?
What is the morphology of Ascaridata?
Some have large alae (arrowhead)
What animal does Parascaris equorum affect?
What is the habitat for Parascaris equorum?
Small intestine
Ascaris suum

(Host, Habitat, CS, Zoonotic)
Host - Swine
Habitat - Small intestine
CS - Milk spots on liver, "thumps"
Zoonotic - yes
What kind of damage does Baylisascaris procyonis cause?
CNS damage
What does Spirocerca lupi cause?
Fibrous nodules in wall of esophagus
What is the host for Habronema muscae and Draschia megastoma?

What is the intermediate hosts?
Host - Equine

Intermediate hosts - house fly and stable fly
What are Cutaneous Habronemiasis?
Summer sores
What is the habitat & dx for Trichinella spiralis?
Habitat - striated muscles

Dx - muscle squash prep
What is the nickname and causes for Trichuris vulpis?
Nickname - Whipworm

Causes - intermittent diarrhea w/mucous
What four qualities are included in a qualitative analysis of feces?
You suspect a sheep has Haemonchus contortus, what would you expect to find on the fecal?
Ova with larvae
Very large strongyle-type ova
Strongyle-type ova
You suspect a sheep has Haemonchus contortus, what sort of CS would you expect?
Bottle jaw
Poor body conditions
What is another name for Oesophagostomum?
Pimply Gut
Is Strongyloides stercoralis zoonotic?
For which parasite is the Baermann technique used?
Describe the route of infection of S. stercoralis in humans.
CLM - skin penetration
What is Chabertia's nickname?
Large mouth bowel worm
Describe the preparation of a direct smear.
Put some stool on a stick and place a small amount on a slide, add 1-2 drops of distilled water and spread stool around in a circle, put a slide cover over the wet area with stool.
Describe the preparation of a fecal float.
Get a decent stool sample on a stick, put in fecal float container and add fecalsol to about halfway. Mix stool in fecalsol and then snap mixer into place. Fill remainder space with fecalsol until top & put slide cover over top. Let sit for approx 15 mins, then remove slide cover and place it on a slide to read under a microscope.
Why is Haemonchus contortus nicknamed the "barber pole worm"?
The white egg-filled uterus spirals around blood-filled gut
What distinctions help to identify the adults of Oesophagostomum?
Cuticular fin or wing-like flange at base of tail
What distinctions help to identify the adults of Chabertia?
13-20 mm long w/large buccal cavity
Describe the pathology of Oesophagostomum.
"Pimply gut"
What is "pimply gut"?
Parasitic larvae encapsulate themselves in nodules formed in the intestines.
Describe the morphological characteristics of Strongylus vulgaris.
2 dorsal teet; smallest & most pathogenic - only 100 can cause death; thromboembolic colic/aneurysm/embolism.
On necropsy, parasites are found in a horse that died of colic. What is the most likely culprit in this case?
Strongylus vulgaris
Which hookworm of small animals has teeth in its buccal cavity.
What is the nickname for Oxyuris equi?
What is the nickname for ascarids?
Name a differential diagnosis for an ataxic pygmy goat w/a head tilt.
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis
You see typical ascarid ova in equine feces - name the likely parasite.
Parascaris equorum
What is the roundworm of horses?
Parascaris equorum
Which large equine strongyle is most pathogenic?
Strongylus vulgaris
Are any of the Ancylostoma zoonotic?
What is the diagnostic test of choice to detect Oxyuris equi infections?
Microscopic evaluation of Scotch tape applied to perirectal tissue
What is one of the roundworms that attacks the CNS and causes neurolgic signs?
Baylisascaris procyonis
What is the host of Baylisascaris procyonis?
What is one of the CS of Ascaris suum?
Milk spots on liver

What is the nickname of Oxyuris?
Give the nickname for this parasite.

What is the classic sign of infection by this parasite?
Whipworm (Trichuris vulpis)

Diarrhea w/mucus
Toxocara canis ova

Toxascaris leonina
Toxocara cati
Ancylostoma caninum

Dog hookworm
Name the ova.
Strongyle-type ova
Oxyuris equi
Baylisascaris procyonis ova
Trichinella spiralis ova
This parasite was found in the feces of a horse that died of colic. Name the likely genus and species.
Strongylus vulgaris
Name the parasite (genus and species).

Name the condition most often associated w/this parasite.

What causes this condition?
Haemonchus contortus adult
Parascaris equorum adult
Ascaris suum adult
This parasite affects horses. Name the genus and species.
Strongyloides westeri
This parasite of the dog is associated with esophageal sarcomas. Name the genus and species.
S. lupi
Motile larvae (not adults) are seen in dog feces. Name two possible sources.

Name two parasites that cause CNS damage.
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis

Baylisascavis procyonis
On necropsy, a sheep is found to have severe damage to the small intestine caused by nodules in the mucosa. Nam e the likely parasite (genus & species).
Oesophagostomum columbianum
What test is performed to find Trichinella spiralis organisms in an animal?
Muscle squash prep
What is the medical term for infection of open wounds by parasitic ova or larvae, commonly known as "summer sores"?
Cutaneous habronemiasis
This sample is from a horse with puritis ani. Name the genus & species.

Give the nickname of this parasite.

Is this parasite zoonotic?
Draschia megastoma


This parasite's ova are found only in urine. Name the genus and species.

Name the host.
Stephanurus dentatus



Ascaridata aka Ascarids
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis
How do you diagnose lungworm?
Baerman Technique
Trichuris vulpis
Oxyuris equi

Dirofilaria wmmitus
Esophageal worm
S. Lupi
What is the most common equine parasite?
Describe what a typical strongyle ova looks like.
Smooth, ellipsoidal, elongated, thin-shell & embryonated
What has teeth in its buccal cavity?
What is a direct smear not good for?
Protozoa & Giardia
What is Globocephalus the hookworm of?
What is the dx test used to detect Oxyuris equi infection?
Microscopic eval of scotch tape applied to perirectal tissue.
Which equine parasite is associated w/thromboembolic colic?
Strongylus vulgaris
What is the Macmaster technique?
Estimated extent of contamination, used in herd management.
What causes black scours?
Where would you find ova in Stephanurus dentatus?