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51 Cards in this Set

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Supraspinatus attachments?
- Supraspinous Fossa of scapula
- Superior aspect of greater tubercle of humerus
Supraspinatus ACTIONS?
- ABduct shoulder
- Humerus stabilization

Prone with arm alongside body. Partner slightly ABducts and relaxes shoulder.
Infraspinatus attachments?
- Infraspinous fossa of the scapula
- Greater tubercle of the humerus
Infraspinatus ACTIONS?
- Lateral rotation
- Extend shoulder
- ADduct shoulder
- Horizontally ABduct shoulder

Prone with arm off the side of the table.
Partner raises and lowers elbow 1 inch.
Teres Minor attachments?

Muscle fiber direction?
- Superior half of of lateral border of scapula
- Greater tubercle of the humerus

- Fibers run parallel to the pine of the scapula
Teres Minor ACTIONS?

- Lateral rotation
- Extension
- ADduction
- Horizontal ABduction

Prone with arm off the side of the table.
Partner swings arm up towards head.
Subscapularis attachments?

Muscle fiber direction?
- Subscapular fossa of the scapula
- Lesser tubercle of the humerus

- Fibers fill out the entire inside of the scapula and run tightly towards humerus
Subscapularis ACTIONS?

- Medial rotation
- ADduction

Sidelying with flexed shoulder and arm forward.
Partner gently rotates shoulder.
Rhomboid Major attachments?

Muscle fiber direction?
- Spinous processes T2 - T5
- Medial border of the scapula between the spine of the scapula and inferior angle

- Fibers run parallel to ribs
Rhomboid Major ACTIONS?

- Retraction
- Downward rotation
- Elevation

Prone, with arm on back.
Partner lifts elbow towards ceiling.
Rhomboid Minor attachments?

Fiber direction?
- Spinous processes C7 - T1
- Upper portion of medial border of the scapula, across from spine of scapula

- Fibers run parallel to ribs
Brachialis attachments?

Fiber direction?
- Distal half of anterior surface of humerus
- Tuberocity and coronoid process of ulna

- Fibers run parallel to humerus
Brachialis ACTIONS?

- Flexing the elbow

Sitting, with right elbow flexed and hand extended.
Shake hand with Partner and push against hand. (from deltoid down to below elbow on outside)
Brachioradialis attachments?

Fiber direction?
- Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
- Styloid process of radius
- Fibers run parallel to radius
Brachioradialis ACTIONS?

- Flex elbow
- Assist in supination and pronation

Sitting, with right elbow flexed and hand extended.
Shake hand with Partner. Or have partner push fist from underneath table.
Rhomboid Minor ACTIONS?

- Retraction
- Downward rotation
- Elevation

Prone, with arm on back.
Partner lifts elbow towards ceiling.
Flexor Carpi Radialis attachments?

Fiber direction?
- Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
- Bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

- Fibers run diagonal from inside elbow to thumb
Flexor Carpi Radialis ACTIONS?

- Flex wrist
- Flex elbow
- ABduct wrist

Sitting, with right elbow flexed and hand extended.
Shake hands with partner. Have partner resist. (the tendon closest to the thumb).
Extensor Digitorum attachments?

Fiber direction?
- Common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle of humerus
Middle and distal phalanges of 2nd - 5th fingers

- Fibers run parallel to radius
Extensor Digitorum ACTIONS?

- Extend 2-5 fingers
- Assist with extending wrist

Sitting, with right elbow flexed and hand extended.
Shake hands with partner. Have partner wiggle fingers as if typing. Have partner do 'death claw'.
Levator Scapula attachments?
- Transverse processes C1- C4
- Superior angle of the scapula to the root of the spine of the scapula
Levator Scapula ACTIONS unilaterally?
- Elevation of the scapula
- Downward rotation of the
- Laterally flex head/neck to same side
- Rotating head/neck to same side
Levator Scapula ACTIONS bilaterally?
Extend head/neck
Coracobrachialis attachments?
- Coracoid process
- Medial surface of mid-humeral shaft
Coracobrachialis ACTIONS?
-Flex shoulder
ADduct shoulder
Pronator Teres attachments?
- Medial epicondyle of humerus
- Coronoid process of ulna
Pronator Teres ACTIONS?
- Pronate forearm
- Assist with Flexing elbow
Supinator attachments?
- Proximal radius and ulna
- Lateral surface of radius

(ulna in notes?)
Supinator ACTIONS?
- Supinates the forearm
Palmaris Longus attachments?
- Common flexor tendon of the medial epicondyle - HUMERUS
- Flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis
Palmaris Longus ACTIONS?

- Tenses aoponeurosis in palm
- Assists with flexing wrist
- Assists with flexing elbow
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris attachments?
- Common flexor tendon of HUMERUS
- Pisiform
- Posterior surface of proximal half of ULNAR shaft
- Pisiform
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris ACTIONS?
- Flex wrist
- ADduct wrist
- Assist to flex elbow
Flexor digitorum superficialis attachments?
- Common flexor tendon of HUMERUS
- 4 tendons of middle phalanges of 2-5 fingers
Flexor digitorum superficials ACTIONS?
- Flex 2-5 fingers
- Flex wrist
Flexor digitorum profundis attachments?
-Proximal 3/4 surface of ULNA
- 4 tendons of distal PHALANGES of 2- 5 fingers
Flexor digitorum profundis ACTIONS?
- Flex 2-5 fingers
Flexor pollicis longus attachments?
- Anterior surface of RADIUS
- Interosseous membrane
Flexor pollicis longus ACTIONS?
Flex thumb
Anconeus attachments?
- Lateral epicondyle of HUMERUS
- Olecraneon process
- Lateral edge of ULNAR shaft
Anconeus ACTIONS?


Hint: Only muscle that does this
Extend elbow
Extensor carpi radialis longus attachments?
- Lateral epicondyle of HUMERUS
- Base of 2nd METACARPAL
Extensor carpi radialis longus ACTIONS?

- Extend wrist
- ABduct wrist
- Assist with flexing elbow
Extensor carpi radialis brevis attachments?
- Lateral supercondylar ridge of HUMERUS
- - Base of 3rd METACARPAL
Extensor carpi radialis brevis ACTIONS?
- Extend wrist
- ABduct wrist
- Assist with flexing elbow
Extensor carpi ulnaris attachments?
- Common tendon of HUMERUS
- Base of 5th METACARPAL
Extensor carpi ulnaris ACTIONS?

- Extend wrist
- ADduct wrist
Extensor indicis attachments?
- Posterior distal shaft of ULNA
- Interosseous membrane
Extensor indicis ACTIONS?

- Extend index finger
- ADduct index finger
Abductor pollicis longus attachments?
- Posterior distal shaft of ULNA
- Interosseous membrane
- Base of 1st METACARPAL
Abductor pollicis longus ACTIONS?
- Extend thumb
- ABduct thumb