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96 Cards in this Set

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Patau Syndrome

Trisomy 13

Small eyes, microcephalic

Cleft lip/palate


Scalp Lesions

Edwards syndrome

Trisomy 18

Rocker bottom feet


Low-set ears

Overlapping fingers

Fragile X

Learning difficulties



Long face

Large ears

Noonan syndrome

Webbed neck

Short stature

Pectus Excavatum

Pulmonary stenosis

Pierre-Robin Syndrome


Posterior displacement of the tongue

Cleft palate

Prader-Willi syndrome




William's Syndrome

Friendly, extroverted personality

Short stature

Learning difficulties

Transient neonatal hypercalcaemia

Supravalvular aortic stenosis

No school exclusion



Fifth disease

Infectious mononucleosis


Head lice

24 hours from commencing antibiotics

Scarlet Fever

Four days from onset of rash


Five days from onset of rash

Chicken Pox

Five days from onset of swollen glands


Five days from commencing antibiotics

Whooping cough

6 days from onset of rash


Until symptoms have settled for 48 hours

Diarrhoea and vomiting

Until lesions have crusted over


Until treated


Until recovered


DM - 3 months

Little/no head lag

Lying on abdomen

Good head control

Reaches for object - will hold rattle for short time

Visually alert - 180 degree vision

Turns to sound, quietens to parents voice


DM - 6 months

Pulls self to sitting


Not shy

Puts hand on bottle

Palmar grasp - one hand to another.

Looks in every direction.

Double syllables

GM - 7-8 months

Sits unaided

Refer 12 months

DM - 9 months

Pulls to standing



Takes everything to mouth

Plays peek a boo

Points with finger

Early pincer

Says mamm/dada

Understands no

DM - 12 months


Walks holding 1 hand

Drinks from cup and uses spoon

Waves bye bye

Good pincer - bangs toys together

Knows and responds to own name

DM - 13-15 months

Walks unaided - refer at 18 months

Helps getting undressed

Tower of 2

Knows 2-6 words - refer 18 months

Understand simple commands

DM - 18 months

Squats to pick up toys

Takes off shoes and hat

Plays alone

Tower of 3

Circular scribble

DM - 2 years


Walking up and down stairs holding on

Competent with spoon

Puts on hat and shoes

Plays near others but not with them

Tower of 6

Copies vertical line

Combines 2 words

Points to body parts

DM - 3 years

Tricycle with pedals

Walks upstairs without holding on

Uses spoon and fork

Tower of 9

Copies circle

Talks in short sentences, colours, counts to 10

Asks what and who

DM - 4 years

Hops on one leg

Plays with other children

Dresses independently

Copies cross

Ask why, when, how

Benzylpenicillin Doses

< 1 years - 300mg

1-10 years - 600mg

> 10 years - 1200mg

Amber/Intermediate Risk


Decreased activity

Nasal flaring

RR > 50 6-12 months, RR > 40 > 12 months

O2 sats < 95 %, crackles

HR > 160 < 12 months, HR > 150 12-24 months, HR > 140 > 2-5 years

Cap refill> 3 secs, dry mucous membranes, poor feeding, reduced urine output.

3-6 months > 39 degrees, rigors, fever > 5 days

Red/Serious risk


No response, weak, high pitched cry

Chest indrawing, grunting RR > 60

Reduced skin turgor

< 3 months > 38 degrees


Bulging fontanelle

Non-blanching rash, neck stiffness

Vaccine 2 months

Dip/Tet/Pert, Polio, Hib, Pneumococcal

Oral Rotavirus

Men B

Vaccine 3 months

Dip/Tet/Pert, Polio, Hib, Men C

Oral Rotavirus

Vaccine 4 months

Dip/Tet/Pert, Polio, Hib, Pneumococcal

Men B

Vaccine 12 - 13 months

Hib, Men C, MMR, Pneumococcal, Men B

Vaccine 2-3 years

Annual Nasal Flu Vaccine

Vaccine 3-4 years

MMR, Dip/Pert/Tet, Polio

Vaccine 12-13 years


Vaccine 13-18 years

Dip/Tet, Polio, Men C


Parainfluenza virus

6 months - 3 years


Stridor, barking cough (worse at night), fever, coryzal symptoms

Mx - all children - oral dexamethasone - 0.15mg/Kg. If stridor/breathing difficulties - hospital - oxygen/adrenaline

Primary Prevention

Preventing disease/accident from occuring

Smoking cessation

Speed limits

Stair gates

Teaching Road safety

Window latches

Secondary Prevention

Preventing injury from accident

Cycling helmets

Seat belts

Speed limits

Smoke alarms

Laminated safety glass

Tertiary Prevention

Limiting impact of accident

First aid

Nephrotic Syndrome

Triad - proteinuria, hypoalbuminaemia, oedema

2-5 years

Minimal change glomerulonephritis

90 % cases respond to high dose steroids

Hypercoagulation, hyperlipidaemia, increased infection

Whooping cough

Bordatella Pertussis

2-3 days coryzal symptoms - coughing bouts with vomiting, inspiratory whoop, subconjunctival haemorrhages, 10-14 weeks, lymphocytosis

Mx - erythromycin - reduced spread

Vaccine - pregnant women 28-38 weeks pregnant

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Coxsackie A16 and enterovirus 71

Children < 10 years

Sore throat, fever, oral ulcers, vesicles on palms and soles of feet.

No school exclusion needed.


Most common cause of headache

Boys=girls until puberty - girls > boys

Mx - ibuprofen > paracetamol, specialists commence triptans.

Prophylaxis - pizotifen, propranolol, valproate, topiramate, amitriptyline.

Tension-type headache

Second most common cause of headache


A - at least 10 previous episodes fulfilling B-D

B - at least 2 of: pressing/pulsating quality, doesn't inhibit activity, bilateral, not aggrevated by activity.

C - both of: no vomiting/nausea, no photophobia or phonophobia (1 can be present)

DM - 6 weeks


DM - 3 months


Enjoys friendly handling

DM - 5 years

Uses knife and fork


RNA Paramyxovirus - spread by droplets

Infective from prodrome until 4 days after rahs

Prodrome - irritable, conjunctivitis, fever

Koplik spots

Rash - behind ears - whole body - discrete maculopapular rash - blotchy - confluent.

Give MMR within 72 hours

Measles Complications

Encephalitis - 1-2 weeks after illness

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis - rare 5-10 years after illness

Febrile convulsions

Giant cell pneumonia

Keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulceration





Rash - pink maculopapular on face - spread to whole body fades within 3-5 days

Suboccipital and postauricular lymphadenopathy

Erythema Infectiosum

Slap cheek syndrome - parvovirus B19 - 5th disease

Lethargy, fever, headache

Slapped cheek rash spreading to proximal arms and extensor surfaces.


If < 3 months - refer hospital

> 3 months and suspect upper UTI - hospital. Abxs - co-amoxiclav/cephalosporing for 7-10 days

Children > 3 months - lower UTI - Abxs according to local guidelines

6 week check

Red light reflex

Heart sounds



Weight and head circumference

Immunisations, feeding, sleeping, maternal mental health, car safety.

Vital Signs < 1 year

HR - 100-160

RR - 30-40

Vital Signs 1-2 years

HR - 100-150

RR - 25-35

Vital Signs 2-5 years

HR - 90-140
RR - 25-30

Vital Signs 5-12 years

HR - 80-120
RR - 20-25

Vital Signs > 12 years

HR - 60-100

RR - 15-20

Infantile colic

Infants < 3 months

Bouts of excessive crying and pulling up of legs

Worse in the evening

20 % infants

Cause - unknown

Scarlet Fever

Group A haemolytic strep.

2-6 years - peak 4 years.

Fever, malaise, tonsillitis, strawberry tongue, fine punctate erythema - first on torso and sparing the face, rough sandpaper, desquamation later in illness.

Diagnose - throat swab.

Mx - penicillin V.

UTI imaging

< 6 months - 1st UTI that responds to treatment - USS within 6 weeks.

< 6 months and atypical infection - USS, 4-6 weeks DMSA and MCUG.

> 6 months - 1st UTI that responds to treamtne - no need to image unless atypical organism or recurrent infection

Features suggestive of atypical UTI

Seriously ill

Poor urine flow

Abdominal or bladder mass

Raised creatinine


Failure to respond to treatment with suitable antibiotics within 48 hours

Infection with non-E. coli organisms

Features suggestive of pyelonephritis

Fever > 38 or history of fever + bacteriuria or

Fever < 38 + loin tenderness + bacteriuria



< 1 year - peak at 3-6 months.

Coryzal symptoms, cough, breathlessness, wheezing, feeding difficulties.

Hospital - poor feeding, lethargy, apnoea, RR > 70, nasal flaring/grunting, chest wall recession, cyanosis, o2 sats < 94 %

Mx - humidified O2 via headbox

Day and night time urinary continence

3-4 years

SIDS Risk factors




Bottle feeders


Lower social class

Bay sleeping prone

Drug use

Multiple births



Average age - 4 years.

Need to be at least 21 to adopt.

Need to live with adoptive parents for 3 months prior to adoption.

At 18 years - entitled to original birth certificate.

Risk of Down's syndrome on Maternal age

20 years - 1 in 1,500

30 years - 1 in 900

35 years - 1 in 300

40 years - 1 in 100

45 years - 1 in 50 or greater.

If less than 35 years - chance of another baby with Down's 1 in 100.

Rotavirus Vaccine

Oral, live attenuated vaccine.

2 doses.

1st given at 2 months and the 2nd at 3 months.

If given after 14 weeks + 2 days and 23 weeks + 6 days - theoretical risk of intusssusception.

Long-term protection.

Undescended Testis

2-4 % term male infants.

25 % bilateral.

Complications - infertility, torsion, testicular cancer, psychological.

Mx - orchidopexy - referral considered at 6 months.

Male puberty

1st sign - testicular growth at 12 years.

Testicular volume > 4 ml - onset of puberty.

Maximum height spurt at 14 years.

Female puberty

1st sign - breast development at 11.5 years.

Maximum height spurt - 12 years prior to menarche.

Menarche at 13 years.

Increas in height of only 4 % after menarche.

Tonsillitis Criteria for Tonsillectomy

Sore throat due to acute tonsillitis

Disabling and prevent normal function

>= 7 episodes in the preceding year


>=5 episodes in each of the preceding 2 years


>=3 episodes in each of the preceding 3 years

Guthrie Test

5-9 days of life


Congenital hypothyroidism


Sickle cell


Live attenuated Vaccines



Oral polio

Yellow fever

Oral typhoid

Nasal influenza

Varicella Zoster

Oral rotavirus

Benzylpenicillin doses

< 1 year - 300mg

1-10 years - 600mg

> 10 years - 1200mg

Precocious puberty

Females < 8 years.

Males < 9 years.


Gram positive bacterium - toxin producing.

Causes a diptheric membrane on tonsils caused by necrotic mucosal cells.

Systemic distribution - necrosis of myocardial, neural and renal tissue.

Bulky cervical lymphadenopathy.

Febrile convulsions

6 months and 5 years.

3 % children.

Last less than 5 minutes.

Risk of further convulsion - 30 %.

If no focal signs, last < 30 minutes and single seizure - chance of epilepsy - 1 %

In 1 % that have these features - chance of epilepsy - 50 %.


Early neonatal jaundice < 24 hrs - haemolytic disease, infection, autoimmune.

24 hours-3 weeks - physiological, breastmilk, infection, polycythaemia, haemolysis.

> 3 weeks - hypothyroidism, biliary atresia - prolonged jaundice screen.


Concommitant - imbalance in extraoccular muscles - convergent (eye deviates inwards) more common than divergent (eye deviates outwards).

Paralytic - paralysis of eye muscles.

Congenital Rubella

Sensorineural deafness, cataracts, heart disease, glaucoma, growth retardation, hepatosplenomegaly, purpuric skin lesions, cerebral palsy.

Congenital CMV

Growth retardation, purpuric skin lesions, sensoineural deafness, encephalitis, seizures, pneuomonitis, hepatosplenomegaly, anaemia, jaundice, cerebral palsy.

Congenital Toxoplasmosis

Cerebral calcification, chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, anaemia, hepatosplenomegaly, cerebral palsy.

Tetralogy of Fallot

Most common cause of cyanotic heart disease - presents 1-2 months - may not present until 6 months.


Right ventricular hypertrophy

Overriding aorta

Right ventricular outflow obstruction - pulmonary stenosis

Anaphylaxis < 6 months

Adrenaline 150 micrograms - 0.15 ml of 1:1,000

Hydrocortisone 25 mg

Chloramphenamine 250 micrograms/Kg

Anaphylaxis 6 months - 6 years

Adrenaline 150 micrograms - 0.15 ml of 1:1,000

Hydrocortisone 50 mg

Chloramphenamine 2.5 mg

Anaphylaxis 6-12 years

Adrenaline 300 micrograms - 0.30 ml of 1:1,000

Hydrocortisone 100 mg

Chloramphenamine 5 mg

Anaphylaxis > 12 years

Adrenaline 500 micrograms - 0.50 ml of 1:1,000

Hydrocortisone 200 mg

Chloramphenamine 10 mg

Fetal Varicella Syndrome

skin scarring, eye defect (microphthalmia), limb hypoplasia, microcephaly, learning disabilities.

Rectal diazepam

Neonate - 1.25-2.5mg

1 month - 2 years - 5mg

2-12 years - 5-10mg

12-18 years - 10mg

Adult - 10-20mg (max 30mg)

Elderly - 10mg (max 15mg)

Head lice treatment

Wet combing



Isopropyl myristate and cyclomethicone