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187 Cards in this Set

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Atrial Systole
Contraction of atria that causes an increase in volume to the ventricles (atrial kick)
Cardiac Index
- cardiac output divided by patient's body surface area (BSA)


Normal values = 2.5-3.5 L/min/m
Cardiac Output
- amount of blood ejected by left ventricle per minute

CO = HR x SV (stroke volume)
Relaxation of heart muscle, begins when aortic valve closes
Ejection Fraction
- percent of L ventricular end diastolic volume that's ejected during systole
- normal = 60-70%

Difference in pressures (across valves or stenotic areas)
Mean Arterial Pressure
The time-averaged pressure throughout each cycle of heart beat
Stroke Volume
Amount of blood ejected by L ventricle w/ each beat

Systemic Vascular Resistance
- resistance the LV must pump against to eject its volume (opposition to blood flow offered by blood vessels)
- normal = 800-1200 dynes/sec/cm
As SVR increases, cardiac output (CO)....
Causes of increased SVR
Vasoconstriction, hypertension, cardiogenic shock, cardiac tamponade
Causes of decreased SVR
Vasodilation (& therapy), septic shock (hyperdynamic)
Phase of cardiac cycle in which heart is contractin
Ventricular Filling
Passive flow of blood from atria to ventricles
SA Node
- where electrical system's activity begins
- located = superior R atria
- normal = 60-100 bpm
AV Node
- 2nd electrical stop
- takes over electrical impulses if SA node fails
- normal = 40-60 bpm
Ventricles (electrics)
- destination point of electric signal
- can still create electrical signal w/o AV & SA nodes, very inefficient
- normal = 20-40 bpm
Cardiac Cycle - Isoelectric Line
- no electrical activity
- all deviation from this represent electrical impulse
Contraction of muscle
Relaxation of muscle (filling of chambers)
EKG/ECG Complex - P Wave
- atrial depolarization
- atria are contracting forcing blood into venticles
EKG/ECG Complex - PR Segment
- no electrical impulse generated; short segment along isoelectric baseline
- clinically significant
EKG/ECG Complex - PR Interval (PRI)
- delay @ AV node ("gatekeeper" effect it has to make sure ventricles don't get overworked)
- represents time from impulse generation at SA node through AV node and into ventricles (indirect assessment of AV node function)
EKG/ECG Complex - QRS Complex
- ventricular depolarization
- ventricular contraction (increases pressure in chamber until pulm. & aortic valves open letting blood into pulm trunk & into aorta [respectively])
- ventricles continue to squeeze until fully contracted, then pressure rapidly falls as muscle relaxes
EKG/ECG Complex - T Wave
- ventricular repolarization
- ventricular relaxation & filling
EKG/ECG Complex - QT Interval
-measured from beginning of QRS complex to end of T wave
- prolonged QT interval could be suspect of ventricular arrhythmias
EKG/ECG Complex - U Wave
- repolarization of interventricular septum
- not often seen on normal ECG complex
- if prominently seen, may be related to underlying hypokalemia (K+ def.) or hypocalcemia (Ca+ def.)
What does the Wiggers' Diagram show?
Relationships of electrical activity to mechanical (hemodynamic) activity
No valves in heart open
Wiggers' Diagram - part A
- mitral valve open
- filling phase; final increase in pressure due to atrial contraction (P wave)
Wiggers' Diagram - part B
- QRS complex begins (electrical activity occurring in ventricle)
- pressure from L ventricle rises until it exceeds L atria pressure, mitral valve closes
- when isovolumetric contraction occurs
Wiggers' Diagram - part C
- pressure in ventricle = pressure of fluid in aorta
- aortic valve opens
- aortic wave form & ventricular wave form identical from C to E b/c aortic valve open & pressure is equalized
- ejection phase (from C to E)
Wiggers' Diagram - part D
- ventricle finished completely contracting, enters relaxation phase
Wiggers' Diagram - part E
- pressure in aorta > pressure in ventricle
- aortic valve closes
- can see notch formed in aortic pressure waveform (artifact from aortic valve closing ["dicrotic notch"])
- from E to F = isovolumetric relaxatio
Wiggers' Diagram - part F
- pressure in L ventricle < pressure L atrium
- mitral valve opens to allow ventricle to fill
How long is a typical rhythm strip?
6 seconds long (30 large boxes)
How long is each small box?
0.04 seconds

5 small make up 1 "large box" (0.20 seconds)
Amplitude of Small Box
0.1 mV

Large box = 0.5 mV
Things to Evaluate when reading ECG/EKG strips
Regularity, rate, P wave, PRI, & QRS
- how regular beats are
- measured from 1 type of wave to next occurrence of same wave type (Ex. from P to P wave)
- how quickly heart is beating (bpm)
- on 6 sec strip, can quickly guesstimate rate by counting # of complete cycles on strip and multiply by 10
P Wave
- look for: uniform P waves, is there 1 for every QRS complex, do they occur consistently
- distance from beginning of P wave to beginning of Q wave
- should be measured to help decipher underlying rhythm (to measure, count small boxes)
- should occur 1 to 1 w/ P waves
- can be measured to evaluate delays within ventricles during conduction
Bipolar EKG Leads
- has 1 positive & 1 negative pole
- limb leads are bipolar
Unipolar EKG Leads
- 2 pole; negative pole is made up of other electrodes
- in 12-lead, all other electrodes besides limb leads are unipolar
Leads I, II, III
I = LA - RA
II = LL - RA
Analyzing Rhythms - Sinus Rhythm ("Normal")
- 16-18 boxes btw. each R peak (8 R waves, indicated 80 BPM)
- A & V equal; 60-100 BPM
- PRI = 0.12-0.20 sec, QRS < 0.12 sec
Analyzing Rhythms - Sinus Brachycardia
- R-R intervals constant, rhythm regular
- A & V equal; < 60 BPM
- PRI & QRS same as normal
Analyzing Rhythms - Sinus Tachycardia
- R-R intervals constant, rhythm regular
- A & V equal: > 100 BPM
- same PRI & QRS as normal
Analyzing Rhythms - Sinus Arrhythmia
- R-R interval varies (rate changes w/ respirations)
- A & V equal, usually normal range
- PRI & QRS same as normal
Analyzing Rhythms - Atrial Flutter
- A & V reg if AV node conducts consistently (A = 250-350 BPM, V rate depends on ratio conducted to ventricles)
- sawtoothed P waves
- PRI hard to measure QRS < 0.12 sec
Analyzing Rhythms - Atrial Fibrillation
- A rhythm immeasurable; V rhythm irregular (no impulse to follow)
- if V < 100 BPM, it's "controlled"; if V > 100 BPM, "rapid ventricular response"
- no P wave, no PRI, QRS < 0.12 sec
Analyzing Rhythms - 1st Degree Heart Block
- P wave upright & uniform
- PRI constant, always > 0.20 sec
- rate & regularity depends on underlying rhythm
Analyzing Rhythms - 2nd Degree Heart Block
- R-R consistent if conduction rate consistent
- rate normal (A impulse are blocked, V will be bradycardic)
- more P waves than QRS complexes
- PRI may be longer than normal
Analyzing Rhythms - 3rd Degree Heart Block (i.e. Complete Heart Block)
- P-P & R-R are regular
- A normal, V slower
- more P waves than QRS complexes
- no impulses conducted through AV node to ventricles (i.e. NO PRI)
- QRS < 0.12 sec if junctional origin, QRS > 0.12 sec if ventricular focus
Analyzing Rhythms - ST Segment Elevation
- QRS complex widened
- comes from ventricle prematurely repolarizing (before it's done squeezing)
- indicative of MI
Analyzing Rhythms - Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs)
- don't count each PVC
- underlying rhythm irregular
- no P wave before ectopic QRS complex (no PRI)
- somewhere along the way, a point inside the ventricle decides to fire w/o provocation
Analyzing Rhythms - Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)
- increased ventricular rate; V rate = 150-250 BPM
- no QRS complex; see dissociated P waves
- if you let VT go w/o treatment, turns into VFib
- QRS > 0.12 sec
Analyzing Rhythms - Ventricular Fibrillation (VFib)
- no waves or complexes to analyze regularly
- coarse, rough waves (no discernible P wave, QRS complex, shockable rhythm)
- fine waves (some activity, barely moving, shockable [harder to come back from])
Analyzing Rhythms - Asystole
- i.e. dead
- no regularity or rhythm, flat line
Atrial pressures have ____ "markers"
2; "a" wave & "v" wave
Ventricular pressures have _____ "markers"
3; peak systole, begin diastole, end diastole
Arterial pressures have ____ "markers"
3; Peak systole, diastole, dicrotic notch
Waveform Similarities
- LA, RA, & PW (pulmonary wedge) look similar
- PA & AO look similar
- RV & LV waveforms look similar
Where are sine waves seen?
Atrial hemodynamics
Where are square waves seen?
Ventricular hemodynamics
Where are triangular waves seen?
Great vessels (pulmonary arteries & aortic hemodynamics)
Pressures are usually greater on the _________ (left/right) side of heart
What scale are RA/RV/PA/LA measured on?
What scale are LV/AO measured on?
When in the respiratory cycle should pressure readings be measured?
End of expiration
Atria "Markers"
- a waves follow P waves in RA
- a waves follow QRS complexes in PAW
- v wave = increase in pressure when atria fills against closed AV valves (follows T wave)
- 'x' & 'y' descents represent relaxation phase
- PW or PAW or PCW is pulmonary artery or capillary wedges
- measured by allowing a catheter to "wedge" in lung bed
- cuts off PA flow & end hole lumen measure pressures "through" capillary bed to LA
- PAW = LA & L ventricular EDV
Systolic Pressure
- occurs shortly after QRS ventricular squeeze from electrical waveform
Diastolic Pressure
- occurs right before or in conjunction w/ QRS complex b/c this is greatest point of relaxation within arterial system
Pullback Pressures - Venous Side (25 or 50 mm Hg scale)
- PW to PA (sine to triangular wave)
- PA to RV (triangular to square wave)
- RV to RA (square to sine wave)
Pullback Pressures - Arterial Side (200 mm Hg scale)
- LV to AO (square to triangular wave)
Stroke Volume Index
- SV as it relates to body surface area

SVI = SV/BSA (body surface area)

Normal = 25-45 mL/m^2
Causes of decreased CO or CI
MI, shock, decreased HR & SV, increased vascular resistance, cardiac tamponade, hypovolemia, valvular heart disease, high PEEP
Cardiac Tamponade
Hole in heart that's allowing blood to exist heart (gets caught in pericardial sac; as sac fills, squeezes heart, decreases CO)
Causes of increased CO or CI
Decreased vascular resistance, pulmonary edema, increased metabolic state, positive inotropes
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
- resistance RV must pump against to eject its volume (created by pulm. A & arterioles)
- normal = 100-250 dynes/sec/cm
- represents RV afterload
Causes of increased PVR
- pulmonary vessel constriction (increased PaCO2, decreased PaO2)
- pulmonary embolus
- volume of blood in ventricle @ end of diastole
- Frank-Starling's Law (the more a myocardial fiber is stretched during filling, the more it shortens during systole & the greater the force of contraction)
- increased by fluid admin, decreased by diuresis
Clinical significance of Preload
- represents fluid returning to heart
- "filling pressure"
- increased preload = increased MVO2
What is LV preload measured as?
PAW (LV-edp)
What is RV preload measured as?
RA (central venous pressure)
- amount of pressure ventricle must work against during systole to open
- LV afterload = systemic vascular resistance
- RV afterload = pulmonary vascular resistance
Clinical significance of Afterload
With increased afterload, it increases work of heart & increases MVO2 demand
Factors that increase Afterload
- vasoconstriction, valvular stenosis, increased BV
- heart's contractile force or muscle strength
- increases when preload isn't changed yet heart contracts more forcefully
- Influencing factors: Starling's Law, SNS, pharmacologic agents
What's the most important regulatory fact for myocardial contractility?
Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)
- ino = strength, tropy = enhancing
- positive --> stronger contraction (vis versa)
Positive Inotropes
Epinephrine, dopamine (intropin), dobutamine (dobutrex)
Negative Inotropes
Lopressor, amiodarone (Cordarone), diltiazem (Cardizem)
Normal range of RA & PAW (Preload)
RA = 0.8 mm Hg
PAW = 1-12 mm Hg
Normal range of SVR & MAP (Afterload)
SVR = 800-1200 dynes/sec/cm
MAP = 70-105 mm Hg
Where does the R atrium receive blood from
SVC, IVC, coronary sinus
Tricuspid Valve
- R atrioventricular valve (inlet)
- prevents backflow into aorta
Bicuspid Valve
- mitral, L atrioventricular valve (inlet)
- 2 crescent shaped leaflefts
- prevents backflow into aorta
Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
- between RV & pulmonary trunk
- R, L, anterior cusps
Aortic Semilunar Valve
- between LV & aorta
- 3 cusps (R, L, posterior)
- 2nd most common cause of aortic valve disease requiring surgery = genetic condition of only having 2 cusps
Left Dominant Heart
- circumflex supplies PDA/PLA
- 15% of population
Right Dominant Heart
- RCA supplies PDA/PLA
- 60% of population
Co-Dominant Heart
- supply to PDA/PLA is shared
- 25% of population
Single Coronary Artery Anomaly (CAA)
- RCA absent, left system compensates
- rare, asymptomatic; can be life threatening if osteum & prox. portions of artery pass btw. origins of aorta & pulmonary trunk
Left Heart Cath (LHC)
- looks @ LCA & RCA; can also look @ LV (aortic & mitral valves)
- arterial access procedure
Right Heart Cath (RHC)
- used to determine pathologies within chambers of heart
- identifies gradients across valves
- venous access procedure
Cardiac Cath Indications
CAD, angina, positive stress test, silent ischemia, pericardial constriction, cardiomyopathy, prior to heart transplant, doc wants to check heart's functionality prior to major surgery
Cardiac Cath Contraindications - Stabilized
CHF, arrhythmias, electrolyte imbalance, anemia, med intox
Cardiac Cath Contraindications - Non-Stabilized
Recent MI, recent CVA (< 1 month), fever w/ unknown origin, poor LV function
Cardiac Cath - Pre-Procedure Care
Explanation of procedure, obtaining informed consent, premedication, baseline measurements
Cardiac Cath - Intra-Procedure Care
Modified seldinger technique, continuous EKG, BP, pulse ox, response to adverse situations
Cardiac Cath - Intra-Procedure Care (Adverse Situations & Responses)
- bradycardia/hypotension (atropine or epinephrine)
- contrast media rxn (Benadryl, atropine, crash cart)
- chest pain (vasodilator, nifedipine)
- PVC/VT/VF (lidocaine, shock)
Catheters - Judkins (JL, JR)
- L & R
- number sizing variations relate to amount of curvature distance
Catheters - Amplatz (AL, AR)
- different shape than Judkins, same function (across R & L systems)
Catheters - Multipurpose (MP)
- used for cardiac arteries
- used for locating other things (ex. 4 vessel studies)
Catheters - Bypass
- R & L coronary bypass graft tips used to access certain types of bypass grafts
- IMA - used to access L internal mammary artery
Patient Positioning - RAO
- image intensifier (II) on right anterior surface of patient (think like a bucky)
- catheter & spine found on LEFT side of image
- RAO caudal = no diaphragmatic shadow
Patient Positioning - LAO
- II on left anterior surface of patient
- spine is on RIGHT side of image
Cranial vs. Caudal
- tube is below patient, cranial causes II to move towards head
- for PA & cranial angulation, catheter & spine in center, there is a diaphragmatic shadow
Left System Views - 45 degrees LAO
Used to see body of circumflex
Left System Views - 30-45 degrees LAO cranial
Used to see left main, bifurcation of LAD & circumflex
Left System Views - 30 degrees RAO cranial
Used to see distal 2/3 of LAD, origin of diagonals
Left System Views - 30 degrees RAO
Entire circumflex, OMs, distal LAD
Left System Views - 20 RAO caudal
Straightened out circumflex & OM
Left System Views - PA caudal
Circumflex, proximal LAD
Left System Views - PA
Only used to see left main
Left System Views - LAO caudal
- "spider view"
- shows LM, bifurcation of LAD & circumflex
Right System Views - 30 degrees RAO
Shows RCA, R ventricular branch, PDA
Right System Views - 30-45 degrees LAO
Shows RCA ("AP" view), R ventricular branch, PDA, PLA
Right System Views - LAO cranial
Removes superimposition of vessels for clear view of PDA/PLA bifurcation
Left Ventriculogram
- determines ejection fraction (i.e. heart's efficiency)
- measured by calculating volume of fluid within heart during diastole, then measuring volume of fluid that remains @ end of systole
- pigtail catheter used
Cardiac studies are recorded at _______ frames/sec frame rate
15-30 (higher the FR, more radiation)
Lesion-type Masking Pathology
- complex or multifocal lesions can mask pathology
- even when using multiple views
Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)
- mechanical transducers & electronic multi-element phased-array transducers
- catheters = 2.9F & 3.2F
- has allowed for pre-interventional lesion imaging & imaging lesions more distally
- takes raw radiofrequency data & converts into color coded images
What's measured during a RHC?
- O2 Saturation (evaluate possible atrioseptal & ventriculoseptal defects / sufficient O2/CO2 transfer in lungs)
- Cardiac Output (avg = 4-6L/min of blood pumped through heart)
- Hemodynamic Pressure Tracings (variations in pressure btw chambers [can indicate valve stenosis, hypertension])
RHC Procedure
SVC (O2 sat meas.) / IVC (same) / RA (same) / RA pressure / RV pressure / PW pressure / PW to PA pullback pressure / PA pressure / PA (O2 sat meas.)
Post-Procedure Care
Bed rest, groin check (every 15 min for 2-4 hrs, every 30 min next 2-4 hrs), fluid consumption (help flush contrast), BP, resume diet, self-observation
Valvular Regurgitation
- part of valve prolapses, fluid goes opposite way
- most often seen in mitral valve
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
Connection between aorta & pulmonary artery
Complications of Cardiac Cath
MI, arrhythmias, vascular damage, cardiac tamponade, contrast rxn/renal failure, infection, vaso-vagal rxn, hemorrhage, death
Allergy Meds - Steroids
- anti-inflammatory; helps mitigate histamines from causing issues
- ex. Prednisone, Methylprednisolone, Hydrocortisone
Allergy Meds - Antihistamines (H1 Blockers)
- anti-inflammatory; different mechanism of action
- ex. Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Vistaril (hydroxyzine), Claratin (ranitidine), Allegra (fexofenadine)
Allergy Meds - Antihistamines (H2 Blockers)
- works through reduction of stomach acid
- helps control n/v associated w/ contrast media rxns
- ex. Pepcid (famotidine), Tagamet (cimetidine), Zantac (ranitidine)
Infection Prophylaxis Meds
- given when there's a skin incision involved or when infection is likely (i.e. compromised immune system)
- ex. Cephalosporin (Ancef, Keflex, Duracef), Fluoroguinolene (Levaquin), Glycopeptides (Vancomycin)
Anxiolysis Meds
- given to reduce apprehension prior to procedure or when patient is agitated
- ex. Valium/Atavan (benzodiazepines)
Renal Insufficiency/Failure Meds
- pre-procedure lab work is critical
- multiple items in combo can be given to protect kidneys
- ex. Mucomyst (n-acetylcystine [antioxidant]), Sodium Bicarbonate (increase O2 levels), Saline (increases BV)
Conscious Sedation (Intra-procedural Meds)
- minimizes pain/discomfort; in control of their own breathing; brief amnesia
- ex. benzodiazepines, narcotics (Fentanyl, morphine), oxygen, Benadryl
What medication is used to reverse benzodiazeprines?
Flumazenil (Romazicon)
What medication is used to reverse narcotics?
Naloxone (Narcan)
Antiemetic Meds
- assists w/ mitigating n/v; oral tablet or liquid IV form
- ex. Zofran, Phenergan, Inapsine, Compazine
Platelet Inhibitor Meds
- used w/ caution
- stopped prior to most procedures (b/c of decreased ability to clot)
- ex. Plavix (clopidogrel), Aspirin
Fibrinolytics/Thrombolytics Meds
- used to "bust" (lyse) clots
- tPA (Activase) - tissue plasminogen activator
- ex. Reteplase (retavase), Urokinase (abbokinase)
Vasodilator Meds
- dilate diameter of vessels
- ex. Nitroglycerine, Verapamil, Nicardipine
Antihypertensive Meds
- similar action to vasodilators
- ex. Clonidine (catapres), Nitro
Vasopressor Meds
- cause vasoconstriction (increases BP)
- ex. Dopamine, Dobutamine, Norepinephrine
Post-Procedural Meds
- pain meds, antibiotis, antiemetic, anticoagulants/platelet inhibitors
Cardiac devices are designed to...
Restore or maintain a rhythm & rate sufficient to meet metabolic needs
Diagnostic Device Operation Info
Lead impedances, pacing thresholds, P & R wave sensing trends, battery voltage & impedance
Diagnostic Patient Info
AF burden, activity levels, % ventricular pacing, HR variability, fluid accumulation (some devices)
Pacemakers/Implantable Pulse Generators (IPG)
- provide rate to support metabolic needs & various diagnostics
- single & dual chambered (dual = R atrium & RV)
- longevity = 8-10 years
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs)
- restores sinus rhythm in presence of tachycardia
- longevity = 6-9 years
- provide rate to support metabolic needs & various diagnostics
ICD Past (~10-12 years ago)
- major surgery (abdominal implants, median sternotomy)
- nonprogrammable, high-energy shock only
- indicated for patients who survived cardiac arrest TWICE
- 1.5 year longevity; used on < 1000 cases a year
ICDs Today
- similar to pacemaker implant; single incision (pectoral implant, overnight stay)
- local anesthesia/conscious sedation
- single, dual, & triple chamber
- 9 years longevity
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)
- restore ventricular synchrony in presence of HF by pacing both ventricles
- standard pacemaker used for RV, special lead navigated via coronary sinus to LV
- CRT pacing combined w/ ICD ("high-power CRT")
Implantable Loop Recorders (ILR)
- provide rate-based monitoring for patients experiencing transient recurrent syncope
- provides EGM during triggered events (intracardiac electrogram)
- longevity = 14 months
Indications for Pacemaker Implantation
- patients w/ symptomatic bradycardia, refractory to treatment, sick sinus syndrome, complete heart bock, vaso-vagal syndrome
- most often used = dual chambered
Single-chamber pacemaker used for...
Ventricular --> Patients w/ chronic AF w/ slow ventricular response

Atrial --> patients w/ sinus node disease, no evident AV block
Primary Prevention for SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest)
- patient who have not experienced SCA/VA, but are at risk
- studies --> MADIT II, SCD-HeFT (demonstrated use of ICDs in patients)
Secondary Prevention for SCA
- patients who have experienced previous SCA or ventricular arrhythmia (VA)
- studies --> AVID, CIDS, CASH support use of ICDs in these patients
Indications for ICDs
- cardiac arrest (due to VT or VF)
- syncope (sustained VT or VF induced during EP)
- nonsustained VT w/...(coronary disease or prior MI & LV dysfunction)
Indications for CRT Therapy
- NYHA Class III or IV heart failure
- wide QRS complex (> 120ms wide); EF < 35%
- most get ICD w/ CRT b/c of risk of SCD
Indications for Loop Recorders
- transient, infrequent but recurrent syncope
- many also diagnosed w/ seizure disorder
- monitored w/ Holter monitor
What is one way to identify the type of pacemaker a patient has?
If they don't have their ID card, use CXR to determine how many chambers (i.e. how many leads coming off of pacemaker)
Pacing Therapy (I.e. how a pacemaker works)
- senses underlying HR
- delivers low energy electrical pulses when HR falls below programmed limit
- Dual chamber IPGs provide A-V synchrony
What does an ICD offer that a pacemaker does not?
2 things --> defibrillation & ventricular ATP (anti tachy-pacing)
High-Voltage Therapy
- cardioversion (timed in synchrony w/ QRS) & difib delivered in biphasic waves
- device must detect, charge, confirm, deliver shock
- common vector = from can + SVC coil to RV coil, back to can + SVC coil
How big is a typical ICD therapy lead?
7F diameter lead
"Active Fixation" Lead (dual coil ICD lead)
Fixation mechanism on tip of lead is small helix (screw)
"Passive Fixation" Lead (dual coil ICD lead)
Fixation mechanism on tip of lead resembles small grappling hook (made from silicone)
CRT Therapy
- by pacing from both R & L ventricles, this can improve EF & reduce patient symptoms
- mitral regurgitation
When were the first pacemakers implanted?
early 1960s (single chamber, non-programmable, 2 year longevity)
Pacing Codes - Code Positions
I - chamber(s) paced
II - chamber(s) sensed
III - response to sensed event
IV - programmability features
V - anti-achyarrhythmia function
Pacing Code - Code Letters (I-IV)
V = ventricle / A = atrium / D = A & V / O = none / T = trigger pacing / I = inhibit pacing / P = programmability / M = multi-programmability / C = communicating / R = rate modulation
Pacing Code - Code Letters (V)
P = pacing
S = shock
D = dual (P & S)
O = none