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25 Cards in this Set

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Changes in coloration of dentin are ______________?
contour lines of Owen
At the DEJ, lines of Owen will meet a corresponding ______________?
stria of retzius
In the crown, dentinal tubules for a characteristic __________ shape.
S curve
Odontoblasts start out early in development as a single layer, but become __________ due to _________ later on in development.
stacked, crowding
What layer of dentin is between the mantle and circumpulpal layers?
globular layer
interglobular dentin is in the ____________ layer and has a _________ shape.
globular, crescent
T or F: the globular layer is usually only seen in the crown?
Lateral process of odontoblastic process are used for ____________ between odontoblasts.
What are a-e?
a- line of Owen
b- mantle layer of dentin
c- circumpulpal layer
d- S curve of dentinal tubule
e- DEJ
What are a and b?
a- line of Owen
b- stria of retzius
What is this picture showing?
lines of von Ebener
What are a-d?
a- primary curve of dentinal tubule (S curve)
b- DEJ
c- mantle dentin
d- circumpulpal dentin
What are a-d?
a- odontoblasts
b- predentin
c- pulp cavity
d- dentinal tubules
What are the wavy lines?
secondary curves in dentin
What are a-c?
a- enamel
b- circumpulpal dentin
c- mantle dentin
What are a-d?
a- odontoblasts
b- predentin
c- calcification front
d- calcified dentin
What is this?
well calcified dentin, calcification sphere
What is this?
interglobular dentin
What are a-g?
a- cirumpulpal dentin
b- globular dentin
c- mantle layer
d- granular layer
e- cemento-enamel junction
f- enamel
g- cementum
What are a-c?
a- peritubular dentin
b- intertubular dentin
c- dentinal tubule
What are a and b?
a- odontoblastic process
b- lateral branch
What are a-d?
a- dentinal tubule
b- DEJ
c- enamel
d- enamel spindle
What are a-c?
a- intertubular dentin
b- peritubular dentin
c- dentinal tubule
What are a-c?
a- primary dentin
b- secondary dentin
c- reactive dentin
What are a and b?
a- dead tract
b- blind tract (containing sclerotic dentin)