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112 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back

What two layers does the periosteum consist of?

-Fibrous layer

-cambium layer

Name the paired "surfaces" designed to join with costal head in Latin

-fovea Costalis caudalis

-fovea Costalis cranialis

List two vertebrae not having a caput vertebrae (vertebral head)

- atlas

- axis

Name the plane which divides the body into two symmetrical parts and name the plane parallel to it?

- Medial Plane

- Saggital plane

Name the basic structural part of the compact bone tissue- in which part of the long bone does the compact substance dominate?

- Osteons


Which cells of the bone tissue are responsible for the osteogenesis and which for the bone resorption?

Osteogenisis- osteoblast

Bone resorption - osteoclast

Which animal has an unlocked orbit?



Which parasal sinus is largest in the horse and which in the cow?

Horse - Maxillary Sinus

Cow- Frontal sinus

What kind of bones can be distinguished in accordance with its shape?

-Flat bone

-Long bone

-irregular bone

-Sesamoid bone

-Pneumatic bone

Name the bone on which sulcus extensorius is present and the one where processus extensorius is present?

-processus extensorius= Distal Phalanx

- Sulcus extensorius= Tibia

Name the two surfaces visible in the acetabulum?

-Facies lunate

-Fossa acetebuli

What are the different parts of the Hyoid apparatus?




List the different types of sutures in the skull?

- Sutura coronalis

- Sutura sagittalis

- Sutura Lambdoideci

Give at least two defects of branchiocephalia syndrome?

- reduced or missing crista sagitalis extema

- shortened facial part

-elongated soft palate

-stenotic nares

-trachea collapse

Name two joints of the vertebrae and ribs

- Art. Capitis costae

- Art. Costotransrersarici

What parts of the temporal bone are visible in newborns?

- pars tymparica

- pars petrosa

- pars squamosal

Name the largest sesamoid bone?


Name the most distal Sesamoid bone?

- Os Naviculare

Name the bone which has (a) Fossa Radialis and (b) Fossa Extensoria?

- (a) Humerus

- (b) Femur

Which type of bone is typical for (a) body of long bones (b) epiphysis?

- (a). Compact bone

- (b). spongy bone

What are the two main parts of the skull?

- Os Faciei

- Os Cranii

What structure comes out of the external occipital protuberance? What is this structure formed by?

-Lig. Nuchae

- Funicus nuchae

Which two structures in the rib touch the vertebrae?

- Caput costae- Facies articularis Capitis costae

- Tuberculum costae

Name at least two surfaces of the proximal phalanges? What kind of bone is it?

- palmar/plantar surface

- Articular surface

- Long bone

Name the foramen in the atlas which is replaced by a notch in the dog?

Foramen Alare

- this is Incisura alaris in dog

Which thoracic vertebrae articulates with the 5th pair of ribs?

-4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae

Name the structure formed by the false ribs (costae spuriae)?

- Arcus Costalis

Which type of bone marrow is typical for flat bones and which is typical for the medullar cavity of long bones?

- Red Bone Marrow

- Yellow Bone marrow

Name the two processes forming Arcus zygomaticus?

- Processus temporalis

- Processus zygomaticus

Name the two compartments of maxillary sinus in a horse?

- Rostral maxillary sinus

- Caudal maxillary sinus

Name two types of bone tissue according to its structure?

- Compact bone

-Spongy bone

Name two bones forming symphysis pelvina?

Os pubis

Os ischii

Name the process at the distal extremity of the ulna?

Processus styloideus

Name two processes at the proximal extremity of the ulna?

-Processus coronoideus lateralis + medialis

-processus anconeus

Give at least two examples of flat bones?

- os ischii

- os pubis

- scapula

- saccrum

Name the structures (part of the atlas surrounding) the foramen vertebrale?

- Arcus dorsalis

-Arcus ventralis

How many ribs does the dog have?


Name the group of ribs forming the Arcus costalis?

- Costae Spuriae (false ribs)

Name the parts of the sternum laying most caudally and cranially?

- Caudally - Cartilago xiphoidea

-medially - corpus sterni

- Cranially - Manubrium sterni

How many vertebrae does Os sacrum of the horse consist of?

- 5

How many lumbar vertebrae does the cow have?

- 6

In which morphotype of dogs is the external sagittal crest reduced or missing? Is this prognation of mandible typical for this type? (Yes/no)

- Brachycephalic

- yes

Name the bones bordering the recesses maxillaris?

- Ethmoid bone

- Maxillary



Name the notch (in Latin) of the mandible between the Processus condylaris and processus coracoideus?

- Incisura Mandibulae

Name the covering of the outer surface of the skull?

- pericranium

Which segment of the limb is represented by the scapula? Name the bone representing the same segment of the pelvic limb.

- Zonopodium

- Os Coxae

Give two examples of animals having an acromion?

- dog

- cow

Name two parts of the long bone neighbouring with the cartilago ephiphysialis?

- Epiphysis

- Metaphysis

Give another name to Os Ungalare?

- Os unguiculare

- Phalanx distalis

Name two surfaces separated by margo coronalis in Os Ungalare?

- Facies parietalis

- Facies articularis

How many bones is there in the proximal row of the canine carpus? How many in distal row of the porcine tarsus?

- Canine: 5

- Porcine: 4

Which discipline describes similarities and differences in the anatomy of organisms?

Comparative anatomy

Name the plane perpendicular to the long axis?

- transverse plane

List two groups of ossa Capitis?

- Ossa Faciei

- Ossa cranii

Name The "concavity" where the maxillary foramen (skull) is?

-Fossa pterygopalantina

Name three bones from the palatum asseum?

- Os palatum

- maxilla

- Os incisirum

Name the disc of hyaline cartilage that is positioned transversely and between the epiphysis and diaphysis of long bone?

A) Metaphysis are areas between epiphysis and diaphysis

B) Epiphyseal plate in growing bones

Name the largest sinuses in horse, cow and dog?

Horse- Maxillary sinus

Cow- frontal sinus

Dog- recesses maxillaris

Name two compartments of maxillary sinus in a horse?

Rostral maxillary sinus and caudal maxillary sinus

What branch of systematic anatomy describes the sense organs and common integument?


Give at least two defects of brachiocephalic syndrome?

Stenotic nares, elongated soft palate, tracheal collapse, hypertophic palatine tonsils, everted laryngeal ventricles

What is the largest sesamoid bone?


Name the most distal Sesamoid bone?

Os naviculare

List two groups of ossa Capitis?

Ossa faciei and Ossa crania

Name the process at the distal extremity of the ulna?

Processus styloideous lateralis

Name two processes at the proximal extremity of the ulna?

Processus coronoideus lateralis and processus anconeus

Name the bone on which the sulcus extensorius is present?


Name the bone which articulates with the patella?

Trochlea Ossis femoris

Name two fossa present on the distal extremity of femur?

Fossa extensoria

Fossa musculi poplitea

Fossa intercondylaris

Name the distal extremity of the ulna in Latin?

Caput ulnae

Name the middle phalanx in a horse?

Phalanx media= Os coronale

Name the distal phalanx in a dog?

Phalanx distale= Os ungulare

Name 2 surfaces separated by margo coronalis?

Facies flexoria

Facies solearis

Name 2 surfaces on the proximal phalanx?

Palmar surface

Plantar surface

Name the concavity where the maxillary foramen is present?


Name 3 major parts of the sternum?

Manubrium sterni

Corpus sternum

Processus xiphoideus

Name in Latin the proximal and middle phalanx of a horse?

Os compedale

Os coronale

Name the two notches separated by spina ischiadica?

Incisura ischiadica major

Incisura ischiadica minor

Name the cranial edge on the wing of the ilium extending between tuber coxae and tuber sacrale? Name the lateral surface of the wing?

Crista iliaca

Facies glutea

Which bones of carpus are fused together in dogs?

-Os Carpi radiale

-Os carpi intermedium/ radial carpal bone

-Intermediate carpal bone

Which segment of the limb does the scapula represent and which type of bone is it according to geometrical criteria?


Flat bone

In which animals do bulla lacrimalis occur?


Small ruminants

Name the bone where crista ethmoidalis and crista conchalis is located?

Os nasale


Name two processes separated by the incidura Mandibulae?

Processus coronoideus

Processus condylaris

Specify 3 morphotype of dogs?



- brachycephalic

Name 3 bones forming palatinum osseum?


- Os incisivum

- Os palatinum

Specify bones forming the palatum osseum in cattle and highlight those that have sinuses in their interior?


Os incisivum

Os palatinum

Name two openings of canalis infraorbitalis?

Foramen infraorbitale

Foramen maxillare

How many ribs does a horse have?

18 pairs

Name the cell responsible for the synthesis and mineralization of bone and the cell responsible for absorption of bone?

Osteoblasts and osteoclasts

What kind of bone is the proximal phalanx?

Long bone

Which thoracic vertebrae articulate with the 5th pair of ribs?

4th and 5th

Name the bones bordering the recessus maxillaris?

Ethmoid bone




Name two surfaces separated by margo coronalis in Os ungulare?

Facies parietalis, Facies articularis

What kind of bone is a proximal phalanx?

Long bone

Name the notch in Latin that is located between the Processus coronoideus and processus condylaris?

Incisura mandibulae

Name two processes formed by Arcus zygomaticus?

-Processus temporalis

- Processus frontalis

Name two impressions on the area of the caudal cranial Fossa (foramen magnum)

- impressio pontina

- impressio medullaris

What part of the temporal bone are visible in newborns?

- Pars tympanica

- pars petrosa

- pars squamosal

Name the paired surface designed to articulate with costal head of ribs?

A) fovea costalis cranialis, fovea costalis caudalis, fovea costalis processus transcersi

B) Cranial costal facet, caudal costal facet, transverse costal facet.

Which bone has the fovea costalis caudalis?

Thoracic vertebrae

Give three examples of ribs?

Costae verae, costae spuriae and costae flunctuantes

Distinguish between dorsal and ventral?

Back (Definition)

Distinguish between the Palmer and the plantar?

Back (Definition)

What is bone tissue?

Specialised form of connective tissue

What are the heart bones called in Latin?

Ossa cordis

Name the three regions of long bones?

Back (Definition)

Name the three morphotypes of dog?

Back (Definition)

Name the bone in the stylopodium of thoracic limb?

The Humerus

Name the bone in the Zeugopodium of thoracic limb?

Radius and ulna

Name the bone in the stylopodium in the pelvic limb?


Name the bone in the Zeugopodium of the pelvic limb?
