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44 Cards in this Set

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What are Osler nodes? What do they mean?
Painful red lesions on hands and feet
Occur in endocarditis, caused by immune complexes
What are Janeway lesions? What do they mean?
Non tender small erythematours or haemorrhagic nodules on hands or feet.
Occur in endocardits, caused by septic emboli
What are Splinter Haemorrghages, what do they mean?
Narrow red lines of blood beneath nails
Most often caused by trauma to nail, may occur in SLE or endocarditis
What is Xanthelesmata? What does it mean?
Yellow cholesterol deposits around the eye
Associated with hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes, biliary cirrhosis
What is Corneal Arcus? What does it mean?
A white/blue/grey ring in corneal margin
Bilateral is associated with hyperlipidemia,
Unilateral is associated with poor blood flow eg carotid artery disease
What are the cardiac causes of clubbing? (2)
Endocarditis, Cyanotic congenital heart disease
What are the respiratory causes of clubbing? (8)
Asbestosis/Abscess, Bronchiectasis/Bronchial Carcinoma, Cystic Fibrosis, Decreased O2 (hypoxia), Empyema, Fibrosing alveolitis
What are the causes of an ejection systolic murmur? (3)
Aortic Stenosis, Pulmonary Stenosis, Atrial Septal Defect
What are the causes of a pansystolic murmur? (3)
Mitral Regurg, Tricuspid Regurg, Ventricular Septal Defect
What are the causes of an early diastolic murmur? (2)
Aortic Regurg, Pulmonary Regurg
What are the causes of a mid diastolic murmur? (2)
Mitral Stenosis, Tricuspid Stenosis
What the causes of a continuos cardiac murmur?
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
What are the causes of a dull lung percussion note? (4)
Pleural Effusion (stony dull), Consilidation, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Lung Collapse
What are the causes of a hyper-resonent lung percussion note? (2)
Pneumothorax, Hyperinflation (COPD)
What are the causes of a wheeze (rhonchi) on lung auscultation? (2)
Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis
What are the causes of crackes (crepitations) on lung auscultation? (5)
Fine: Heart failure, fibrolising alveolitis
Coarse: Bronchiectasis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis
What are the causes of a pleural rub? (2)
Pneumonia, Pulmonary Embolism
What are the causes of greyish white sputum? (3)
COPD, Asthma, Smoker (Black Specks)
What are the causes of black sputum? (1)
What are the causes of frothy pink specks in sputum? (1)
Acute pulmonary oedema
What are the causes of blood stained sputum (Haemopytysis) (5)
TB, Bronchial Carcinoma, PE, Bronchiectasis, Pneumonia
What are the causes of yellow/green sputum? (3)
Bacterial Infection: Pneumonia, Bronchiectasis, Abscess
What are the causes of rusty golden sputum? (1)
Pneumococcal Pneumonia
What are the abdo causes of clubbing? (3)
Liver cirrhosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Coeliac Disease
What is leukonychia? What does it mean?
Whitening of the nails
Caused by cirrhosis, hypoalbuminaemia
What is Koilonychia? What does it mean?
Spoon Shaped Neals
Iron Deficiency Anaemia
What causes palmar erythema? (1)
Chronic Liver Disease
What is Duputyren's Contracture? What causes it?
Fingers held flexed towars hand
Liver currhosis
What causes Macroglossis? (2)
Hypothyroidism, Acromegaly
What causes atrophic glossitis? (3)
Iron, Folate, B12 Deficiency
What causes mouth ulcers? (2)
Crohn's, Coeliac Disaese
What are Campbell de Morgan spots?
Cherry red papules on the skin containing abnormal proliferation of blood vessels
What are spider naevi? What causes them?
Red spot with red extensions which blanch when you compress the centre
May be caused by hepatic disease, or women with increased oestrogen levels
What causes angular stomatitis?
Infection, Iron Deficiencies, B vitamin deficiencies
What does Virchows node suggest?
Gastric carcinoma
What can cause large, smooth and tender hepatomegaly? (5)
Hepatitis, Chronic Heart Failure, Sarcoidosis, Early Alcoholic Hepatitis, Tricuspid incompetence with a pulsatile liver
What can cause large, hard and craggy hepatomegaly?
Primary hepatoma or secondary tumours
What can cause large, smooth and non tender hepatomegaly?
Cirrhosis and Lymphoma
What can cause splenomegaly? (6)
Chronic myeloid leukaemia, Myelofibrosis, Lymphoma, Infective (TB), Infective (Malaria), Glandular Fever
What can cause hepatosplenomegaly?
Infective - Viral Hepatitis, Infectious Mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus
Haematological - Laukaemia, Myeloproliferative Disease, Lymphoma
Other - Amyloidosis, Acromegaly, SLE
What can cause unilateral enlarged kidneys? (4)
Polycystic kidney disease, Perinephric abscess, Hydronephrosis, Malignancy
What can cause bilateral enlarged kidneys? (3)
Polycystic kidney disease, Hydronephrosis, Nephroblastoma
What causes Transudate Ascites? (4)
Transudate = <30g/L protein
Liver Cirrhosis, Constrictive Pericarditis, Cardiac Failure, Nephrotic Syndrome
What causes Exudate Ascites? (4)
Malignancy, Acute Pancreatitis, Infective Causes (Pneumococcal, TB), Budd-Chiari syndrome