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173 Cards in this Set

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Vertebral artery insufficiency test / quadrant test

Tests: vertebral artery integrity

+ Sign: vertigo, slurred speech, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbance

Lateral flexion alar ligament stress test

Tests: rupture of the alar ligament

+ Sign: excessive movement or pain

Atlanto-occipital articulation PR ROM

Tests: assess movement at a/o articulation

+Sign: subtle leathery end feel

Atlanto-axial articulation PR ROM

Tests: assess movement at a/a articulation

+Sign: subtle leathery end feel

Valsavas test

Tests: intrathecal pressure increase due to possible disk protrusion, tumor or osteophytes

+Sign: reproduction or increase of spinal pain or radiation into limbs

Spurlings test / cervical quadrants

Tests: cervical nerve root or facet joint irritation in lower cervical spine

+Sign: radiating pain or other neuro signs

Jackson's compression test

Tests: 1) intervertebral foramen compromise.

2) facet joint irritation

3)capsular/ligament lesions

+Sign: 1) sharp/shooting/radiating

2) full/achy/general

3) symptoms decrease

Maximal cervical compression test

Tests: 1) intervertebral foramen compromise.

2) facet joint irritation

3)capsular/ligament lesions

+Sign: 1) sharp/shooting/radiating

2) full/achy/general

3) symptoms decrease

Distraction test

Tests: 1) intervertebral foramen compromise.

2) facet joint irritation

3)capsular/ligament lesions

+Sign: 1) sharp/shooting/radiating

2) full/achy/general

3) symptoms increase

First rib mobility test

Tests: assess mobility of the first rib

+Sign: limited flexion = hypomobility

Shoulder depression test

Tests: brachial plexus lesion, rediculopayhies, hypomobile joint capsule

+Sign: pain increases

Neurological pain= brachial

Dull/deep/achy = joint

Shoulder abduction test / bakodys sign

Tests: radicular symptoms especially C4 and C5 nerve roots

+Sign: pain decreases or relief of symptoms

Swallowing test

Tests: assess if pain on swallowing is due to referred pain from a SCM TP

+ Sign: if pain diminishes while the client swallows

Scalene cramp test

Tests: 1)TP in scalenes

2) plexopathy or TOS

+Sign: 1) increase in pain (local)

2) radicular signs

Scalene relief test

Tests: TP in anterior scalene

+Sign: reduction of pain is positive for anterior scalene TP

Anterior neck flexors strength test AR

Tests: assessing strength of SCM,anterior scalenes, suprahyoids, infrahyoids, Longus capitis, Longus coli, rectus capitis

+Sign: unable to maintain position

Anterior lateral neck flexors AR

Tests: assess strength of SCM and scalenes

+Sign: unable to maintain position

Posterolateral neck flexors strength test AR

Tests: assess the strength of solenoid capitus, solenoid cervicis, semispinalis and cervical erectors

+Sign: unable to hold position

Obiculatis oculi strength test AR

Tests: to confirm Bell's palsy

Method: seated or supine, instruct client to keep eyes closed, gently try to open eyes

+ Sign: unable to resist your action

Sinus transillumination test

Tests: infection of the frontal and maxillary sinuses

+Sign: does not transilluminate (glow red)

Hautants test

Tests: differentiate articular versus vascular dizziness / vertigo

+ Sign:

A) arms move/waver = non vascular

B) arms move/waver = vascular impingement to the brain

Jaw reflex

Tests: integrity of trigeminal nerve CN 5

+ Sign: mouth does not close


Tests: assess TMJ motion

+ Sign: clicking, crepitus, asymmetry of motion or pain

Chvostek test

Tests: integrity of the facial nerve CN 7

+ Sign: twitching of the facial muacle during tapping (burning pain)

Functional opening / 3 knuckle test

Tests: functional opening / TMJ hypomobility

+ Sign: can't fit 3 knuckles

C curve

Tests: hypomobility of TMJ

+Sign: deviation to one side

S curve

Tests: muscle imbalance

Method: cl opens Louth slowly

+Sign: deviation to one side then the other

Slump test

Tests: dural restrictions

+Sign: reproduction of symptims, symptoms will progressively increase with each stage

First thoracic nerve root stretch

Tests: T1 nerve root


1) no pain

2) pain in scapular region or into the arm

Passive scapular approximation

Tests: T1 or T2 nerve root

Method: cl is prone, therapist lifts shoulders up and back

+Sign: pain in the scapular region

Vocal fremitus test (99)

Tests: assesses for areas of bronchial congestion due to emphysema or chronic bronchitis

+Sign: decrease in vibrations over lungs is a positive test for congestion due to infected mucus, serum or lymph

Mediate percussion test

Tests: assess lung density, mucus congestion

+ Sign: hearing a duller sound over areas of congestion and more resonant over hyper-inflated lungs

Functional or structural scoliosis test

Tests: functional vs structural scoliosis

+ Sign: lateral bending is positive for functional scoliosis if the curve corrects or reverses as the client bends towards the convex side, if the curve does not correct the test is positive for structural scoliosis

Forward bending test

Tests: functional vs. Structural scoliosis+ Sign: if curve or rib humping corrects = functional scoliosis

Scoliosis small hemipelvis test

Tests: small hemipelvis that may contribute to a functional scoliosis

+Sign: if curved neutralizes the test is positive for functional scoliosis due to small hemipelvis

Scoliosis short leg test

Tests: short leg causing a functional scoliosis

+Sign: if the curve corrects

Motion palpation of the spine

Tests: assess the ROM of the spine

+Sign: if segments move as one unit = hypomobile

If segment moves more than those above or below = hypermobile

Static palpation of the spine

Tests: asses for rotation, extension or flexion of the vertebrae

+Sign: if the spinus processes are not symmetrical

Anterior spinus challenge

Tests: determine the location of minor vertebral derangement

+Sign: mild local pain, hypo or hyper mobility

Lateral spinous challenge

Tests: determine the location of a minor intervertebral derangement

+Sign: mild or local pain, hyper or hypo mobility

Rib motion test

Tests: asses motion of the ribs

+Sign: asymmetry on inhalation of rib that stops moving relative to the other ribs is a depressed rib, on exhalation a rib that does not move relative to the other is described as an elevated rib

Rib palpation test

Tests: assess the position of individual ribs


Prone: a rib that is subluxed or fixed in a posterior direction has more prominent rib angle contour then the other ribs anterior subluxation has less contour (hypomobility)

Supine: backwards. so posterior subluxation less pronounce anterior subluxation is more pronounced

Levatores costarum fixation

Tests: assess length of individual levatores costarum muscles

+Sign: leathery end feel and tenderness

Kernigs test

Tests: stretch Dural tube and spinal cord to reproduce pain caused by nerve root involvement, meningeal irritation or Dural restrictions

+Sign: pain along spine (sometimes with referral into limb) pain is experienced at the level of the lesion

Rebound tenderness test

Tests: assess for possibility of appendicitis

+Sign: severe pain when the pressure is released

Straight leg raise


A) neurological test for lower limb: disc herniation, dural restriction, nerve root pathology

B) non neurological pain:

Lumbar facets, sij pain, hamstrings


1) A) neurological symptoms in the back of the leg = sciatic nerve distribution between 35-70° of hip flexion

2-3) A) neurological symptoms as above

B) no neurological pain pre 70° = possible hamstring

70°+ joint pain = lumbar facet or sij

Nachlas test


1) femoral nerve

2) L2 -L4 nerve roots


1) neurological pain radiates down the anterior thigh

2) unilateral neurological pain in the lumbar area, buttocks and or posterior thigh

Kemps / quadrants (over pressure) test


1) intervertebral foramen compromise

2) facet joint irritation


1) sharp, shooting, radiating pain

2) dull, achy, general pain

Slump test #1

Tests: spinal cord, cervical and lumbar nerve roots, sciatic nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms

Slump test #2

Tests: obturator nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms

Slump test #3 (sidelying)

Tests: femoral nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms

Slump test #4 (sitting)

Tests: spinal cord, cervical and lumbar nerve roots, sciatic nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms

Straight leg raise #1

Tests: sciatic nerve and tibial nerve

+ Sign: reproduction of symptoms, back pain, neurological pain in the area of the nerve

Straight leg raise #2

Tests: tibial nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms, back pain, neurological pain in the area of the nerve

Straight leg raise #3

Tests: sural nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms, back pain, neurological pain in the area of the nerve

Straight leg raise #4

Tests: common peroneal / common fibular nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms, back pain, neurological pain in the area of the nerve

Straight leg raise #5

Tests: nerve root / disc prolapse

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms, back pain, neurological pain in the area of the nerve

Prone knee bending #1


1) femoral nerve

2) L2-L4 nerve roots

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms

1) neurological pain radiates down the anterior thigh

2) unilateral neurological pain in the lumbar area, buttocks or posterior thigh

Prone knee bending #2

Tests: lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms 1) neurological pain radiates down the anterior thigh2) unilateral neurological pain in the lumbar area, buttocks or posterior thigh

Prone knee bending #3

Tests: saphenous nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms 1) neurological pain radiates down the anterior thigh2) unilateral neurological pain in the lumbar area, buttocks or posterior thigh

Femoral nerve traction

Tests: femoral nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms, neurological pain radiates down the anterior thigh

Supine to sit tests

Tests: functional leg length discrepancy


Affected limb appears longer when supine but shorter when sitting = anterior innominate rotation

Affected limb appear short when supine and longer when sitting = posterior innominate rotation

Gillet tests / SIJ motion

Tests: fixation of SIJ

+Sign: minimal or superior movement of the PSIS

Standing fixation test

Tests: fixation of SIJ


A) PSIS move unequally

B) sacral base moves Unequally

Seated flexion test

Tests: SIJ fixation


A) PSIS moves Unequally

B) sacral base moves Unequally

Passive extension and medial rotation of ilium on sacrum

Tests: fixation of SIJ

+Sign: if affected side moves less its indicated hypomobility and posterior rotated ilium or outflare

Passive flexion and lateral rotation of ilium on sacrum

Tests: fixation of SIJ

+Sign: if affected side moves less its indicated hypomobility and anterior rotated ilium or inflare

If both passive flexion and extension tests are positive the ilium has up slipped on the sacrum

Gaenslins test / passive hip extension

Tests: SIJ lesion, hip pathology, L4 never root lesion

+Sign: pain in the SIJ

SIJ gapping test / transverse anterior stress test

Tests: anterior SI ligament sprain

+Sign: pain is reproduced localized to the SI joint, unilateral glute pain or posterior leg pain

SI joint squish/ transverse posterior stress test

Tests: posterior SI ligament sprain

+Sign: pain local to SI joint

Yeomans test

Tests: anterior SI ligaments

+Sign: pain in the area of the SIJ

Prone gapping test

Tests: posterior SI ligament sprain

+Sign: pain at SI joint on full medial rotation and or differences in the degrees of SI joint opening or quality in the movement

Sacroiliac rocking test

Tests: sacrotuberous ligament irritation

+Sign: pain in the SIJ

Hip quadrant / scouring test

Tests: joint capsule tightness or other pathology at the hip

+Sign: leathery end feel, bumpiness, crepitus, pain or apprehension

Superonferior symphysis pubis stress test

Tests: pubic symphysis

+Sign: pain at the pubic symphysis


Tests: gluteus medius weakness or unstable hip during unilateral weight-bearing

+Sign: pelvis drops inferiorly in the unsupported side (tests glut med on weight bearing side)

True leg length discrepancy

Tests: leg length

+Sign: difference between limbs greater then 1-1.5cm

1) ASIS to greater trochanter

2) greater trochanter to lateral joint line of the knee (femur length)

3) medial joint line of the knee to the medial malleolus

Patrick's test / Faber's test


1) hip pathology, iliopsoas spasm or SIJ

2) assess SIJ


1) knee remains above the opposite straight leg

2) pain local to SI joint

Craig's test

Tests: femoral anteversion or forward torsion of the femoral neck

+Sign: anteversion of greater then the normal 8-15°

Thomas test

Tests: hip flexor contracture

+Sign: contralateral knee lift

1) if straight leg abducts = IT band

2) knee extends = Rec fem shortness or contracture


Tests: rectus femoris contracture

+Sign: movement of contralateral knee into extension

Ely's test

Tests: rectus femoris contracture

+Sign: ipsilateral knee flexes during hip flexion

Piriformis test

Tests: piriformis contracture or piriformis syndrome


1) painful piriformis = tight piriformis

2) piriformis syndrome = sciatic nerve pain (pain in the buttocks sciatica pain down the back of the leg to the big toe)

Pace abduction test

Tests: strength of piriformis muscle

+Sign: weakness is positive for decreased strength, pain indicated piriformis trigger points

Obers test

Tests: TFL and IT band contracture

+Sign: test leg remains above the edge of the table = short TFL

Modified Ober test

Tests: TFL and IT band contracture

+Sign: test leg remains above the edge of the table = short ITB

Nobles compression

Tests: ITB friction syndrome

+Sign: pain over the area of the lateral femoral condyle at 30 degrees of knee flexion client confirms is the same pain they get from activity

90 90 straight leg raise

Tests: hamstring contracture

+Sign: straight leg not within 20 degrees of full knee extension

True tibia and femur length test

Tests: tibia and femur length

+Sign: shorter tibia or femur observed

Valgus stress test (knee)

Tests: medial stability of the joint

+Sign: excessive medial gapping or pain

Varus stress test (knee)

Tests: lateral stability of the joint

+Sign: excessive laterally gapping or pain


Tests: asses dynamic rotary function of the tibia

+Sign: the absence of the slight lateral tibial motion = torn meniscus or injured cruciate ligament

Modified halfets


1) meniscus

2) cruciate ligaments

3) weak quads

+Sign: the second mark on the tibial tuberosity is not in line with the lateral edge of the patella

Bragards sign

Tests: meniscal tearing


1) pain or tenderness along the medial joint line = medial meniscus

2) lateral meniscus pain with internal rotation and knee extension

McMurray test

Tests: meniscus

+Sign: clicking or snapping in the joint often with pain

Opposite side

Medial rotate = lateral meniscus

Lateral rotate = medial meniscus

Apleys test

Tests: meniscus or ligament


A) distraction test - pain on distract and rotate = ligaments injury

B) compression test - decreased pain or rotation same side

lateral rotation = lateral meniscus

Medial rotation = medial meniscus

Posterior sag sign / gravity drawer test

Tests: one plane posterior instability

1) PCL

2) arcuate popliteus complex

3) posterior oblique ligament

4) ACL

+Sign: tibia lies more posterior to the femur than normal

Lachmans test

Tests: anterior cruciate ligament especially posterolateral band

+Sign: lack of firm end feel, a mushy or soft end feel or excessive motion when compared to the other leg

Drawer sign

Tests: 1 plane anterior and one plane posterior instabilities the following may be injured

A) Extension anterior plane

1) ACL

2) posterolateral cap

3) posteromedial cap

4) MCL

5) ITB

6) posterior oblique ligament

7) arcuate popliteus complex

B) Flexion posterior plane

1) PCL

2) arcuate popliteus complex

3) posterior oblique ligament

4) ACL


A) excessive equal anterior movement of both tibial condyles on the femoral condyle usually with pain

B) excessive equal posterior movement of tibial condyles on the femoral condyles usually with pain


Tests: anterior lateral and anterior medial rotary instabilities the following may be injured:

A) anterolateral

1) ACL

2) posterolateral capsule

3) arcuate popliteus complex

4) LCL

5) ITB

B) anteromedial

1) MCL


3) Posteromedial capsule

4) ACL

+Sign: excessive movement as compared to the unaffected side occurs primarily on the opposite side

A) lateral side of the knee

B) medial side of the knee

Hughstons Posteromedial and posterolateral instability tests

Tests: Posteromedial and posterolateral rotary instabilities

+Sign: excessive movement or rotation on the

A) same side - medial side = Posteromedial rotary instability

B) same side - lateral side = posterolateral rotary instability

Lateral pivot shift test

Tests: anterolateral rotary instability

+Sign: client says that the "jog" backwards of the knee is what the "giving way" sensation feels like

Ballot table patella or major effusion test

Tests: assess for major increase in the synovial fluid within the knee

+Sign: patella clicks into the femur than rebounds to the floating position that test is positive for major swelling

Brush/ stroke/ bulge/ wipe test

Tests: minimal effusion

+Sign: a bulge at the medial distal border of the patella at the bulge may take up to 2 seconds to appear

Pateller apprehension test

Tests: whether patella is likely to dislocate laterally

+Sign: look of apprehension

Clarks patellofemoral grind test

Tests: patellofemoral syndrome

+Sign: apprehension, pain or crepitus

McConnell's test

Tests: patellofemoral pain is suspected

+Sign: diminished pain when the patella is glided medially

Waldrons test

Tests: patellofemoral syndrome

Method: standing, palpate patella while client perform slow deep knee bends

+Sign: pain, crepitus, poor patellar tracking

Coronary ligament stress test

Tests: coronary ligamentous stress test

+Sign: pain

Neutral position of the talus

Tests: neutral position if the talus

+Sign: the talus does not bulge out to either side than the talus is in its neutral position in weight-bearing

Anterior drawer (ankle)

Tests: ankle ligamentous instability

1. Anterior talofibular

2. Calcaneofibular

3. Deltoid


Lateral movement = talofibular ligament and or calcaneofibular ligament

Dimpling over the ATF ligament is also a positive result

Medial movement = deltoid ligament

Full anterior movement = both ligaments torn

Talat tilt

Tests: ankle ligamentous instability

1. Calcaneofibular

2. anterior talofibular

3. deltoid ligament

+Sign: excessive movement or pain

Supination test calcaneofibular mainly to a degree ATF

Pronation test the deltoid ligament

Kleiger test

Tests: ankle ligamentous instability - deltoid ligament

+Sign : pain on medially and laterally therapist may feel the talus displace from the medial malleolus

Feiss line

Tests: pes planus / flat foot or mobile foot

+Sign: if the navicular tuberosity drops below the line:

If it drops one third of the way to the floor is a first-degree flat foot

If it drops two-thirds of the way to the floor is a second-degree flat foot

If it rest on the floor it's a third degree flat foot

Functional or structural pes planus test

Tests: to determine pes planus is functional or structural


Functional = Arch is restored when the CL is standing on toes or seated

Structural = Arch remains flat

Babinskis test

Tests: CNS lesion

+Sign: any extension of the big toe and a deduction of other toes is positive for CNS lesion

Anterior talofibular ligamentus stress test

Tests: integrity of ATF ligament

+Sign: pain or excessive movement

Calcaneofibular ligament stress test

Tests: assess calcaneofibular ligament

+Sign: pain some excessive movement

Calcanrociboid ligamentous stress test

Tests: integrity of the calcabrociluboid ligament

+Sign: pain and hypermobility

Deltoid ligament stress test

Tests: assess deltoid ligament

+Sign: pain and excessive movement

Thompson test

Tests: Achilles tendon rupture

+Sign: foot does not plantar flex

Homans sign

Tests: deep vein thrombosis

+Sign: sharp direct pain in the middle of the calf, tenderness on palpation, pallor and swelling in the leg, loss of dorsalis pedis pulse

Rameirezs test

Tests: DVT

+Sign: increase in pain or inability to tolerate cuff is positive for DVT

Buergers test

Tests: arterial blood supply to the lower limb


Part1- what blanche's or prominent veins collapse

Part2- if it takes 1 to 2 minutes for colour to return and beans to fill and become prominent the test is confirmed positive

Morton's test

Tests: stress fracture or neuroma

+Sign: pain

Apleys scratch

Tests: overall shoulder function

+Sign: difficulties assuming these positions


Tests: bicipital long head tendonitis

+Sign: pain localized to the area of the bicipital groove, pain is greater in supination

Yergasens (hitchhiker)


1) transverse humeral ligament crossing the bicipital groove

2) bicipital long head tendonitis


1) tendon May displace indicating a tear in the transverse humeral ligament

2) pain in the area of the bicipital groove

Drop arm

Tests: rotator cuff strain

+Sign: lowering the arm causes pain or the arm drops to the side

Supraspinatus (empty can)

Tests: supraspinatus muscle or tendon tear, supracapular nerve neuropathy

+Sign: pain or weakness during #2

Painful arc

Tests: impingement of supraspinatus or subacromial Bursa between acromial Arch and coracoacromial ligament


No pain = 0-60

Pain = 60-120 (gh)

No pain = 130-170

Pain = 170-180 (AC)

Hawkins Kennedy (chicken wing)

Tests: impingement of supraspinatus muscle or subacromial bursa

+Sign: pain

Neer test

Tests: impingement of supraspinatus and sometimes long head bicep tendonitis

+Sign: scapular pain

Anterior apprehension / crank test

Tests: anterior shoulder instability, subluxation or dislocation

+Sign: apprehensive facial expression

Anterior drawer (shoulder)


1) anterior instability

2) labral tear or slippage over the glenoid rim

+Sign: apprehension or movement accompanied by a "click"

Adhesive capsulitis abduction test (frozen shoulder)

Tests: test for restricted motion at shoulder from fibrosing and adhesion of auxiliary fold

+Sign: painful or leathery and feel anywhere before 90 degrees of abduction

Posterior drawer (Norwood stress test)

Tests: posterior instability

+Sign: apprehension, greater then 50% translation, test is usually pain free

Push pull test

Tests: posterior instability

+Sign: apprehension, greater than 50% translation, pain is felt

Ac shea

Tests: acromioclavicular joint pathology

+Sign: pain and or abnormal movement at the AC joint

Upper limb tension test #1

Tests: median nerve, anterior interosseous nerve, C5, C6, C7 nerve roots

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms or a neurological pain

Upper limb tension test #2

Tests: median nerve, musculocutaneous nerve and auxiliary nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms or neurological pain

Upper limb tension test#3

Tests: radial nerve

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms or neurological pain

Upper limb tension test#4

Tests: ulnar nerve, C8 and T1 nerve roots

+Sign: reproduction of symptoms or neurological pain

Adson maneuver

Tests: anterior and middle scalenes and first rib TOS

+Sign: radial pulse disappears


Tests: scalenes TOS

+Sign: radial pulse disappears


Tests: First rib and clavicle TOS

+Sign: radial pulse disappears

Eden's test

Tests: fist rib and clavicle TOS

+Sign: radial pulse disappears


Tests: PEC minor TOS

+Sign: radial pulse decreases, clients symptoms reappear

Valgus stress test

Tests: medial collateral ligament

+Sign: pain, laxity or gapping seen or felt along the medial aspect of the elbow soft end feel

Varus stress test

Tests: lateral collateral ligament

+Sign: Pain, laxity or gapping seen or felt along the lateral aspect of the elbow soft end feel


Tests: lateral epicondylitis

+Sign: pain in the region of the lateral epicondyle


Tests: tendonitis of the common extensor tendon

+Sign: pain local to common extensor tendon


Tests: lateral epicondylitis

+Sign: pain in the region of the lateral epicondyle

Reverse Mills test

Tests: tendinosis of the common flexor tendon

+Sign: Pain local to the common flexor tendon

Medial epicondylitis

Tests: medial epicondylitis or golfer's elbow

+Sign: pain in the region of the medial epicondyle

Tinel's sign

Tests: ulnar neuroma or neuritis

+Sign: tingling or paresthesias in the ulnar nerve distribution of the forearm and hand

Pronator teres syndrome

Tests: Entrapment of the median nerve

+Sign: tingling or paracesis in the median nerve distribution of the forearm and hand

Pinch grip test

Tests: Pathology of the anterior interosseous nerve a branch of the median nerve

+Sign: pulp to pulp pinch

Allen's test

Tests: Ulnar and radial arteries

+Sign: hand remains whitish absence or diminish return of blood flow to the hands

Finkelsteins test

Tests: De quervain's tenosynovitis

+Sign: pain laterally over the wrist that is greater than the unaffected hand

Murphy's sign

Tests: dislocation of the lunate

+Sign: third metacarpal phalangeal is depressed or at level with 2nd and 4th

Phalens test

Tests: carpal tunnel syndrome

+Sign: tingling in the palmar surface of the thumb, index, middle and lateral half of the ring finger

Reverse phalens

Tests: carpal tunnel syndrome

+Sign: Tingling in the palmar surface of the thumb, index, middle and lateral half of ring finger

Finger flexion test

Tests: assess for presence of active trigger points in a scalene muscle group

+Sign: if all four fingertips cannot touch the metacarpal phalangeal joints positive for active scalene trigger points

Tinel's test at the wrist

Tests: carpal tunnel syndrome

+Sign: tingling in the palmar surface of the thumb, index, middle and lateral half of ring finger

Fromets test

Tests: paralysis of adductor pollicis

+Sign: Distal phalanx of thumb flexes

Thumb grind test

Tests: Degenerative joint disease in metacarpal phalangeal or carpal metacarpal

+Sign: pain in the metacarpal phalangeal or carpal metacarpal joint

Wrist extension ligamentous stress test

Tests: Sprain of the palmar wrist ligaments or strain

+Sign: Pain and hypermobility at the joint

Wrist flexion ligamentous stress test

Tests: Sprain of the dorsal wrist ligaments or strain of the wrist extensors

+Sign: pain and hypermobility are positive for sprain of the dorsal radiocarpal ligament

Pain local to extensor muscle or tendon is positive for strain

Radial ligamentous stress test

Tests: Sprain of radial collateral ligament of the wrist

+Sign: Pain or hypermobility at the lateral joint line

Ulnar ligamentous stress test

Tests: Sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist

+Sign: Pain or hypermobility at the medial joint line

Degree of Dupuytrens contracture

Tests: To record the flexion contractures found in a person's with Dupurtrens contracture


stage zero - no flexion deformity stage 1- total deformity from 0 to 45° stage 2- 45 to 90° stage 392 35° stage 4 -greater than 135 terminal phalanges becomes hyper-extended what other joints are flexed

Flexor teninosis

Tests: assess for teninosis

+Sign: pain at common flexor tendon or weakness