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76 Cards in this Set

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sxs
numbness and tingling in radial 3
Night pain
worse iwth prego, thyroid dz, DM,
Thenar muscle wasting,
slowing of condution
Carpal Test
Median Nerve compression test
Carpal Tx
splinting, change movement,s NSAIDs, steroid injections
Surgical release of the transverse carpal ligament
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome description
compression of the ulnar nerve at the medial epicondyle
parasthesia of the ring and small fingers.
worse with elbow flesion,
nigh pain
Second most common UE
nerve may sublex anterioly
sensory loss
Positive tinels sing
ULNAR claw deformity
Cubital Dx
Ulnar nerce compression test
finger abdutiction strength
fromens test
Cubital tx
extension splinting of the elbow
elbow pat at night
Unlar nerve decompression or trasnposition
Ulnar Tunnel Syndome
ulnar nerve compressed between the transverse carpal ligament and the volar carpal ligament in Guyon's conal
Unlar numbness
Tx same as carpal
Long thoracic Nerve Palsy
serratus anterior muscle dysfunciton
get EMG NCV, and shoulder x-ray for eval
Spondylolitheses description
forward slippage of one vertebra on antoerh
presents as lower back pain
Spondylithises Classifications
5-over 100
Spondylolitheses treatment
1/2- PT,avoid football, lumbar bracing in lordosis, serial xray until mutirity, fusion in situ if not going away.
3,4,5 - bilateral posterolateral fusion w/ o w/o decompression
HNP description
displacemnt of the central area of the disc resulting in impingment on a nerve root
MC L4 L5 and L5 S1
-Mosty middle aged, radicular and lower back pain
HNP findings
Motor weakness
L4 - tibilais ant
L5-extensor hallicis longus
S1- achillis
Asymmetic reflexes
Knee jerk -L4
Tibialis post or Medial Hamstring tendong - L5
Ankle Jerk S1
Positive tension sings
HNP Dx and Tx
Dx - MRI, mylography, Nerve studies
Tx: most resolve with time, pt Nsaids, aerobic, lumbar epidural steroids
if no improvement in 6-12 moths - surgery
Prereqs for HNP surgery
Failrue of nonop
Predominately lege sxs
positive tension sings
pos imagin studies
no psychosocial
95% are better right after, but afer 5 years there is no difference between surg and non-surg
Cauda Equina Syndrome
massive central nerniation of lumbar DISC that causes
progressive motor weakness, numbness
Saddle anesthesia
Retention of pee
SURGICAL emergency
Chronic Lumbar Disx Dz
Over 40 yo treat sx, thearpy Nsaids, injections, may require fusion
Spinal Stensosis
narrowing of spinal canal - either central or later
Most are acquired
Sxs: pain and parasthes
cause NEUROGENIC claudication (takes longer for relief of sxs upon sitting
Neurogenic Claudication
pain and wakness in the muscle of the thighs and calvs
proximal, flexed is better, No bike, longer with upill
Vascular Claudication
cramping without parasthesisa, sxs more distal, sooner, relieved with standing or lying flat.
Spinal Stenosis Tx
Non - rest, exercise, NSAIDS, lumbar epidurla steroids,
Scolisis Treatment
lateral spinal curvature over 10 dagrees
10-13 years old
under 10 needs referall.
0,1 - more risk of it progresses
2,3,4 - less likely to progress
Scolosis Dx and Tx
Stadning posteranterior and latera radio on 36 casstte - limit number due to radiation exposrue
Tx: young - brace surg
Old - preserve funtion and control pain, PT
Forward bending, scheuermans dz - fixed kyphsois
Tx: therapy, treat underlying condition, bracing
Ankylosing Spondylitis
involves the sacroiliac joints and the spine
onset 15-30, male
LBP, morning stiffness, SI joint, loss of chest expansion
Bamboo - spine
Positive HLA - B27
Tx - sxs NSAIDS and PT
Reiter Dz
Urethritis, Conjuncitviites, and arthritis
younger pt with reactive sxs within 3-4 weks of infection
knee, sacrolititis, heel pain, plantar fascitis
chlamydia, camp
Posit B27
Psoritic Arthtis
30-55, DIP, DJD
skin dz usu preceeds joint sxs
nail disorders, pitting, riding, and onycolylsis
Arthritis with Inflame bowel dz
inflame of tendon, fascia, or joint capsule insertions
paucuticuarl arthris, in LE
extra-articualr inflame involving the eye, skin, mucous membranes, heart, and bowle
assdon attoc with B27
Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis
idiopathic, in men over 60
clacificsaiton of ligament and tendon attachments
thoraci spine is most commonyl affected - stiffness
Fusing of at least four vertebrae, anterior bridging, disck space, and SI joint sparing
Tx: presenting sxs
C-Spine Traumat - Criteria for clearing
table 264-2
Unlikely C-spine
nl mental status, no nekc pain, no tenderness on palp, no neuro signs, no other distracting, no hx of loss of consceousness.
View for C-spine
PA view, a lateral view, an odontoid hx
-DONT just do lateral radio -
most c-spines are missed technically inadquiate.
Birth Palsy
uncommon - fractures are more common - get x-ray - after 2 years old its not going to change
Erb Duchene
MC - C5 Dn C6 injury and watiers test - this has a good outcome
Whole - arm
Flaccid and uncommon
Likley clawhand deformity and horners syndrome
SHoulder Impingement Syndrome Description
Inflame of the subacromial bursa and underlying rotator cuff tendoms, common cause of shoulder pain in middle aged patients
rotator cuff - edema, hemorrhage, chronic inflame, fibrosis to mircorscopic tendon fiber fialure, full thickness teart
Impingement syndrome symptoms
Anterior and lateral shoulder pain exacerbated by overhead activity, nigh pain,
Palpation over the greater tuberosity and subacromial bursa commonly elicits tenderness and crepitus with serveral months
Posistive neers and haowkins sign
How do you tell if it impingment syndrome
subacromial injection - it will cause relief, record as %, use posterior approach, 3 injections/yr
Radiograpghs will look nl
Impingement Adverse outcomes and Red flags
pain can be persistent
rotator cuff tear
wekaness of rotator cuff or failure of 2-3 months of rehabd,
Surgerg - Subacromial decompression SAD,
Consider getting and MRI if you think that there is a tear
Impingement treatment
Rest from the offending activity, PT, SNAIDs,
3-4x a day for 6 weeks PT
Subacromial corticosterodd injection with stretching
DO not give injection if there is a rotator cuff tear.
Another name for Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive Capsulitis
Frozen shoulder description
Inflmmation and thickening of the shoulder capsule
loss of both active and passive motion
distinct from posttraumatic shoulder stiffness
Affects 40-60, with no clear predispostion
But bwith with DM are a RF - and are refactory to tx,
freezing - thawoing,
Takes 1-2 years to resove
Frozen Shoulder PE
reduction in both active and passive motion
motion is painfule - especially at the extremes
pain and tenderness at the deltoid insertion
Frozen shoulder Diagnositic Tests
Radiographs are use dto rule other things out
CT and MRI are NOT indicated becase they will look normla.
Frozen shoulder Tx
NSAIDS, non-narcoitic, moist heat, streching, intra-articulare injeciton, home stretching,
refer if no improvement with rehab after 3 months
Rotator Cuff tear descirption
-result of age, chronic use, or altered blood supply
MC - suprapinates - then extends to infraspinatous, teres minor, subscapularis
Full thick are uncommon
Rotator Cuff Tear Sxs
recurrent shoulder pain for several months after a specific injury
Night pain
weakness cathcing, grating - esp with overhead activty
Supra - unable to hold hand in forward flexsion and abduction
Infa/teres - external rotation
Sub - internal rotation
Rotator Cuff Exam
back of shoulder is sunken in from atrophy
Passive ROM is nl but activ is limited
large tears - they can only shrug their shoulders
Drop arm test
Supra Test - JOBE
Test for external rotation strength
Internal rotation strength test
Subscapuslaris Liftoff test
Rotator Dx test
AP - you will see a high-riding humerus relative to the glenoid
May need an MRI - if operative.
Rotator Cuff massive tear
positive arm drop
external rotation 3+/5
Rotator adverse outcomes
loss of shoulder motion, especiall the ability to lift arm overhead, chornic pain, wekaness,
long standing - joint dengeration
Rotoator Tx
NSAIDs, PT, stretching, strengthening, steoir injection, (to many though will increase tear)
3 subacromial injections
failed rehabd - surg
younger then 60 with an acute tear shouwld have surgery within 6 weeks of injury
Shoulder Instability desciption
Episodes of sublextion
Ant - most common - TUBS (traumatic, uni, bankart lesion - tear in anterior lenoid labrum - surg)
Mulit - AMBRI - atrautamic, mulit, bilat, rehab, indefinately
Post - result of post directed force when the arm is in adduction and internal rotation - seizures and electric shock
REhav is ptest
Shoulder instability Sxs
AN - shoulder slipping out of joint when the arm is abducted and externally rotated
Ant - initial with traum like throwing, but then it just becomes unstable.
Labrum - AP lesions description
An injury to the superior glenoid and the biceps anchor complex TUBS
Super Labrum - SLPA
labrum Tear sxs
painful popping or catching sensations
Pain deep inside the shoulder
Overhead sports hx - like volleyball
Labrum PE and Diag tests
O'brien test - pt internally rotates shoulder from a forwad elevarted position
An increase in pain witht pts tumbs are pointd down - labral tear
Plan film will look Nl
MR anrthrography - GOLD
PE for volunary dislocations
Anterior disloc - pt supports arm in neutral psostion
pt with Posterior disoclation hold the arm in adductiona dn internal rotation
Neurovasc function - watch expecially the axillary nerve
See how far the fingerst can extend past neutral
(pt with ligamentous laxity are more likely ot have a mutlidirectional instability
Diag test - AP and labrum
AP and axillary raido
Hill sachs - posteriro humeral head against the anterior edge of gleinoid you know there is a tear
older then 40 with trauma - likley to ahve torn the rotator cufff as well- so do an MRI
post dislciation - missed on AP radio
If no Axillary view attanable do a transscapular lateral view
Adverse outcomes of an labrum tear
Axillary nerve injury - deltoid dysfunction, and numbness over lateral arm
- risk is greater in younger patientw ith multiple episodes
DO NOT miss bony bankart
Tx for a labrum tear and dislocaitons
Reduce in ER
pt first time dislocation put them in PT
if it keeps reoccurring they will need surgery
if AMBRI - then treat non-op
AVOID voluntarilty dislocating
Red flags for dislocations
failure ot reduce ny closed mainpulation
recurrent dislocation
failure of 3 mo of rehab
Biceps Tendon Description
proximlal injureis are more common, often caused with impingement
Biceps Tendon signs
Speed test,
Yergason's Test
Biceps tendonitis Tx
Limit flexion and supination
iNjeciton - but try to avoid thi
Surg - decompression, biceps tenodesis or rlease
(consider SLAP lesion in bicep tenonitis pt - with positive speed)
Biceps tunon rupture description
proximal lon head, older adults secondary to hx of shoulder pain and impingment
young- wt lifting or throwing
Sudden pain in upper arm,
audible snap
bulge in lower arm
ecchymosis - tracking downt he middle and lower arm
Biceps ruputre Dx tes
AP and axilarry
MRI to ro rototor cuff tears
Biceps rupture adverse outcomes
pt can loss 10% of flesion and foraearm supiatnion strenth,
cosmetically ugly
Biceps Rupture Tx
non-op - is effective for most pt,
If youn and need extra help with lifting do surgery
Distal bicep rupture is worse and needs surgery in less then 7 days.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Description
compression of the brachial plexus and or subclavian vessels as they exi the spave betweent eh superiro shoudler girdle and the first rib
Types: cervical rib, costoclaviclualr, hyperabduction syndrome
Thoracic outlet sx and PE
vague, can mimic distal nerve entrapment exp ulnar nerve, aching and paresthesis can extend from shoulder, arm, medial foramr and fingers,
aching fatigue
If lower complex= HORNERS - ptosis, miosis, enopthalmos, anhidrosis
Inspect of swelling of discoloration
compare distal pulses
see sensory and motron funtion
check ulnar nerve, vervical spine, neuro and bascuarl test
(a sense of fatiuge is a negative an inconclusive.
Thoracic Outlest tests
Adson test - pull arm back, neck in extension, check for radial pulse
Roo's test - both arms up for 60 seconds, pump hands for 3 minutes, any sx?
Wrights test - arm over head - check the radial pulse
Thoracic Outlet Dx
AP and lwateral of cerpcial spine
PA and lateral - to check apical lung tumor
MRI of cervical spine
Adverse outcomes of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
wakness or loss of cordination of upper estreme, AH, cant use arms over head,
can cause venous thrombosis, and aneurysnm of the subclavian arterym
Tx of Thoracic Outlet
Most - 3 mo PT
Avoid strenous acitivy - no straps on arms
nsaids, muscle relasant,
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation TENS
wt reduction
PT, OT, physiatrist,
NON-oper (surg does not help this people.