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12 Cards in this Set

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What is the best outcome in the integrative negotiation?
What is the Organizational Development and the most widely quoted definition (OD)?
OD is an effort (1) planned (2) organization wide, and (3) managed from the top, to (4) increase organizational effectiveness and health through planned intervention in the organization’s “processes,” using behavioral science knowledge (Beckhard, 1969). It is a planned process of cultural change.
What are the steps for developing a career plan? Short answer, know steps. Assessing one own strengths and weaknesses. Exploring career opportunities. Developing goals. Devising concrete plans.
• Self-Assessment Examine personal interests, skills, values, and abilities.
• Opportunity Exploration Seek information on available job opportunities from family, friends, online job boards, job fairs. Examine the skills and abilities required.
• Goal Setting/Reality Checking and Deciding which job/occupational opportunities fit both personal interests and skills/abilities. Set specific target job objectives for a defined time period.
• Action Planning Outline all steps needed to reach a specific career goal—formal training, internships, job search strategy development, network building, further career exploration, etc.
• Evaluation Review progress on steps in the action plan, realism of goals, and accuracy/currency of self-assessment. Revise career plan based on new information.
What is creativity? Know difference between creativity and innovation.
Creativity is defined as a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts. If creativity implies the vision of what is possible, then the term innovation suggests the implementation process by which inspiration leads to the practical results. Creativity involves problem solving that may lead to a useful idea. The term innovation is more suitably applied to the decision-making processes: the decision to search for a new, useful idea; the decision to select the most useful idea; and the decision on how to implement the chosen idea.
Three research models of self-fulfilling prophecy. What are the relationships? Differentiate between these three examples.
SFP also known as the Pygmalion is a three stage process. It begins with a person’s belief that a certain event will occur. Then this expectation or “prophecy” leads to somenew behavior that the person would not have performed were it not for the expectation. In third stage the expected event occurs and the prophecy is fulfilled. Research suggests that many problems within an organization result from expectations and expectation discrepancies. The Self fulfilling prophecy influences behavior and is at the core of most of the expectation dynamics and discrepancies. Raising supervisor's expectations of employees is likely to set in motion expectation dynamics that affect the behavior of both employee and supervisor. A person can manage these discrepancies though dialoguing (communicating between two people) which can help change behavior and improve performance.
The self-fulfilling prophecy is useful because it presents possibilities for crafting desired behaviors in the workplace.
• What a manager expects and the way he treats his employees determine performance
• A good manager creates/sets high performance expectations.
• A bad manager fails to develop similar expectations and productivity suffers.
• People do what they believe they are expected to do
Four elements of emotional intelligence. Is IQ the same as EI? You can increase your EI.
It is important to relate better and understand your relationships better. Marshmallow example shows self-control. The people that chose to take marshmallows now, higher crime.
Emotional Intelligence: this is distinct from (IQ). EI is defined as (1) the ability to know ones emotions and understand them, (2) motivate one’s self,(3) recognize emotions in others, and (4) manage relationships with others. It is important to recognize and manage one’s emotions due to they are fundamental links between our past experience and the current situations. If done properly we can mobilize our past experience appropriately in crisis situations. Recognizing other people emotions and managing them, in turn, can greatly improve communication because it allows them to perceive the subtext of an apparently rational conversation. Lastly it allows leaders to formulate compelling visions and motivate their followers to a great extent. The marshmallow study showed that those who are in control of their emotions have better self-control and are less likely to make mistakes or get into trouble later on in life.
Communication model: what I’m hearing you say is. The final part is someone explains to you is I hate your job. What I’m hearing you say is I hate your job. Is that correct? Yes, blah blah blah. Mirroring.

What are the elements of a communication model? Sender, receiver, message, mode, etc.
• Empathy/Mirroring: Empathy is important because it defuses the situation. I can understand why you feel that way. You are validating and empathizing. It is important as a manger because it builds trust, shows that you understand what the complaint is. As a manager, you don’t have to do anything about it. Mirror, repetition and empathy are important. Explain model in question. Feelings are important. Understand that your employees are the same way. How to diffuse an unhappy employee using conflict resolution: first invite employee into your office for a closed door meeting. Then begin by asking the employee what is the problem they are having in a non-threating manner. While they are speaking mirror their non-verbal actions in the same way to make them feel more comfortable. When they state the problem wait for them to stop talking and restate the problem through paraphrasing. Example what I’m am hearing you say is that you feel that you are doing all the work for the team is that correct. Then empathize with them by saying I can understand why you would feel that way. It is important to understand that you do not have to anything about it as a manager. Just let them vent paraphrase and empathize.
What are the three blows to western civilization?
• Evolution
• The earth is not at the center of the universe
• Freud (man does not even control himself). We are not fully in control of our own mind.
Know the chart that was presented on distributive negotiation, bargaining range, range of negotiation, look at chart and be prepared to describe chart. How do you determine when you are in this type? Fixed pie. Use when it is win or lose situation.
This chart can be found on page 258 in the book. Distributive negotiation or win-lose bargaining. This situation is found when we negotiate the price of a car or a house. In this type of negotiation, the negotiators both have a preferred outcome (target point) and a least desired outcome (resistance point). Agreeing to a settlement below the resistance point would be worse than not agreeing at all. Success in distributive negotiation is measured by how close to the target point an individual can arrive at in bargaining. This is sometimes called “claiming value” For example, if Alex were selling his car, he might like to get $7,500 for it, but would accept $7,000. Alice, as the potential buyer would like to pay $6,800 and would not be willing to pay more than $7,400. Alice’s bargaining range is from $6,800 (target point) to $7,400 (resistance point). Alex’s bargaining range is from $7,000(resistance point) to $7,500 (target point).We can predict that the final selling price would be between $7,000 to $7,400. Of This zone of possible agreement, or ZOPA, reflects the area between the two parties’ resistance points. If there is no overlap, there will likely be no deal. Concessions play a major part in distributive bargaining, and refusing to make concessions or make very small concessions are other examples of behaviors that attempt to anchor a settlement in an advantageous part of the zone of potential agreement.

Distributive bargaining is the approach to bargaining or negotiation that is used when the parties are trying to divide something up--distribute something. It contrasts with integrative bargaining in which the parties are trying to make more of something. This is most commonly explained in terms of a pie. Disputants can work together to make the pie bigger, so there is enough for both of them to have as much as they want, or they can focus on cutting the pie up, trying to get as much as they can for themselves. In general, integrative bargaining tends to be more cooperative, and distributive bargaining more competitive. Common tactics include trying to gain an advantage by insisting on negotiating on one's own home ground; having more negotiators than the other side, using tricks and deception to try to get the other side to concede more than you concede; making threats or issuing ultimatums; generally trying to force the other side to give in by overpowering them or outsmarting them, not by discussing the problem as an equal (as is done in integrative bargaining). The goal in distributive bargaining is not to assure both sides win, but rather that one side (your side) wins as much as it can, which generally means that the other side will lose, or at least get less than it had wanted. (Distributive bargaining tactics rarely assume the pie will be divided in half.)
) Be able to talk about Hofstede and the 4th dimensions. One problem is that he used all IBM PEOPLE (100). They are all alike. Maybe some issues with this.
Geert Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. Factors include:
a. Power distance refers to the general relationship between superiors and subordinates. Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. Where it is high, people prefer little consultation between superiors and subordinates and prefer autocratic -ruling with unlimited authority management style. Where power distance is low, they prefer “consultative” styles.
b. Individualism is characterized by a preference for fulfilling leisure time and improving skills outside the organization. It also implies a low preference for receiving compensation in the form of benefits and a high preference for personal decision making and on-the-job challenges. In contrast, collectivism encourages dependence on the organization and a preference for thorough training, satisfactory workplace conditions, and good benefits. In Individualist societies, people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist societies, people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty.
c. Uncertainty Avoidance: The dimension has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known. Its is the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations.
d. Masculinity: A high score (masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field. A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine).
9. (Kevin) Know relational vs. substantive chart. Know substantive outcome vs. relationship outcome. Tell 4 items. Be able to talk to those 4 items. (Page 258, Chart on Collaborating, Accommodating, Competing, Avoiding).
The following matrix suggests that a negotiator’s behavior may well change if the nature of the relationship is added to the equation. Thus, where the relationship is important and the substantive outcome is unimportant, the negotiator would be expected to be accommodative of the other side’s position. Conversely, where the relationship is unimportant, but the outcome very important, a conventional competing style would be appropriate. Where both the relationship and the outcome are important, a collaborating style is suggested. Where neither the outcome nor the relationship is important, there is no reason to negotiate.
Is the substantive outcome important to the negotiator
YES Collaborating Accommodating
NO Competing Avoiding
What is the managerial view of motivation? Be prepared to talk about motivation from a managerial perspective. What is motivation? Are employees reward driven? Feeling important, recognition. Rewards last for a short time (usually 6 months).
Motivation is the inner urge that causes people to behave in certain ways. Since the firm’s success, profitability, and sustainability are linked to employee performance, it is crucial that managers understand how to motivate employees to perform at the highest level possible. Managers are responsible for stimulating and influencing motivation. Three managerial viewpoints exist: Traditional (theory X), Human Relations (theory Y), and Human Resources.
Theory X states that managers assume employees are inherently lazy; that people will avoid work if they can. As a result, employees need to be closely supervised and a comprehensive system of controls needs to be developed. In this theory, a narrow span of control is permitted to employees, and tasks are broken down to simple, repetitive routines and operations. Theory X suggests individuals will show little ambition without an enticing incentive program.
Theory Y states that managers assume employees may be ambitious and self-motivated; that people want to feel useful and important. This theory supports the claim that recognition and the feeling of belonging is more important than money in motivating people. With this approach, managers should make workers feel important and listen to their feedback. Also, some control should be given to these workers (example Google and innovation time). In Theory Y, satisfaction in doing a good job is recognized as a strong motivator.
The Human Resource model assumes that work is not inherently distasteful and that people want to contribute to meaningful goals. In this theory, managers should attempt to use untapped talent and encourage full participation. Work satisfaction may result from employees making full use of their resources.
Theory X represents the assumptions associated with managing individuals motivated by lower order needs. Theory Y represents the assumptions associated with managing individuals motivated by higher order needs. The Porter-Lawler model relates rewards to effort and performance. In the model, effort is influenced by reward valence, which is the value the individual places on the reward, and expectancy, which is the person’s estimate of how probable the outcome is. In addition to value and expectancy, other factors like people’s abilities and tools and materials affect performance. Extrinsic and intrinsic rewards for performance affect job satisfaction. Extrinsic rewards are Herzberg’s hygiene factors (salary) that managers/organization can control. Intrinsic rewards consist of Herzberg’s motivators like a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem and personal growth.