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7 Cards in this Set

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Endothermic Homeotherms...

Keep a very STABLE temperature, usually using fur, feathers, blubber.

Describe the metabolic rate vs. Body temperature curves in both ectotherms and endotherms.

In ectotherms, as temperature rises, so does metabolic rate.

In endotherms, the closer they get to the "Thermo-neutral zone", the LESS metabolic rate they use. When they go past this (overheat), the metabolic rates spike and we need to use a lot more energy to dissipate heat.

Countercurrent Exchange is...

When the hot blooded arteries squish together with the cold blooded veins, transferring heat and keeping the organ at a constant temperature.

Changing Conductance in Tropical vs. Arctic animals.

Cold acclimated animals have a much lower slope for conductance than tropical animals. So changing the environment by 10 degrees would hurt a human WAY more than it would hurt a penguin.

Compare the thermal conductance in a mouse and a fox. What do they have to do differently.

The mouse has a much worse surface area to volume relation, so the mouse has to amp up it's metabolic rate much higher. Plus the fox has fur that it can use to change it's conductance, whereas the mouse can only increase metabolic rate to hit that point.

Excess heat generation

Done in two ways.

1. Shivering, which amps up muscle contractions and increases heat.

2. Mitochondria uncoupling! This essentially stops you from making ATP in brown rupayan fats but amps up the waste product (heat) way high!!

This is found primarily in brown fats.


Upper Critical Temperature.

At this point, conductance is at it's max, and the next thing we need to do if heat increases is going to be increase metabolic rate and pant, sweat, etc.