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40 Cards in this Set

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Parenteral means?
administered by injection
Which one of the following does not occur in impetigo?
Which of the following is used to treat impetigo?
Topical or systemic antibiotics
Tonsillitis and pharyngitis are caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. These conditions are significant because of their relationship to scarlet fever and rheumatic fever. Which one of the following may be related to heart valve damage?
Rheumatic fever
Which antigen is injected into the skin to determine exposure and infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Which disease is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum?
Involvement and enlargement of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes in tuberculosis is called?
Which one of the following is associated with scarlet fever?
Strawberry tongue
The most common sites for oral lesions in tuberculosis is/are the?
tongue and palate
The most characteristic form of this disease is the formation of abscesses that tend to drain from the mandible to the skin by the formation of sinus tracts, with sulfur granules in the pus draining from the sinus tracts.
Congenital syphilis may cause a specific form of enamel hypoplasia called?
mulberry molars
In primary syphilis the oral lesion is called?
A chancre
Which of the following statements is not true about syphilis?
The antibody titer increases if treatment has been successful.
Pericoronitis is most often associated with the?
mandibular third molars
Which of the following is the name of the soft tissue flap that covers the distal-occlusal part of an incompletely erupted third molar?
Which of the following statements are true concerning a positive reaction to the PPD skin test?
The patient has been infected previously with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
The gingivae are painful and erythematous. The interdental papillae appear as punched-out, necrotic, cratering areas. The overall sloughing of the necrotic tissue appears as a pseudomembrane over the tissues. The patient experiences a foul odor and metallic taste. On the basis of these features you suspect that this patient has?
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)
Acute osteomyelitis of the jaws may commonly result from which of the following conditions?
Extension of a periapical abscess
Candidiasis is an overgrowth of a?
yeast-like fungus
Which of the following conditions does not contribute ot the overgrowth of Candida albicans?
The most common type of candidiasis affecting the oral mucosa is
chronic atrophic type
This lesion in the commissure is most likely caused by Candida albicans or a nutritional deficiency.
Angular cheilitis
Deep fungal infections include all of the following except?
The initial infection and signs and symptoms of deep fungal infections, including histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, and blastomycosis, are usually related to disease in which of the following locations?
Another name for verruca vulgaris is?
common wart
The illustration shows an oral condyloma acuminatum presenting in a child. The presence of condyloma acuminatum in a child suggest?
sexual abuse
The most common form of recurrent herpes simplex infection is called?
Herpes labialis
The varicella-zoster virus causes a highly contagious disease in children called?
The intraoral lesion seen in patients with measles is?
Koplik spots
Which of the following viruses is associated with infectious mononucleosis?
Epstein-Barr virus
Herpangina is caused by which virus?
In testing for HIV infection, which of the following antibody tests is performed initially before the confirmatory Western Blot test?
In HIV which of the following tests identifies the viral titer rather than circulating antibody?
The most reliable method of diagnosis for this condition of the tongue is the isolation of the Epstein-Barr virus.
Hairy leukoplakia
Which one of the following does not occur as a manifestation of the immune deficiency caused by HIV infection?
Bilateral parotid atrophy
Name the vascular lesion that is seen in this illustration. The patient is HIV seropositive. The most common intraoral locations are the gingiva and palate. When diagnosed, this vascular lesion meets the criteria for the diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The most common locations are the gingiva and palate.
Kaposi sarcoma
Which of the lesions seen in this illustration is the lesion seen LEAST commonly in HIV patients?
Heck disease
Verruca vulgaris closely resembles a papillary benign tumor of squamous epithelium called?
In herpes labialis the amount of virus present is highest in the?
vesicle stage
Which of the following types of medication is used for the treatment of herpes zoster?