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32 Cards in this Set

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What is your first step in Oral Endotracheal (ETT) Intubation

to recognize the need for ventilator assistance or airway control.

After you have recognized the need for ventilator assistance or airway control, what will be your next step?

To initiate basic airway management skills:

1) OP / NP Airway

2) King LT

After you have initiated your basic airway management skills what will be your next step?

You now realize your basic airway management skills are inadequate or ineffective.

Your basic airway management skills are inadequate or ineffective, what is your next step?

Consider the following questions:

1) Is the patient <50 yrs old and currently experiencing an Asthma Exacerbation Episode?


2) Is the pt near cardiac arrest?

Considering the following questions:

1) Is the patient <50 yrs old and currently experiencing an Asthma Exacerbation Episode?


2) Is the pt near cardiac arrest?

What will you do if the answer is yes to any of these questions?

Do not rush to ETT, consider other basic airway maneuvers.

Next how are you going to begin to prepare for Oral Endotracheal (ETT) Intubation?

Consider universal precautions

1) Gloves

2) Goggles

3) Gown if necessary

What are you going to do next after donning your personal protective equipment?

Pre oxygenate the patient for 30 - 60 seconds.

After you have pre oxygenated the patient for 30 - 60 seconds, what will you want to do next?

Consider the SLOPES mnemonic to prepare your equipment.

Name the S in the SLOPES mnemonic

Suction Ready

Name the L in the SLOPES mnemonic

Laryngoscope, Lidocaine spray, Light (Bright White & Tight)

Name the O in the SLOPES mnemonic

Oxygen (oxygenate the patient, BVM ready), OP airway

Name the P in the SLOPES mnemonic

Proper Positioning

  • Ensure you are properly positioned
  • Ensure your patient is properly positioned in the sniffing position (pillow, phone book or blanket works well)

Name the E in the SLOPES mnemonic

Select the proper ET tube

  • Male 7-8 mm
  • Female 6-7 mm

Name the final S in the SLOPES mnemonic


  • inserted into the tube until the


  • 10cc syringe ready to inflate cuff.

After you have gone through the SLOPES mnemonic, which next mnemonic will you want to consider?

the LEMON mnemonic for difficult airway assessment.

Name the L in the LEMON mnemonic

L = Look externally, e.g. short neck, large tongue, large teeth, etc

Name the E in the LEMON mnemnonic

E = Evaluate 3-3-2

- 3 = adequacy of oral access

- 3 = to assess capacity of mandibular space to accommodate tongue

- 2 = distance of larynx to level of base of tongue

Name the M in the LEMON mnemnonic

M = Mallampati scoring

- Difficulty to sit up; use tongue depressor, etc

- difficult to do proper, complete Mallampati

Name the O in the LEMON mnemonic

O = Obstruction

Any signs of upper airway obstruction?

three cardinal signs of upper airway obstruciton:

- muffled voice (hot potato voice),

- difficult swallowing secretions,

- stridor; when stridor happens, consider that circumference of airway reduced to roughly 10% of normal caliber!!!!

Name the N in the LEMON mnemonic

N = Neck mobility

After you have gone through your LEMON mnemonic, what will you want to do next?

Open the mouth, inspect and remove any loose dentures and / or debris

After you have opened the mouth and cleared any debris, what will you want to do next?

Grasp the Laryngoscope.

Which hand will you want to grasp the Laryngoscope in?

The Left hand

What will you want to do next?

Insert the laryngoscope and move the tongue to the left.

After you have inserted the laryngoscope and moved the tongue to the left, what will you want do do next?

Advance the blade into the proper position in the vallecula and lift the epiglottis, visualizing the glottic opening and surrounding structures.

After you have visualized the chords, what will you do next?

Insert the tube (using the right hand) in the right corner of the mouth (stay off teeth with blade)

After you have inserted the tube in the corner of the mouth what will you want to do?

Observe the tube pass through the cords (1 - 2.5cm past cords and notice placement at the teeth)

After your tube is placed, and the height of the tube is observed at the teeth, what will you want to do?

Inflate the cuff with 5-10 cc of air.

After you have inflated with 5-10 cc of air, what will you do next?

Attach the superset / filter device (proper assembly required) with the BVM and oxygen.

Your superset, filter device BVM and oxygen are attached. What will you do next?

Attach the ETCo2 to the monitor, confirm placement with proper waveform.

After your ETCo2 is attached and proper waveform is confirmed, what other confirmation methods do you want to use?

Auscultation of 5 points:

  • epigastrium
  • 4 lung fields
  • trachea

Visualize for chest rise

After you tube has been confirmed in place, what to you want to do as a last step?

Secure the tube with a Thomas tube tie.