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42 Cards in this Set

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1. Vestibulum oris does not communicate with proper oral cavity through:
:r1 oral part of pharynx
:r2 tremata
:r3 space behind last molar
:r4 space when tooth is missing
:r5 communicates through all mentioned ways
:r1 oral part of pharynx

2. Into vestibule of oral cavity opens out:
:r1 caruncula sublingualis
:r2 papilla parotidea
:r3 ductus nasolacrimalis
:r4 plica sublingualis
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r2 papilla parotidea

3. The underlay of lips is:
:r1 m. labialis
:r2 m. orbicularis oculi
:r3 m. orbicularis oris
:r4 m. buccalis
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r3 m. orbicularis oris

4. The upper lip is partially connected with alveolar process using:
:r1 lig. labii superioris
:r2 m. platysma
:r3 frenulum labii superioris
:r4 plica labii superioris
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r3 frenulum labii superioris

5. Cheek is not made up of:
:r1 skin
:r2 adipose body
:r3 muscular layer
:r4 adventitia
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r4 adventitia

6. Parotid duct passes through:
:r1 m. masseter
:r2 m. buccinator
:r3 m. orbicularis oris
:r4 m. pterygoideus lateralis
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r2 m. buccinator

7. The underlay of hard palate is not:
:r1 praemaxilla
:r2 vomer
:r3 processus palatinus maxillae
:r4 lamina horizontalis ossis palatini
:r5 all mentioned bones form the underlay of hard palate
:r2 vomer

8. Which statement describing mucosa of hard palate is not correct:
:r1 it contains big amount of submucosal connective tissue
:r2 it is covered by columnar epithelium
:r3 firmly grows together with periosteum
:r4 it is almost not movable against the bottom
:r5 it contains glandulae palatinae
:r1 it contains big amount of submucosal connective tissue

10. The underlay of the soft palate is formed by:
:r1 fibrous aponeurosis palatina
:r2 lamina horizontalis ossis palatini
:r3 mucosa
:r4 arcus palatinus
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 fibrous aponeurosis palatina

12. Muscles of the soft palate do not include:
:r1 m. glossopharyngeus
:r2 m. tensor veli palatini
:r3 m. levator veli palatini
:r4 m. uvulae
:r5 m. palatopharyngeus
:r1 m. glossopharyngeus

14. Permanent dentition usually consists of:
:r1 32 teeth
:r2 26 teeth
:r3 30 teeth
:r4 20 teeth
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 32 teeth

15. Temporary dentition usually consists of:
:r1 16 teeth
:r2 20 teeth
:r3 18 teeth
:r4 24 teeth
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r2 20 teeth

16. Facies occlusalis of a tooth is a surface:
:r1 biting
:r2 facing medially
:r3 facing into vestibule
:r4 facing to adjacent tooth
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 biting

17. In adult, in one dental quadrant, usually there are:
:r1 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars, 8 molars
:r2 2 incisors, 1 canine, 1 premolar, 2 molars
:r3 2 incisors, 1 canine, 1 premolar, 3 molars
:r4 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r4 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars

18. Temporary dentition is completely erupted usually at:
:r1 the age of 1
:r2 the age of 2,5
:r3 the age of 4
:r4 the age of 6
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r2 the age of 2,5

20. In dental formula, number 85 denotes:
:r1 temporary second lower right molar
:r2 permanent second lower right premolar
:r3 temporary second upper right molar
:r4 permanent second lower left premolar
:r5 this number does not fit to any tooth´s location
:r1 temporary second lower right molar

21. In dental formula, number 21 denotes:
:r1 permanent first upper left incisor
:r2 permanent first upper right incisor
:r3 permanent second upper left incisor
:r4 permanent second lower left incisor
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 permanent first upper left incisor

22. It is not typical for incisors:
:r1 they have one root
:r2 they have shovel-shaped or chisel-shaped crown
:r3 occlusal side is of edge-shaped
:r4 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles
:r5 all mentioned characteristics are typical for incisors
:r4 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles

23. It is typical for premolars:
:r1 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles
:r2 lower ones have two roots
:r3 every human being has 6 premolars
:r4 all of them have two roots
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles

24. Abrasion affects the tooth´s:
:r1 crown
:r2 neck
:r3 root
:r4 alveolus
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 crown

25. Which statement describing the enamel is not true?
:r1 it covers the tooth´s root
:r2 it covers the tooth´s crown
:r3 it is the most firm substance of the human body
:r4 it consists of abot 97% of inorganic substances
:r5 this of temporary teeth is white with blue shade
:r1 it covers the tooth´s root

26. Cement covers:
:r1 crown
:r2 neck and root
:r3 crown and neck
:r4 alveolus
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r2 neck and root

27. Which statement describing the dentine is not true?
:r1 it is of yellowish colour
:r2 it contains more than 70 % of inorganic substances
:r3 it contains sensory nerve fibres
:r4 it contains vessels
:r5 none of answers is convenient
:r4 it contains vessels

28. Which of statements, describing upper molars, is correct:
:r1 usually they have three roots
:r2 usually they have two roots
:r3 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles
:r4 they replace temporary molars
:r5 none of answers is correct
:r1 usually they have three roots

29. In dental formula, label 33 suits to:
:r1 permanent lower left canine
:r2 permanent lower right canine
:r3 permanent upper left canine
:r4 permanent upper right canine
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 permanent lower left canine

30. In dental formula, label 11 suits to:
:r1 permanent upper right first incisor
:r2 permanent upper left first incisor
:r3 permanent lower right incisor
:r4 permanent lower left incisor
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r1 permanent upper right first incisor

31. Which of following structures is not located on the dorsal surface of the tongue
(dorsum linguae)?
:r1 sulcus terminalis
:r2 plica fimbriata
:r3 foramen caecum linguae
:r4 sulcus medianus linguae
:r5 all mentioned structures are placed on dorsum linguae
:r2 plica fimbriata

32. Which of following structures is located on the lower surface of the tongue (facies
inferior linguae)?
:r1 plica sublingualis
:r2 sulcus terminalis
:r3 plica fimbriata
:r4 caruncula sublingualis
:r5 there is none of mentioned structures on facies inferior linguae
:r3 plica fimbriata

34. Gingiva is mucosa, which covers:
:r1 palate
:r2 cheeks
:r3 alveolar process
:r4 tongue
:r5 none of mentioned answers is correct
:r3 alveolar process

35. Upper lip is laterally bordered by:
: r1 nasolabial sulcus
: r2 zygomatic arch
: r3 mouth corner
: r4 front edge of masseter muscle
: r5 no answer is correct
: r1 nasolabial sulcus

36. Parotid gland is located in:
: r1 submandibular fossa
: r2 retromandibular fossa
: r3 sublingual fossa
: r4 masseteric fossa
: r5 no answer is correct
: r2 retromandibular fossa

38. Which of following structures structures passes through the cheek:
:r1 ductus submandibularis
:r2 ductus sublingualis
:r3 ductus parotideus
:r4 ductus buccalis
:r5 none of answers is correct
:r3 ductus parotideus

39. Which of following structures does not contribute to the underlay of the hard palate?
: r1 os palatinum
: r2 praemaxilla
: r3 maxilla
: r4 vomer
: r5 all of following structures contribute to the underlay of the hard palate
: r4 vomer

40. Which statement is not correct about the palatine mucosa?
: r1 together with the periosteum it forms the mucoperiosteum
: r2 papilla incisiva is located behind the first upper incisors
: r3 there are no salivary glands
: r4 there are found 3 to 4 plicae palatinae transversae
: r5 no answer is convenient
: r3 there are no salivary glands

41. The underlay of the soft palate is:
:r1 lamina horizontalis ossis palatini
:r2 aponeurosis palatina
:r3 cartilaginous plate
:r4 uvula
:r5 no answer is correct
:r2 aponeurosis palatina

42. Which of following muscles does not belong to muscles of the soft palate?
:r1 m. tensor veli palatini
:r2 m. levator veli palatini
:r3 m. uvulae
:r4 m. levator labii superioris
:r5 no answer is correct
:r4 m. levator labii superioris

43. Which of following muscles does not belong to muscles of the soft palate?
:r1 m. styloglossus
:r2 m. palatoglossus
:r3 m. palatopharyngeus
:r4 m. uvulae
:r5 no answer is correct
:r1 m. styloglossus

44. Which of following muscles does not belong to muscles of the soft palate?
:r1 m. tensor veli palatini
:r2 m. constrictor pharyngis superior
:r3 m. levator veli palatini
:r4 m. palatopharyngeus
:r5 no answer is correct
:r2 m. constrictor pharyngis superior

45. Tonsilla palatina lies:
:r1 in the oral cavity
:r2 in the nasal cavity
:r3 in the fauces (isthmus faucium)
:r4 in the nasopharynx
:r5 no answer is correct
:r3 in the fauces (isthmus faucium)

47. Which statement is false about the parotid gland?
:r1 it is a serous gland
:r2 it is the largest salivary gland
:r3 it the polystomic salivary gland
:r4 it is paired
:r5 no answer is convenient
:r3 it the polystomic salivary gland

49. Glandula submandibularis:
:r1 is located in the cheek
:r2 is polystomic
:r3 leads to caruncula sublingualis
:r4 is only serous
:r5 no answer is correct
:r3 leads to caruncula sublingualis

50. Which muscle does not belong to extraglossal muscles:
:r1 m. styloglossus
:r2 m. genioglossus
:r3 m. hyoglossus
:r4 m. transversus linguae
:r5 no statement is correct
:r4 m. transversus linguae