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28 Cards in this Set

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Fale-me sobre a sua rotina, sua vida cotidiana.
Talk about your daily schedule/life/hobbies
O que o senhor gosta de fazer no tempo livre?
What do you like do to in your free time?
O que é o seu trabalho?
What is your career like?
Pode-me contar uma historinha sobre o seu trabalho?
Tell me a story about your job.
Quais são algumas qualidades pessoais necessárias para fazer o seu trabalho?
What are some personal qualities necessary to do your work?
Qual é o sua melhor qualidade que o senhor gostaria de melhorar ainda mais no futuro para trabalho ou pessoalmente?
What is your best personality trait that you would like to further improve in the future for work or your personal development?
Qual é a opinião do senhor no problema do aumento das jovens abandonando o ensino secundario nos EUA?
Which is your opinion on the problem of increasing numbers of high school dropouts in the US?
O que o senhor acha sobre as razões para a obesidade nas crianças nos EUA e como pode ser pegado?
What do you think about the reasons for obesity in young children in the U.S. and how can the problem be tackled?
Eu quero que o senhor compare os conceitos de 'guerra' e de 'paz'. Como são diferentes ou similares?
Compare “war” and “peace”. How are they different or similar?
Como é que o senhor descreveria a cidade/povoado em que o senhor mora?
How would you describe the town in which you live?
Descreva um evento recente, comparando e contrastando a um outro evento.
Describe a recent event, comparing and contrasting it to another event.
Descreva uma viágen de ferias que o senhor planeja fazer no futuro.
Describe a vacation you plan to take sometime in the future.
You have to cancel an important meeting with a supervisor.
You have to cancel an important meeting with a supervisor.
Qual é um curso do que o senhor goste, e porque?
What is a class that you like?
O senhor pode lembrar de uma professora que influiu o senhor? Porque?
Can you remember having a teacher in your life that influenced you greatly? What made them memorable?
O senhor pode contar de uma noticia que leu recentemente? Diga três informações sobre a noticia que achou interessante.
Discussing recent news/events
Se o senhor tivesse o poder ajudar a situação Oriente Médio, o que faria?
If you had the power to help the situation in the Middle East, what would you do?
Se o senhor fosse o presidente da sua universidade, o que mudaria?
If you were the president of your university, would would you change?
Fale sobre o enredo de um livro favorito / filme. Sobre o que é e por que você gosta?
Talking about the plot of a favorite book/movie. What is it about and why do you like it?
O que o senhor acha mais difícil em fazer uma estadia em casa?
What do you find most challenging about doing a home stay?
Que conselho você daria para os estudantes que querem fazer estudo no exterior?
What advice would you give to students who want to do study abroad?
You have a medical problem, and you need to get help. Describe the problem and figure out a way to make an appointment.
You have a medical problem, and you need to get help. Describe the problem and figure out a way to make an appointment.
You have witnessed a car accident at an intersection. Make a phone call to the police and report the incident.
You have witnessed a car accident at an intersection. Make a phone call to the police and report the incident.
You have just won first place in a speech contest. Make your acceptance speech. (Follow up: go home and tell your 7year old son about winning the contest)
You have just won first place in a speech contest. Make your acceptance speech. (Follow up: go home and tell your 7year old son about winning the contest)
You are a businessman and working overtime at the company. You go out to get a snack, but forget your ID card and need to convince the security man to let you back in the building.
You are a businessman and working overtime at the company. You go out to get a snack, but forget your ID card and need to convince the security man to let you back in the building.
You are trying to rent an apartment, and you are looking for a roommate. Interview this potential roommate and agree on the rules of this apartment.
You are trying to rent an apartment, and you are looking for a roommate. Interview this potential roommate and agree on the rules of this apartment.
Convince your supervisor to let you take training that requires a two month replacement. The training is not outlined in current perf. dev. plan, but you feel it is important for your career advancement.
Convince your supervisor to let you take training that requires a two month replacement. The training is not outlined in current perf. dev. plan, but you feel it is important for your career advancement.
You are a good friend. I confide in you that I am feeling stressed at work and very tired. You know me very well, so give me some advice on what might help me through this situation.
You are a good friend. I confide in you that I am feeling stressed at work and very tired. You know me very well, so give me some advice on what might help me through this situation.