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120 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
I sing
Yo canto
You sing
He sings
El canta
We sing
Nos. cantamos
They sing
Ellos cantan
I pay
Yo pago
I pay for the house
Pago la casa
They pay
Ellos pagan
She studies
Ella estudia
He studies
El estudia
I study
Yo estudio
We study
Nos. estudiamos
We walk
Nos. caminamos
I work
Yo trabajo
He practices
El. practica
They enter
Ells entran
He buys the car
El compra el caro
I learn
Yo aprendo
He drinks
El bebe
We eat
Nos. comemos
I don't understand
No comprendo
She runs
Ella corre
He believes
El cree
We break
Nos rompemos
I don't sell
Yo no vendo
I open the windows
Yo abro las ventanas
Many people suffer
Muchas personas sufren
The boys describe everything
Los muchachos decriben todo
We write many letters
Escribimos muchas cartes
I bought a shirt yesterday
Yo compre una camisa ayer
You studied last night
Estudio anoche
She worked for 2 hours
Ella trabajo por 2 horas
We washed the dishes
Levamos los platos
They sang 5 songs
Ellos cantaron 5 canciones
I ran to the corner
Yo corri a la esquina
She opened the door
Ella abrio la puerta
We didn't open those windows
No abrimos esas ventanas
The sold the car
Ellos vendieron el coche
We danced the tango last night
Nos. bailamos el tango anoche
They spoke with the owner
Ellos hablaron con el dueno
I took a shower this morning
Me bane esta manana
They went to bed a 11:30
Ellos se acostaron a las oncey media
I'll speak with you tomorrow
Te hablare contigo manana
She will buy a new car next year
Ella comprara un carro nuevo el ano que viene
He will sleep until tomorrow afternoon
El dormira hasta manana por la tarde
We will arrive at 10 tomorrow night
Llegaremos al las diez manana por la noche
They will stay in a hotel next month
Ellos se quedaran en un hotel el mes que viene
It will never snow in Panama
Nunca nevara en Panama
What time will the program begin?
A que hora comenzara el programa?
We will attend the university next fall
Asistiremos a la universidad el otono que viene
He hung up
El colgo
I have hung up
Yo he colgado
I would choose
Yo escogeria
We spent
She would spend
Ella gastaria
You will cry
They drove
He has dies
el ha muerto
We will show
She has died
Ella ha muerto
I would need
They would need
He will think
El pensara
They practiced
They have asked
Ellos han preguntado
They will forbid
Ellos prohibiran
I stay
me quedo
I received
Yo recibi
We received
Nos recibimos
You picked up
Usted recogio
They picked up
They picked up
Ellos recogieron
She remembered
Ella recordo
We remembered
Nos. recordamos
I returned
Yo regrese
They answered
Ellos respondieron
She dried
Ella seco
I followed
Yo segui
I will dream
Yo sonare
You will climb
Usted subira
They will suffer
Ellos sufriran
We will end
Nos. terminaremos
They will throw
Ellos tiraran
I will work
Yo trabajare
We will work
Nos. trabajaremos
He ate
El comio
I wrote
Yo escribi
I would write
Yo escribiria
We would listen
Nos. escuchariamos
He would expect
El esperaria
I would be
They would go
Ellos irian
She would go
Ella iria
You would read
Usted leeria
They would read
Ellos leerian
We would lift
Nos. levantariamos
They would clean
Ellos limpiarian
SHe would arrive
Ella llegaria
I would drive
Yo manejaria
She has killed
Ella ha matado
I have improved
Yo he mejorado
We have lied
Nos hemos mentido
They have shown
Ellos han mostrado
You have swam
Usted ha nadado
I have needed
Yo he necesitado
We have denied
No hemos negado
I have lived
He vivido
She has lived
Ella ha vivido
We have written
Nos. hemos escrito
She has chosen
Ella ha escogido
They were (temporary)
Ellos estuvieron
They spent
Ellos gastaron
They ran
Ellos corrieron
They will enter
Ellos entraran
They would send
Ellos enviarian
They insisted
Ellos insistieron
They would insist
Ellos insistirian
They will invite
Ellos invitaran
They will play
Ellos jugaran
They played
Ellos jugaron