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95 Cards in this Set

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Cuckoo n1/ ku/ku:

a grey European bird that puts its eggs in other birds’nests and that makes a sound that sounds like its name

Fly the nest

if a young bird flies the nest, it has grown old enough to look after itself and is no longer dependent on its parents

if a young person flies the nest, he or she moves out of their parents’ home in order to live independently:Now that the kids have flown the nest, I’m thinking about taking a job abroad

Flew flu:


Flown floun

Rested restid adj

feeling healthy and full of energy because you have had a restI awoke feeling rested and refreshed. see also rest

Medication n1

a drug or another form of medicine that you take to prevent or to treat an illnessto be on medication Are you currently taking any medication

Sock sak n4

a piece of clothing made of soft material that you wear on your foot inside your shoe:a pair of sockswhite ankle socks

to hit someone very hard, especially with your hand closed SYN thump:He socked her in the face

Ace card game eis n5

a playing card with a single spot on it, which usually has the highest value in a game:the ace of hearts

someone who is extremely skilful at doing something:a soccer acecycling ace Chris Boardman

Trump n/v card game

the suit (= one of the four sets in a pack/deck of cards) that has been chosen for a particular game to have a higher value than the other three suitsI played a trump and won the trick

to beat sth that sb says or does by saying or doing sth even better

Get/take a grip on yourself

get/take a grip on yourself to start to improve your behaviour or control your emotions when you have been very upset:Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself

Dandy adj/n1

very good – often used in a slightly humorous way:We’re at our hotel, and everything is fine and dandy

a man who spends a lot of time and money on his clothes and appearance

Awful adv1/adj a:fe^l adv



That kid’s awful cute, with her red curls

very bad or unpleasant SYN terrible:The weather was awful.He is a pretty awful driver

Belligerent be^'lid3e^re^nt adj2/n1

unfriendly and aggressive hostilea belligerent attitude He is always very belligerent towards me

a country or group that is fighting a war

Resentful adv/adj rize^nt

feeling bitter or angry about sth that you think is unfaira resentful look~ of/at/about sth They seemed to be resentful of our presence there

Attitude aetitju:d

Attitude to/toward

the way that you think and feel about sb/sth; the way that you behave towards sb/sth that shows how you think and feelchanges in public attitudes to marriage

the government's attitude towards single parents to have a good/bad/positive/negative attitude towards sb/sth Youth is simply an attitude of mind

confident, sometimes aggressive behaviour that shows you do not care about other people's opinions and that you want to do things in an individual waya band with attitude

Penitentiary peni'tensheri n1

a prison – used especially in the names of prisons:the North Carolina state penitentiary

Statutory staetsute^ri adj ori

fixed by law; that must be done by lawThe authority failed to carry out its statutory duties. When you buy foods you have certain statutory rights

She’s below the statutory age for school attendance

Beaver bi:ve^r n3/v1 noun sex taboo

the area around a woman's sex organs

an animal with a wide flat tail and strong teeth. Beavers live in water and on land and can build dams (= barriers across rivers), made of pieces of wood and mud. It is an official symbol of Canada

Wacko n1

A crazy strange person

That guy’s completely wacko

Fake v3 pretend

to pretend to be ill, interested etc when you are not:I thought he was really hurt but he was faking it

to make something seem real in order to deceive people:She faked her father’s signature on the cheque.

Marvel n2 /v

a wonderful and surprising person or thing wonderthe marvels of nature/technology

to be very surprised or impressed by sthEveryone marvelled at his courage


Determination to do sth

the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth even when this is difficult

) the process of deciding sth officially

factors influencing the determination of future policy

Get to the bottom of sth

o find out the cause of a problem or situation:I never got to the bottom of this.

Scythe n1 saith

a farming tool that has a long curved blade attached to a long wooden handle, and is used to cut grain or long grass

to move through or destroy something quickly and violently:Bullets scythed through the crowd.2[transitive] to cut with a scythe

Draw v get a reaction

Draw stare drew drawn

to get a particular kind of reaction from someone

The movie drew praise from critics

Touch on sth v

to mention a particular subject when talking or writing:The report touches on the relationship between poverty and poor health.These issues were touched on in Chapter

Wear out wer

o make someone feel extremely tired SYN exhaust:All this shopping has worn us out.wear yourself outIllness and death came suddenly; over the years she had simply worn herself out

to become damaged and useless, or to make something like this, by using it a lot or for a long time:My boots are beginning to wear out

Juxtaposition d3a^kste^pouz


to put people or things together, especially in order to show a contrast or a new relationship between them

In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs

Knock off pha verb 6


to stop working and go somewhere else

We usually knock off work at about twelve on Saturday

to reduce the price of something by a particular amount:I’ll knock off £10.

Peculiar adj3 pi'kju:lie^r

Fell peculiar about sth

to feel slightly ill

strange, unfamiliar, or a little surprising:There was a peculiar smell in the kitchen.Something peculiar is going on

Gang n5/v2

Gang together

Gang up on/against sb

if people gang up on someone, they join together to attack, criticize, or oppose them, especially in a way that seems unfair:Schoolchildren are quick to gang up on anyone who looks or behaves differently

an organized group of criminalscriminal gang members and drug dealers a gang of pickpockets

(informal) a group of friends who meet regularly

Allusion e^'lu:d3n n1

something that is said or written that refers to or mentions another person or subject in an indirect way (= alludes to it)His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings

His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings. Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion

Morbid adj2

having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or deathHe had a morbid fascination with blood. ‘He might even die.’ ‘Don't be so morbid

2. connected with disease

Wise up

to realize the truth about a bad situation:Wise up, Vic – he’s cheating you!

wise up to

Consumers need to wise up to the effect that advertising has on them

Baloney be^'louney n2

nonsense; lies

Don't give me that baloney

Recreation rekrieishn n1

an activity that you do for pleasure or amusement → hobby, pastime, leisure:His only recreations are drinking beer and watching football

the provision of recreation facilities (=places or equipment for people to use to enjoy themselves

Report v7 arrival

to go somewhere and officially state that you have arrivedreport to

All visitors must report to the site office

All soldiers were required to report for duty(=arrive and be ready for work) on Friday

Dunk v3

to jump up by the basket and throw the ball down into it in

to quickly put something into a liquid and take it out again, especially something you are eating:Jill dunked her ginger biscuit in her tea

Saltpeter n1 sa:ltpi:te^r

a white powder used for preserving food and making matches and gunpowder

Get sth off your chest

to tell someone about something that has been worrying or annoying you for a long time, so that you feel better afterwards

Crap n7 spoken not polite

something someone says that you think is completely wrong or untrue SYN rubbish:You don’t believe all that crap, do you

things that are useless or unimportant:What is all this crap doing on my desk

Riot raiet

a situation in which a large crowd of people are behaving in a violent and uncontrolled way, especially when they are protesting about something:urban riots


Be pushed to do sth

2too busy:I’d love to help, but I’m a bit pushed at the moment

be (hard) pushed to do something to have a lot of difficulty doing something:I was hard pushed to keep my mind on my work.


a vegetable with shiny dark purple skin and soft white flesh

Mound n4 baseball

(in baseball) the small hill where the player who throws the ball (called the pitcher) stands

a large pile of earth or stones; a small hilla Bronze Age burial mound The castle was built on top of a natural grassy mound

Landslide n2

an election in which one person or party gets very many more votes than the other people or partiesShe was expected to win by a landslide. a landslide victory

a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliffThe house was buried beneath a landslide

Maniac meiniaek n2

someone who behaves in a stupid or dangerous way SYN lunatic:He drove like a maniac to the hospital

someone who you think is too involved or interested in religion or sex SYN freak:The woman’s a sex maniac if you ask me

Pump v move in /out

to move very quickly in and out or up and down:My heart was pumping fast

Batter n/v verb

to hit someone or something many times, in a way that hurts or damages them:He was battered to death.As a child, she was battered by her father

He was battered on the head with a cricket bat.

batter awayShe battered away at his chest with her fists


a small firework that explodes with a loud noiseto let/set off firecrackers

Wiener wi:ne^r n3

a type of sausage2spoken someone who is silly or stupid3spoken a penis – used by children

Be sth of a gardener/an expert etc

be something of a gardener/an expert etc to know a lot about something or to be very good at something:Charlie’s always been something of an expert on architecture.

Rig v2/n1 verb rig


to arrange or influence sth in a dishonest way in order to get the result that you want fixHe said the election had been rigged

o provide a ship or boat with ropes, sails, etc; to fit the sails, etc. in position

Put sb/sth on pha verb 15


Stern adj2 n1 noun ship

the back end of a ship or boat

serious and often disapproving; expecting sb to obey you stricta stern face/expression/look

serious and difficulta stern test of nerves We face stern opposition

Sting n5/v noun pain

a sharp pain in your eyes or skin, caused by being hit, by smoke etc:She felt the sting of tears in her eyes

a wound or mark made when an insect or plant stings you:a bee sting

if an insect or a plant stings you, it makes a very small hole in your skin and you feel a sharp pain because of a poisonous substance:He was stung by a bee

Troll v2/n2 verb

) to catch fish by pulling a line with bait on it through the water behind a boat

to search for or try to get sth~ sth for sthHe trolled the Internet for advice on the

(in Scandinavian stories) a creature that looks like an ugly person. Some trolls are very large and evil, others are small and friendly but like to trick people

) a message to a discussion group on the Internet that sb deliberately sends to make other people angry; a person who sends a message like this

Psychotic adj


suffering from or caused by psychosis:psychotic patientspsychotic illness

a serious mental illness that can change your character and make you unable to behave in a normal way → psychotic

Hassle v1/n verb

to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something:Stop hassling me! I said I’ll call them tomorrow.

spokensomething that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do:I don’t feel like cooking tonight, it’s too much hassle

Commite verb v10 prison/ hospital

to order someone to be put in a hospital or prisoncommit somebody to somethingThe judge committed him to prison for six months

to do something wrong or illegal:Women commit fewer crimes than men

Therapeutic adj2 there^pjutik

making you feel calm and relaxed:I find swimming very therapeutic.the therapeutic effect of gardening

2[usually before noun] relating to the treatment or cure of an illness → therapy:Some claim that the herb has therapeutic value for treating pain

Brood bru:d v2/n

(over/on/about sth) to think a lot about sth that makes you annoyed, anxious or upsetYou're not still brooding over what he said, are you?

(sth) if a bird broods, or broods its eggs, it sits on the eggs in order to hatch them (= make the young come out of them)

all the young birds or creatures that a mother produces at one time clutch2 (humorous) a large family of children

Squeez skwiz v

Squeez sth out

Squeez out

2to squeeze something wet in order to remove the liquid from it:Squeeze the cloth out first

to do something so that someone or something is no longer included or able to continue:If budgets are cut, vital research may be squeezed out

Tub n5 ta^b

a small container made of paper or plastic with a lid, in which food is bought or storedtub ofa tub of ice creama margarine tub

) the amount of liquid, food etc that a tub can containtub ofWe ate a tub of ice cream

Tidy adj4

Tidy anount of money

a tidy amount of money is fairly large considerable It must have cost a tidy sum. a tidy profit

Not to mention sth

used to introduce an additional thing that makes a situation even more difficult, surprising, interesting etc:Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city, not to mention the damage to the environment.It’s too far to walk, not to mention the fact that it’ll probably be closed by now anyway

Sly adj3

) acting or done in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people cunninga sly political move

suggesting that you know sth secret that other people do not know knowinga sly smile/grin/look/glance, etc

Attaboy aete^boi

used when you want to encourage sb or show your admiration of them, especially a boy or man


Dab n4/v2 noun

a small amount of a liquid, cream or powder that is put on a surface in a quick gentle movementShe put a dab of perfume behind her ears

an act of gently touching or pressing sth without rubbingHe gave the cut a quick dab with a towel

Creep n3/v2

) a person that you dislike very much and find very unpleasantHe's a nasty little creep

a person who is not sincere but tries to win your approval by being nice to youHe's the sort of creep who would do that kind of thing

Ding a ling din e^ lin

a stupid person:Some ding-a-ling parked too close to us

Origin.sound of bell


In formation

in formation if a group of planes, ships, soldiers etc are moving in formation, they are flying, marching etc in a particular order or pattern:a squadron of aircraft, flying in formation

the process of starting a new organization or group SYN creationformation ofthe formation of a new government

Be hot to trot 2 tra:t

Trot n/v

to feel sexually excited and want to have sex with someone

1.to be ready to do something or be involved with something

if a horse trots, it moves fairly quickly with each front leg moving at the same time as the opposite back leg

] if a person or animal trots, they run fairly slowly, taking short regular steps:She came trotting down the steps from the library

Puppy p۸pi

a young dog

a litter of puppies a Labrador puppy2 (old-fashioned, informal) a proud or rude young man

Cautious ka:she^s adj1

careful to avoid danger or risks → caution:a cautious drivera cautious approach to the crisisThe air-pollution board has reacted with cautious optimism to the announcement.cautious about (doing) somethingKeller is cautious about making predictions for the success of the program

Negro nigrou

a member of a race of people with dark skin who originally came from Africa

a word for a black person, usually considered offensive

Misdemeanour misdi'mi:ne^r

a crime that is not considered to be very serious

l) an action that is bad or unacceptable, but not very serious

Pending pendin prepo

while waiting for something, or until something happens:Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research

Pending adj 2

not yet decided or settled:Many trade disputes are pending, awaiting the outcome of the talks

something that is pending is going to happen soon:the pending election

Booze bu:z

alcoholic drink:a bottle of boozeon the boozeHe’s been on the booze (=drinking too much alcohol) for five days


P.shrink shrunk shrunk

to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, cloth, etc. smaller in this way

to become or to make sth smaller in size or amountThe tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea

Peep n4/v noun

2.a peep.a peep informal a sound that someone makes, or something that they say, especially a complaint:There has not been a peep out of them since bedtime.a peep of protest

a quick or secret look at somethingpeep at/intoJon took a peep at his watch

Lounge laund3 n/v

a waiting room at an airport:the departure lounge2a public room in a hotel or other building, that is used by many people as a place to relax:the television lounge3British English the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc SYN living room

Fabulous faebjule^s

extremely good or impressive SYN wonderful:You look fabulous

very large in amount or size SYN huge:the Duke’s fabulous wealth

Nip n3/v5 noun

the act or result of biting something lightly or pressing something between two fingers, edges, or surfaces:His dog gave me a painful nip on the leg

a small amount of strong alcoholic drink

Damn adv3 adj n adv

used to emphasize a statement:Everything was so damn expensive.The band sounded pretty damn good

damn all especially British English nothing at all:He knows damn all about cars

Damn adj

used when you are angry or annoyed with someone or something:Turn off the damn TV

used to emphasize something negative:It’s a damn shame he left her

Damn noun

Not give a damn

not give a damn (about somebody/something) to not care at all about someone or something:I don’t give a damn about her.

be not worth a damn to have no value at all:Her promise isn’t worth a damn

Be damned

to be given the punishment of going to hell after you die

Lonesome lounse^m

unhappy because you are alone and do not want to be or because you have no friendsI felt so lonesome after he left

of a place) where not many people go; a long way from where people livea lonesome road

Coot ku:t noun

old coot American English informal an old man who you think is strange or unpleasant:a miserable mean old coot

a small black and white water bird with a short beak

Loony bin



Loony bin

a humorous and sometimes offensive way of referring to a hospital for people who are mentally ill


someone who is crazy or strange:Her brother’s a complete loony

a container for putting waste in → trash can, waste paper basket:Throw it in the bin

a large container for storing things, such as goods in a shop or substances in a factory

Hurl v4

to throw something with a lot of force, especially because you are angry:Demonstrators were hurling bricks through the windows.He hurled a chair across the set, smashing lamps and vases

to shout at someone in a loud and angry way:He was accused of hurling abuse at the referee.

Screen door/wondow

a wire net fastened inside a frame in front of a window or door to keep insects out.


someone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public place:a car park attendant

2someone who looks after a very important person, for example a king or queen

Attendant adj2

relating to or caused by somethingattendant problems/difficulties/dangers etc

nuclear power, with all its attendant risks attendant onDrugs are one of the issues attendant on running a school