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197 Cards in this Set

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1) A liquid or solid containing more than one-half of one percent alcohol by volume capable of being consumed by a human being.

2) a toxic drug; a depressant that slows activity in the central nervous system resulting in impaired mental and physical performance.


The way alcohol enters the bloodstream. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood through the stomach and small intestines.

Alcoholic beverage

A term which includes beer, wine, and distilled spirits (also known as hard liquor).

Alternate ID

Identification that does not stand alone; is always 1) a descriptive piece, which must include the person's name, address, date of birth, physical description or photo, and signature; 2) a supportive piece which further proves the person's identity; and 3) an appropriately completed OLCC statement of age card.


Blood Alcohol Content. The amount of alcohol in the blood, determined by the percentage of alcohol in relation to other blood components. For example, .08% BAC means there are eight parts of alcohol per 10,000 parts of blood. (Also Breath Alcohol Content. Many law enforcement agencies use breath tests to determine a person's alcohol content.)


When men consume 5 or more alcoholic drinks, and when women consume 4 or more alcoholic drinks, in a period of about 2 hours.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

The brain and the spinal cord, which collect, process and transmit information.


A chemical that slows down the processes of the central nervous system.


The act of removing a poison or toxin, such as alcohol, and it's effect from the body. The liver is the human body's detoxification organ.


Department of Motor Vehicles which, in most states, issues both driver's licenses and state ID cards.

Drink Equivalency

There is the same amount of ethyl alcohol in a 12 ounce bottle of 5% beer, a 5 ounce glass of 12% wine, and 1-1/2 ounces of 80 proof (or 40%) distilled spirits.


Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. In Oregon, the legal standard for DUII is a BAC of .08%. In other words, a person is presumed guilty of DUII if their BAC is. 08% or greater. DUII includes being under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs.

Good Faith Effort

Placing your hand on the drink and trying to remove it. If touching the drink may cause a disturbance, then good faith effort means making a verbal request for the drink.


A securely covered container supplied by the consumer and having a capacity of not more then two gallons.

House Duty

Rules that the owners and managers of a business set for their employees that are equal to or stricter than legal duties. Also known as house policy.


A decrease in physical and mental abilities.

Implied Consent Law

Says that anyone who drives on Oregon's roads has given their consent to submit to a BAC test upon request of the police. If the person refuses the test, they automatically lose driving privileges for a minimum period of one year. In some instances, a blood or urine may be requested: (1) If a person is involved in a vehicle or property accident, the hospital may draw blood, or (2) if the BAC is low and the person is showing impaired signs, urine may be requested.

Incident Log

A daily record of any events occurring in an establishment kept by the licensed premises.


The alcohol server's legal and professional responsibility to control and limit the customer's consumption of alcohol to prevent: drinking to intoxication, or visibly intoxicated persons from continuing to consume alcohol, or minors from drinking alcohol, or intoxicated persons from driving.


The condition of physical and mental impairment by the consumption of alcohol or other drugs, legal or illegal.

Legal Drinking Age

21 years of age.

Legal Duty

A duty the law requires a person to preform.


A person or entity granted the privilege of selling alcoholic beverages.


The chemical process of breaking down a substance, such as alcohol, in the body.

Minimum Food Service

A requirement that Full On-Premises Sales licenses have food available at all times when alcohol is served. The specific requirements depend on the type of operation. For commercial establishments open to the general public, the requirement is 5 different substantial items (Such as sandwiches, soup, pizza, or sausages) available at any time regular meals are not served.


A person younger than 21 years of age.


The process by which the body burns alcohol for elimination. The liver oxidizes 90% of alcohol, at a rate equal to about one average drink per hour.


An alcohol server approved by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Any person employed by a licensee who participates in the mixing, selling, or service of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises. A permittee is also a person who is allowed to fill a growler for off site consumption.

Permittee Applicant

A person who has completed a service permit application and immediately transmits the application and fee to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission at the end of the first day worked.


An establishment's building and grounds, including parking lots.

Professional Duty

Duties a server chooses to preform because he or she wants to do more than legal duties to protect customers, themselves, and society in general.


The alcohol content of a distilled liquor. Equal to 2 times the percentage of alcohol. For example, 100 proof equals 50% alcohol content.

Responsible Alcohol Service

The legal and professional responsibility of alcohol servers to consistently take care that customers do not: drink to intoxication, allow minors to possess alcohol; or allow intoxicated customers to drive.

Statement of Age Card

An OLCC provided form that must be completed each time a patron is served who looks 26 years old or younger and does not have stand-alone ID. The customer must present one piece of descriptive ID and one piece of supportive ID in order to be served alcohol.

Third Party Liability

A law that allows a victim to sue a server or licensee or a social host for damages or injuries resulting from actions of a customer. In Oregon, third party liability applies when the server or licensee violates the law by serving a minor or a visibly intoxicated person. The first party is the licensee/server, the second party is the customer, and the third party is the victim.


The condition when a drug user requires increasingly large amounts of the drug to produce the same effect. A change in the system of the user, developing with prolonged or increased use of a drug.

Underage Person

Another name for minor. A person who is not of legal drinking age; i.e., a person who is under 21 years of age.

Visible Intoxication

Intoxication others can observe. The standard used by alcohol servers to determine if a customer is intoxicated.

Alcohol sales and service are legal between what hours, seven days a week, in the state of Oregon?

7:00am to 2:30am

The minimum legal age to sell and serve alcoholic beverages in Oregon is?

18 (Only in locations that allow the presence of those under 21 years of age)

Legal age to sell packaged alcohol in Oregon?

18 years of age.

Legal age to serve alcohol by the drink in Oregon?

21; 18 with restrictions*

What are the four current acceptable forms of stand-alone ID in Oregon?

1) Valid driver's license with a photo from any state in the United States or the District of Columbia.

2) Valid ID card issued by any state of the United States or the District of Columbia as long as it includes the person's photo, name, date of birth and physical description.

3) Valid U.S. Military ID including both the old-style ID and the new-style ID.

4) Valid passport you can read and understand, including a U.S. passport card.

Beware of mail order ID cards that say what?

"State Resident" or "Personal ID."

Unacceptable forms of stand-alone ID?

- College ID

- Mail-Order ID

- Birth Certificates

- Tribal ID

- Consular ID cards issued by any country.

- Any ID that appears to have been tampered with.

What percentage of alcohol enters the bloodstream through the small intestines?


What percentage of alcohol is eliminated by the liver?


A healthy body eliminates about how much of pure alcohol per hour?


The process in which alcohol is removed from the blood stream is primarily what?

Metabolism (And a very small amount is removed through excretion).

Alcohol is a drug that affects what part of the body?

The Central Nervous System

What two things in the body does alcohol impair?

Brain and Spinal Cord function.

What is FAS?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

What can babies affected by FAS suffer from?

-Brain Damage

-Growth Deficits

-Facial Deformities

-Heart, Liver and Kidney Defects

-Vision and Hearing Problems

-Struggle With Learning, Attention, Memory, and Problem Solving

Beer: Alcohol Content

About 5%

Wine: Alcohol Content

Around 10-15%

Hard Liquor: Alcohol Content

20% +

Beer, Wine, Liquor: Portion Sizes

Beer: One standard serving of 5% Beer is 12oz.

Wine: A regular glass of 12% Wine is 5oz.

Liquor: A shot of 80-proof Distilled Spirits is 1 1/2oz.

Alcoholism, or Alcohol Addiction

A chronic, progressive disease characterized by lack of control over drinking, preoccupation with alcohol, use despite adverse consequences and denial.

A pregnant woman requesting to be served alcohol is within her legal rights to be served. True or False?


The concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream is known as _____.

BAC (Blood Alcohol Content)

Physical and mental birth defects known as FAS can be caused by a mother's consumption of alcohol when she is pregnant. True or False?


The rate at which alcohol is _____ depends on how quickly the stomach empties its contents into the intestines.


Alcohol is water-soluble, so it is rapidly transported via the _____ to body tissues.


Which factor affects BAC, weight or gender?

Both weight and gender play a role in Blood Alcohol Content.

If any medication or drug is taken with alcohol it can _____ with the alcohol.


Metabolism (the rate at which the body breaks down food and drink) plays a major role in the potential _____ of an individual.

BAC (Blood Alcohol Content)

Alcohol exaggerates emotion, increases drowsiness, and _____ reaction time.


On average, the _____ eliminates the alcohol contained in one (1) drink each hour.


The BAC limit to legally drive is .08 percent. True or False?


Most of the alcohol in the bloodstream is absorbed through the lining of the stomach. True or False?

False. Seventy-five to eighty percent (75-80%) of alcohol enters the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine.

An experienced drinker will develop tolerance to _____ over time.


It can be dangerous to ____ alcohol with drugs.


Meals containing fat and protein consumed prior to consuming alcohol cause the alcohol to be absorbed _____ than if it was consumed on an empty stomach.

More slowly

A number of factors influence the absorption process, such as the amount of _____ in drinks, when food was consumed, the rate of consumption, and gender, among others.


The majority of alcohol enters the _____ through the walls of the small intestine.


A birth certificate is an acceptable form of identification to verify the age of a person requesting to purchase alcohol. True or False?

False. Birth certificates contain no physical description, photo, or signature and are easily falsified.

Twenty-one years of age is the legal age to consume _______.


You have a responsibility to prevent customers and other employees from engaging in _____ in or near the premises.

Illegal Activity

Customers of a Full On-Premises licensed establishment may leave the premises with an unfinished bottle of wine that was consumed with chips and pretzels. True or False?

False. A partially consumed bottle of wine may only be removed from the premises of a Full On-Premises licensed establishment if it was served in conjunction with a meal.

The liver can process one alcoholic drink per _____.


Of the following, which forms of identification are not considered valid to verify the age of a person requesting to purchase alcohol: passport, college ID, US military ID, expired Washington driver's license, valid California driver's license, altered ID.

College IDs, expired licenses, and altered IDs are not acceptable for purchasing alcohol.

The faster a drink is consumed, the _____ the blood alcohol concentration.

Greater (Higher)

A person operating a motor vehicle with a ________ that meets or exceeds the limit of .08 percent is guilty of driving under the influence of intoxicants.

BAC (Blood Alcohol Content)

Laws that hold servers and licensees responsible for harm that intoxicated customers cause others are _____ laws.

Third Party Liability

Females may achieve higher BAC than males because women have on average more fat and less _____ than men.

Body Water

If you sell alcoholic beverages to a/an _____, you may be punished by both fines and jail time.

Visibly Intoxicated Person (VIP) or Minor.

What is a VIP?

Visibly Intoxicated Person

In Oregon, you must have a valid ______ to mix, sell, or serve alcohol for consumption on the premises or to fill growlers for off-premise consumption.

Service Permit

Oregon prohibits _____ after midnight.

Happy Hour

In Oregon you are required to check the ID of any customer who looks under the age of _____.

26 Years of Age

Your means of determining if a person is intoxicated involves watching for signs of _____ intoxication.


Taking medication and consuming alcohol at the same time is recommended. True or False?

False. Dangerous physical reactions can occur.

The sale of alcohol for on-premises consumption is legal between the hours of ______ to _______.

7:00am and 2:30am

Professional duties are those duties that are required by state law. True or False?

False. Legal duties are duties that are required by state law. Professional duties are duties you choose to perform because you want to do more than your legal duties to protect your customers, yourself, and society in general.

The legal age to sell and serve alcoholic beverages is ______.

18 (with restrictions for 18 to 20 year old servers)

State law requires you to confiscate any ID you determine to be false. True or False?

False. You must refuse service and entry, but confiscation rules are set by each establishment.

You are allowed to have a shift drink while on break. True or False?

False. Shift drinks may not be consumed while on duty, about to go on duty, or while on break.

A birth certificate is an acceptable form of identification to verify the age of a person requesting to purchase alcohol. True or False?

False. Birth certificates contain no physical description, photo, or signature and are easily falsified.

In Oregon, establishments with a Full On-Premises Sales license are required to have _____ readily available at all times that alcohol is served.


You are required to recognize signs of visible intoxication and know your customer's exact BAC. True or False?


It is illegal to serve a/an _____ more alcohol.

Visibly Intoxicated Person (VIP)

For the purpose of counting drinks, ______ would have the equivalency of one drink.

5 ounces of 12% wine

Your responsibility as a server is to _____ customer behavior and alcohol consumption.

Observe, Monitor and Control

Signs of intoxication recognized through communication are?

-Slurred Speech

-Overly Tired

-Increase Use of Hand Gesture

-Spilled Drinks


-Lose Train of Thought Easily

-Inability To Stand Steadily

50 Likely Signs of Visible Intoxication: Appearance

1. Bloodshot, glassy, or watery eyes 2. Flushed face

3. Droopy eyelids

4. Blank stare or dazed look 5. Twitching or body tremors 6. Disheveled clothing

50 Likely Signs of Visible Intoxication: Speech

7. Thick, slurred speech

8. Loud, noisy speech

9. Speaking loudly, then quietly

10. Rambling train of thought

11. Unusually fast or slow talking 12. Slow response to questions or comments

13. Repetitive statements

14. Bravado, boasting

15. Making irrational statements

50 Likely Signs of Visible Intoxication: Attitude

16. Annoying other guests and employees 17. Argumentative

18. Aggressive or belligerent 19. Obnoxious or mean 20. Inappropriate sexual advances

21. Overly friendly to other guests or employees

22. Boisterous

50 Likely Signs of Visible Intoxication: Behavior

23. Swaying, staggering, or stumbling

24. Unable to sit straight 25. Careless with money 26. Difficulty making change 27. Restless

28. Depressed or sullen

29. Crying or moody

30. Extreme or sudden change in behavior

31. Overly animated or entertaining

32. Crude, inappropriate speech or gestures

33. Drowsiness or falling asleep 34. Lack of focus and eye contact 35. Difficulty standing up 36. Unusual walk

37. Can't find mouth with glass 38. Falling down or falling off of chair

39. Difficulty lighting cigarettes 40. Lighting more than one cigarette

41. Clumsy

42. Difficulty remembering 43. Spilling drinks 44. Disoriented

45. Agitated, anxious

46. Grinding teeth

47. Vomiting

50 Likely Signs of Visible Intoxication: Other

48. Odor of alcohol, marijuana or chemicals

49. Excessive perspiration 50. Repeated trips to rest room or outside area

Drink Equivalency

-12 ounces of 5% beer

-5 ounces of 12% wine

-1-1/2 ounces of 80 proof (or 40%) hard liquor

Counting _____ when serving your customers will give you a good estimate of how much alcohol you are serving your customers.


Remember, counting glasses is not accurate because a glass can contain more than one drink.

The reason you must become familiar with the signs of visible intoxication is so you may better determine when customers may be _____.


One and one-half (1-1/2) ounces of _____ is equivalent to 5 ounces of 12% wine.

80-Proof Hard Liquor

More subtle signs of _____ in experienced drinkers are things like slowing movements, bloodshot eyes, and the smell of alcohol on their breath.


How many ounces of beer have the same amount of alcohol as 1-1/2 ounces of hard liquor (as defined by drink equivalency)?

12 ounces of 5% Beer

When a person drinks, his or her ability to think clearly, make proper decisions, and behave realistically is altered. True or False?


You may legally serve a visibly intoxicated person more alcohol. True or False?


A person exhibiting one of the signs of visible intoxication should definitely be considered intoxicated. True or False?

False. A person displaying a combination of several signs of visible intoxication or displaying a significant change in behavior indicates he or she may be intoxicated.

At what BAC level does a person typically lose consciousness?

Approximately 0.38 percent BAC.

Which of the following is not a sign of visible intoxication?


Lighting cigarettes


Spilling drinks

Lighting cigarettes

If a customer has a high tolerance, what clues of intoxication should you look for?

Ordering doubles, gulping drinks, and wanting more and more alcohol.

Key clues of _____ to be aware of when communicating with the customer include slurred speech, disheveled clothing and tiredness.


A drink should be counted as two or more drinks if it contains ______.

More than the standard amount of alcohol.

When counting drinks, it is important to both apply drink equivalency and know the glassware sizes in your establishment. True or False?


Signs that customers have been drinking elsewhere include bloodshot eyes & the smell of alcohol on their breath. True or False?


When a customer switches to _____ or much stronger drinks, this may be a clue that he or she is becoming intoxicated or is intoxicated.


Some customers may become violent when _____.


The responsibility of a server includes monitoring the _____ and alcohol consumption of your customers.


You are _____ to recognize signs of visible intoxication in your customers.


At what BAC level is judgment affected?

Approximately 0.03 percent BAC. But remember, for some customers impairment begins with the first drink.

The amount of hard liquor equivalent to one drink is _____.

1 1/2 ounces of 80 proof (or 40%) distilled spirits

Servers are allowed to serve alcohol to a visibly intoxicated customer ______.

It is never legal to serve alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person or allow that person to continue to drink alcohol.

If your establishment provides a complimentary "shift drink", it can only be consumed _____ and during legal hours for alcohol sales.

When your shift is completed.

An intoxicated person who falls may be _____ and not realize it due to the effects of intoxication.


Alcohol Poisoning

A situation that occurs when a person has consumed so much alcohol that crucial areas of the brain no longer function properly.

What licenses may allow a customer to remove a partially consumed bottle of wine if the wine was served in conjunction with a meal?

Full-On Premises and Limited On-Premises licenses.

What licenses may allow a customer to carry out a partially consumed bottle of wine that does not need to be served in conjunction with a meal?

Winery or Grower Sales Privilege licenses.

Myth: Beer and wine are less intoxicating than "hard" liquor.

Fact: Average servings of beer and wine contain as much alcohol as a typical mixed drink and are as intoxicating.

Myth: When a group of people has a "designated driver," the other group members can drink as much alcohol as they want, even if they become visibly intoxicated.

Fact: It is illegal to serve alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person, even if that person is not driving.

Myth: Drink coffee to sober up.

Fact: Coffee does not sober up an intoxicated person. Time is the only thing that works. Drinking coffee, or other non-alcoholic drinks, instead of alcohol may give an intoxicated person "time" to become sober.

Myth: A drink or two helps a person relax and drive better.

Fact: Even very low BACs can impair the ability to drive safely.

Myth: It is easy to spot an alcoholic.

Fact: Stereotypes of alcoholics are inaccurate.

-Less than 5% of alcoholics are "bums." Alcoholics are from all walks of life and work in all professions.

-Women are more susceptible to alcoholism than men.

-How much or how often a person drinks does not define alcoholism. To diagnose alcoholism, it is more important to know what happens while drinking.

Myth: Alcohol is a stimulant.

Fact: Alcohol is a depressant drug. The drinker may feel and act stimulated because alcohol reduces judgment and inhibitions.

It is illegal to take an open container of alcohol off a licensed premises. True or False?


Licensees and servers must not consume alcohol or be under the influence of intoxicants while on duty. On duty refers to ______.

The beginning of a work shift that involves the sale or service of alcoholic beverages, checking identification or controlling conduct on the premises, or supervising employees who perform these duties to the end of the shift including coffee, meals, and all breaks.

In the defensive reaction level of aggression it may be necessary to _____ a patron who is displaying verbal aggression.

Walk away from.

An intoxicated person who falls may be injured and not realize it due to the effects of _____.


Coffee will help a person sober up faster if they are intoxicated. True or False?

False. Only time will make a person sober.

When cutting off a customer or refusing service to a customer, being confident is not convincing. True or False?

False. Confidence convinces people you are doing the right thing.

_______ is the first function impaired by alcohol and it is the most essential tool servers have to their job.


If a party of customers has a designated driver, you can serve the other members in the group all the alcohol they want. True or False?


In order to maintain a _____, establishments should post age limitations and policies for the refusal of service.

Safe environment

The good faith effort law says you are required to remove the alcohol from a visibly intoxicated customer even if it causes a disturbance, and if you are unable to do so, you must call the police. True or False?

False. The good faith effort law says you must (1) place your hand on the drink and try to remove it or (2) make a verbal request for the drink if you think touching it might cause a disturbance.

Average servings of beer and wine contain _____ as a typical mixed drink and are as intoxicating.

As much alcohol

Intervention is ______.

A plan of action that includes duties such as asking young people for ID, slowing service when a customer may be nearing intoxication, or calling the police when an intoxicated customer insists on driving.

If your establishment provides a complimentary _____, it can only be consumed when your shift is completed and during legal hours for alcohol sales.

Shift drink

Symptoms of _____ may include loss of consciousness, seizures, and vomiting.

Alcohol poisoning

If someone passes out from heavy drinking, they should not be allowed to 'sleep it off'. True or False?


An incident report log is the best protection against liability lawsuits. True or False?

False. The best protection against liability lawsuits is to not serve alcohol to visibly intoxicated persons or to minors. However, for additional protection, licensees and servers should keep a daily record of events in their businesses.

An intoxicated person who begins to vomit should be _____ to ensure he or she does not choke on or swallow it.


In order to provide a _____ for your customers, parking lots and sidewalks should be clean and well-lit.

Safe environment

Memory Aids For Checking IDs: U-CARD

U - Unaltered: Feel for cuts, bumps, uneven lamination.

C - Current: Check expiration date: Expired ID is not valid.

A - Age: Birth date must show the person is 21 or older.

R - Readable: You must be able to read and understand the ID.

D - Description: Compare photo with person:

*Height, weight, facial structure, etc..

Memory Aids For Checking IDs: T-L-A

T - Touch: Touch for alterations: Bumps, cracks, slits.

L - Look: Really look, don't just glance at the ID.

A - Ask: Ask questions:

*What's your zip code?

*How do you spell your middle name?

*What year did you graduate high school?

Important physical features of the ID that should be compared to that of the customer include height, chin shape, and eyebrows because they are _____.

Hard to change

If you are unsure if the card holder's ID is valid, _____.

do NOT accept it and do NOT serve alcohol to that person.

Any part of an ID can be altered, but fraudulent ID makers often overlook the reverse side of the ID, which _____.

may also reveal signs of tampering.

If you are uncertain about the validity of an ID, ask for another form of ID or for _____ such as age, birth date, or astrological sign.

Personal information

The F in the acronym FEAR is meant to help you remember to _____ for glue lines or a rough surface near the photo or date of birth when checking for a fake ID.


Use the _____ each time you check an ID and be careful not to get sidetracked while talking with customers.

Same procedure

IDs should be _____ under a bright light to better reveal glue lines or pinholes where bleach may have been injected.


A characteristic of a _____ ID is an alteration made by the owner of the ID.


The E in the acronym FEAR is meant to help you remember to examine the ID for signs of _____.

duplication, alteration or expiration.

It is a good practice to check the ID of each and every person who appears to be under the age of _____.

30 (However, Oregon law requires you check the ID of anyone who appears younger than 26.)

An ID that has expired is valid for one month beyond the expiration date. True or False?

False. An expired ID is no longer valid.

If a customer cannot provide a valid form of ID, and he or she looks younger than 26, _____.

you should NOT serve the person alcohol

If someone has an _____ license that you do not recognize you should look for verification in an ID guide.

out of state

In addition to using fake IDs, _____ may also engage in scams to attempt to purchase alcohol.


Being distracted with appearance or being easily humiliated or embarrassed are _____ often displayed by underage customers attempting to purchase alcohol.

behavioral clues

Minors can often give away their _____ if you pick up on physical clues like heavy makeup, a high school class ring, or barrettes or bows in the hair.


Important physical features included on an ID that should be compared to that of the customer include _____ because they are hard to change.

height, chin shape, and eyebrows

The skills needed to drive safely are categorized as _____ and psychomotor skills.


If an individual is convicted of drinking and driving, the person's license is ______.


A person who consumes two beers in one hour and is within the legal limit for driving may be up to _____ times more likely to have an accident.


In Oregon a person may be arrested with a BAC less than 0.08% and charged with driving under the influence of any type of intoxicant. True or False?


Cognitive Skills

Information processing

Psychomotor Skills

eye-brain-hand coordination

A person who is impaired by alcohol can read a street sign or respond to a traffic signal just the same as someone who has not been drinking. True or False?

False. An impaired driver takes longer to read and respond.

A person who consumes two beers in one hour and is within the legal limit for driving may be up to 1.4 times more likely to _____.

have an accident

A responsible server has no need to be aware of the penalties for drunk driving in his or her state. True or False?


The skills needed to drive safely are categorized as cognitive and ____ skills.


In Oregon people may only be arrested if their BAC is over 0.08% and the charge is driving under the influence of alcohol. True or False?

False. People can be arrested for driving under the influence of any intoxicant with a BAC less than 0.08%.

License suspension for a _____ DUII conviction in Oregon is one year.


Drivers who are _____ by alcohol consumption sometimes pay more attention to steering than to observing their surroundings.


To promote safety, ______ should be encouraged to leave their car keys with the manager, who will ensure the car is not towed away.

intoxicated customers

If an individual has been convicted for DUII his or her _____ is suspended.


Knowing the penalties and consequences of drunk driving _______.

will help you cut-off a customer who has had too much to drink

License suspension for a first-time DUII conviction in Oregon is _____.

one year