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34 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of animal and plant cells?
What is the name of bacteria cells?
Define magnification.
Magnification is the degree to which the size of an image is larger than the object itself.
Define resolution.
Resolution is the degree to which it is possible to distinguish between two objects that are very close together.
State the resolution and magnification of all types of microscope.
Why would a sample need to be stained?
If an object or part of an object is transparent it will allow light waves (or electrons) to pass through it and therefore will not be visible.
Explain the process of staining.
What is the formula for calculating magnification?
a) Describe the nucleus
b) Outline its function.
Thus the nucleus controls the cell's activities.
a) Describe the chloroplasts.
b) Outline its function.
a) Describe the nucleolus.
b) Outline its function.
a) Dark patch contained within the nucleus.
b) Manufactures ribosomes, using the information in its own DNA.
Describe the nuclear envelope.
Two membranes surrounding nucleus. Outer membrane is continuous with the ER. Nuclear pores allow exchange between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
a) Describe the endoplasmic reticulum.
b) Outline its function.
a) System of membranes that form flattened sacs called cisternae. Cisternae can go on to form the golgi apparatus.
b) >Rough ER transport proteins manufactured by ribosomes throughout the cell
>Smooth ER makes lipids and steroids.
a) Describe the golgi apparatus
b) Outline its function.
a) Stack of flattened sacs called cisternae, which is constantly being formed at one end from vesicles which bud off from smooth ER, and broken down again at other end to form golgi vesicles.
b) Collects, processes and sorts molecules (e.g. proteins form rough ER), ready for transport in golgi vesicles either to other parts of cell or out of the cell. Golgi vesicles are also used to make lysosomes.
a) Describe the ribosomes.
b) Outline its function.
a) Consist of two parts, a smaller and a larger subunit. Found free in cytoplasm as well as on rough ER. Made of RNA and protein.
b) The site of protein synthesis.
a) Describe the mitochondria.
b) Outline its function.
a)Surrounded by two membranes. Inner of these is folded to form finger-like cristae which project into the interior solution, or matrix.
b) Carry out the later stages of aerobic respiration. As a result of respiration, they make ATP. Also involved in synthesis of lipids.
a) Describe the lysosomes.
b) Outline its function.
a) Spherical sac surrounded by single membrane and having no internal structure. Contain hydrolytic (digestive) enzymes.
b) Responsible for the breakdown (digestion) of unwanted structures, e.g. old organelles.
a) Describe the plasma membrane.
b) Outline its function.
a) Describe the centrioles.
b) Outline its function.
a) Small hollow cylinders, formed from a ring of microtubules.
b) Used to grow spindle fibres for nuclear division.
a) Describe the flagella.
b) Outline its function.
a) Describe the cilia.
b) Outline its function.
a) Describe the cell wall.
b) Outline its function.
Relatively thick and physically strong.
Describe the two types of electron microscope.
a) What are the two main types of microscope?
b) What is the difference?
a) Light and electron microscopes
b) Electron microscopes use electron instead of light to form an image and have a higher resolution.
List the 10 organelles of an animal cell.
>Cell (plasma) Membrane
>Golgi apparatus
>Nucleus - nucleolus and chromatin
>Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
>Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
a) List the 3 extra organelles that a plant cell has, that an animal cell does not.
b) List the 1 organelle that a plant cell is missing compared to an animal cell.
a) >Cell wall (cellulose)
b) Centriole.
State the 5 main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
>Prokaryotic cells are a lot smaller
>Prokaryotic cells have no internal membranes
>Prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus
>Prokaryotic cells have fewer organelles
>Prokaryotic cells have smaller ribosomes
List the 8 organelles/structures of prokaryotic bacteria cells.
>Cell Wall (peptidoglycan)
>Cell Membrane
>Some bacteria also have a capsule made of secreted slime. Helps to protect bacterium from attack by cells of immune system.
List the five main functions of a cell's cytoskeleton.
>Support the cell's organelles, keeping them in position.
>Moves organelles within cells
>Help strengthen the cell and maintain its shape.
>Transport materials within the cell
>Can cause the cell to move
Define cytoskeleton.
Network of protein threads running through the cytoplasm.
How does the cytoskeleton aid transport within cells?
Microtubule motors that use ATP
How does the cytoskeleton enable movement of the cell?
Fibres called actin filaments which are like fibres found in muscle cells, move against each other.
Describe the process and organelles involved in the production and secretion of proteins.
>The instructions to make protein are in DNA in nucleus
>Specific instruction known as gene, gene is on a chromosome
>Nucleus copies instructions in DNA into a molecule called mRNA
>mRNA molecule leaves nucleus through nuclear pore and attaches to ribosome on rough ER
>Ribosome reads instructions and uses code to assemble protein
>Assembled protein inside rough ER is pinched off in vesicle and transported to golgi apparatus
>Golgi packages protein ready for release
>Vesicles is moved to cell surface
Describe metre units from table.