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53 Cards in this Set

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What is an isomer

Same molecular formula with different structures (either atomic connectivity or spatial orientation)

What are structural isomers

Constitutional isomers

Only have same molecular formula but different connectivity

Constitutional isomers

Only have same molecular formula but different connectivity

What are geometric isomers

Cis-trans isomers

What is cis?

Substituents on same side of double bond

What are trans

Substituents are on opposite side of double bond

How do you determine the highest priority?

1) Higher atomic weight for the first atom

2) Then go to the next atom --> 2nd atom with the higher atomic weight

3) Double bond takes priority over single bond but higher atomic weight takes priority over double bond

Is "cis" Z or E?


Is "trans" Z or E?


What does chiral mean?

Molecule not superimposible on mirror image

Molecule not superimposible on mirror image

What does achiral mean?

Superimposible mirror image

Superimposible mirror image

How can carbon atoms be chiral

If they have four different substituents (asymmetrical)

On fischer projections is the horizontal lines wedges or dashes?


On fischer projections are the vertical lines wedges or dashes?


What does configuration mean

Spatial arrangment of atoms or funcitonal group of a stereoisomer

What is relative configuration

Configuration in relation to another chiral molecule

What is absolute configuration

Spatial arrangement of atoms or groups within molecules relative to each other (R/S)

Is S going clockwise or counterclockwise


Is R going clockwise or counterclockwise


How do you decide if something is R or S?

Assign priority groups

Draw a circle from 1 --> 2 -->3

If 4 is into the page then it is orientated correctly if 4 is out of the page then is orientated opposite

What has optical acitivity

Pairs of enantiomers (opposite R/S designation)

What does optical acivity mean?

Can rotate plane polarized light

Will enantiomers rotate the light in the same or opposite directions


If you rotate light to the right is that D or L


If you rotate light to the right is that positive or negative


If you rotate light to the left is that D or L


If you rotate light to the left is that + or -?


How do you calcualte specific rotation

Observed rotation/ Concentration (g/ml) * length (dm)

What is a racemic mixture? Does it have optical activity?

Equal concentration of + and - so no optical activity

n chiral centers hve ____ stereoisomers


What is an epimers?

Diastereomer that only differs at one carbon center

What is a meso compound

Multiple chiral centers with an internal plane of symmetry.

Multiple chiral centers with an internal plane of symmetry.

Is a meso compound optically active?


What is a conformational isomer

Differ by rotation about 1 or more single bond can be seen using Newman projections

Practice drawing Newman Projections


What does a staggered anti newman's projection look like

What does a gauche newman's projection look like?

60 degrees

60 degrees

What does an eclipsed newman's projection look like?

120 degrees

120 degrees

What does a totally eclipsed newman projection look like?

0 degrees

0 degrees

What are the potential energy graph for all of the newman projections?

Will very low temperature slow or increase conformational interconversion


If you don't have enough energy to overcome barrier will the interconversion even rotate


What are the types of ring strain?

*angle strain

*Torsional strain

*Non bonding strain

What is angle strain?

Bond angles deviate from ideal values

What is torsional strain?

Resistance to bond twisting

Such as having the substitutents eclipsed

What is non bonded strain?

Atoms or groups compete for space

What sort of orientation does the cyclobutane develop


What sort of orientation does the cyclopentane have


What sort of orientation does cyclohexane have?



*Twist boat

What is the most stable cyclohexane conformation?


What is the lest stable cyclohexane conformation


All atoms are eclipsed

What is the middle stable cyclohexane conformation

Twist boat

(Staggered gauche)

How can interconservion between two chair conformaiton be stopped

With bulky group attached

Is equatorial or axial favored


Because axial has steric repulsion