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229 Cards in this Set

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Symptoms of Uveitis- include pain (due to CN ___ innervation), photophobia (due to constriction of iris aggravating CN ___) and lacrimation due to CN ____.

V in pons links to VII, which stimulates lacrimation
Signs of this include Cells, Keratic Percipitates, Circumlimbal flush, and a Red eye
A collection of WBC on the endothelium is known as
Keratic Percipitates
What are the 5 types of WBCs seen in CELLS and flare(protein?)
Nuetrophils- the FIRST cells present
T/F Non-granulomatous uveitits usually has all five types of WBC present

usually just NEUTROPHILS
Granulomatous uveitis presents with all ______ types of WBC presnt and is indicative that the patient has an underlying ______

systemic disease
2 Types of Anterior uveitits
Iridocyclists, more pain because ciliary body is inflamed
SNOW BANKING of WBC overlying the pars plana may be prevelent in this type of uveitits
Causes of intermeidate uvevitis
Sarcoidosis, MS, and lyme disease
___ uveitis involves inflamamtion of the retina, choriod and blood vessels
Panuveitis involves
the entire uveal tract, retina, choriod, ciliary ody, and iris are all infalmed!!
T/F VA's may decrease if patient has uveittis
Will pupils respond to light well if the patient has uveititis?
MAY not move well due to inflammation, the pupil may be smaler than its noninfected pupil due to congestion of the itits
T/F EOMS are usually effected during uveitis
____, also known as macular Pucker or Cellophane Retinopathy occurs during uveitis due to

inflammed onditions causes asttrocytes and mueller cells to be stimulated
________uveitis is also known as mutton fat, big greasy WBC aggregations
AC cells are primarily ____ in most cases of anterior uveitits

neutrophils are usually present first
Grading AC cells

Grade 1=
10 cells
Grading AC Flare
Very slight
Marked (cant see iris or lens clearly)
Intense (fibrin clot forms in AC)
A collection of leukocytes that settle in the lower angle of the anterior chamber is known as _________ and is associated with Bechets, and endophthalmitis
Id you see posterior synechiae, your plan of action in clinic involves
putting gonio on their eye

could zipper the angle shut and cause secondary angle closure glaucoma
Koepee nodule is indicative of system disease and occurs
on the pupillary boder
This type of iris nodule occurs on the iris surface away from the border
This type of cataracts is usually doe to long ter muse of corticosteriods or underlying inflammation
Posterior subcapsular cataracts

white in color and located diretly beneath the capsule
When you see cells in the vitreous the patiemt may have ___, a a result from sarcoidosis or toxoplasmosis
If patient has granulomatous uveitis and rash on their palms and soles of their feet they may have
#1 cause of anterior uveitis is
4 causes of intermediate uveitis
IBS (chron's, ulcerative)
Causes of _____ include Syphillis, Sarcoidosis, VKH, Infectious endophthalmitis, and echet's disease
This disease can cause all possible types of uveitis
Most common cause of posterior uveitis
These 3 test s should ALWAYS be done if patient has uveitis
Complete Blood Count
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

Test for Lupus and JRA
Anti-nuclear Antbiody
Rheumatoid artritis blood test
Rhuematoid Factor

NOT useful in JRA
HLA-B27 is used to test=
Anklosing spondylitits, Reiters, IBS
If you think your patient has Sarcoidosis or TB, order this test
Chest X-ray

ACE test also for Sarcoidosis
PPD for TB
ELISA is a test used to detect what 2 diseases?
Wegner's Granulomatosis is tested via
Syphilis tests include
A butterfly rash on patients face implies they may have
Reiter's snydrome includes
arhritis, uethritis, and uveitis

also have wrist/ankle pain

Chlamydia is precursor
Dosing schedule of Pred Forte for someone with uveitis
q15-30 minutes for the first 6 hours
Q1 our for the remainder of the day and day 2
Q2 hours for day 2
QID X 1 week, TID x 1 week, BID x 1week, qD X 1 week

You must taper!!

See your patient on day 2
The best cycloplegia to use on your uveitis patient
Scopolamine BID for first week, qD second week
What questions are asked to ensure no contraindications before prescribing oral prednisone to your uveitic patient?
Are you diabetic, pregnant, immunocompromised, peptic ulcered?
ALWAYS disepense as 10 mg tables
Dosing schedule for oral pred. for your uveitic patiemt?
4 tablets PO 2 days
Three tablets PO 2 days
Two tablets PO 2 days
1 tablet PO for 1 day

Take with food
General Treatment for anterior uveitis?
Steriod and cycloplegia
Will the patient be in more pain if they have iritis or iridocyclitis?
Iridocyclitits, and will also have the circumlimbal flash that is not present in iritis
Difference between conjunctivitis and uveitits?
If its conjunctivitis, palpebral conj will be inflamed
T/F Cortial cataracts occurs more often in Diabetes Mellitis
Name the 5 locations cataracts can occur
Anterior Subcapsular
Posterior subcapsular
Posterior subcapsular is assoicated with
Steriods and DM
What cataract impacts reading vision reater than distance?
PSC miosis at near and PSC in the center of visual axis
Glare test os ised fpr
assessing cataract classification. test pt's BVA at near then re-do while shining a penlight in patients eye
The wrinkling of the anterior capsule and liqefaction of the nucleus, leading to proteins denaturing and losing antigencity inducing a macrophagic response occurs due to
hyperamturation of cataract
___ glaucoma is the growing of lens rubbing against the back of the iris bombe, leading to a cascade of events with narrow angles.
____ glaucoma occurs when lens material leaks thru capsule leading to a macrophage response which creats a blockage of the trabecular meshwork
______ glaucoma occurs when lens material seen by the immune system causes proteins to attack vigorously leading to inflammation
T/F Hyperopic shift is associated with all cataract development
MYOPIC shift
This type of cataracts has polychromatic reddis-green crystals form in the middle of the nucleus. Usually due to myotonic dystrophy
Christmas tree
This type of cataaract is usually due to accidental removal of the parathyroid gland with the thtroid gland during surgery
Patients with this systemic disease should not be sedated during cataract surgery
T/F Prior to cataract surgery, patient should be given steroids
FALSE only use these when pt has history of uveitits, lipid, etc

NSAIDs should be given before surgery
Pre-operative pharm given before cataract surgery
NSAIDS 1-2 days
mydriatics- morning of surgery
Antbitiocs- 2 days of QUID Zymar or Vigamox
In order to sterilize the pt prior to cataract surgery, use
Betadine to clean lids

drop is spread on eyes for 3-4 minutes
What is the MOST important method of prevents post-surgical endophthalmitis during cataract surgery?
Retroulbar injection prior to cataract surgery could often lead to
optic nerve sheathing leading to blindess
If the surgeons stars cataracts surgery at the ______ position, a fair amount of WTR astigmatism will be induced
12 o'clock.

So operate temporally!!
T/F performing cataract surgery at the 12 o'clock position often induces ATR astigmatism in patient
Standard cataract surgery today is known as
phacoemulsifcation. Ultrasonic pulverization of the nucleus to lifgy and vacuum it out.
The most common material type of intraocualr lens is
acrylic, lacks an immune response
3 Multifocal IOLs
Post-op cataract surgery management
Pred Forte
Zymar QID
When is the MOST important follow up after cataract surgery?
1st day!!!
Most important follow up
because if endophthalmitis has occured you will know by now
How many weeks after cataract surgery can you prescribe an Rx?
3-4 weeks
T/F After cataract surgery, your IOP might spike, so give patient prostaglandins

Give glaucoma meds but NOT prostaglandins as that also leads to edema
Infectious endopthalmitis is usually caused by
Staph epidermidis

If its a slower endophthalmitits it mght be caused b Propionobacterium acnes
Non-infectious endohthalmitis is caused by
retained particles of lens nucleus, IOL induced inflammation.
Proliferation of equatorial lens epithelum along the posterior capsule that leads to clouding or thickening of the capsule is known as
Elshinig's pearls
______ occurs when posterior capsule is left in after cataract surgery and the lens continues to make fibers. You treat it with __ laser
Posterior Capsular Fibrosis

Treat with Yag laser
_____ uveitits occurs when the PC IOL haptics chaffs against the posterior iris surface. Also known as UGH syndrome
CME usually occurs _- weeks after cataract surgery
6 weeks, but sometimes may occur months or years later

Commonly found with vitreous prolapse and a torn capsule
_ is usually found with vitreous prolapse and a torn capsule 6 weeks post op and is a painless decrease in VA
A painless loss of VA and a petaloid pattern seen with fluorescein angio are signs of

Treat with oral and topical NSAIDS, Diamox, Injection Kenelog
T/F Cataract surgery is the greast risk for retinal detachment

usually vitreous traction, leading to a tear
Major sources of blindess in the world
Chilhood lindess
Onchercerciasis (river blindess)
Criteria for blindness
VA 20/200 or less
Critera for low vision
Less than 20/40 corrected
T/F 1/3 vision loss in blacks is due to AMD


Blacks have low AMD rate
In Blacks, Caucasians, and Hispanics, the leading cause of LOW vision is
Major cause of blindess in the US
Glaucoma 12%
AMD 11.7%
Diabetes 10%
____ cataracts develops when proteins of nucleus degenerate and darken, causin ligt to scatter
Cortical catacts occurs when the order of the fibers in the cortex is distured and gaps are filled with
water and debris.
It is the most common and last viasuall debilitating tyle
T/F Cortical cataracts is the most debilitating type of cataract
T/F Cortical cataract is the most common type of cataract
T and least debilitating
____- cataracts occurs when fiber cells retain their nuclei and migrate to te posterio lens. It delibitates vision more often than not
Subcapsular cataract.
Grade is based on DIAMETER
T/F Subcapsular catarct is most delibitating
on the visual axis near te nodal point of eye.
T/F You grade subcapsular cataract using retroillumination
Parallel pip or optic section is best
best with a dilateled pupil
Number one risk factor for cataract
T/F Females get cataracts more then men

we live longer
Diabetes is associated with 2 types of cataracts
True diabetic cataract --> BILATERAL white punctate or snowflake
T/F If you see a patient with diabetic dataracts their blood sugar cannot be under control
T/F hypertension is related to cataract formation
This X linked disease leads to Spoke-like cararacts
Fabry's Disease, deficiency in alpa-galactosidase. See VORTEX keratopthy --> swirls of hemosiderone deposits. Also seein in amiodaron
Vortex keratopathy is linked to what disease?

causes spoke-like caracts
This studysaid that the odds of developing nuclear scleroris and PSC were 3 times greater if a sibling had a cataract
Framingham Eye study
The Beaver Dam Eye study said this
35% of nucler and 58% of cortical caratarcts showed some family tie
T/F Steriods are likely to cause Anterior Subcapsular Cataracts
T/F Systemic steriods are more likely to cause cataracts than topical
Phenothizaines tend to cause this type of cataracts
Christmas tree
T/F Miotics like Pilocarpine can cause anterior subcapsular cataracts
The main cause of anterior subcapsular catarct
UV light
Nuclear cataracts are usualyl graded base on what two things?
VA and color of lens
Reluscent lgiht is
scattered light due to clouding- seen in nuclear cataracts
What type of illumination is best to see nuclear cataracts?
optic section
How do we grade cortical cataracts?
Depending on how many quadrants found
T/F Subcapsular cataracts are more often posterior
How to see a subcapsular cataract best?
Most common cause of unilateral cataracts, especiialy in the youny=

see Vossious ring and a Rosette cataract
The most common cause of secondary cataracts?
Chronic anterior uveitits. Causes ASC and PSC, and progresses quicker with psoterior synechia.
Marfan Syndrome, Weill-Marchesani, Lowe's Syndrome, Hallerman-Streif, and Lawrence-Moon-Biedl are all assositated with
Congential cataracts
Acryllic lens material will be most likely used in patients with what disease?
What is the most popular IOL material used?
Silicone and Acryllic split
What IOL is better for intermediate vision?
What type of IOL has the ability to accomodate?
A star shaped opacitiy that rarely affects vision is what kind of cataract?
christmas tree
seen anterior subcapsular

associated with phenothiazine and myotonic dystrophy
Chesapeake Study discussed prevelance of what type of cataract?
Cortical and how it relates to UV exposure
Beaver Dam study looked at what type of cataract?
nuclear and coritcol
BMI may be associated with what type of cataracts?
PSC and cortical
What congenital disease os associated with autosomal recessive, mental retardation, microcornea, iris colobome, hypogonadism, and cataract?
Lawrence Moon Biedl
What is the condition that involves ectopic lentis, microphakia, microconrea and brachydactyl?
This syndrome is associated with meglocornea, punctact opacities in mom, megalocornea, and mental retardation?
Lowe's Snydrome
This autsosomal recessive systemic condition includes mental retardation, subcapsular cataracts or polymchromatic opacitites, and spoke like opacities?
Myotonic dystrophy aka Floppy Baby syndrome
Nuclear catracts occurs in 15% of cases involving
Congeintal ubella
Autosominal dominant condition NOT associated with mental retardation where patients have bird like faces?
This type of condition has sunflower cataracts?
Marinesco-Sjogren's syndrome involves
oligoprenia- little mind
cebral ataxia, bilateral cataracts
A Y suture opcacity is known as this type of cataract

See with retro or optic section, not debilitating
How does a Sutural Cataract differ from an Axial Cataract?
It is similar to axial but it is MUCH denser and farther from the fetal nucleus.
A developmental cataract that is seen mostly equatorial nucleus is known as
Zonular cataracts is a specific type of lamellar cataract caused by ______
metabolic changes
"Peppercorn" cataracts are also known as Coppock's cataract and is a fetal opacity. It is known as ___ cataracts
This type of cataract has a cortical opacity and a lusih tint"
A Hypermature cataract with cortical tissue liquification is know as
Intumescent or Morgagnian type
T/F Crystalline cataracters are ususlaly unilateral
2 types of capsular opacitities
epicapsular stars and mittendorf dot
This is due to EXCESSIVE heating of pre-lenticualr iris where the anterior capsule fibers pull off
Psuedo-exfoliation occurs when
anterior lens surface eels away and deposits into anterior chamer
Prenatal reduction of the pupillary membrane that are bening iris strands are known as
persistent pupillary membrane
What are the 3 most important tests that are effected wit cataracts?
This type of cataracts can cause a myopic shift in the eye
Nuclear Sclerosis
This type of scan is used to measure anterio chamber depth, lens thickness, and axial length of eye. It ALSO tells you the extent of the cataract
24 mm is the axial length of eye

An A scan can tell you
Axial length fo eye, ac depth and EXTEND of cataracts
Usual depth of AC?
2.6-3 mm range
Lens thickness is usually around
4.5-6 mm, thickens throughuot life
On an A scan what does the 1st spoike reprsent?
T/F The 2nd spike of an AC scan reprsents location of iris/anterior lens. And thefore between the 1st and 2nd spike, we can tell the depth of the anterior chamber
What two spikes of an A-scan tell you how deep the AC is?
1st and 2nd
What spike of an A scan reprsentrs posterior lens surface?
Typical size of an IOL
13 mm haptic to haptic

Haptic is the arm that goes into the angle of the posterior chamber
Stress causes your hypothalumus to release ______ which travels to your Anterior Pituitary and causes the release of _____ that goes to the Adrenal Crotex to produce ____
2 Antimetabolites we give patients with uveitits
Patients with long standing uvietis tend to get _____ keratopthy

calcium in bowmans later/anterior keratoplasty
T/F HLA-B27 can be used to test ankylosing spondylititis
T/F HLA-B27 can be used to test Reiter's Disease
T/F Juevenile Reumatoid Arthritis is tested with HLA-B27
Inflammatory Bowel Disease can be tested using
Possner-Schlossman Syndrome is an inflammatory glaucoma manifested by
Fine KPs stuck in the AC champer. See Trabeculitis. Check for cells and flare
Hopw do you treat Glaucomatous Cyclitic Crisis
Topical steriods
Glaucoma meds
Test q: If you see Iritis in a person older than 65 your first thought should be?
Test Q: If you see iritis AND vitiritis in a person > 65 they may have
Iritis usually presents with mild pain and

have a ader time dar adapting
T/F IOP is initially HIGH with Anterior Sement ISchemia
Hallmark sign of Anterior Segment Ischemia
Cannot dark or light adapt,
Cells in AC
AND Dot and Blot hemorrhages in MID- PERIHPERAL retina
T/F Anterior Segment Ischemic patients tend to have dot and blot hemoorhages that occur at the posterior pole
Cells in AC, Dot blot hemes in mid periphery, and trouble light/dark adapting are all signs of
Anterior Segment Ischemia
T/F Hypoperfusion Retinopathy and Ocular ISchemic Syndrome is usually unilateral
When there are dot blot hemes in midperiphery AND neovascularization of disc, retina, iris, or angle it is known as
Ocular Ischemic Syndrome
Signs of this uveitits include Vitritis and CME, along with snow banking along pars plana
These nodules are choriodal/retinal granulomas that look like cotten wool spots but are more yellow
Dalen-Fuch nodules
This retinal vascultiis involves the death of photoreceptors, RPE movmeent where rods and cones used to be and retinitis pigmentosa like presnation
Retinal Vasculitis
Candle Wax Dripping, aka hazy optic nerve with vascular sheathis is associated with
Retinal Vasculitits
a salt and pepper fundus is found in peoplw with
Mouth ulcers is a sign of what disease?
To make sure aqueous is not leaking from a wound after cataract surgery test for
Seidel's Sign
Name 2 oral NSAIDs given after cataract surgery and what you have to watch out for
Acular Voltaren QID

need to watch for corneal melt
In order to measure how much lid edema or ptosis occurred in patient after cataract surgery use
Marginal reflex distance, see hofar the reflex of penlight is from the top lid
Although IOP may increase after cataract surgery it should go back down after
1 week
Acute onset endophthalmitis occurs ______ after any intraocualr surgery and is usually due to Staph aureris or Strep species
< 7 weeks
Delayed onset endophthalmitis occurs >6 weeks after surery and is due to
propionibacterium acnes, fungi, coagules negative Staphlyoc
Bleb associated endophthalmitits occurs when cataract surgery is combined with
glaucoma surgery.

Strep. Haempholus and gram + organism
When does onset of endophthalitis occur
1-4 postoperatively
Yag capsulometry is a laser procedure done to clear up the __________ and remove opacification from the posterior IOL surface
posterior capsule
Old fashioned IOLS were placed in the ______ but prose a problem because they are isris fixated.
Anterior chamber
Petallod appearance of the fovea, wth decreased vision, metamorphospa and cystic spaces of edema all result from
T/F A DFE is asbolsutely necessary 1 month after cataract surgery
Localized swelling post operatively that has a FB sensation, buring, photophbia and glare is known as _____ and is treated via
Bullous keratopathy

increase steriods, lubrication hypertonic
An inflamed retina is usually due to
Retinal vasculitits will have vascular sheathing, a hazy optic nerve and
"candle wax dripping" appearance
T/F Bechet's disease invovles mouth ulcdrs, acne, ocular inflammatory diases, ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR uveitits, and is more prevlentant in MALES

middle and far eastern decent.

If it doesn't respond to regular treatment, its probably Bechets
This white dot syndrome is caused by a nematode and results in GRAY-YELLOW outer retinal lesions
Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neurororetinitits
T/F Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitits is the most common parasitic lesion
This white dot syndrome has yellow-white placoid lesions that radiate out from the optic nerve head. See Choroidal neovascualrzation ins 20% of cases. It is found in YOUNG adults with acute loss of vision
Serpigionous Choroiditis
T/F Serpiginous Choroiditis is typically found in elderly population

Young-middle aged

This white dot syndrome has yellow-white placoid lesions that radiate out from the optic nerve head. See Choroidal neovascualrzation ins 20% of cases.
Bird-shot chorioretinitis, or Vitliginous choriditis is more prevelant in ______ that are older than __. You will see vitritis in 100% of patients along with floaters, centra lloss of vision, and optic nerve ad macular edema
> 50 yrs

USE HLAA-29 to test!
Large yellow white flat plaque like lesions of the RPE that is associated with viral prodrome foud in young to middle-aged females is what condition?
Acute Posterior Multifocial Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy AMPEE
T/F AMPEE typically effects young to middle aged females

Large yellow white flat plaque like lesions of the RPE that is associated with viral prodrome
How do you know if your female patient as Vitiginous choroiditis or AMPEE?
AMPEE is of young females
Vitilginous choroiditis is of women over 50
_________, also known as big blind spot syndrome effects young to middle aged females who are usually myopic and will spontaneous recover. IT is associated with a viral illness
Multipe evanescent white dot syndrome

See small wihte dots located at RPE or outer retina that encircle the posterior pole, the fovea is spared
3 syndromes that masquerade as Posterior Uvietitis
Retinal detachment
Cells floating in the vitreous that are RPE cells or RBC's is known as ______, or tobacco dust
Shaffer's sign
3 types of RD
Most common type of Retinal detachment
Rhegmatogenous. Like a curain coming down
The most common ocular tumor is _____- and usually come from breast and lung
Dome shape lesions that are yellow to organe in color that are most often in posterior pole could indicate
metastic tumor
Number 1 cause of death by cancer in males_______
Nnumber 1 cause of death by cancer in females______

Coat's white ring signifies
FB stuck in cornea... see edema and WBC surround the FB
Leukemic Retinopathy can manifest itself in 3 ways
1. Leukemic infiltrates
2. Blood in retina --> Roth spots
3. Secondary complications related toanemia and hyperviscousity
Hypercoaguble means that there is a problem stopping the _____ system. Usually it involves Fibrin and Factor V
Hyperviscosity is when there are too many __________ and is usually tumor related
platelts, RBCs and WBCs
Herpes that effects the kid periphery and posterior pole of retina is known as _________. It affects ALL layers of retinal.
Acute Retinal Necrosis

If its bilateral its known as BARN
in AIDS patients, CMV usually occurs when CD4 count drops to
50 or less

see damage at posterior pole
Toxoplasmosis is caused by
obligate intracullular protozoans in undercooked meat or cat feces
T/F Histoplasmosis is a FUNGAL infection
see acute loss of vision in ONE eye
See triad:
Peripapillary atrophy (mottles around ONH)
Peripheral white spots
Choroidal neovascularization.
NEVER presents with vitritis
Signs of this disease include:
Peripapillary atrophy (mottles around ONH)
Peripheral white spots
Choroidal neovascularization.
NEVER presents with vitritis
T/F Histoplasmosis is always accompanied by vitritis
An unexplained loss of vision due to a small white worm in retina is known as
Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitits
get from racoons
To test to see if patient has Bechet's, do a
Patient presents with no pain, photophobia/lacrimation but cells and flare and a low IOP. They probably hae
Ocular Ischemic Syndrome due to blockage of ICA
Peripheral Anterior Synechiae is __ shaped
tent shaped