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38 Cards in this Set

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High risk pre-eclampsia

Previous hypertensive disease in pregnancy


Autoimmune disease

Diabetes mellitus

Hypertension in pregnancy

>140/90 OR an increase from booking BP > 30/15

Rhesus negative women

Anti-D at 28 and 34 weeks.

Gestational diabetes risk factors

Previous gestational diabetes

BMI > 30

Previous baby > 4.5kg

1st degree relative with diabetes

South Asian, black Caribbean, Middle Eastern

Gestational diabetes screening

Previous history - GTT at booking and 26-28 weeks

Other risk factors - GTT at 26-28 weeks

Harmful drugs in pregnancy

tetracyclines, warfarin, aminoglycosides, trimethoprim, sulphonamides, quinilones (ciprofloxacin), ACEi, statins, sulfinylureas, retinoids, cytotoxic agents - most antiepileptics.

ANC 8-12 weeks

Booking visit - BP, urine dipstick, BMI

Bloods - FBC, Blood group, haemoglobinopathies, Hep B, syphillis, rubella, HIV, urine culture

ANC 11-13+6 weeks

Scan - Downs syndrome screening (nuchal thickness) and EDD.

ANC 16 weeks

Blood results, BP, urine dispstick

ANC 18-20+6 weeks

Anomaly scan

ANC 25 weeks

If primip - BP, urine dip, SFH

ANC 28 weeks

BP, urine dip, SFH

Bloods - FBC

If rh -ve - anti-D

ANC 31 weeks

If primip - BP, urine dip, SFH

ANC 34 weeks

BP, urine dip, SFH

2nd dose of anti D

Birth plan

ANC 36 weeks

BP, urine dip, SFH

Check fetal position

ANC 38 weeks

BP, urine dip, SFH

ANC 40 weeks

If primip - BP, urine dip, SFH

Discussion about possibility of inducing labour


Performed at 16 weeks

Karyotype available after 3 weeks

Fetal loss 0.5-1 %

Causes of increased nuchal translucency

Down's syndrome

congenital heart defects

abdominal wall defects

Cause of hyperechoic bowel

Down's syndrome




Fluid volume < 500ml at 32-36 weeks OR below 5th centile


Fetal renal problems


Post-term gestation


Increased AFP

Neural tube defects - meningocele, anecephaly

Abdominal wall defects - omphalocele, gastroschisis

Decreased AFP

Down's syndrome

Trisomy 18

Maternal DM

Alcohol and pregnancy

Avoid in first trimester, after this drink no more than 1-2 units per week

Antiphospholipid syndrome and pregnancy

Aspirin 75mg from positive urine hcg

LMWH once fetal heart seen and discontinue at 34 weeks

Complications - recurrent miscarriage, IUGR, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, pre-term delivery, VTE.

Biophysical profile

Fetal movements

Fetal tone

Fetal heart responsiveness

Amniotic fluid

Fetal breathing

Breast-feeding and epilepsy

All antiepileptics are safe with the exception of barbituates

Fitness to fly - pregnancy

36 weeks - single pregnancy

32 weeks - multiple pregnancy

Fitness to fly certificate needed after 28 weeks to ensure normal pregnancy

Hepatitis B and pregnancy

Baby - course of vaccination and hepatitis B immunoglobulin. No need for CS. Breast feeding is safe.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Risk Factors

Multiple pregnancies

Trophoblastic disease


Null parity


Hyperemesis Gravidarum Complications

Wernickes encephalopathy

Mallory Weis tear

Central Pontine myelinolysis

Acute tubular necrosis



Diagnosis of gestational diabetes

Fasting - >= 5.6

2 hour - >= 7.8

Gestational diabetes management

Fasting BM < 7 - diet and exercise - 1-2 weeks - no improvement - metoformin - no improvement - insulin.

Fasting BM > 7 - insulin

Fastin BM 6-6.9 + evidence of macrosomia/hydramnios - insulin

Gestational DM Targets

Fasting - 5.3

1 hour post meal - 7.8

2 hour post meal - 6.4

Hypothyroidism and pregnancy


TSH in each trimester and 6-8 weeks postpartum

Safe to breast feed

Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy


Do not use block and replace

Values in upper third of normal

Antibodies checked at 30-36 weeks

Radioiodine is contraindicated


Test of cure MSU should be sent in treated pregnant women

Vitamin D supplementation

All pregnant women

Children 6 months to 5 years - if < 500ml of formula milk per day

adults > 65 years

adults not exposed to the sun