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118 Cards in this Set

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Organizational System Types (2)



Components of Organizational Systems

Organizational Structure

Organizational Culture

Work Design

Human Resource Policies

Organizational Structure

Organizational- level of analysis

-Wal-Mart as a single organization composed of parts

Macro Perspective (strategic management)

Organizational Structure Questions

How do we describe organizations?

How do these characteristics relate with satisfaction, productivity, etc?

How to these 6 characteristics combine into different organizational designs?

6 Characteristics used to describe the structure of organizations

Work Specialization


Chain of Command

Span of Control



Structure of an organization determines

how tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated

On what basis will jobs be grouped together?







To whom do individuals and groups report?

Chain of Command



How many individuals can a manager efficiently and effectively direct?

Span of Control

-Narrow spans of control increase hierarchy

-No effect on employee outcomes

Where does decision making authority lie?

Centralization and Decentralization

The term centralization refers to the degree to which

decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization

The more input provided by lower level personnel, the more _________ the organization


Decentralization offers the following benefits

action can be taken more quickly to solve problems

more people can provide input into the decision making process

employees are less likely to feel alienated from those who make the decisions that affect their lives at work

To what degree will there be rules and regulations to direct employees and managers?

Formalization (Scientific Management)

-Organizational "Rules"

The term formalization refers to the degree to which

jobs are standardized

Highly formalized jobs involve

explicit job descriptions

organizational rules

clearly defined procedures

consistant uniform output

Less formalized jobs involve

fewer structural constraints (so workers have more control over how they preform their jobs)

An individual's discretion an the job is inversely related to the

amount of behavior in that job that is preprogrammed by the organizaton

The greater the standardization, the

less input an employee has into how his or her work is to be done

Differences among the _______ of these characteristics distinguish various organizational designs


Organizational Design Types


-mom and pop companies


-bureaucracy= mechanistic

-team based, matrix and organic structures


_______ organizations are small and outsource major functions


Virtual Organizations are ______ centralized with ________ departmentalization

highly centralized

little to no departmentalization

Virtual organizations are flexible, but limit

management's control over key parts of its business

Because individuals and small companies unite on a project-by-project basis

each project can be staffed according to its demands, and bureaucratic overhead and long-term risks and costs can be minimized

Old World Organization

Cleat Distinction between the organization and what is not the organization

Globalization Organization

Distinctions between the organization and what is not the organization is less clear

Strategy and Structure are

closely related

Most strategy frameworks focus on 3 dimensions:


cost minimization


Size affects structure at a

decreasing rate

Technology refers to how

an organization transfers its inputs into outputs

Standardized technologies characterize

centralized structures

Customized activities characterize

decentralized structures

The relationship between technology and structure is moderated by

the degree of formalization

Environmental uncertainty greatly influences

organizational structure

3 key dimensions in environment of an organization

Capacity-degree to which it can support growth

Volatility-degree of its instability

Complexity-degree of heterogeneity and concentration among its elements

Management will try to minimize uncertainty by

adjusting the organization's structure

Scarce, dynamic, and complex environments require ______, _______ structures

flexible, organic

Abundant, stable, and simple environments require _______ structures


What is organizational culture?

a common perception held by the organization's members

a system of shared beliefs

What do norms have to do with culture?

Norms-building blocs of culture

The way things are done

Hawthorne Studies

how do you know norms exist

watch when someone violates it and see how other punish to bring that person back in line

Hawthorne Studies

relationship between

performance and illumination

Hawthorne Effect

treated like a person, higher work efficiency

Dominant culture expresses the

core values that are shared by a majority of the organization's members

Subcultures tend to develop in large organizations to

reflect common problems, situations, or experiences

How are cultures sustained?

ASA Model

Where Pygmalion has the largest impact

Top Management

ASA Model

Who wants to be part of the group? Attraction

Who does the group want to join? Selection

Who leaves the group? Attrtition

End result of the ASA model

homogeneous group

ASA Model Key Issue

What is the basis of similarity?

ASA Model

Superficial issues

gender and ethnicity

ASA Model

Deep critical issues

values and performance


minimum legal compliance

how do i avoid losing discrimination lawsuit

minimizing perspectivity

Diversity as a competitive advantage

how do i win in ways my ignorant competition can't

maximize perspectivity

Sustaining Culture

Socialization Method

Stories- uniqueness

Rituals- pledging

Symbols- colors, tattoos, brands

Language- communication

Culture's Effects

The Good

Boundary Defining- Us vs. Them

Identity for members- We are this not that

Commitment to org > self- no i in team

enhance social stability- knowing your role and status

behavioral stability- control mechanism

Culture's Effects

The Bad

barrier to change- rules and roles established

barrier to diversity- ASA model

barrier to mergers and acquisitions

Us vs. Them mentality- groupthink, accept or overlook behavior

Culture's Effect

OB Outcome

Productivity- depends on the type of norm

Absenteeism and TO- ASA

OCB- depends on the norms of organization

Job Satisfaction- if person fits, likely positive

Making Change Happen

Lewin 3 step process




Lewin 3 step process


breaking old behavior patterns

individual, group, and organizational resistance

remove restraining force

increase driving force

Lewin 3 step process


establish new behavior patterns

Lewin 3 step process


stabilizing new behavior patterns

establish new restraining forces

maintain driving forces to keep change

driving forces

direct behavior away from status quo

restraining forces

hinder movement from existing equilibrium

What can change agents change



physical setting


reasons why individuals may avoid change

force of habit

need for security

economic factors

fear of the unknown

selective information processing

6 sources of organizational resistance to change

group inertia

structural inertia

limited focus of change

threat to expertise

threat to established power relationships

threat to established resource allocations

overcoming resistance

education and communication


manipulation and control


facilitation and support


3 key areas of change

stimulating innovation- increase creativity

creating a learning org- double loop learning

knowledge management- CRITICAL for companies in which primary products or services are created from knowledge-workers

What does a person's job entail

simple jobs



complex jobs

-general manager

-computer programmer

job characteristics model measures

skill variety

task identity

task significance



Extrinsic motivation

motivation due to what a person receives for completing job/task

Intrinsic motivation

motivation that results from completion of a task

working conditions

work space design

work schedule

work redesign

job rotation- periodic shifting of a worker from one job to another

job enlargement- horizontal expansion of jobs

job enrichment-vertical expansion of jobs

how does management enrich jobs

combine tasks

create natural work units (teams)

establish client relationships

expand jobs vertically

open feedback channels


humor all employees in phony efforts to include them in process improvement methodologies

drive in fear by discouraging communication and by instituting a policy of Continuous Layoffs

TQM also known as




Human Resource Management

job level of analysis- micro

organizational level- macro


Proactive Persepectives

job analysis


training and development

performance and evaluation



Reactive Perceptives

Legal issues

workplace violence

What behaviors and skills are necessary

job description

job specification

job description

id's the tasks included with the job

job specification

id's the skills required for the job

Core vs. Peripheral jobs

linked with virtual organizational design as basis for outsourcing within globalization

adding value is key focus

job analysis





control jobs are

simple jobs

clear and complete in description of behavior

OCB bonus

small number of basic skills

appropriate measure of evaluation- outcome

commitment jobs are

complex jobs

unclear and incomplete in description

OCB required

large number of skills, skill are more complex

appropriate measure of evaluation- outcome

How are the required skills met

buying skills

making skills

Buying skills



written test

performance simulation

psychological contract

interview types

structured- ask specific questions

unstructured- conversation

performance simulation

work samples

assessment centers

psychological contract

an unwritten agreement that sets out what management expects from the employee, and what the employee expects from management

Building Skills

Training focuses on

the job

Building Skills

Training types

basic literacy



problem solving


Building Skills

Development focuses on

the person

Building Skills


grooming employees- job assignment

functional areas of firm, expatriate experience

How well are jobs being done?

Applied in organizations

evaluative function- compensation decision

developmental function- goals and training decisions

Performance Evaluation

Performance Appraisal- What is being appraised?

Individual traits- attitude

individual behaviors- sample student peer evaluation

task outcomes

Performance Evaluation

who does the appraisal





Performance Evaluation

When is the appraisal conducted

availability heuristic

Appraisal Problems

what purpose does the evaluation serve

compensation v. development

employee's responses

supervisor's responses

appraisal problems

individual v. team performance and reward

all individual performance

-no incentive for teamwork

all team based performance

-no individual accountability

Providing performance feedback

managers get uncomfortable

employees get defensive

workers inflate performance

improrving evaluations

emphasize behaviors

document performance

use multiple evaluators

evaluate selectively

train evaluators

provide due process- have conversation

Appraising the performance of the team

tie results to organizational goals

begin with the team's customers

measure team performance

recognize individual efforts

use team-defined measures

Managing Diversity

Mentoring Programs

Family-Friendly Policies

Diversity Training

Managing Diversity

Family friendly companies help to reduce the conflict between

work and family obligations

Managing Diversity

Family Friendly Policies

on-site day care

child care and elder care referrals

flexible hours

compressed work wheel

job sharing


temporary part time employment

relocation assistance

Managing Diversity

Diversity training programs are intended to

increase awareness and examine stereotypes

Managing Diversity

Diversity Training participants learn to

value individual differences

increase cross-cultural understanding

confront stereotypes

Managing Diversity

Mentoring role includes




Managing Diversity

Mentoring Program relationship supports the

personal development and career advancement of the junior person

Managing Diversity

Mentoring Programs help the most with

maintaining diversity

Managing Diversity


LMX ->

overall organization


Why do individual employees join labor unions?

union members get paid better

better working conditions

higher job security

What issues increase unionization?


Working Conditions

Job Security