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17 Cards in this Set

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Factors associated with a positive birth experience
1. Motivation, self confidence and self esteem
2. Child birth educational classes.
3. sense of compentacy
4. Positive mate relationship
5. maintaining control during labor
6. Support from mate, not being alone
7. Trust in MD RN staff
8. Receive clear information regarding procedures
Progesterone Withdrawl Hypothesis
Produced by the placenta that relaxes uterine smooth muscle by interfering with conduction of impulses from one cell to the next.
The uterus is without coordinated contractions.
Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)
Possible role in the onset of labor.
CRH increases throughout pregnancy, with a sharp increase at term
Increase plasma CRH in preterm labor.
CRH os known to stimulate prostaglandin F and E
Myometrial activity
Two portions
upper portion: is the contractile segment. It becomes progressiively thicker as labor advances
Lower Segment: Includes the lower uterine segment and cervix. It is passive, and as labor continues, the lower segment expands and thins out.
Effacement 1
Occurs with each contraction, the muscles of the upper uterine segment begin to shorten and exert longitudinal traction on the cervix. Drawing up the internal os nd the cervical canal into the uterine side wals
In primigravidas effacement usually precedes diliation. The uterine muscles remain shorter and thicker and does not return to its original legnth
Fetal axis pressure
Pressure excerted by the fetus, r/t uterine enlongation. Elongation causes a straighting of the fetal body, pressing the part of the fetus in the upper portion of the uterus against the fundus
This causes the
cervical diliation
as the fetal axis pressure increases so does hydrostatic pressure which causes cervical diliation
Premonitory signs of labor
1. Leg cramps or pain due to pressure on the nerves that course through the obturator foramen of the pelvis
2. Increased pelvic pressure
3. Increased venous stasis, leading to edema in the lower extremities
4. Polyuria
5. Increased vaginal secretions resulting from congestion of the vaginal mucus membranes
Braxton Hicks Contractions
"False labor" Before the onset of labor, the irregular, intermittent contractions that occur throughout pregnancy.
Pain seems to be in the abdominal and groin. May feel like a "drawing sensation" with women with dysmenorrhea.
Cervical changes
Rigid and firm at beginning. Must soften so that it can stretch and diliate close to allow proper fetal passage. Softening also called "Ripening"
Bloody show
Mucus plugs consist of cervical secretions. When the cervix ripens or effacement occurs the mucus plug is often expelled.
This results in blood loss from cervical capillaries. The blood is pink-tinged secretions. Is considered a sign of impending labor, usually within 24-48 Hours. Vaginal examination may be confused with bloody show, but the color is browish and is not accompained by the mucus plug
Rupture of membranes
Aminotic rupture. After membranes rupture 80% of women ill experience labor within 24H. If membranes rupture and labor does not occur within 24H then labor mat be induced to prevent infection. (once the membranes rupture there is an open pathway into the uterine cavity
Spontanous rupture of membranes (SROM)
At the beginning of labor aminotic membranes bulge. This generally occurs at the height of an intense contraction. Can cause problems such as prolapsed umbilical cord. Can be mistaken for urinary inconitence and urinary urgency coughing or sneezing
Sudden bursts of energy
Usually occur within 24-48 hours before Labor.
Unknown in origin
Teach mothers not to overexert themselves so that prevent any additional labor fatigue
True labor signs
1. Contractions are regular intervals
2. Intervals between contractions gradually shorten
3. Contractions increase in duration and intensity
4. Discomfort in the back and radiates around the ABD
5. Cervical diliation and effacement
6. contractions do not subside with rest or warm tub water
False Labor signs
1. Contractions are irregular
2. Usually no change between the contraction's duration, intensity, or interval.
3. Walking has no effect on or lesses contractions.
4. No change in diliation or effacement.
5. Rest and warm baths lessens the contractions.