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149 Cards in this Set

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This is bleeding not related to structural causes such as fibroids or menstration

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

True or false dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a diagnosis of exclusion


What is the treatment for dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Oral contraceptive pills or hormonal therapy, NSAIDs for dysmenorrhea and reducing bleeding, surgery

What type of cancer is most common in endometrial neoplasm


These are in plants of the endometrial or endometrium like tissue outside the uterine inner wall


Where is the most common site of endometriosis implantation


A female patient has been complaining of cyclic abdominal pain and uncontrolled bleeding with menses.


What is the gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis


How do you treat endometriosis

Oral contraceptive pills or hormonal therapy

What is the medical term for uterine fibroids


These are uterine smooth muscle benign tumors

Uterine fibroids

How do you diagnose uterine fibroids


What are the treatment options for uterine fibroids

Hormonal control, cryotherapy, hysterectomy

This occurs when the uterus drops into the vaginal Vault due to weakening and stretching of the suspensory muscles

Uterine prolapse

This commonly occurs in obese multiparous white women with fibroid uterus and collagen vascular disease

Uterine prolapse

Caucasian multiparous woman has been experiencing recurrent urinary tract infections incontinence and dyspareunia

Uterine prolapse

This type of ovarian cyst is associated with ovulation and is usually less than 2.5 cm

Follicular ovarian cyst

This type of ovarian cyst is associated with pregnancy and is usually less than 3 cm but may rupture and bleed

Corpus luteum ovarian cyst

This type of ovarian cyst is often bilateral and results from excess HCG secretion in molar and multi gestational pregnancy

Thecal ovarian cyst

Ovarian cancer is most associated with what mutation and what syndrome

Brca mutations and Lynch syndrome which is hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer

This type of ovarian tumor tends to grow faster, patients presents sooner with symptoms, and they have a better prognosis than epithelial tumors

Germ cell tumors

Cervical cancer is abnormal proliferation of cells at what border of the Endo cervix

Squamo columnar

What are some risk factors associated with cervical cancer

Sexual intercourse HPV cervical warts

Female patient presents with dyspareunia dysuria vaginal discharge and bleeding. On exam there is a strawberry cervix with discharge and ulcers

Infectious cervicitis

How do you treat neisseria gonorrhea

Ceftriaxone intramuscular

How do you treat chlamydia trichomonas

Doxycycline or azithromycin orally

How do you treat HSV


How do you treat trichomonas


How do you treat candidiasis


This is a muscular weakness that leads to premature effacement and dilation of the cervix

Cervical incompetence

This is rare but a common cause of second trimester loss

Cervical incompetence

How do you treat cervical incompetence

Cerclage which is stitching place to hold cervix closed

A female patient presents with a white adherent discharge that is fishy odor. Exam findings include a pH greater than 4.5 and clue cells on Koh prep


How do you treat gardnerella

Metronidazole and treat other partners

A female patient presents with a cottage cheese discharge and erythematous vagina with satellite lesions. There are budding yeast on Koh prep


What is the treatment for candida vaginitis


Female patient presents with homogeneous discharge on exam there is punctate hemorrhage edema and strawberry cervix


How do you treat trichomonas vaginitis

Metronidazole and treat sexual partners and absence until symptoms resolve

This occurs when a girl has not had her menstrual cycle by the age of 14 with normal sexual development or no Menses by 13 years old without normal puberty


What is the primary cause of amenorrhea


What are other less common causes for amenorrhea

Conditions that cause hypothalamus issues such as anorexia, pituitary tumors, chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner syndrome PCOS and uterine injuries

This occurs when a woman has eight to 72 hours of pelvic pain with menstruation


How do you treat dysmenorrhea

NSAIDs but do not fail to look for underlining causes such as PID or fibroids or endometriosis

After menopause the ovaries continue to produce what 3 hormones

Testosterone and androsteronedione and Estrin

How do you diagnose menopause

FSH level greater than 30

What is the most common organism in breast infections

Staph aureus especially lactating women

What is the most common benign breast condition

Fibrocystic changes which includes cysts and ductal epithelial hyperplasia or fibrosis

This is the second most common breast condition and it's mostly seen in young African-American women


A female presents with breast pain erythema. Physical exam findings include fever chills breast tissue is warm to touch

Mastitis or breast abscess

How do you treat mastitis

Penicillinase resistant antibiotics such as dicloxacillin or cephalosporins, hot compresses, and continue breastfeeding

45% of breast cancers are located where

In the upper outer quadrant of the breast

What is the most common breast carcinoma

Ductal carcinoma

This is a scaly erythematous lesion of the nipple

Paget's disease

This is spontaneous flow of milk from the breast


What are some causes of galactorrhea

Pituitary adenoma that produces too much prolactin, fibroid disorders, medication such as an H2 blocker cimetidine and antipsychotic Risperidone

This is breast enlargement in men


What medication commonly causes gynecomastia


If a man presents with enlarged breasts but it is not due to an increase in estrogen but adipose tissue it is known as this

Pseudo gynecomastia

What are some risks of oral contraceptive pills

Thromboembolism, breast cancer, hypertension, cholelithiasis, weight gain

Emergency contraception pain given how long after intercourse

72 hours to 5 days

Infertility is the failure to conceive after what period of unprotected intercourse

One year

How do you work up infertility

First step is to check semen analysis, then an endocrine gland in cludes TSH levels FSH level prolactin level

What are some treatment options for infertility

Clomiphene citrate is given to an anovulatory woman to help stimulate ovaries to produce eggs, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization

What are some complications of pelvic inflammatory disease

Infertility and ectopic pregnancy due to scarring

A female presents with lower abdominal pain with or without fever. Physical exam shows cervical motion tenderness also known as chandelier sign. There is also evidence of an abnormal discharge.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

How do you test for gonorrhea and chlamydia

DNA probe testing

How do you calculate the estimated date of confinement or EDC of a pregnancy

You take the first day of the last menstrual period go back 3 months and add 7 days

This is how many times a woman has been pregnant


This term is what were the results of a woman's pregnancy


What vitamins must a pregnant woman take

Folic acid, iron, and calcium

At 20 weeks the uterus should be located where


What is a normal fetal heart rate and it shouldn't be auscultated at about how many weeks

120 to 160 beats per minute and 10 weeks

When does quickening or fetal movement occur

About 18 weeks

This test can be performed in the first trimester to determine the risk of genetic disorders

Pregnancy-associated plasma protein a or Pappa

These tests can be performed in the second trimester to determine if there is an increase risk of genetic disorder

Low estriol and low AFP and high inhibin a

This screening test uses ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy to screen for trisomies and Turner syndrome

Nuchal translucency screening

If a nuchal translucency screening is abnormal you then offer perform

Chorionic villi sampling or amniocentesis

Amniocentesis is withdrawal of amniotic fluids at what weeks

15 - 18 weeks

This is a biopsy of the placental cells via needle and catheter at 10 to 13 weeks

Chorionic villi sampling or CVS

This test can be done closer to term if there is decreased fetal movement or a high risk pregnancy

Non stress test

This exam is done near-term

Pelvic exam to assess cervical dilation

What stage of Labor may be preceded by the bloody show or the bloody mucus plug

First stage of Labor

This stage of Labor is from regular contractions to full cervical dilation

First stage of Labor

This stage of Labor is from full dilation to delivery infant

Second stage of Labor

This stage of Labor is from delivery of infant to delivery of placenta

Third stage of Labor

This is the hour after Labor that includes treatment of lacerations tears and hemorrhaging

Fourth stage of Labor

Why are late decelerations bad

It is an indication of placental insufficiency due to a lack of blood flow to the infant

If you are concerned about the fetal heart rate what things can you do

Place mom on her left side, administer oxygen, and oxytocin

The placenta has how many vessels

3 -

2 arteries and 1 vein

What does apgar score stand for

Appearance, pulse, Grimace, activity, respiration. Which also means color, heart rate, reflex, motor tone, respiration.

This is the medical term for abnormal labor


What medication can be administered to enhance contractions


What are some risks of having a cesarean section

Thromboembolism, bleeding, infection, and prolonged hospitalization

What percentage drop must you see in hematocrit in order to diagnose postpartum hemorrhage


What are your treatment options for postpartum hemorrhage

Uterine massage, manual compression, oxytocin, prostaglandins, blood transfusion, surgery

This is the slothing of decidua tissues during the postpartum period


When should the first postpartum visit be scheduled

In about six weeks

This is implantation of pregnancy anywhere but the endometrial lining

Ectopic pregnancy

What is the most common etiology for ectopic pregnancy


Other than adhesions what are other risk factors for ectopic pregnancy

Previous ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, abdominal surgery, IUD, assisted reproductive therapy

A female patient presents with one sided lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and a adnexal mass is palpated on exam.

Ectopic pregnancy

What labs and imaging do you perform if you suspect ectopic pregnancy

HCG and transvaginal ultrasound

How do you medically treat ectopic pregnancy

Methotrexate if the patient is stable or laparoscopy or laparotomy

These are a group of diseases arising from the placenta including hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma

Gestational trophoblastic disease

What are some complications of gestational diabetes

Pre-eclampsia, macrosomia, and traumatic birth

What are some risk factors for gestational diabetes

Obesity, older age, family history, and previous large for gestational age infant

When do you screen for gestational diabetes

Screen at 24 to 28 weeks earlier if high-risk

What test do you perform to screen for gestational diabetes? What are considered abnormal results?

Non-fasting glucose tolerance test. Greater than 130 mg per deciliter is abnormal

What test do you perform if a non fasting glucose tolerance test is positive for gestational diabetes

3 hour glucose tolerance test

How do you treat gestational diabetes

Insulin. Do not give oral hypoglycemics.

This is the rupture of amniotic membranes before onset of Labor and/or greater than 37 weeks

Premature rupture of membranes

This is premature in the membranes before 37 weeks

Preterm premature rupture of membranes

Premature rupture of membranes causes an increased risk of what

Infection such as Chorioamnionitis and endometritis

How do you diagnose premature rupture of membranes

Nitrazine paper indicating a pH greater than 7 therefore alkaline and ferning test

What is a risk of premature rupture of membranes

Cord prolapse

What do you administer to increase fetal lung maturity if the pregnancy is less than 34 weeks


If a pregnant woman is less than 20 weeks pregnant and develops hypertension she is treated with

Methyldopa or labetalol

What tests do you check if you suspect hypertension

Urine protein

New onset of hypertension after 20 weeks of pregnancy without additional symptoms is known as

Pregnancy induced hypertension

A diagnosis of new onset hypertension after 20 weeks of pregnancy with other symptoms is known as what two conditions

Preeclampsia and eclampsia

What is the classic Triad to diagnose preeclampsia

Hypertension, edema, proteinuria

How do you clinically define mild pre-eclampsia

A blood pressure greater than 140 over 90 but less than 160 over 110. Proteinuria greater than 300mg but less than five grams in 24 hours and hyperreflexia

How do you define severe preeclampsia

A blood pressure greater than 160 / 110 on two separate occasions at least 6 hours apart with bed rest in between. Proteinuria greater than 5 grams in 24 hours or 4 plus on urine dipstick. Elevated creatinine and liver enzymes. Presence of headache or blurred vision or clonus

What is HELLP syndrome

Severe pre-eclampsia, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets

What are some known complications of preeclampsia

DIC, pulmonary edema, renal failure, abruptio placentae

How do you treat preeclampsia

Hydralazine or labetalol

What is eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia + seizure

How do you treat eclampsia

Intravenous magnesium sulfate and deliver the baby

Why is Rh incompatibility so serious

Because it can cause hemolysis

If Mom is Rh factor negative how do you treat this

RH immunoglobulin at 28 to 29 weeks

What do you do if baby is born RH positive and Mom is Rh negative

Give another dose of Rh immune globulin or rhogam

If antibodies develop due to RH incompatibility what fetal condition can develop

Fetal hydrops or severe fetal anemia

This is premature separation of the placenta

Abruptio placentae

This is the most common cause of third trimester bleeding

Abruptio placentae

Why is abruptio placentae such a big concern

It can cause DIC and Fetal demise

A pregnant woman presents with painful vaginal bleeding during her third trimester

Abruptio placentae

How do you diagnose abruptio placentae

Monitor fetus in fetal stress testing to observe any decelerations in fetal heart rate

How do you manage abruptio placentae

Cesarean section

This causes painless third trimester vaginal bleeding

Placenta previa

This is a condition where the placenta partially or completely covers the cervical OS

Placenta previa

What physical exam is contraindicated in placenta previa

Pelvic exam

How do you diagnose placental previa


What is the preferred delivery method for placenta previa

Cesarean section

This is the termination of pregnancy less than 20 weeks

Spontaneous abortion also known as miscarriage

What type of spontaneous abortion involves vaginal bleeding but the os is closed


What type of spontaneous bleeding causes vaginal bleeding but the os is open


What type of spontaneous abortion causes vaginal bleeding, cervical opening, but incomplete expulsion of products of conception


What is the diagnostic workup for spontaneous abortion

Serial HCG levels and ultrasound

What is the treatment for spontaneous abortion

Pelvic rest and following up. Give rhogam if Mom is Rh negative. If incomplete abortion than may need to do D&C.