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76 Cards in this Set

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What is Horner's hope for his book Mind Your Faith"?

To introduce some tools to help understand and engage the ideas and perspectives that refine and combine other insights.
Ideally, a university is what?
A market place of ideas.
What are the primary and secondary targets for Horner's book?
Christian college kids going to secular universities and kids going to a university. Secondarily, non-christians and christians going to christian universities.
Where did the holocaust begin?
As an idea in books, classrooms, cafes and courtrooms.
Our beliefs are the _______ that our lives ________.
Rails ; run on.
What does it look like to love God with all our mind according to Horner?
By using them for the purposes they are created: thinking, in all its many forms.
How does Cosgrove define a worldview?
A set of assumptions and beliefs about reality that reflect how we think and live.
What is a presupposition?
an implicit assumption about the world or background belief.
What are Cosgrove's three tests about worldviews?
Existential repugnance, logical consistency, evidence.
Existential repugnance.
Is it possible to live this world view in the world as we know it.
Logical consistency.
Does every belief in that worldview agree with every other belief in that worldview.
Does the worldview fit the facts we can discover about the world?
What does Cosgrove mean by "human personality"?
Self-awareness, symbolic consciousness, free will, moral notions, creativity and spiritual aspirations.
What was before "In the beginning"?
Love and thought and communication existed prior to the creation of the world.
Why is an impersonal beginning unlikely?
Because we are very personal beings with personalities.
What does Schaeffer say about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
The tree itself was not bad. Nothing God makes is bad. He made the possibility of evil in order to give humans choices so that we are not deterministically conditioned.
What are the 3 steps in death of Adam and Eve when they ate the fruit?
1. Separation from God
2. Physical death
3. Spiritual death
Theology of the Fall.
Satan is the original fallen being and he brought about the fall of man in the same way. Ex: Adam and Jesus.
What was the first sin?
When Eve believed the serpent instead of God.
What does it mean to say that the flow of sin is inward to outward?
It begins in thought. Head -> Heart -> hands -> habitat.
The four separations because of the fall.
1. Man from God
2. Man from himself
3. Man from nature
4.Man from man.
What two books has God given us?
His word(Bible) and creation itself.
What does sin do to our minds?
It corrupts our minds so that we are unable to think God's thoughts after him.
How does sin relate to the greatest evil of the wide world?
It is the source and explanation.
How is the trinity involved in the work of redemption.
Appointed by the father, applied by the spirit and accomplished by the son.
What does Veith claim as loving God with all your mind?
Thinking about him, being conscious of him in every day living.
What do the scriptures represent as the chief of affections?
True religion is summarily comprehended in Love.
Three saints and their biblical proof of love as true religion.
David - Book of Psalms
Paul - Epistles
John - beloved by Jesus, his letters and Revelations.
Is. 40:8
The word of the Lord stands forever.- "The grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God will stand forever.
Mark 12:28-34
You shall love the lord you God with all your heart and mind and soul and strength.
1 Corinthians 1:18-31
We boast only in the Lord, not in knowledge or wisdom. "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing... Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord"
Psalm 33:6
God creates the universe by his word. " By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.
Hebrews 1:3
God sustains the universe by his word.
Romans 5:1-11
Grace peace and reconciliation came through Jesus.
Romans 5:12-21
Sin and judgment came through Adam and spread to all humans.
Acts 3:17-26
Heaven must receive Jesus until the time for restoring all things.
Reason - the God given faculty that
allows us to understand the word and all things in it.
Faith - trusting God and
living by what he says about the world.
What is full fideism?
No relationship between faith and reason(irrational).
What is full ratio-ism?
Reason only! Faith is unnecessary and unhelpful (deism - thomas jefferson and New Atheists - dawkins and hitchens)
What is the correct view of faith and reason?
Avoid extremes and realize that faith is reasonable.
Acts 26:25
But Paul said, "I am not out of my mind my most excellent Festus, but am speaking true and rational words."
4 Reasons to study theology.
1. We may know what is excellent. 2. To be pure and blameless. 3. Filled with the fruit of righteousness. 4. To the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1:9-11
Why we should study theology summed up in a verse.
Mark 12: 28-34
Love the lord your God with everything you have.
Studying theology does not mean that
we become to intellectual and boast in our knowledge.
Studying theology means that
We love the lord with all our minds(Mark 12:28-34) by using it for the purpose God intended and loving God with all we have.
Fundamental theology is
the organized study of God.
Theology in simple greek means
theo = God
logos = word

theo + logos = God's word.
Whats is prolegomena?
Defining the terms so that we can begin to discuss theology.
Bibliology is the study of
the bible
Timeline 0-50 A.D. was
Jesus' Life.
Timeline 50 - 100 A.D.was
new testament era.
Timeline 100-500 A.D. was
The Patristic Period - early church fathers.
Timeline 500-1300 A.D. was
Dark/middle ages.
Timeline 1300 A.D. - 1500 A.D.
John Calvin believed in
Jacob Arminius disagreed with ______ on ________.
Calvin. 5 points (Total depravity, Unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and the Preservation of the saints.
What is the main idea behind a worldview?
There is a relationship to how we think and how we live.
How does God create?
By his word.
Why didn't God create everything at once?
He wanted to take his time and make it more PERSONAL.
The Creation Mandate:
fill the world and subdue it.
Acts 17:22-31
God did NOT just create the world and walk away.
What is our purpose?
The creation mandate and to glorify God and enjoy him forever.
Where does our value (as humans) come from?
that we are image-bearers of God.
Genesis 2&3
The Fall
Results of the Fall (Genesis 3:7-23)
For women: pain, a desire for her husband. For men: hard work.

For all: separation from God.
Romans 5:21
Death through sin.
Sin distorts
good things
death is
God's masterpieces (humans and the world) are
damaged but not destroyed.
Because of the fall Human Value is
damaged but we are still image bearers.
Because of the fall, th Human task
is made difficult.
Because of the fall, Human faculties are
affected noetically by sin.
Acts 3:20-21
Christ will restore all things.
WE hope for a fully redeemed ______ and a fully redeemed _______.
humanity; creation.