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15 Cards in this Set

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- ratio of speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in the substance

- useful for characterizing organic compounds

- used to assess purity of known liquids and determine composition of solutions

Melting point

- temp at which solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium at 1 atm

- used for identification, characterizing organic compounds and assessing their purity

- measured by grinding solid into powder and packing inside melting point tube (capillary tube)

- presence of impurities in a substance lowers its melting point and broadens its melting-point range


- process of vaporizing a liquid mixture in one vessel and condensing the vapors into another

Simple vs. fractional distillation

Simple - involves a single vaporization-condensation cycle, useful for purifying a liquid that contains either nonvolatile impurities or small amounts of higher or lower boiling impurities

Fractional - allows for several vaporization-condensation cycles, useful for separating liquids with comparable volatilities and to purify liquids with large amounts of volatile impurities

Two types of filtration

- Gravity filtration - usually used to remove solid impurities from a liquid or solution

- Vacuum filtration - usually used to separate an organic solid from a reaction mixture or a crystallization solvent; removes solid impurities from a large amount of liquid


- process of transferring a substance from a liquid or solid mixture to a solvent

- used to separate a desired organic substance from a reaction mixture or some other mixture and to remove impurities from a desired organic substance, which is usually dissolved in an organic solvent


- conversion of a liquid to vapor at or below the boiling point of each liquid

- used to remove a volatile solvent, such as diethyl ether or dichloromethane from a comparatively involatile liquid or solid

- complete solvent removal used to isolate an organic solute after extraction or column chromatography

- partial solvent removal (concentration) used to bring a recrystallization solution to its saturation point


- simplest, most widely used operation for purifying organic solids

- dissolves solid that usually had originally crystallized from a reaction mixture or another solution then causing it to crystallize again from solution

Heating under reflux

- Process of boiling a reaction mixture and condensing the solvent vapors back into the reaction

- assures that no solvent is lost


- used to promote efficient heat transfer, prevent bumping, increase contact between the components of a heterogeneous mixture or mix in a reactant

- mechanical stirrer used for viscous liquids or slurries that must be stirred

- most common stirring device is stir bar (teflon-coated magnet)

Addition of reactants

- reactants are added during course of reaction when the reaction is strongly exothermic or when one of the reactants must be kept in excess to prevent side reactions

- liquids are added in portions or drop by drop using a separators funnel

Structures and properties of stereoisomers (optical rotation)

- Observed rotation: angle by which a sample of an optically active substance rotates the plane of that beam

- Polarimetry: measurements of such angles

- Polarimeter: instrument that measures these angles

- specific rotation of a pure substance can be used to characterize it

- [a]=a/lc

- enantiomeric excess=[a] observed/[a]pure x 100%

- polarimeter has: light source, polarizing prism called a polarizer, a sample cell and another polarizing prism called the analyzer

- extinction point: when axis of analyzer is perpendicular to plane-polarized light and light is blocked out so intensity is at a minimum

Chain-growth of polymers

- process in which some monomer molecules are first activated by a polymerization initiator, then monomers are added to its reactive end

- addition polymerization: combination of monomer units without eliminating any by-product molecules

- step growth polymerization: process in which each polymer chain grows from both ends through a series of individual steps

- "tailor-made" polymers with any properties can be made using special catalysts (Ziegler-natta catalysts) to regulate stereochemistry of a polymer and programming sequence of copolymers

- condensation polymerization: combination of monomer units containing two or more reactive functional groups that lose a small molecule such as water or HCl

Reaction of butanols with Hydrobromic acid

- codistillation is distillation of two or more non-soluble liquids

- steam distillation is when one of liquids is water

- steam distillation used to separate organic liquids from reaction mixtures and natural products leaving behind high-boiling residues (tars, inorganic salts)

- external steam distillation: carried out by passing externally generated steam into a boiling flask that contains organic material

- internal steam distillation: carried out by boiling a mixture of water and an organic material in a distillation setup

Drying liquids

- organic liquids and solutions can be dried in bulk by allowing them to contact with a drying agent

- most drying agents are anhydrous (water-free) inorganic salts that form hydrates by combining with water

- effectiveness of drying agent depends on: speed, capacity, intensity, chemical inertness, ease of removal

- sodium sulfate is drying agent

- about 1 g should be used per 25 mL of liquid or 40 mg per mL

- using too much results in excessive losses by adhesion of liquid on the drying agent