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74 Cards in this Set

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What is the importance of minerals
Essential for many vital biological fxns although they rep. a small amt. of total body tissue
- Cofactors in enzymes
- Components of body fluids (electrolytes)
- Sites for binding oxygen (transport) – hemoglobin binds iron (2 binding sites)
- Structural component of non-enzymatic macromolecule
Reason for mineral deficiency
Usually secondary causes: malabsorption/excess loss via bleeding/renal disease
□ Rare if variety of foods in diet
□ Trace element deficiency due mainly to prominence of refined processed foods in diet
Function of Ca in the body
Constituent of bone/teeth = 99% of body Ca
® Activity of heart/nerves/muscles = memb. excitability, muscle contraction
® Blood clotting mechanisms
® Regulate cell fxn: mediate action of hormones, enzymes, NT via calmodulin
Calcium Functions
Constituent of bone/teeth = 99% of body Ca ® Activity of heart/nerves/muscles = memb. excitability, muscle contraction
® Blood clotting mechanisms
® Regulate cell fxn: mediate action of hormones, enzymes, NT via calmodulin
Calcium Metabolism
Absorption = Ca-binding protein requirement ® Regulation of balance in body
◊ Factors: (1) Bone metabolism = deposition/resorption
} (2) Kidney = reabsorption of Ca
– Loss enhanced by acidosis, high protein intake, high phosphate intake
} (3) Parathyroid hormones (PTH: released due to dec. plasma Ca++)
} (4) Result: increased rate of 1,25 (OH)2-D3 (Calcitrol) syn.
– Bone: release Ca/PO4 from bone
– Kidney: increase Ca resorption/PO4 excretion in kidney
– Intestine: stimulate syn. of Ca binding prot.
– Calcitonin from thyroid (CT: released due to inc. plasma Ca++)
– Bone: enhances rate of bone mineralization by stimulating osteoblasts
Intestinal Calcium
Dietary factors promoting absorption ◊ pH – increased acidity promotes absorption
◊ Ca:P ratio of 2:1: American diet = 1:1.2 to 1:1.5; if higher Ca, P precipitates in GI tract
◊ Vitamin D (1,25 dihyroxycholecalciferol)
} Required for synthesis of Ca-binding protein
Dietary factors regarding absorption of calcium
– Fatty acids – forms insoluble soaps
– Oxylates from grn. vegis: spinach, rhubarb, beets
– Phytates in cereal grains
◊ Yogurt = “probiotic” – allows a better absorption of Ca
} Get epigenetic effect through probiotics; 70% of immune system is in gut (more serotonin produced in GI than in brain)
blood serum concentration of Calcium
Blood serum conc. 8.5-10.3 mg/dL
□ Chemical forms – ionized (diffusible) Ca (4.25-5.25 mg/dL in blood)
◊ Bound to plasma protein (albumin)
Decreased Concentration of Calcium
} Causes (Due to…):
– (1) Vitamin D deficiency = Ca-binding prot. syn. decreased
– (2) Hypoparathyroidism = dec. parahormone
– (3) Renal insufficiency = inc. renal excretion
– (4) Dec. dietary content
deficiency in Ca
Ca/P/Vit. D deficiency } Rickets = children
◊ Causes = low plasma Ca/P due to lack of Vit. D
– Results = poorly mineralized bone (osteoid Matrix) associated w/ skeletal deformities
} Osteomalacia (softening of bones) = adults
– Cause = decreased bone mass
w High prot. intake along with low Ca intake
w Malabsorption of Ca/Mg/Vit. D
High concentration of clucocorticoids
– Result = inhibit bone cell repl and fxn as well as enhance PTH action
w Dec. estrogen levels (post menopausal women)
w Estrodial – important in premenopause
– Bone resorption faster than deposition
– Ca:P ratio normal in matrix
– Coincidental appearance of severe PD with disruption of trabecular bone structure

Hierarchy of demineralization: dec. in bone density of jawbone then vertebrae
Pagets Disease
osteitis deformans – Cause: unknown but generally attributed to chronic inflammation, developmental defects, hereditary factors and aging process
– Results: Excessive bone resorption and bone deposition
w Replace normal bone by osteoid tissue
w Serum Ca and P normal although inc. alkaline phosphatase
C reactive Protein
inflammatory protein synthesized by liver and arteries; if have any infection this factor increases inflammation and is the cause of all types of diseases } Enamel hypoplasia = hypocalcified
– Cause = interruption in ameloblast formation
– Reasons: deficiencies of Ca/Vit A/Vit. D; hormonal imbalance
– Result = defective enamel formation
Phosphate functions
Functions (4) Structure of bones/teeth = 85% of total amount in body
Phosphate Intermediary metabolism
® Intermediary metabolism: Energy currency: ATP, creatine phosphate
– High energy intermediates
– Regulation of metabolism
– Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of enzymes – fastest way cells can communicate from outside to inside the cell through the nucleus
w ex. insulin receptor – outside phosphorylates to inside
phosphate metabolism blood concentratio levels
3-4.5 mg/dL
regulatory factors
® Bone metabolism: released with calcium as PTH increases dissolution of mineral matrix
® Nutrition: different types of phosphate compounds using various food vehicles (flour/bread/cereal/gum)
Phosphate regulatory factors
1) Renal function = tubular resorption (primary organ) ◊ (2) Hormonal = parathyroid gland – parathyroid hormone (PTH)
◊ (3) Hyperparathyroidism = increased renal clearance of phosphate
◊ (4) Hypoperathyroidism = decrease renal clearance
◊ (5) Vitamin D: increases tubular resorption in kidney, increases intestinal absorption
◊ (6) Intestinal absorption = optimal ratio of Ca:P of 1:3 at adequate Vit. D levels
} Inhibitory factors (ex. phytates of cereal grains, Fe, Mn, unsaturated FA, Al- base antacids)

Reason = forms insoluble phosphate salts (enhancing factor: active Vit. D)
Phosphate deficiency
Rickets and Osteomalacia
Magnesium function
(importance: 10x amount in ICF compared with ECF) § Function Structure of bones/teeth = 60% of total magnesium present in body
® Enzyme activator = all reactions involving ATP
® Neuromuscular transmission and activity
Mg absorptive values
§ Metabolism Absorption values 50% of Mg present in average Mg diet
} 75% of Mg present in low Mg diet

25% of Mg present in high Mg die
Mg- Ca antagonism
Result = competition in absorption, membrane transport, crystallization of bone
Mg blood serum levels
Increased Causes: renal failure (renal insufficiency) – excess use of Mg salts } Results: paralysis of voluntary muscles
} Reason = antagonism between Mg and Ca
Mg Decreased sensitivity at neuromuscular junction
□ Reason = competition with Ca
® CNS depression Decreased: cause = diuretic drugs
} Results: osteoporosis/osteomalacia; degenerative changes in ameloblasts/odontoblasts
} Enhanced muscle irritability tetany if severe enough deficiency
Mg and Dental Health
Location = enamel/dentin (1:2 concentration gradient) ® Deficiency = degenerative changes in ameloblasts/odontoblasts
Na Function
(importance = major cation of ECF – 30-45% total Na found in skeleton)…1200mg of Na+/day – 3x more K than Na+ § Functions Acid-base equilibrium = exchanged in kidney for H+ ion
® Fluid osmolarity (O.P) = osmotic pressure homeostasis – hypertension in adults (Blood vol. inc.)
® Normal irritability of nerves/muscles
® Glucose absorption across intestinal membrane – energy dependent Na+/K+-ATPase pump
Na Blood Plasma Levels Increased
§ Blood Plasma Lev. Increased Causes: Hyperactive adrenal cortex = Cushing’s disease
w Reason = excess pituitary ACTH (Adrenal Cortex Tropic Hormone) production causing excess minerocorticoid (aldosterone) formation; made in the hypothalamus and stored in the Post. Pituitary
– Dehydration (water deficit)
– Excessive intake
} Result = hypertension
Na Blood plasma levels decreased
® Decreased Causes: Hypoactive adrenal cortext = Addison’s disease – lack of aldosterone
– Lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH): result = inc. loss of water via kidney (polyuria)
– High temperature with inadequate Na replacement: results = muscular cramps/ nausea/diarrhea
Potassium (K) Function
(importance = major cation of ICF) § Functions Normal muscular/neuromuscular activity = cardiac muscle
® Fluid osmolarity (O.P.) = osmotic pressure homeostasis
○ Energy dependent Na+/K+-ATPase pump
® Acid-base equilibrium
® Enzyme activity = pyruvate kinase
K blood plasma levels increased
Increased = hyperkalemia ◊ Causes: Inc. rate of tissue catabolism (damage) (ex. renal failure; myocardial infarct)
} Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease) = dec. sodium
– Result = electrocardiac changes leading to cardiac arrest
K blood plasma levels decreased
® Decreased = hypokalemia (rare)
◊ Causes: Hyperactive adrenal cortex (Cushing’s disease) = increased plasma sodium
} Aciduria
} Diuretic agents
} Liquid protein diets = low K+
◊ Results: Muscle weakness/paralysis
} Cardiac abnormalities
} Respiratory failure
(Importance = major anion along with bicarbonate ion in ECF) § Functions Water balance: osmotic pressure regulation
® Electrolyte balance: intra-/extra-cellular distribution; ionic strength
® Acid-base equilibrium = oxygen transport (chloride shift)
® Digestive processes: HCL of gastric juice
• Microminerals: Less than 100mg/dL
Fluoride function
(Importance = unquestioned in development of teeth/bone) § Functions Improved/enlarged crystal structure of bone/enamel: fluroapatite
® Decreased bone resorption
® Decreased solubility of bone/enamel
® Increased remineralization phenomenon on enamel surface
® Inhibit glycolytic activity of certain bacterial enzymes
fluoride requirement
§ Requirement = 1-2 mg/day available in water containing 1ppm F
® Excess = fluoride (endemic dental fluorosis)
◊ Amount = 10-45ppm during childhood
◊ Results: Enamel mottling/discoloration
} Increased bone density
} Calcification at point of muscle insertion
® Deposition methods
◊ Systemic route = during tooth development/maturation
} Result = stabilization of apatite crystal Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
◊ F exchange for OH of hydroxyapatite lattice
} Result = decreased acid solubility of enamel
F physiochemical mechanism
§ Physiochemical mechanism = concentration gradient from oral environment
® Factors involved Occurs mainly when crown erupts into oral cavity
} Mainly CaF2 precipitate on surface with fluorapatite as secondary reaction
} More soluble the fluoride compound, greater % uptake
Use of NaF/Na silicofluoride in water supplies
} Result = inhibition of bacterial growth
} Reason = inhibition of enzyme systems
– Examples = enolase, aconitase
– Result = decrease acid production from glycolysis
Iron (fe) Function
Requirement 10-16mg/day dependent on age/growth status/sex (babies need iron, women need iron) § Function Cellular respiration
◊ Reason = component in poryphyrin structure involved with respiration
◊ Examples = hemoglobin/myoglobin/cytochromes (60-70% of Fe in body)/catalase/peroxidase/cytochrome P450 (metabolism of drugs)
Fe absorption requirement
§ Absorption Requirement = ferrous iron
◊ Reason = more soluble
® Inhibitory factors
◊ Oxalates/phytates (grains)/tannins (tea)
◊ Reason = insoluble iron precipitates
◊ Neutral & alkaline environment
◊ Example: achlorhydria
◊ Reason: insoluble iron hydroxides
® Location = mucosal cells of stomach/duodenum (major site)
® Results = ferrous iron (+2) converted to ferric ion (+3) to be combined with intracellular carrier molecule (apoferritin) for storage in mito.
Fe (iron) Regulation Mucosal block theory
§ Reasons Number of iron receptors on cell surface of G.I. tract mucosa
® Amount of iron-binding protein in mucosal cell
◊ Metabolic forms
} (1) Plasma transport = transferring (siderophillin): ferric ion combines with beta globulin of plasma (2 atoms/molecule)
– (2) Storage forms (2)
w (a) ferritin = 4300 atoms Fe+++/molecule
w (b) location = intestine/spleen/bone marrow (to make RBC)
Hemosiderin in Fe
Location = liver/bone marrow/pancreas/skin/joints ® Results = hemochromatosis
◊ Property = microscopically visible colloidal iron oxide associated with protein
◊ Reason for formation = iron present in excess of ferritin storage capacity due to genetic defect in mucosal absorption
◊ Abnormal amounts = hemosiderosis
® Reasons = frequent blood transfusions
® Lysis of RBC
® Increased Fe absorption
Fe deficiency
§ Deficiency Cause = inadequate intake & absorption/substantial losses from body
® Result Hypochromic microcytic anemia
◊ Decreased oxygen transport capacity
◊ Oral involvement: glossititis (cuts on corner of mouth) as well as cheilosis
– mucous membranes appear ashen grey
– mucous membranes atrophy
Cupper Function
(Importance = 90% of oxygen utilized by body dependent on Cu++ - antioxidants, removes reactive oxygen in body) § Functions Oxidase enzymes
◊ Cytochrome oxidase = terminal enzymes in electron transport chain
◊ Lysloxidase = formation of cross linkages in collagen
◊ Monoamino oxidase (MAO)
◊ Catalase = destruction of H2O2
◊ Tyrosinase = synthesis of melanin pigments
® Hemoglobin/myelin synthesis
Cu metabolism
Copper-containing proteins ◊ Ceruloplasmin = 95% plasma Cu++ associated with alpha2-globulin for transport
◊ Cu++-albumin = 5% plasma Cu++ for transport
◊ Erythrocuprein = red blood cell protein
◊ Cerebrocuprein = brain protein
Cu blood serum levels decreased
Decreased = Wilson’s disease ◊ Cause = deficiency of ceruloplasmin synthesis
◊ Result = tissue deposits of copper
Cu location
liver – leading to cirrhotic changes ® Brain – neurological degeneration
Cu deficiency
Hypochromic microcytic (RBC enlarge) anemia of infants
Cu metabolism
Copper-containing proteins ◊ Ceruloplasmin = 95% plasma Cu++ associated with alpha2-globulin for transport
◊ Cu++-albumin = 5% plasma Cu++ for transport
◊ Erythrocuprein = red blood cell protein

Cerebrocuprein = brain protein
Cu blood levels decreased
Decreased = Wilson’s disease ◊ Cause = deficiency of ceruloplasmin synthesis
◊ Result = tissue deposits of copper
Cu location
liver – leading to cirrhotic changes ® Brain – neurological degeneration
Cu deficiency
Hypochromic microcytic (RBC enlarge) anemia of infants
Iodine function
Microminerals- Iodine
Function = thyroid gland activity via iodination of tyrosine to form T3/T4
Actions (3)
regulation of metabolic rate (BMR)
anabolic effect in moderate concentrations
increase intestinal absorption of glucose
Iodine metabolism
simple (endemic or colloidal) goiter
Iodine oral problems
oral problems
small jaws
tooth eruption retarded
root resorption
Exophthalmic goiter
Selenium Function
Functions (2)
1) glutathione peroxidase component
function =catalyzes destruction of H2O2/lipid hydroperoxides by reduced glutathione
G-SH + H2O2 = G-S-S-G + 2 H2O (glutathione peroxidase)
G-S-S-G + NADPH + H+ = 2 G-SH + NADP+ (glutathione reductase)
importance= RBC membrane stability/anticancer effect
Vitamin E sparing effect = protects vitamin from being oxidized
Selenium oral involvement
2) oral involvement = during active tooth development, increased Se leads to increased caries incidence
reason = change in protein component of enamel
The Deiodinase enzyme that converts Thyroxine to tri-iodothyronine is selenium dependent. 
Molybdenum Function
Function = oxidase enzymes (FAD flavoprotein)
xanthine dehydrogenase (oxidase) = uric acid formation (gout)
aldehyde dehydrogenase (oxidase) = liver metabolism of acetaldehyde arising from ethanol metabolism
Molybdenum oral involvement
Oral involvement = increased Mo leads to decreased caries incidence enhancing beneficial effects of fluoride
Manganese Function
enzyme activator: glucokinase, pyruvate carboxylase, isocitrate dehydrogenase
glycoprotein/proteoglycan synthesis: cartilage; connective tissue
gamma-carboxylation of glutamic acid: blood clotting; calcium metabolism
Mangenes deficiency
cause: inadequate intake
decreased osteoblast/osteoclast activity leading to osteoporosis
impairment of glucose tolerance
Cobalt function and deficiency
Function = constituent of vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
Importance = hemoglobin synthesis
Deficiency = pernicious anemia due to lack of vitamin B12
Zinc Function
Functions (2)
Enzyme activator = over 20 different enzymes
carbonic anhydrase: CO2 transport by blood
lactate dehydrogenase
carboxypeptidase of pancreas: G.I. tract protein degradation
RNA/DNA polymerase: regulatory action of enzyme
collagen synthesis
Insulin activity = structural component
Zinc Deficiecy
growth failure
poor wound healing
loss of taste and smell acuity
Importance = similar properties like calcium
result = toxic effects, if radioactive, since deposited in bones
Lead Function
Distribution: 99% of total body lead in skeleton; remainder in rbc, liver, kidney
Function: hematopoietic system
Lead Toxicity
Cause: excessive intake
canned foods/evaporated milk in cans where lead solder still used
calcium supplements made from bone meal
sweet-tasting white paint of old buildings
inhibition of heme biosynthesis
result: microcytic, hypochromic anemia
decreased activation vitamin D
result: decreased calcium uptake resulting in decreased growth
brain function: hyperactivity, behavioral problems, stunted intellectual development
Chromium Function
Function: prevention of glucose intolerance
reason: Cr part of or necessary for glucose tolerance factor (GTF)
mechanism: increases number of glucose transporters/insulin receptors
Chromium Deficiency
Chromium deficiency & disease:
decreased glucose intolerance leading to elevated blood glucose
elevated serum cholesterol & TAG
Function = controls manic-depressive psychosis mood swings
Aluminum distribution
Distribution: 45 mg in body
most abundant natural elements; pans/foils for food preparation
Aluminum function
Functions: relatively inert biologically
Molecular actions
bind to brain calmodulin: interferes with Ca activation of numerous enzymes
enhance activity of cholinesterase: increase turnover of acetylcholine
associated with brain chromatin
Aluminum food sources
additives in processed foods: "American cheese“
ingredient of antiacids/analgesics
major contaminant to patients during kidney dialysis
Aluminum toxicity
Bone: inhibit mineralization at boundary between mineralized/unmineralized hydroxyapatite
reduce proliferation/activity of osteoclasts
acutely depresses intestinal phosphate absorption
Aluminum disease
Bone: inhibit mineralization at boundary between mineralized/unmineralized hydroxyapatite
reduce proliferation/activity of osteoclasts
acutely depresses intestinal phosphate absorption
Widespread industrial use of cadmium contaminates environment, foodstuffs
Smoking (tobacco use) doubles average Cd intake
kidney damage: steadily increases with age due to accumulation in the kidney causing proteinuria
Impaired reproduction
Hypertension: injury to arterial wall by cadmium