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139 Cards in this Set

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Differentiate and give examples of carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores. What other dietary classifications exist?
Carnivore: eat almost exclusively meat. Cats and ferrets.
Omnivores: eat plants and animals. Dogs, humans, pigs, chickens.
Herbivores: eat almost exclusively plants. Cattle, sheep, horses.
Other: insectivores, granivores, frugivores.
Differentiate between autoenzymatic digesters and alloenzymatic digesters.
Autoenzymatic: produce their own enzymes to digest and absorb nutrients.
Alloenzymatic: relies on the enzymes from microbes in the GI tract to digest and absorb nutrients.
Why are autoenzymatic digesters incapable of utilizing energy from cellulose (fiber) while alloenzymatic digesters can?
Cellulose consists of beta-linked glucose units, which mammalian enzymes cannot digest. The microbes in alloezymatic digester stomachs breakdown these beta-linkages, allowing the animal to use it for energy.
What is fermentation? What are the three subcategories of fermenters?
Fermentation is the decomposition and use of foodstuffs by microbes. Animals may be foregut fermenters, or hindgut fermenters (further cecal or colonic or cecal-colonic)
Autoenzymatic digestion-the mouth and esophagus
Grinds food, creates food bolus, saliva also begins the breakdown of fat (and starch). Dogs and cats lack salivary amylase. Food is then swallowed and transported down the esophagus.
Autoenzymatic digesters-the stomach
Stores food, macerates food, controls rate of food entry into the duodenum.
Begins digestion by releasing Hydrochloric acid (destroys bacteria, breaks down some proteins and disaccharides), Pepsinogen (converts to pepsin at low pH, digests protein), and Lipase (digests long chain fatty acids)
What influences the rate of gastric emptying?
Stomach volume, energy content of meal, viscosity, density, particle size of gastric content, body weight, water intake, amount of acid in the duodenum, and diet type.
Autoenzymatic digesters-small intestines
Location of most enzymatic digestion.
Mucosa secretes secretin and cholecystokinin(CCK) to regulate pancreatic secretions
Autoenzymatic digesters-pancreas
Bicarbonate-neutralizes pH
Inactive proteases-trypsinogen activated by enterokinase to trypsin, which activates other proteases. Protein digestion.
Lipases-Lipase and procolipase (converted to colipase by trypsin). Forms complex with micelles to aid fat digestion.
Amylase-breaks up large carbohydrate chains, smaller chains are digested by brush border enzymes.
Autoenzymatic digesters-gall bladder
Releases bile in response to fats. Aids in fat digestion, absorption of fat soluble vitamins, is an alkalinizing agent, and is bacteriacidal. Also serves to excrete waste bilirubin.
Why is taurine essential in cats, but not in other species?
Bile salts are conjugated with amino acids. Taurine is used preferentially, but most species are capable of using other amino acids. Cats can only use taurine.
Autoenzymatid digesters-large intestine
Absorbes electrolytes and water. LI microbes may also ferment nutrients that escaped the small intestine-primarily results in the production of short-chain fatty acids, lactate, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen gas. SCFA's are an important energy source of enterocytes.
Alloenzymatic digesters-ruminants
Undergo fermentation in the rumen. Converts pyruvic acid to volatile fatty acids, which are utilized as a primary energy source.
What are the three types of ruminant feeding strategies?
Browsers-eat more digestible plant material, may not require much fermentation and have smaller rumen and reticulum.
Grazers-eat large amounts of high fiber plants. Will have a much larger rumen to accommodate fermentation needs.
Intermediate feeders-both browse and graze. Sheep and goats.
What are the disadvantages of hind gut fermentation?
Many nutrients (sugars, amino acids, vitamins and minerals) are absorbed in the small intestine, and are not available to support the microbial flora.
The hindgut is less efficient at absorbing volatile fatty acids.
Passage through the hindgut is faster than through the rumen and allows less time for fermentation.
What may be the one advantage to hindgut fermentation?
It is adapted to lower quality forage, allowing the animal to consume more food to meet protein requirements when eating protein-poor material.
How do rabbits and other cecal fermentors compensate for the disadvantages of hind gut fermentation?
Hindgut selectively passes fiber, and retains non-fibrous materials. When all fiber has passed, the non-fibrous material is excreted, coated in a gelatinous membrane (cecotrope), which is then ingested to allow for absorption of the remaining nutrients in the small intestine.
Briefly describe the steps of glucose catabolism.
0. Monosaccharides are converted to glucose in the liver.
1. Glycolysis: glucose converted to pyruvate.
2. Pyruvate enters mitochondria, and oxidized to Acetyl coA.
3. Citric acid cycle oxidizes Acetyl coA to CO2.
4. Electron transport chain produces ATP.
What are the three fates of glucose in the body?
1. Catabolized to produce ATP in peripheral tissues.
2. Stored in the liver and muscle as glycogen.
3. Converted to fatty acids and stored in adipose tissue.
When do glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, and gluconeogenesis occur in the body?
Glycogenesis: Glucose storage in liver and muscle as glycogen after a carbohydrate containing meal.
Glycogenolysis: Breakdown of glycogen, stimulated by glucogon, epinephrine, and states of fasting.
Gluconeogenesis: Formation of glucose from non-carb substrates (mainly amino acids), in states of extreme/chronic starvation.
What are the basic differences between saturated, unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids?
Saturated: No double bonds
Unsaturated: One or more double bonds
Polyunsaturated: Two or more double bonds
What are the five essential fatty acids? Indicate which are omega-3's and which are omega-6's
1. ALA
2. EPA
3. DHA
1. LA
2. AA (especially in cats)
What cofactor is required for transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, and for fatty acid oxidation?
What is the process of fat digestion and transport to cells?
1. Fats are broken down into free fatty acids and monoglycerides by pancreatic lipase
2. FAs are emulsified by bile salts and absorbed.
3. FAs are reformed into triglycerides and packaged into chylomicrons (lipoproteins).
4. The chylomicron enters the lymphatics and then circulation.
5. Lipoprotein lipase (on endothelium) converts them back into FAs that are absorbed and used for energy.
Describe ketone formation, and what causes it.
Ketone formation is the formation of B-hydroxybutyrate and acetone from fats by the liver. This is triggered when glucose METABOLISM is low, eg. Diabetes mellitus, high-fat low-carb diets, and starvation of at least 3-4 days.
Define essential amino acids, and Maillard reaction.
Essential amino acids are those that cannot be synthesized by the body in sufficient quantities and must be supplied by diet.
Maillard reaction is a non-enzymatic browning reaction in which sugar binds with the free amino group on an amino acid. This degrades protein quality, but is a normal part of diet (think cooked ribs...mmmm....).
When given the concentrations of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, be able to calculate the energy of a food using Atwater and modified Atwater factors.
Atwater factors (modified):
1. Carbs-4 kcal (3.5 kcal)
2. Protein-4 kcal (3.5 kcal)
3. Fat-9 kcal (8.5 kcal)
What are the two equations for calculating resting energy requirements? What is the limitation of the linear equation?
Exponential: 70 x Body weight (kg) ^0.75.
Linear: (30 x Body weight (kg)) + 70.
The linear equation is only accurate in animals 6-60 pounds.
Water soluble vs. Fat soluble vitamins
Water soluble-absorbed by passive diffusion, eliminated in urine.
Fat soluble-absorbed along with food lipids, eliminated in bile/feces.
Vitamin B1-Thiaminase
Water soluble
Basics: Synthesized by microorganisms and plants. Degraded by thiaminases, increase pH combined with heat, and sulfite food preservatives.
Absorption: in the small intestines
Function: Coenzyme
Primary sources: fish and lean meats
Deficiency: 3 stages-anorexia, neurologic deficits, progressive weakness and death. In ruminants also causes polioencephalomalacia.
Toxicity: super rare, caused by excess supplementation.
Vitamin B12-Cobalamin
Water soluble
Basics: Made only by certain microorganisms, synthesis requires cobalt.
Absorption: Intrinsic factor combines with B12 in the intestine, binds to receptors in the intestine wall and B12 is absorbed (leaves IF in the intestine).
Function: forms two coenzymes.
Sources: Stored in meat, so any animal product.
Deficiency: causes megaloblastic anemia; other signs are very non-specific. Ruminants become neurologic, photosensitive, and develop muscle leasions.
Toxicity: not reported.
Folic acid
Water soluble
Basics: closely linked to cobalamin function
Absorption: In the jejunum.
Function: Cofactor
Sources: Green veggies, mushrooms, peanuts, legumes, lentils, fruits.
Deficiency: Megaloblastic anemia, non-specific signs. Will cause birth defects if deficient during pregnancy.
Toxicity: none reported.
Vitamin C
Water soluble
Basics: Most animals synthesize vit C in the liver. Primates, guinea pigs, passiforme birds, and some snakes do not.
Function: Catalyst in biologic reactions. Antioxidant (redox co-factor).
Deficiency: Scurvy-petechial hemorrhages, bleeding, delayed wound healing, skin sloughing.
Toxicity: Over supplementation in species that produce their own can increase the reisk of calcium oxalate uroliths.
Vitamin A
Fat soluble
Basics: Originates from carotenoids in plants, which are cleaved by B-carotene to vit A. Cats cannot use carotenoid precoursers, must have vit A; dogs can; ferrets can but inefficient.
Absorption: small intestine. Liver is the main storage site for vit A.
Function: Vision, growth, cellular differentiation, morphgenesis, and immune function.
Deficiency: dry eye, skin lesions; night blindness in horses.
Toxicity: Teratogenic changes; Horses and ruminants-bone fragility and coat/skin changes.
Vitamin D
Fat soluble
Absorption: Either synthesized with UV exposure or absorbed in the small intestine.
Function: Calcium and phosphorus homeostasis (with PTH and calcitonin).
Deficiency: Rickets, lameness
Toxicity: Hypercalcemia, renal failure, tissue calcification.
Vitamin E
Fat soluble
Absorption: Small intestines.
Function: Antioxidant, prevents free radical damage from PUFAs
Sources: Plant oils, some fruits and veggies (leafy greens).
Deficiency: Muscle weakness; white muscle disease in horses (primarily selenium, but use vit E for treatment).
Toxicity: non-toxic, but interferes with absorption of Vit D and K.
Vitamin K
Fat solubleGeneral: Must be provided in diet or by microbes. Intestinal microbes of most species meet total requirements.
Absorption: Intestines, Liver is main storage site.
Function: dependant clotting factors, skeletal proteins, and other proteins.
Sources: Green veggies
Deficiency: Prolonged clotting times!
Toxicity: none reported.
Macrominerals vs. Microminerals
Macrominerals: required in large dietary amounts.
Microminerals: required in trace amounts.
Basics: greatest need during active bone/tooth formation. Highest proportion found in bone.
Absorption: passive diffusion in the jejunum and ileum.
Function: Bone mineralization. Also, blood clotting, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction.
Sources: Dairy, meat, bone meal.
Deficiency: pathological fractures, osteomalacia, rickets.
Toxicity: skeletal abnormalities, tissue calcification.
General: second most prevalent mineral in mammals. Highest proportion found in bone.
Absorption: high dietary calcium will decrease phosphorus absorption.
Function: skeletal structural element, needed for all cellular functions requiring ATP.
Sources: high concentration in meat, ubiquitous in most other foods.
Deficiency: poor growth, osteomalacia, rickets.
Toxicity: decreased Calcium absorption; predisposes ruminants to urinary calculi.
General: structural component of selenoproteins.
Absorption: stored in muscle
Function: antioxidant, aids formation of active thyroid hormone.
Sources: plants, esp those grown in high selenium soils.
Deficiency: myopathy, white muscle disease.
Toxicity: Anemia in dogs. Blind staggers/head pressing in horses.
Why do dairy calves require larger amounts of colostrum (typically needing supplementation), when beef cattle don't?
High producing dairy cows have more dilute milk/colostrum than beef cattle. More must be given to insure transfer of adequate numbers of antibodies.
What are the long term effects of failure of passive transfer in cattle?
increased morbidity and mortality throughout life, decreased adult production.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of feeding whole milk to calves?
Advantages: better nutrition than milk replacer; easy to feed waste milk that is not usable for human consumption.
Disadvantages: May not have enough waste milk to feed all calves, diseases may be spread through milk (batch pasturizer can be used to prevent).
What are the appropriate percentages of components (protein, fat, fiber) in milk replacer? Ideally, where should components of milk replacer originate?
Protein: 20-26%
Fat: 10-20%
Fiber: <0.2%
Components should be of animal origin.
Note: >0.2% fiber suggests plant origin components.
Why is target weight and body condition score important in post weaning replacement heifers?
Obesity causes early onset of puberty, changing mammary growth dynamics. The rapid phase of mammary growth will start and stop early in the life, leading to an overall decrease in mammary size and production potential.
Cattle feed: Forage sources
Pasture, ensiled feeds, or dry hay. Also includes cottonseed or soybean hulls.
Plays a role in maintaining rumen health, as well as providing energy (carbs) and protein.
Cattle feed: Energy sources (carbs)
Cereal grains, forages, byproducts, and added fat-sources.
Cattle feed: Protein sources
Oil seed meals, legumes, byproduct feeds (whole cotton seed, brewers and distillers grains)
What are the advantages of using Total Mixed Rations?
Flexibility-each batch is mixed, can feed different mixture to different groups.
Uniformity and consistency-diet doesn't change from batch to batch
Expense-fairly cheap
What amount of dry matter intake is appropriate for lactating vs. dry cows?
Lactating: 3-4% BW
Dry: 17-2% BW
Energy (carb) requirements of sheep and goats.
Given in the form of grain.
1. growing
2. cold weather
3. late gestation (last 3rd, last 50 days)
4. lactation, first two weeks
Guidelines: cold weather, 1-2 lb/head/day; late gestation/lactation 1-3 lb/head/day
Protein requirements of sheep ang goats.
Lambs/kids: 12-14%
Adults: 7-8%
Late gestation: 11%
Lactation: 13-15%
Sources: Alfalfa hay, legume pastures, cotton/soy meal feeds. Creep feeds used for kids.
What amount of dry matter intake should be provided for sheep and goats?
3-5% body weight.
What is an appropriate calcium:phosphorus ratio for sheep and goats?
2:1 or 1:1
Calcium is high in alfalfa hay.
Phosphorus is high in grains, low in forage.
What is important about copper in sheep?
Sheep are very sensitive to copper toxicity. Non-sheep feeds are too high! Feed sheep on sheep specific feeds only!
Body condition scoring in sheep and goats.
Ideal is 2.5-3.5/5
May be hard to see if wool is heavy.
Goats look skinnier than sheep.
Basics of reviving baby sheep and goats.
Most common problems are hypothermia and hypoglycemia.
Warm them up. Give IV dextrose. Karo syrup may be given by mouth on the farm to help until vet care can be given.
Beef cows
CC: Aggression, downer cows, hyperesthesia, muscle tremors.
History: Feeding non-protein nitrogen/molasses block supplement. Barrels containing supplement blocks are full of water.
PE: Rumen pH 8.5
Diagnosis: Urea toxicity.
NPN is primarily NH4, which is converted into NH3 to be absorbed, then converted to urea in the liver. When overdosed, the liver cannot keep up with conversion, excess NH3 builds up and causes toxicity. In this case, excess NPN was ingested when it seeped from the blocks into the water in the barrels.
Treatment: Giving acid will cause the conversion of NH3 to the less absorbable NH4, allowing it to pass through the GI without being absorbed. Vinegar is a good choice.
Farmer is feeding the cows left over bagels from Panara. After 4 months with no issues, two cows die suddenly.
PE: pools of blood around nose, and bloody foam in nostrils.
Diagnosis: Lactic acidosis, with liver absess and CVCS.
High carb intake->decrease in rumen pH->increase in lactic acid producing bacteria->as pH continues to drop conversion of lactic acid to proprionic acid stops->lactic acid build up->caustic rumenitis->bacteria penetrate rumen wall->liver abscess->Caudal Vena Cava Syndrome.
Cattle are being fed moldy corn.
Steer developed neuro signs, and petechia on the mucous membranes.
BW indicated cholestasis and liver dysfunction.
Diagnosis: Hepatic Encephalopathy secondary to aflatoxin.
Downer cow
History: fed round bale hay with no grain.
PE: BCS of 1, 7 months pregnant, good appetite, normal teeth, musculoskeletal exam WNL.
BW: PCV, BUN, and Albumin all low.
Diagnosis: Protein/Calorie Malnutrition; sequela serous atrophy of fat in the bone marrow.
Round bales are usually poorer quality hay; high lignin content decreases digestability.
Serous atrophy of fat occurs in extreme starvation (plus pregnancy=really bad in this case), and primarily targets the bone marrow. This leads to decreased erythropoeisis that rarely reverts.
Treatment: If caught very early, switching to a quality food may cure, but PCV <20 typically indicates irreversible bone marrow loss. In this case, the calf could be aborted as a last ditch effort to save the cow and see if PCV increased.
Dairy herd
CC: Development of acute severe lameness-recumbent, stiff gait, cross legs while walking, pain, swelling of coronary band.
History: Supplementing with distillers grain from a local brewery.
Diagnosis: Laminitis secondary to rumen acidosis.
Acidosis->endotoxemia->DIC->ischemia of the corium->edema and degenerative changes in the corium->lameness
Tx: Anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs or steroids), Polymixin B (binds endotoxin), Reduce the amount of grain in the diet.
Note: after recovering from laminitis, cattle will have a "hardship groove" in the hoof. If multiple bouts of laminitis occur close together these grooves may alter hoof conformation.
Pet goat
CC: Straining with no urination.
History: Free fed grain
Diagnosis: Urolithiasis.
Tx: Foley catheter cystostomy, normograde catheterization to flush stones.
Note: retrograde catheterization cannot be done because of urethral diverticulum.
Energy sources-pigs
Corn is the "gold standard". Other feeds are compared on the basis of metabolizable energy, digestible lysine (atleast 0.8), and available phosphorus.
Particle size: smaller particles increase digestion of feed, and thus profit margin.
Dried distillers grain supplement for pigs
Should be golden in color.
Protein-26.5% min
Fat-10% min
Moisture-12% max
Fiber-7.5% max
Compared to corn: 110-120% value.
Problems: variability in nutrient content and availability. Must be balanced with other feeds to maintain proper amino acid concentrations.
High in lysine, phosphorus and fiber.
Must be finely ground to overcome fiber, but can reduce palatability
Pigs-Milo (sorghum)
Almost identical to corn.
Less problems with mycotoxin make it preferable when buying in bulk, or in hot/humid climates.
High in lysine, but very high in fiber.
Must be finely ground.
No more than 30% diet for grower/finisher pigs, and 10% for lactation.
Better than corn, but $$$$.
Only feed that should be course. Fine grinding decreases palatability.
Mostly used for flavoring.
Pigs-protein requirements
Pigs require amino acids, not protein.
Balance should be based on lysine (atleast 0.8).
Soybean is the "gold standard".
Animal protein sources can be cost prohibitive.
Deficiency of amino acids will lead to decreased growth and unthriftiness.
Pigs-Calcium phosphorus ratio
Ideally 2:1 or 1.5:1
Phosphorus availability is influenced by phytates.
Deficiency leads to decreased growth and lameness.
Pigs-Improving feed efficiency
Fat addition (caution-rancid fats reduces fat soluble vitamins).
Proper feeder adjustment
Pelleted diet
Fine particle size
Swine-vitamin A deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Skeletal issues
Tox: Skeletal malformation
Swine-vitamin D deficiency and toxicosis
Skeletal issues
Def: rickets
Tox: lameness
Swine-vitamin E deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Weak @ birth, white muscle disease (mulberry heart), death.
Tox: none
Swine-vitamin K deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Bleeding disorders, pale, common in piglets
Tox: None
Swine-Biotin deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Skin and hoof problems
Tox: None
Swine-Choline deficiency and toxicosis
Def: splay legged piglets
Tox: decreased weight in older pigs
Swine-Folic Acid deficiency and toxicosis
Def: decreased litter size, small piglets, decreased weight gain
Tox: none
Swine-Niacin deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Dermatitis, hair loss, diarrhea, decreased growth, anemia
Tox: none
Swine-Panthothenic acid deficiency and toxicosis
Def: "goose stepping", skin issues, decrease growth
Tox: none
Swine-Riboflavin deficiency and toxicosis
Def: piglet mortality, stillbirths
Tox: none
Swine-Thiamine deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Flabby heart->death, poor growth.
Tox: none
Swine-Vitamin B6 deficiency and toxicosis
Def: poor growth, seizures
Tox: none
Swine-vitamin B12 deficiency and toxicosis
Def: poor growth, dermatitis, skeletal issues
Tox: none
Swine-vitamin C deficiency and toxicosis
Def: hemorrhage, bleeding disorders
Tox: none
Note: not essential in diet, produced adequately by the body.
Swine-Calcium deficiency and toxicosis
Def: rickets, skeletal disorders
Tox: tissue mineralization
Swine-Chromium deficiency and toxicosis
Def: decreased litter size
Tox: Diarrhea, depression, tremors
Swine-Copper deficiency and toxicosis
Def: anorexia, spontaneous fractures, ataxia, increase still birth
Tox: Anorexia
Swine-Iodine deficiency and toxicosis
Def: hypothyroidism
Tox: decreased growth
Swine-Iron deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Anemia, mostly in baby pigs
Tox: decreased growth, convulsions, death, +/-rickets
Swine-Manganese deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Lameness
Tox: decreased growth, lameness
Swine-Phosphorus deficiency and toxicosis
Def: rickets, downer sow
Tox: decreased growth
Swine-Potassium deficiency and toxicosis
Def: decreased growth, poor hair coat
Tox: none
Swine-Selenium deficiency and toxicosis
Def: white muscle disease
Tox: Hoof/skin issues, muscle issues, death
Swine-Salt deficiency and toxicosis
Def: decreased growth/repro
Tox: neuro signs
Swine-Zinc deficiency and toxicosis
Def: Parakaratitis, decreased growth, decreased repro
Tox: Lameness, decreased growth, decreased repro
Swine-Carbohydrate deficiency and excess
Def: decreased growth, neuro signs (hypoglycemia)
Excess: Obesity, decreased repro
Swine-Fat deficiency and excess
Def: dermatitis
Excess: Obesity
Swine-Protein deficiency and excess
Def: Decreased growth, decreased repro
Excess: decreased growth, diarrhea
What are the primary factors influencing the feeding of zoo animals?
1. History-animals are often fed what was fed at a previous facility, or what has been historically fed to that type of animal at the particular facility.
2. Availability-including regional/seasonal availability, deliverability, storage availability. Also influenced by contracts with a company.
3. Based on model species-eg. large felids are fed similar to domestic felids.
4. Avoid the difficult-if an animal is difficult to feed, it will typically not be kept in a zoo (eg. ant eaters....)
5. Sometimes influenced by nutritional disease, but these are rare in zoo species.
Zoo carnivore feeding
1. Chunk meat (beef or chicken), +/- vitamin and mineral supplement.
2. Commercially formulated diets exist for some species.
3. Not uncommon for carnivores to be given a fasting day, based on the principle that they do not eat everyday in the wild.
Zoo feline nutritional concerns
1. Obesity-most common
2. Ca:Phos ratio, in young cats
3. Vitamin A deficiency-chiari like syndrome in lions.
Zoo omnivore feeding
1. "Base" state in summer; polyphagic in fall; decreased appetite in winter and spring.
2. Example diet-dry "diet" dog food, fruit, veggies, +/-enrichment treats.
Zoo omnivore health concerns
1. Obesity! eg. wild bears forage, captive bears get fed meals. Not being allowed to hibernate, and better nutrition as young also inc. weight.
Zoo herbivore feeding
1. Hay, either grass or legume. Primary energy source.
2. Concentrates (formulated to feed with some hay)-primarily as vitamin and mineral source.
3. Pasture or browse.
Zoo herbivore health concerns
1. Lack of sufficient energy in winter
2. Obesity
3. Protein requirements in breeding females.
Nutritional behavior of horses
Grazing or browsing most of the time. If meal fed, can lead to destructive behavior because animal is used to chewing all the time.
Balance of carbs, protein, and fat in the natural diet of horses.
What percentage of a horse's energy requirement should be provided by forage, grain, and fat?
Forage- > 50%, a good quality forage can provide almost all energy requirement with minimal supplementation.
Grains- <50%
Fat- <20%
What percent of a horse's diet should be protein for maintenance? Lactation?
Maintenance-8-9% protein
Lactation-14-15% protein
Other physiologic states (work, growth, etc) fall somewhere in between.
What is the ideal calcium:phosphorous ratio for adult vs growing horses?
Mature-1.1:1 to 6:1
Growing-1.1:1 to 3:1
What other vitamins and minerals may be supplemented or controlled by diet in the horse?
Potassium-important in horses with kyperkalemic periodic paresis
Selenium-toxicity (hoof/skin issues), or deficiency (white muscle disease).
Copper-minimal evidence that it is needed, but toxicity is rare, so supplemented anyway.
Vitamin A & E-should get plenty from fresh forage
What are the three types of feed given to horses?
Roughage-Pasture and hay; lower energy, higher crude fiber
Concentrates-Usually cereal grain; higher energy, lower crude fiber; used to supplement when energy demand is higher
Complete feeds-Approximately 80:20 forage to concentrates; small particle size may cause colic or lead to boredom destruction.
Body condition score of horses.
9 point scale, take the average score of 6 locations:
Neck, withers, ribs, behind the shoulder, loin, and tail head.
Accounts for shift in body mass distribution with age.
What is the general theme of making feed recommendations for horses?
Start with a good quality hay.
Add grain slowly, up to a max of 50%, until good condition.
What is the reasoning behind using creep feed for foals? When do you start using it and for how long?
Creep feed is used to supplement energy for foals that cannot be met with mare's milk (occurs at 6-8 weeks of age). Foals are capable of using the higher protein content in creep feeds, more than adults. Start offering at 2-3 weeks of age, at 1 lb per month of age. Typically begin gradual shift to hay starting at 6 months. By 24 months, should be feeding as for adult maintenance.
What are the most common nutritional problems in horses?
Insulin Resistance
Developmental Orthopedic Diseaese
Why is it important to pay attention to the non-structural carbohydrate content in horse hay? When is the best time to harvest hay with this in mind and why?
Non-structural carbohydrates are a horse's primary energy source, over consumption leads to obesity.
Hay should be harvested between heading and blooming to maximize the dry matter:NSC ratio, while harvesting before protein content begins to drop.
What can increase NSC in a pasture?
Sunny days
Cool evening temperatures
Quick and rapid drying of cut grass and hay.
What are risk factors for developmental orthopedic disease in horses?
Rapid growth
Nutritional imbalances
Improper Ca:P ratio (high Ca:low P)
Essential fatty acids and amino acids for Psittacine birds.
Fatty acids: Linoleic acid, +/-arachidonic acid.
Amino acids: Lysine, methionine, and tryptophan most limiting in the diet, but there are others.
General guidelines for feeding Psittacines
Extruded diets-should be atleast 50% of the diet (up to 80% depending on species).
Nuts and seeds-10% of diet in most species, tree nuts are best.
Fresh fruits and veggies-supplemental depending on species.
Common nutritional disorders of Psittacines.
Obesity-can cause secondary pododermatitis.
Hypovitaminosis A-squamous metaplasia, blunting of choanal papilla, secondary renal disease.
Hypocalcemia-tremors, seizures, soft-shelled eggs, egg binding.
Iron storage disease-common in certain breeds. Feed lower iron diet.
Herbivorous reptile feeding
Hay and grasses
Dark leafy greens
Mixed orange/yellow veggies (finely chopped, must be able to bite it.
Omnivorous reptile feeding
Mixed vegetables
Whole prey-mice, earthworms, crickets, etc.
There are commercial diets, but animal may not recognize it as food.
Insectivorous and Carnivorous reptile feeding
Insectivores-gut loaded or calcium dusted insects
Carnivores-ideally whole adult prey animal, already killed.
Nutritional disorders of reptiles
Anorexia-hard to define, some go months without eating.
Metabolic bone disease-fibrous ostrodystrophy
Hypovitaminosis A-primarily affects the eyes.
Gout-due to high dietary protein, common in herbivores.
Ferret feeding requirements
Obligate carnivores
30-40% animal based protein
15-30% fat
minimal fiber
Small, frequent feedings. Ferret specific diet is available.
Nutritional disorders of ferrets
Struvite urolithiasis if on a plant based diet.
Rabbit feeding requirements
Herbivores, hind gut fermenters
Protein: 12-16%
Fat: 2-4%
Crude fiber: >18%
High quality hay ad lib, dark leafy greens, limited fruit/treats.
Nutritional disorders of rabbits
Urolithiasis-very sensitive to excess dietary calcium
Malnutrition if failure to eat cecotrophs
Hystricomorph rodent feeding-guinea pigs and chinchillas
Herbivores, hind gut fermenters
Crude protein: 18-20%
Fiber: 16%
Hay, pelleted feed and fresh veggies
Nutritional disorders of guinea pigs
Scurvy-vitamin C deficiency, lameness and bleeding gums. Must have dietary vit C!
Malnutrition if failure to eat cecotrophs
Murimorph rodent feeding-rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils
Crude protein: 17-24%
Fat: 4-11%
Fiber: 2.5-4%
Pelleted feed, seed mix (<10%), veggies and fruit (<10%)
Sugar glider feeding
Natural diet includes insects, tree sap/gum, nectar, pollen and small veggies.
Captive diet is a complicated mix.
Hedgehog feeding
Natural insectivores, but opportunistic omnivores.
Protein: 30-50%
Fat: 10-20%
Commercial hedgehog diet, gut-loaded or dusted insects, limited fruits and veggies.