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74 Cards in this Set

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Name the brain region that monitors and regulates body temperature
The Hypothalamus
Most Dietary carbohydrates come from ______
Match each mineral with an example of its role in the body
Magnesium: Cofactor for enzymes
Sodium: Action Potentials
Iron: Hemoglobin, myoglobin
Chloride: In stomach Acid
Calcium and Phosphorous: Bone Salts
List examples of fats (lipids)
Phospholipids. triglycerides, and cholesterol
Define Nutrient
Ingested compound used for growth, repair or maintenance
By definition, one ____ is the amount of energy (heat) required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree celsius
List the components of an ATP molecule
Phosphate, ribose, and adenine
The sum of all chemical reactions in the body including both anabolic and catabolic reactions, is called
Rank the events of cellular respiration in the correct order:
Transition reaction (formation of acetyl CoA)
Citric Acid (krebs) cycle
Electron transport chain
Name the nutrient class that includes sugars, glycogen and cellulose
Elevation of the mineral, _____, Increases the risk of hypertension
Because the class of nutrients called ____ are rapidly oxidized, they are required in greater amounts in the diet than any other nutrient
True or false: the typical american consumes about four times the sodium RDA of 1500 mg/day
List Example of trace minerals
Iodine, copper, and zinc
State the specific term that describes homeostatic regulation of the body temperature within a narrow range
an excessively high body temperature is called
Describe when cells, such as muscle cells, undergo anaerobic fermentation
no oxygen is available
List factors involved in the process of protein synthesis
Messenger RNA, transfer RNA, Ribosomes, deoxyribose nucleic acids
Glycolysis occurs in the ___ of the cell
True or False: Protein constitutes about 12 to 15 percent of the body's mass
List lipoproteins found in the body
chylomicrons, high-density lipoproteins, very low-density lipoproteins, low-density lipoproteins
The ___ cycle is a cyclic series of reactions that result in the complete breakdown of nutrient molecules into CO2, NADH, FADH2, water and ATP
Define beta oxidation
Fatty acid catabolism producing acetyl groups
The by-products of complete glucose catabolism (oxidation) include:
ATP, carbon dioxide, and water
for several hours during and after a meal, you are in the ___ state
The temperature of organs in the cranial, throacic, and abdominal cavities is known as ___ temperature
Describe the source of most body heat
exergonic chemical reactions
match the type of heat loss with its mechanism
Radiation: emission of infrared energy (rays); contact is not required for energy transfer
evaportation: heat dissopated as it breaks bonds between water molecules
conduction: heat transfered molecule to molecule; contact is required for energy transfer
the maximum amount of atp generated per glucose is ___ molecules
Describe when glycogenolysis would occur:
after a meal, as blood glucose levels drop
The term __ refers to the synthesis of fat
list compounds for which cholesterol is a precursor
bile acids, estrogen, vitamin d, testosterone
___ is the transfer of an amino group from one molecule to another
Nitrogen balance is a state in which the rate of ingestion of the nutrient ___ equals the rate of excretion
Define lipogenesis
producing fats from other types of molecules
State the general name for inflammation of the liver
Dietary proteins classified as ___ proteins lack one or more essential amino acids
during the postabsorptive state, ____ acts to increase the blood levels of glucose and lipids
Choose the number of net ATP yielded during each phase of aerobic respiration
2 atp from citric acid cycle, 2 atp from glycolysis, 32 atp from the electron transport chain
after the NH2 group is removed from an amino acid, the remainder of the molecule is called
the process of ___ is the addition of an amino acid group to a molecule
the peptides ___ and ____ inform the brain of how much adipose tissue the body has and activates mechanisms fro adding or reducing fat
leptin and insulin
the synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrates such as fats and amino acids is called
animals with a deficiency in the appetite- controlling substance called ___ exhibit hyperphagia and extreme obesity
The painful muscle spasms that result from excessive electrolyte loss in the sweat after running a mile and not drinking water would be described as a
heat cramp
in the presence of ____ pyruvic acid enters the mitochondria and is oxidized by aerobic respiration
list the three principle forms of carbohydrates
polysaccharides, monosaccharides, disaccharides
___ fatty acids are those that cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be obtained from the diet
list some examples of proteins in the body
keratin, hemoglobin and enzymes
the removal of an amino group from an organic molecule is known as
Define nitrogen balance
nitrogen intake equals nitrogen excretion
list the three pathways by which glucose can be catabolized
aerobic respiration, glycolysis, and anaerobic fermentation
describe the effect of glucagon
stimulates glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
the process called ____ is the addition of an inorganic phosphate group to an organic molecule
Define lipolysis
breakdown of triglycerides
list situation in which ketosis may occur
with a low carb diet, untreated diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy, and during starvation
____ rate refers to the amount of energy released per unit of time
___ fats (containing fatty acids with double bonds within their carbon chains) predominate in nuts, seeds, and most vegetable oils
name the factors that regulate metabolism during the postabsorptive state
sympathetic nervous system and glucagon
Glycolysis, anaerobic fermination and aerobic respiration are the three major pathways for the catabolism (breakdown) of ____
the synthesis of glycogen is called
Based on their structure, glucose, galactose and fructose are from the group of carbohydrates called
list factors that result in a higher metabolic rate
pregnancy, catecholamines, anxiety or fear, thyroid hormone
name the peptides that function in long term appetite regulation
leptin, neuropeptide y, and insulin
name the site of conversion of lactic acid back to pyruvate
The lipoprotein called ____ is produced by the liver and transports lipids to the adipose tissue for storage
___ is a secretion of the arcuate nucleus which inhibits eating
an important brain center for appetite regulation is the arcuate nucleus of the _____
List the vitamins that act as antioxidants
Vitamin c, e,and a
List the fat-soluble vitamins
a,d, e, and k
a high blood level of ____ is beneficial because it functions in removal of cholesterol from the arteries, transporting it to the liver for disposal
high denisity of lipoproteins
List some essential fatty acids
linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and linolenic acid
List examples of foods that contain water soluble fiber
fruit, pectin, and brown rice
low carb diets and untreated diabetes mellitus are two causes of ketone body accumilation, a condition called