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18 Cards in this Set

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APGAR Categorization and Scores

Activity: Muscle Tone based on degree of flexion and movement of extremities

Flaccid: 0, Some flexion: 1, Well flexed:2

Pulse:: Auscultation (Heart rate via auscultation or palpation on the umbilical cored)

- Absent: 0: , Slow, <100 bmp: 1, >100beats : 2

Grimace: Reflex irritability

No response: 0, Grimace: 1, Crying or active withdrawal 2

Appearance: Colour of skin

Blue pale: 0 , Body pink, extremities blue: 1, Completely pink: 2

Respiratory Rate

0: absent, Slow, hypoventilation, weak cry:1, Good crying: 2

New born Assessment









- moves all for extremities, flexion and muscle tone present

- symmetrical movement

-moro, suck, rooting and grasp reflexes present

- anterior fontanel soft


- transient acrocyanosis, otherwise pink in color

- pulses strong and equal

- cap refil


- clear with minimal fine crackles shortly after birth

- less than 60 bpm

- resp effort non laboured

- absence of nasal flaring, grunts and retractions


- abdomen soft, no distention

- cord cut and clamped

- anus patent

Airway maintenance

• suctioning the mouth but avoiding the middle to avoid stimulating the gag reflex

• clearing each nasal passage

• adeqaute thermoregulation

Body Temp maintenance

• Cold stress increases need for oxygenation

• depletes glucose stores

• cold stress increases resp rate and ay go cyanotic

skin to skin contact

• stable body temps must be made before ever giving a first bath

• hypothermia: if hypothermic warming process must take over 2-4 hours

Immediate interventions of the new born

- eye prophylaxis

eye prophylaxis:

- precaution against opthalmia neonatorum

- inflammation of the eyes due to passing of gonnorhea or chlamydia

- erythromycin or tetracycline

Vitamin K: for clotting factors: IM over 10- 15 minutes with cardiorespiratory monitor because rapid infusion may cause cardiac arrest

Late preterm infant Gestational age

Risk factors

bron at 34-36-6/7 weeks

Risk Factors: respiratory distress

-temperature instability

- hypoglycemia

- apnea

- feeding difficulties

- jaudince


Hypoglycemia in the new born and management


• at birth glucose source is cut off along with the cord

• insulin doesnt cross the placental barrier predisposing infants to hypoglycermia as a result of increased insulin activity

• 2.5 mmol/L or less needs intervention

breast feeding

IV dextrose


- jitteriness

- crying

- lethargic

- apnea


-high pitched cry

- irregular resp rates

- eye rolling

- twitching

- seizures

Hypocalcemia in new born and management


• less than 2mmol/L

• occurs in preterms, infants of diabetic mother, perinatal asphyxia

• usually occurs with 24-48 hours

S/S: jitteriness

- tremours


- high pitched crying


- irratability

- apnea

Treatment: early feeding!

- iv calcium or phospohorus

Discharge Planning:



• causes of elevation :cold stress with resultant vasoconstriction

• over wrapping

• response to infection

• less than 2 months with a fever, go to the doctors

• feeling the back of the neck to determine temperature

• room should not be less than 24

• keep babe out of direct sun light

• proper dressing

Discharge Planning:



• reflexes such as sneezing are normal and do not immediately mean cold

• avoid people woth illness

• avoid second hand or third hand smoke

• suffocation from loose bedding, warer beds, beanbag chairs, drowning , anything tied around infant neck, cords from blinds near crib

• sleeping on back

• watch aspiration of baby powder


- S/s: nasal congestion, coughing, sneezing, difficulty swallowing or breathing, low grade fever

- feed smaller amounts of food to prevent over tiredness

- sleeping: raise mattress 30 degrees

- avoid drafts! avoid over dressing

• saline drops in each nostril and suctioning well with a bulb

Discharge Planning:


• colour of normal poop: goes from black to yellow in 5 days

- green in 3-4, yellow on day 5

day 1-2 may have red or orange pee, black and tarry stooles

- breast fed babies on day 3/4 should have 3/4 wet diapers with clear urine

Car Seat Discharge Planning

• rear safety seats secured in the rear seat

• safest: middle back of the car

• birth- 22lbs for a rear facing seat, child must be able to walk unassisted, if under 1 and still meet criteria should still have a rear facing seat

• SGA: 2500 g should be observed in a car seat for 9--120 min before discharge

Bathing baby

• as much water as possible to cover baby

• test temperature: pleasantly warm to inner wrist

• do not use runing water

36.6-37.2 degree water

-work from clean to dirty: start with face, neck and earst

Patent Ductus Patho:Add a new card (or press TAB)

• muscular contractile structure in the fetus connecting the left pulmonary artery and the dorsal aorta

• closure occurs within hours or days after birth due to increased oxygenation unless it is a preterm infant then this might be delayed

• ductal closure may also occur due to bradykinin, catecholamines, low pH or acetylcholine

PAD Clinical Observation

• tachypnea

• bounding peripheral pulses


• crackles


• chronic hypoxia

PAD Management

• medical management through diuretics, oxygen, NSAIDS, fluid restritiction and ventilator support

• small amounts of food

• rest m

Congenital Cataracts

- absent of red reflex

When should baby start breast feeding?

Within first 48 hours