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83 Cards in this Set

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Antibiotics work 4 ways:
interfere with cell wall synthesis
interfere with protein synthesis
interfere with replicatioin of DNA and RNA
antimetabolite action that disrupts critical metabolic reactions inside the cell
An infection that occurs when the person being treated for another infection and results from overgrowth of an organism that is not susceptible to the antibiotic used
When does an emerging infection occur?
drug-resistant bacteria cause new infectios diseases. This can be caused by inappropriat antibiotic prescribing or patients who don't finish their course of antibiotics as prescribed.
2 emerging infections that are very resistant
2 most common classes of antibiotics that cause anaphylaxis are
penicillins and sulfonamides
Therapeutic drug monitoring involves an ongoing process of measuring....
the plasma drug concentration to find our if the dose is within the therapeutic range to be effective
What is the name of the antibiotic description that refers to antibiotics that work only if given over a long enough time period
time dependent killing
What antibiotic description involves checking the concentration levels of drugs in the bloodstream?
concentration dependent killing
what is the most important parameter and is drawn immediately before next dose before giving antibiotic
how often are trough levels measured
every 3 days
If trough is too high, what can happen?
ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity
Beta Lactam drugs include what 2 drugs
cephalosporings and penicillins
what do the beta lactam drugs do
they have beta lactamase inhibitors, so they inhibit the enzyme that bacteria can produce that break down the bonds of the antibiotic
what is the MIC
minimum inhibitory concentration--- the lowest drug concentration needed to be effective
True or false: Penicillins should be given with fruit juice.
False, give with water
Penicillins include what 3 types
Penicillin G & V
Penicillins are effective against gram ____ microorganisms and are bacteriicidal.
Cephalosporins are effective against _____________.
gram positive & gram negative.
True or falce: cephalosporins are bactericidal and broad spectrum.
Augmentin is amoxycllin with ___ acid added.
Penicillins were introduced accidentally during World War II and are are derived from ____ _____ seen on bread and fruit.
mold fungus
Are life threatening allergic reactions to penicllin common or uncommon?
uncommon, 1 in 32,000
What 2 types of meds interfere with bacterial cell wall synthesis?
penicillin & cephalosporins
which antibiotics interfere with protein synthesis?
macrolides, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides
which antibiotic interferes with DNA and RNA replication?
which antibiotic is an antimetabolite which disrupts the metabolic reactions inside the bacterial cell
1st generation cephalosporins are effective against _______ and an example is ________
bacteriocidal or static?
gram positive,
cefazolin (Ancef)

2nd generation cephalosporins are effective against _______ and an example is ________.
bacteriocidal or static?
gram positve and better gram negative effecticeness than 1st generation.
cefoxitin (Meforxin)
3rd generation cephalosporins are effective against _______ and an example is ________.
most potent gram negative, less active against gram positive
ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
4thgeneration cephalosporins are effective against _______ and an example is ________.
broader spectrum than 3rd, especially against gram positive
cefepime (Maxipime)
which med is the most common prophylactic antibiotic, especially in orthopedic surgeries?
cefazolin (Ancef)
Which is a common prophylactic antibiotic in abdominal surgeries especially involving the uterus and intestines?
cefoxitin (Mefoxin)
Are Macrolides bactericidal or bacteriostatic?
True or false: macrolides are broad spectrum antibiotics
True or false: tetracyclines are broad spectum
Are tetracyclines bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic
What are aminoglycosides effective against?
specific gram positive and serious gram negative
Which antibiotics are known to reduce the effects or contraceptives?
macrolides such as Zithromax, and sulfonamides such as Bactrim
Third generation cephalosporins can treat ____ infections athat are traditionally very difficult to cure.
Which type of antibiotic should patients be careful about alcohol consumption?
Macrolides are especially effective against 3 things...
listeria, chlamydia, legionella
listeria, chlamydia, legionella reproduce inside the host cells not just in the ______
Taking macrolide antibiotics can cause ______. Symptoms include severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. This is a highly contagious form of diarrhea
pseudo membraneous colitis
2 drugs that need to be monitored with macrolides are ___ and ____
coumadin and digoxin
Macrolides end in what suffix?
Tetracyclines inhibit protein synthesis, shutting down the essential functions of growth and repair inside the baceria so they die. This class of antibiotics should not be given to children younger than ___ because it can cause discoloration of teeth.
Should tetracyclines be given to pregnant women? why or why not?
No. Can retard fetal skeletal development.
True or false: tetracyclines should NOT be given with milk, antacids, or iron.
False, because they decrease absorption of the drug.
Tetracyclines can also cause ______ so they should avoid sun exposure.
Aminoglycosides are very potent antibioitcs that are also capable to causing serious toxicities to kidneys and can cause hearing loss or deafness. If taken by pregnant women, it can cause...
total irreversible bilateral deafness to fetus. Also the aminoglycosides should not be given to nursing mothers.
Aminoglycosides must have a trough level taken every ___ days to limit potential toxicities and permanent damage.
True or False: aminoglycosides should be taken for as long as possible.
false, shortest time possible
Fluoroquinolones are effective against gram postive and gram negative, but they can cause.....
Patients taking fluoroquinolones should take calium supplements at least ____ hour before taking the drug.
Fluoroquinolones can cause cardiac effects such as prolonging the ____ interval.
fluoroquinolones end in ____-
Patients allergic to sulfonaureas should not take ____
What is the most common adverse effect of sulfonamides?
what is the drug of choice to treat anthrax
It is essential to force ___ to patients taking sulfonamides.
fluids, up to 3000 per day
It is important for diabetics taking sulfonamides with sulfonylureas to know what?
hypoglycemic effect is increased
Patients taking sulfonamides also need to be careful about taking coumadin because the ______ effect is increased which can lead to hemorrhage.
Zyvoc is a miscellaneous antibioitc that is effective against 3 things:
VRE, MRSA, and hospital acquired PNA
Zyvox can cause a decrease in _____.
Vancomycin is a potent antibiotic that is the drug of choice against _____. It is also very effective against __ _______
Vancomycin can cause flushing and redness to the head, face, neck, and upper trunk, known as ____ ___ ____. How can this be prevented?
Red Man Syndrome.
slowing IV rate to at least 1 hr
Viruses enter by 4 routes:
respiratory tract
GI tract
skin/mucous membranes
There may already be millions of infected cells due to a virus before _____ develop.
True or false: antivirals should be given late at night.
false, daytime because they cause insomnia.
Oral and IV antifungals can cause hepatic toxicity. What test should be done before administration?
liver function test
S/S of liver toxicity
jaundice, dark orange urine, pale stool
Antiseptic should never be used on intact skin because....
inhibits healing process
Causes of iron deficiency anemia includeL
blood loss from surgery, childbirth, GI bleed, hemorrhoids
____ is the most common cause of pediatric poisoning deaths because it looks like candy.
Food sources of iron:
meat, grains, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, dried beans
True or false: patients taking IV iron should lay down for 15 minutes
false, 30 minutes
True or false: Patients taking PO iron should lay down for 30 minutes.
False, sit up
Iron given IM should be given deep into large muscles using what method?
Patients should be warned that iron can cause black ___.
Folic acid is necessary for production of _____
Folic acid is also given prophylactically to pregnant mothers ___ month before pregnancy and then throughout pregnancy
1 month
Folic acid during pregnancy prevents....
neural tube defects to fetus
Good food sources of folic acid include:
dried beans, peas, oranges, green vegetables