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26 Cards in this Set

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Dsm didvides personality disorders into 3 groups:
Cluster A
cluster B
Cluster C
Cluster __- includes:
odd/eccentric (people are different from everyone else)
Cluster A
Cluster __-
dramatic / emotional (antisocial and borderline- cause a lot of problems within the functioning unit)
Cluster B
Cluster __-
anxiety / fearful (trying to protect themselves and self-esteem)
Cluster C
Cluster ___- includes:
Cluster A
Cluster __- includes:
Narcissistic (seen more in men)
Histrionic (seen more in women)
Antisocial (seen more in men)
Borderline (seen more in women)
Cluster B
Cluster ___- includes:
Cluster C
Life cycle development-
_______- (dependent)- bonding and consistency very important at this stage. Trust in caregiver.
Life cycle development-
_______-(exploration for independence) starts at age __ separation from the caregiver. Trying to express who they are "No I won't, I'll do it on my own"
Age 2
Life cycle development-
_______ (beginning conflict) Girls mature faster than boys. Quiet times, internal values and attitudes start to develop, "Well my teacher sais". they sift dependence to someone else, learn competition and how to compromise.
Life cycle development-
___________- (dependence on peers/ independence conflict). Age __-__, best friends in same sex- to best friends of opposite sex. starting to develop relationship with opposite sex, very dependent relationship with peers and independent with adults. Live with peer rules not parental rules. Learn what interdependence is and learn to negotiate.
Pre-adolescence and Adolescence
Age 10-18
Life cycle development-
Life cycle development-
______- dependence conflict. to survive they have to depend once again on someone else, lots of depression seen here.
Late adulthood
Common feature of Personality disorder:
________patterns- problems with interpreting, don't see world as you do.
Maladaptive thought patterns
Common feature of personality disorders:
__________-react on a mood basis. dont look at it as why- just act with an emotional response. Most responses are negative. Labile mood because they act without thinking
Emotional instability
Common features of personality disorder:
_______ problems- who are we? very weak, fragile, self-concepts. Self identity is reflection of what other think they are.
Self-identity problems
common features of personality disorder:
_________behaviors- poor coping strategeries- difficult dealing with stressful situation in a positive way. Extremely rigid in response, don't have alternatives- can't adapt with any other way- learn one way and that's it.
Impulsivity / destructive behaviors
Common features of personality disorder:
___________- because of behavior, very independent, won't operate on anybody elses rules or they can become very clingy. this need for dependence will push people away, clingy because their not sure about the other person.
Poor relationships
A cluster A disorder where people who dont have a need for relationships. dont need people, loners. like living and being alone. dont develop emotional attachments to other people, they will either take you or leave you.
Cluster A disorder - likes other people, wish they could get along with other people. act different around people, they just dont fit in. Misinterpret events-have no social skills. Friends are usually just family. They want other friends but have no clue how to develop these relationships (precursor to schizophrenia) like a schizophrenic behavior.
Cluster A disorder- looks at people in suspicious way- cant trust people. Interactions with others is guarded and suspicious. Misinterpret situations "I know what they really want"
Cluster A improves with lose dose of _________ meds- a biochemical issue.
poor nurturing when they were little and in their dependent phase. not taught how to act/interact with other people.
antipsychotic meds
Cluster __- learn how to protect themselves from attacks. Greq up with a lot of criticism and belittling. Abandonment issues. Could have had a very strict upbringing- do it my way or its wrong.
Cluster C
Cluster C trait- cry easily, egos cant take negative comments. Timid, shy, socially withdrawn. feel unwanted and lonely. doesnt want to cause any trouble, feel if they stay away and dont cause any problems you wont criticize them.
Cluster C trait-___________-
great, strong dependency need. cant do anything alone, constant clingy behavior. others make their decisions for them. no pro-activity, no taking charge.
Cluster C trait_____________-
this is the person who grew up with a lot of criticism in their family. punsihed or ignored if something wasnt done right. Goal- always being right. Can't be wrong. Blame a lot because they cant blame themselves. Very inflexible person, likes detail, over-achiever, always need to be working- doesn't take pleasure in pleasurable events. not flexible, only see things as black and white, no gray areas. very polarized thinking. tense joyless people cant handle emotions.
Obsessive -compulsive