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47 Cards in this Set

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Superficial infection of the upper portion of the follicule.
Pustule with minimal erythema, crusting.
Often caused by staph organisms.
"Boils". Deeper within the follicule. Erythematous around follicule, painful. Requires abx, possible incision and drain.
MRSA Antibiotics
MRSA Systemic Manifestations
Fever, chills, sepsis
MRSA Nursing Care & Prevention
Contact isolation. Appropriate hygenic measures. Compresses on boils. Discuss appropriate dressing. Nasal swab for colonization.
Impetigo Causes
Caused by group a beta-hemolytic strep. Very contagious, assc. w/ poor hygiene.
Impetigo Symptoms
Vesiculopustular lesions with crusts (honey colored) pruritic, erythema.
Impetigo Management
Abx, systemic and topical. Proper hygiene. Monitor for hematuria and renal function (glomerulonephritis).
Herpes Simplex 1
Fever blister, cold sore. Stays in nerve root ganglion and returns during stress, menses, sun exposure.
Herpes Simplex 1 Symptoms
First occur 3-7 days. Grouped vesicles, painful, local erythematous base. Can have systematic symptoms, ulcerate, crust.
Herpes Simplex 1 Tx
Tx of symptoms, moist compresses, topical anesthetics, antivirals:
Acyclolvir, famciclovir, valacyclovir.
Herpes Simplex 2
Generally genital infections, frequent reoccurrence.
Very painful. Management similar to HSV 1.
Spread by sexual contact.
Herpes Zoster Virus
Activation of varicella-zoster (occurs with immunosuppression). Contagious if not immune to varicella-zoster.
Herpes Zoster Symptoms
Vesicles on erythematous base, usually unilateral on trunk, thigh, ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve, mandibular branch.
Severe burning pain, neuralgia.
Herpes Zoster Tx
Antivirals, analgesics, gabapentin for neuralgia. Tx of symptoms. Narcotic pain meds. Topical anesthetics AFTER lesions heal.
Herpes Zoster Complications
Permanent vision damage from eye infections.
Post-herpetic neuralgia (common in elderly)
Tinea Capitus
Contagious fungal infection of head. "Cradle cap."
Tinea Capitus Symptoms
Patches of redness and scaling with pustules or papules at edges that may spread to the hairline or neck. Can cause temporary hair loss.
Tinea Capitus Tx
Encourage appropriate hygienic, individual combs, brushes/towels. Antifungal creams/shampoos (Nizoral, Lotrim)
Tinea Pedis
Athlete's foot. Scaling, maceration with fissures between toes. Toenails can be affected and have secondary bacterial infections. High rate of recurrence. Tx with topical antifungals.
Tinea Corporis
Ringworm. Usually animal origin. Rings of reddened scaly patches with clear centers in clusters on the face, arms, shoulders. Tx with topical antifungals (griseofulvin)
Yeast infection, thrush. Common in skin folds, perianal region, oral mucous membranes. Assc. with compromised immune, abx therapy.
Candidiasis Symptoms
Pustules that become a red, denuded, advancing border, may have whitish discharge. Itching and burning.
Candidiasis Treatment / Management
Topical antifungals, sporanox, fluconazole. Descrease moisture, proper skin hygiene, monitor glucose.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Chronic, relapsing, superficial inflammatory, pruritic.
Immune mediated, genetic link.
Linked with asthma or allergic rhinitis.
Eczema Symptoms
Xerosis: dry skin that cracks easily
Acute: Vesicles, exudates, crusts
Subacute: scaling with erythema & excoriation
Chronic: Darkened, thickened skin
Eczema Management
Hydrate skin, humidifier in winter, Topical abx & corticosteroids, antihistamines, loose clothing, avoid triggers that cause flares. Immunomodulator ointments: Protopic, Elidel
Inflammatory disorder of pilosebaceous hair follicles. Occur most on face, chest, shoulders & back.
Acne Symptoms
Closed comedones - whiteheads
Open comedones - blackheads
Nodules - larger areas of inflammation
Cysts - compressible nodules
Acne Stages
Mild - 25% of face, no nodules
Moderate - 50% of face, several pustules & nodules
Severe - => 75% of face, scarring
Acne Management (Non-Pharm)
Wash skin w/ mild soap, balanced diet & adequate fluids, proper exercise & rest.
Acne Medications
Comedonal - Topical Tretinoin QHS
Mild Acne - Benzac, erythromycin, clindamycin
Inflammatory Acne - Vibramycin, Minocin, Tetracycline, E-Mycin PO
Chronic dermatitis with rapid turnover of epidermal cells, mature in 3-4 days instead of 28 days. Genetic disposition.
Psoriasis Symptoms
Sharply demarcated scaling, papules and plaques of scalp, elbows, and knees, white silvery patches, can affect nails. Arthritis in 5-8%.
Psoriasis Tx/Management
No cure, only management. Topical corticosteroids
Tar, UVA therapy, Systemic Treatment, Cytotoxics (methotrexate), Immunosuppressants (cyclosporine)
Seborrheic Keratoses
Common benign epidermal growth of keratinocytes and melanocytes. Usually on face, shoulders, chest and back.
Seborrheic Keratoses Symptoms
Begins as a small slightly elevated papule or plaque,
slow enlargement, surface becomes rough and warty.
Color varies: yellow, brown, black. Common in middle-older age.
Seborrheic Keratoses
Curretage, Electrodisiccation, Cryosurgery
Actinic Keratoses
Flat or slightly elevated, dry, scaly, rough, red base, premalignant. Caused by sun damage. If untreated can develop into squamous cell cancer.
Actinic Keratoses Tx/Management
Curettage , cryosurgery, topical 5FU , Aldara (may cause blistering)
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal cells do not mature and continue to enlarge and form. Sun, genetics, x-ray risk factors. Center can erode and ulcerate, borders are raised and waxy.
Basal Cell Carcinoma Tx/Management
Cryosurgery, incision. 95% cure rate, slow growing and rare mets, usually only locally invasive.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Papule, plaque or nodule with indistinct borders, scaling horny crusts, erosions or ulcerations.
Most common on lip, ear, previously damaged skin.
Invades dermis: potentially metastatic to regional lymph if untreated.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tx/Management
Excision (Moh's Surgery), Radiation
Malignant Melanoma
Arises from melanocytes. Occurs anywhere on skin, usually on back or legs. High degree of mets.
Malignant Melanoma Symptoms
Flat/raised, eroded/ulcerated. A-asymmetry, B-border irregular, C-color varied, D-diameter larger than 6 mm.
Color varies: red, black, blue, white, gray, brown, pink in the same lesion. Spreads by local ext (lymph, blood).
Malignant Melanoma Tx/Management
Wide excision with amputation PRN, staging, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hyperthermia with chemo.