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120 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 sites ACh works on
muscarinic and nicotinic
what site has parasympathetic response
muscarinic site
What is urecholine
parasympathetic drug
indications of urecholine
used for urinary retention to contract sphincter and cause urination and to increase GI motility
Side effects of urecholine
bradycardia, miosis, GI cramp and diarrhea, decreased blood glucose, bronchioconstriction
What is pilocarpine/ salagen tablets
parasympathetic drug
What is the indications for pilocarpine/salagen
reverses dry mouth (xerostomia) and to test for cystic fibrosis
Side effects of pilocarpine/salagen
parasympathomemtic side effects
What do anticholinesterase drugs do
block the enzyme anticholinesterase to increase ACh
What are anticholinesterase drugs used for?
myastehnia gravis, or post op to reverse the use of muscle relaxants
What types of drugs are anticholinesterase drugs
H2O soluble
Side effects of anticholinesterase drugs
blocks Ach at both sites/ parasympathetic side effects
What are the anticholinesterase drugs?
Neostigmine (Prostigmin) and pyridostigmine (mestinon)
What are lipid soluble anticholinesterase drugs
tacrine and aricept
What is aricept used for
alzheimers disease/ senile dementia
What are used for alzheimers/senile dementia
aricept and tacrine (cognex)
How do anticholinesterase drugs work
increase Ach by destroying the enzyme that destroys ACh
What occurs in alzheimers
tau protein builds up and brain cells tangle up
What are anticholinesterase drugs used as insectisides
What warfare item is made from organophosphates
nerve gas
What is the cure for organophosphates
atropine and immediate is 2pam
What does organophosphates do
increase ACh causing paralysis and so you must remake the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
What are anticholinergic drugs
they are competitive blockers with Ach at muscarinic site
What is the prototype anticholinergic drug
What is atropine
prototype anticholinergic drug that is h2o soluble
What are the 3 belladone alkaloids
atripine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine
WHat is the difference between scopalomine and the prototype atropine
scopolamine is lipid soluble
What does scopolamine do
decrease GI motility and acid secretion, decrease N and V, decrease diarrhea, helps with urinary urganecy, ulcers, and psych drugs
What are the side effects of anticholinergics
sympathomimetic side effects: overheat, decreased generalized sweating, blurred vision, decreased salivation, crosses BBB in high doses and causes hallucinations
Saying for side effects of anticholinergics
hot as a hare, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, mad as a hatter
Antidote for anticholinergics
What are teh synthetic agents of anticholinesterase
dicyclomien (bentyl) and propantheline (probanthine)
What are nursing considerations for anticholinergics
caution in diabetic patients because tehy block the parasympathetic and cause symp. response causing increased in blood sugar and contraindicated with glaucoma
What is wide angle glaucoma
increased production of acqueous humor which plugs the drain and the acqueous humor builds up
What is narrow angle glaucoma
intense pain, close to lens and defect in the iris, bumps against the iri and pressure builds up and can't drain: cuts the back of the iris
Where is acqueous humor made by?
ciliary processes in the post chamber and goes to the anterior chamber
What is the point of acqueous humor?
bring nutrients to the eye
What is normal intraocular pressure
10-12 mmHg
What type of glaucoma is medical emergency
narrow angle
What is a drug for glaucoma
pilocarpine/ parasympathetic drug that causes miosis (constriction)
What are the side effects of pilocarpine
It binds to the protein melanin and if you don't close off the putamin, it can go to the blood, cause bronchioconstriction (bad for ashmatics)
Another med for glaucome
What is the drug of choice for glaucoma
beta antagonist: timoptic
What decreases acqueous humor production
What are 2 other beta antagonists for glaucoma
betopic, betagan
What is the 2nd drug of choice for glaucoma
Xalaton: prostaglandin analog: makes eyelashes grow and makes light eyes dark
What are meds contraindicated in glaucoma
sympathomemetic (be cause they cause dilation and build up pressure) and anticholinergics
What is alpha stimulation
eyes, peripheral blood vessels
Beta stimulation
heart, central blood vessels, blood glucose, adn lungs
What can beta stimulation cause
What is epinephrine (adrenaline)
catacholimines (sympathetic drug)
What is epinephrine used for?
code blue: stimulates heart (B1) and for anaphylactic shock (increases BP) bronchodilation for asthma)
Side effects of epinephrine
tachycardia, increased blood sugar
What is cuation with epinephrine
diabetics, heart disease, peripheral vascular disease (further vasoconstriction)
Can you take epinephrine orally?
no its protein and is digested
HOw can you take epinhephrine?
inhalation or injection
What makes xylocaine work longer?
epinephrine because it constricts peripheral vascular
What is another name for norepinhephrine?
What are the MOA for NE?
alpha and beta1
What is the MOA for E
alpha and beta 1 and beta 2 and mimics the ENTIRE sympathetic nervous system
Can NE be taken orally?
no its a protein and is digested
What are indications for NE
cardiac arrest if E fails, shock
Side effects of NE
extended effect, tachycardia
What must you do with levophed drip?
always watch to make sure it does not leak into tissues
What happens if NE leaks into tissues
causes intense vasoconstriction and necrosis and gangrene
What is the antidote if NE leaks onto tissues?
alpha blocker
What is isoproterenol (isuprel)
beta stimulants
MOA of isoproterenol
for cardiac arrest (B1) and for asthma to dilate (B2)
Can isoproternol be taken orally
no, its a protein and will be digested
Side effects of isoproternol
What causes peripheral vasoconstriction
E and NE
What causes bronchodilation with no midriesis?
What increases HR and glucose
epinephrine and isoproterenol
What causes peripheral vasoconstriction, increased HR, and increased glucose
What is terbutaline/ brethine?
beta stimulant
What is the MOA of terbulaine/ brethine?
asthma or premature labor (relaxes uterus)
Can brethine be taken orally?
What is albuterol (proventil/ventolin)?
selective beta stimulant
What is albuterol selective for?
B2 > B1: want bronchodilation not tachycardia
What is ritordine/ yutopar?
OB: Beta stimulant: relaxes uterus
What is dobutamine/ dobutrex?
selective beta stimulant: B1> B2 for the heart
What is the MOA of dopamine/intropin?
works on dopamine, alpha, and B1 receptors
Indications of dopamine/intropin
blood vessels to the kidneys dilate and cause urination
What is left and right handed
ephedrine/ ma huang
WHat is the MOA of ephedrine
acts like oral epinephrine: a, B1, B2
Indications of ephedrine
asthma, rhinitis (nose run), nocturnal inuresis (not really), almost exactly like amphetamines
How does ephedrine help rhinitis?
constricts peripheral blood vessels
What is pseudoephedrine/ sudafed?
alpha stimulant: optical isomer of ephedrine: helps runny nose and nasal decongestant
Entrance of pseudoephedrine
IV drip, nasal spray
What is another alpha stimulant
What is the MOA of alpha blockers
frost bite, peripheral vascular disease (causes vessels to dilate)
What are some alpha blockers?
pheoxybenzamine (dibensyline) and phentolamine (regitine)
What is the alpha blocker used if levophed is leaked on skin
What does regitine do?
causes pupils to constrict and increases blood flow for impotency and vasodilation
Whats the down side of regitine for impotency
injetion into penis
WHat is the MOA of Ergot
vasoconstriction gangrene, miscarriage, no dilation, vasoconstriction, smooth muscle contractions
What are the indications of Ergot
migraine headaches, post delivery
Side effects of Ergot
chornic ergot toxicity (peripheral vascular tingling and muscle cramps and gangrene)
What are contraindications of ergot
will induce labor and abortion: DO NOT TAKE DURING PREGNANCY
What is caffergot?
product of ergot: hydrogine: safe with no vasconstriction, makes the brain use more glucose: good for memory
What is the ergot used in Ob?
methergine: used to control post partum bleeding and causes vasoconstriction to reduce blood loss and causes the uterus to involute after delivery
What is the prototype of triptans?
sumatriptan/ IMITREX
What is imitrex
What is drug of choice for migraines?
What is the MOA of beta blockers
blocks Beta receptors
What are the indications for beta blockers?
headaches, increased BP, angina
What are side effects of beta blockers?
What are contraindications of beta blockers
asthma, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic (can cause hypoglycemia and then mask the symptoms), and never suddenly stop it can cause myocardial infarction
Why do those with peripheral vascular disease need to worry with beta blockers
unopposed alpha
What is the prototype beta blocker?
propanolol (inderal)
What are indications of inderal
heart disease, increased BP, hyperthyroid
What are the dose of inderal dependent on
hepatic first pass effect
What will inderal do
make you drowsy: hepatic first pass effect: crosses BBB
What is a nonselective beta blocker?
inderal: blocks beta 1 and 2
What is a selective beta blocker that blocks B1>B2?
metoprolol (lopressor)
What is metoprolol used for?
to lower BP
What is another selective B blocker
timolol (blocadren, timoptic)
Some other beta blockers
acebutolol (sectral), pindolol (visken)
What helps make BP normal and is an alpha and beta blocker
normodyne (labetalol/ trandate)
What is the drug of choice for hypertensive crisis