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185 Cards in this Set

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What is the primary focus of cognitive therapy?
current problems
Inability to sleep through the night or w/out nightmares is a common sx of what?
What is the nurse demonstrating when she conveys an observation of the patient to help the patient better understand personal thoughts and feelings?
How is a developmental crisis assessed?
compares information about the student's current maturation level with her chronological age
Diabetes is what type of disorder?
If secondary anxiety is present due to the physiological disease process, it is a result of what?
a hormonal disorder
Using all 5 senses to create a relaxing environment to help manage stress describes what technique?
guided imagery
What is biofeedback?
provides prompt and exact info on muscle activity, brain waves, skin temp, hheart rate, BP, etc. This requires instrumentation.
What is meditation?
a discipline for training the mind to develop a great calm and then using that calm to gain insight into ones experience
What is progressive relaxation?
combines deep relaxation of muscles and a specific method of breathinng in a continous progressive and sequential manner
What characteristic is most common in succesful resolution of the grief response?
good self esteem
WHat is the most important nsg intervention during the nurses initial interaction with a pt who is experiencing auditory hallucinations?
determine what the voices are saying to the pt.
An excess of what can exacerbate the sx of schizophrenia in a psychotic pt?
What is the therapeutic level of lithium?
hand tremors and slight thirst are common sx when at a therapeutic level of whiich drug?
What wouls be an appropriate expected outcome for a 5 year old child who is autistic and has a nsg diagnosis of social isolation?
the child will make attempts to offer toys to peers
Amenorrhea occurs with what eating disorder?
purging and binge eating are criteria for what eating disorder?
anorexia and bulimia
What is sublimation?
transforming impulses into something constructive
What is displacement?
moving an impulse from one object to target another
What is rationalization?
finding a rationalization for questionable behavior
What is repression?
banishing a memory so pt doesnt feel pain, sorrow or sadness
A person whoo values self-control highly will react to stress as a threat. What is the initial stress reaction for these people?
According to the psychodynamic theory when individuals are predisposed to depression who experience stress can react with what?
hostility represents an escalation from what?
According to sullivans interpersonal theory what does anxiety come from?
from tension that arises from social insecurity or blocks to satisfaction.
How does sullivan define needs?
the need for satisfaction
Sullivan discusses "the bad me" as what?
developing in response to anxiety producing appraisals from others
Sullivan discusses "the good me" as what?
representing that part of the personality that develops in response to rewarding appraisals from others.
What is the goal of family therapy as a component of tx for a pt who has schizophrenia?
reduce the familys stress level
Which intervention should be priority when finding a suicidal pt attempting to kill himself?
assign one-to-one arms length monitoring
What are 2 common side effects of tricyclic antidepressants?
1. orthostatic hypotension as a result of the alphaadrenergic blockade
2.dry mouth
What is an appropriate outcome for an 8 year old chil with ADD who has a low tolerance for frustration?
the cild will increase verbal expression of feelings to others
What lab test must be monitored in a pt receiving valproic acid therapy for bipolar disorder?
hepatic function
Is valproate used in pts with cardiac or renal impairement?
yes, with caution
What is the primary goal for a patient in a preliminary stage of recovery from substance abuse?
acknowledgement of the problem, this is necessary for succesful tx
impulsiveness is a behavioral characteristic of what 2 disorders?
antisocial personality disorder & borderline personality disorder
LAck of empathy is a behavioral charqcteristic of what?
narcissistic personality disorder
Suicidal actions are characteristic of what?
borderline personality disorder
Lack of remorse is characteristic of what?
antisocial personality disorder
abandonment by a spouse would most likely result in self destructive behavior in a person with which disorder?
borderline personality disorder
a pt with anorexia is likely to experience difficulty with what developmental achievement?
individual autonomy, becuse they have difficulty with self-image and with trusting themselves
What is associated with an increased risk for violence among pts with schizophrenia?
substance abuse
Substance abuse is also associated with what 2 other negative outcomes?
homelessness and violence
A pt admitted for depression who now announces she feels great, and acts irratically in a very good mood jumping around etc, rapidly changes topics of concentration should lead the nurse to suspect the pt has what condition?
bipolar disorder, an acute phase of the manic stage of bipolar disorder
Can checking a depressed pts room for potentially harmful objects be assigned to a STNA?
What type of therapy is an active, directive, time limited structured approach that addresses current problems such as chronic pain?
cognitive therapy
A pt whose been discharged to a group home following a prolonged stay in a psychiatric institution is likely to experience difficulty with what?
initiating a change in the daily schedule, because institutions result in a person having little ability to exercise change or problem solving skills
Why is it important for the nurse to be aware of the thoughts of a pt who has delusions of being an important political leader ?
to identify factors that may influence the pts behavior
What does conversion disorder involve?
unexplained sx or defects affecting voluntary motor or sensory function suggesting a neurological or other general medical condition
What do vegetative signs of depression include?
change in bowel movements, eating habits, sleep disturbances, and disinterest in sex
Inflexible response to stress is a behavior comman to what type of disorders?
all 3 clusters of personality disorders
avoiding social relationships can be seen in what 3 things?
cluter A-paranoid
cluster B-antisocial and borderline
cluster C-avoidant personality disorders
inability to tolerate being alone can be seen in what disorders?
histrionic, & narcissistic & dependent personality disorders
Fear of being exploited or harmed can be seen in what?
all conditions in cluster A and obsessive compulsive disorder in cluster c
Rapid pressured speech is one of the most common initial findings during the onset of what
the manic phase in bipolar disorder
other common findings of the manic phase in bipolar disorder are what?
elated mood, increased activity, and reduced sleep
What is neologistic speech?
newly made up words or an every day word used in an idiosyncratic way
What is poverty of speech?
reduced amount of talking and is one of the negative sx of schizophrenia?
unresponsiveness to the environment by a child who is emotionally disturbed indicates what?
a severe problem and requires intervention
Lithium is a mood stabilizer that is especially effective in what?
reducing delusions of grandeur
What are delusions of grandeur?
a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are
What is the most important nsg intervention for a pt in an acute manic phase?
provide a safe environment
What is apraxia?
inability to perform purposeful movements
What is agnosia?
inability to recognize objects or people . It usually begins as trouble with sensory recognition of objects , and in the later stages includes inability to recognize loved ones
What is mnemonic disturbance ?
memory impairment , primarily having to do with events
What is the purpose of setting limits with a patient who displays manipulative behavior?
to allow the pt to demonstrate limit setting on their own manipulative behaviors, so pt can gain control and take responsibility
Based on Maslows Heirarchy of needs what should be the nursing diagnosis for an older adult pt with alzheimers
risk for injury related to impaired judgement
respite care directly addresses what?
role strain
nurses often use reminiscence therapy to help older adults achieve which of Eriksons psychosocial developmental goals?
the crisis of identity versus role confusion occurs in who?
The crisis of industry versus inferiority occurs in who?
school age years
The crisis of integrity versus despair occurs in who?
older adults
The crisis of intimacy versus isolation occurs in who?
early adulthood
How would the nurse evaluate improvement in the self care activities of a pt with dementia?
Ask the nursing assistant how much of the bath was completed independently
What is the best way to evaluate improvement in self care activities?
observe the patients change in the level of independent action
What setting are you most likely to encounter pts with delerium?
long term care facility for older adults
What is the difference between acute confusion and dementia?
acute confusion has a sudden onset and dementia is insidious
What is aan appropriate short term outcome foor a pt withh alzheimers?
participate in activities
What intervention is most important in a discharge plan for a person newly diagnosed with early stage alzheimers dementia?
maintain a consistent daily routine because it reduces confusion and discomfort and allows the patient a greater sense of control and thus, of self-esteem
What causes pruritus in the pt with biliary cirrhosis of the liver?
retention of bile salts
What is biliary chirosis?
the result of chronic biliary obstruction and infection
Is it okay to have caffeine for a pt with pancreatitis?
no because it increases pancreatic and gastric secretions
What diet should be followed for a pt with pancreatitis?
high carbs, low protein, and low fat foods
Why would a nurse need to assess for pain with food in a pt receiving pancrelipase for chronic pancreatitis?
because it is a replacement for pancreatic enzymes that helps to digest and absorb fat, proteins, and carbs. the nurse needs to assess this to determine the effectiveness of the meds
What is lipodystrophy?
a localized reaction at the site of insulin injections. If insulin is injected into scarred areas, absorption may be delayed
What is the indication for giving a pt lactulose?
to promote excretion of ammonia in the stool
What nursing action is priority when planning home care for a visually impaired diabetic pt?
assess the pts ability to perform a reliable capillary puncture at regular intervals to perform on an ongoing basis
A pt at a high risk for developing cholelithiasis is who?
a pt with diabetes
A pt with nephrotic syndrome is at risk for what?
infection, thrombooembolism, pumonary emboli, acute renal failure, and accelerated atherosclerosis
What is a pt with thrombocytopenia at risk for?
bleeding and petechiae
A ot with scleroderma may manifest sx of what conditions?
crest syndrome, raynauds phenomenon, esophageal hardening and dysfunction, sclerodactyly and telangiectasis
What is precose prescribed for?
When should precose be taken?
immediately before a meal because it affects food absorptionn
a diabetic patient with an unsteady gait associated with a decreased sensation to light touch is displaying sxc of what?
diabetic neuropathy
voiding in small amounts is an example of what type of neuropathy?
an inability to concentrate could be related to what in relation to diabetes?
hypo or hyperglycemia
Can a pt with diabetic neuropathy display tremors of the hands?
no, unrelated
a pt displaying manifestations of cholecystitis should be questioned about the recent ingetstion of which drug?
What are common side effects of erythromycin?
NVD and ab pain
erythromycin side effects are similiar to sx what condition?
What is the expected therapeutic effect of glucagon given to a diabetic pt with LOC?
transitory hyperglycemia--accelerates the breakdown of glycogen to glucogen in the liver.
clay colored stool following what type of procedure indicates a problem?
Many pts with liver disease have what type of problems in relation to vascular issues?
clotting defects and are at risk for bleeding
Is it normal for a pt to run a low grade fever in the first 24 hrs following an open cholecystectomy?
WHat is an acceptable hourly urinary out for a pt following a cholecystectomy?
30 ml/hour
what is the normal urinary output?
35 ml/hour
Within 24 hours following a cholecystectomy what type of drainage will a pt have from the surgical dressing and fromt he t tube?
dressing=small amount serous drainage
t tube=gold-colored drainage
What nsg intervention is important foor a home care nurse to continue following a discharged pt with acute pancreatitis?
reinforce the importance of the patients fluid and nutritional intake
What type of diet should be followed following acute pancreatitis?
high carb, low protein, low fat diet, eliminate alcohol, and avoid excessive use of spicy foods and caffeine
What testing is required prior to surgery?
prothrombin time, partial thromboplatin time, and platelet counts performed
What will the pt be asked to do before insertion of the needle for a liver biopsy?
take several deep breaths and finally exhale and hold breath at the end of exhalation while the doctor begins to insert needle
Could a pt experience pain in the right shoulder during or after a liver biopsy?
Following a liver biopsy what will the pt do?
lie on the right side with a pillow under the costal margin
When should a diabetic pt test his blood sugar in relation to exercise?
before and after
What is an acceptable blood sugar range before exercizing?
What inspection should be done by a diabetic pt after exercizing?
inspect feet
What type of diet should be followed for a pt with chronic pancreatitis?
high carbs, low fat, low protein diet
What typre of injections will a pt get with chronic pancreatitis?
vit. B12
How often should pt wth chronic pancreatitis monitor his weight?
Can a pt with chronic pancreatitis have whine at dinner?
yes one glass
A patient with pancreatic dysfunction will display which clinical manifestations?
hypocalcemia, elevated temp, elevated WBC's, hyperglycemia
By what mechanism does propranolol prevent hemorrhage from esophageal varices?
it is a beta blocking agent that acts to decrease portal pressure and has been shown to decrease esophageal varices
What does a pt need for inital tx of signs of hypoglycemia?
15 g of a fast acting concentrated source of a carb (4-6 ounces of OJ,6-10 pieces of hard candy
Within 30-60 minutes of initial sx of hypoglycemia are resolved what should be done?
eat a light snack
What drug given for tx of diabetes acts by delaying absorption of glucose in the intestinal tract?
What does micronase, glucatrol and dymelor do for a diabetic pt ?
acts by directly stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin
What is the contributing factor in a patient with cushings to the development of diabetes?
excessive cortisol causes increased gluconeogenesis
What ismuscle waisting caused by?
excessive protein catabolism
Production of ACTH by malignancies may cause what?
cushings syndrome
increased breakdown of tissue protein and increased excretion of nitrogen lead to what?
muscle breakdown, thin skin, and decreased bone density
What problem could occur when receiving dialysis and why?
leg cramps--muscle cramping occurs because of rapid fluids and electrolytes loss from the extracellular space
When receiving dialysis, signs of change in consciousness, restlesness, and headache could indicate what?
development of disequilibrium
Is a potential complication of dialysis tx high or low BP?
What does decreased erythropoietin production cause?
ESRD causes waste products to accumulate in the blood at toxic levels resulting in what related to what?
fatigue related to decreased erythropoietin
Can ESRD cause anorexia?
yes, the ptsw nutrition must be carefully planned to ensure fluid and electrolyte balance
What does a decreased serum osmolarity indicate?
A pt with diabetes produced what kind of urine?
large volumes of very dilute urine with little mineral content
A patient with flid voume defecit will have what kind of BUN?
A diabetic pt with fluid volume defecit will have what type of serum sodium level and why?
increased, because a patient with diabetes is not excreting sodium, the substance builds up iin the blood stream producing increase serum sodium levels
What is priority when assessing a pt with pheochromocytoma?
vitals, becuase this pt can have high BP and other cardiovascular problems
Pheochromocytoma is characterized by what 3 things?
headache, diaphoresiis (may be flushed), and palpitations
is a pt with pheochromocytoma at an increased risk for having hyperglycemia?
Which would be an appropriate tx for a pt who has acute renal failure r/t prolonged dehydration with a K+ level of 6.4?
kayexalate, it is a cation-exchange resin used in general in cases of hyperkalemia. It can be used with caution for patients who have acute renal failure
What does Methimazole treat?
What is Dibenzyline?
an alphablocker used to treat hypertension in pts with pheochromocytoma
What is methylprednisolone?
a glucocorticoid used in secondary renal insufficiency
Hypotension and its associated lightheadedness is a typical finding in patients with what disease?
Addisons causes what 2 things?
anorexia and emaciation
Increased facial hair and acne are characteristics of what disease?
emotional lability is characteristic in what 2 diseases?
cushings and hyperthyroidism
CHronic mania is a possible problem in what ?
Which vital is monitored closely in a patient who is receiving epoetin alfa for the tx of anemia associated with chronic renal failure?
BP, because this drug can cause hypertension, especially when just starting med
What is the expected effect of administering epoetin alfa to a pt with chronic renal failure?
an increase in RBC's because this drug raises the hematocrit (a measure of circulating RBC's)
WHy would you monitor serum glucose in a pt who has undergone a bilateral adrenalectomy and is receiving glucocorticoid replacement?
becuase a pt taking glucocorticoids is at risk for glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia
A pt taking glucocorticoids should avoid what type of food?
k+ because this pt is at risk for maintaining potassium
What type of diet should a pt with graves disease have?
high calorie and high protein due to high metabolic rate and peristalsis
What is Lugols solution?
an iodine prep administered to reduce blood loss by reducing vascularity and size of the thyroid gland
A pt with graves has an excess of what circulating levels?
T3 and T4
WHat drug could be used to decrease serum TSH levels?
Which statement best indicates that levothyroxine sodium therapy for a pt with hypothyroidism hhas been effective?
i felt warm so I opened the wiindow, because this type of pt would usually be cold
What is important to do when treating the elderly for hypthyroidism?
start with low dose and increase them gradually is necessary to avoid cardiovascular and neurological side effects
What problem in the integument system is common in chronic renal failure?
pruritus with dry flaky skin
What is an angioma?
benign skin tumors that have no known relationship to chronic renal failure
What is seborrhea?
dermatitis that has wet and dry forms. The dry form is dandruff. This will sometimes acompany chronic renal failure
What is pemphigus?
an autoimmune disease with genetic factors
Is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease an inherited disorder?
yes, common
Does autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease get progressively worse with age?
What renal sx acompany autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ?
hematuria and renal stones if disease is untrewated it can lead to ESRD
What type of condition is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ?
chroniic with no specific tx
What sx are common in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease?
ab or lumbar pain, heating pad is appropriATE
What should the nurse inform the pt about developing a moonface while in corticosteroid therapy?
most changes are temporary and will diapear when tx is over with
What is acromegaly?
result of oversecretion of growth hormone occuring after the epiphyseal plates have closed--that is, in adult hood
What is cretinism?
stunted physical and mental growth due to insufficient thyroid hormone secretion
What is gigantism?
result of oversecretion of growth hormone during childhood
A masklike face is a characteristic of what condition?
severe hypothyroidism
What should be available in the room of a pt having a partial thyroidectomy and why?
trach tray, suction and IV calcium gluconate because this pt is at risk for a breathing emergency because of swelling of the throat, hematoma, or nerve injury, these things should be availabe post op always
What is propylthiouracil?
antithyroid med
a nasogastric tube and a hemovac could be used for a pt that had what type of surgery?
What is the most important assessment in a pt with renal failure that gained 5 lbs in a day?
assess breath sounds, fluid build up could lead to heart failure or pulmoonary edema
WHat is amphojel used for?
to manage excess phosphorus in a patient with renal failure
Kayexelate can treat what?
hyper k+ from renal failure
In a pt with renal failure would they have high or low calcium
When teaching a newly diagnosed elderly pt about glucose monioring who should be present?
another family member for help