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53 Cards in this Set

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Freud-Oral Stage

Birth to 18 months

Freud- Anal stage

18 months to 3 years

Toilet training, sense of self control and independence

Freud- Phallic stage

3 to 6 years

Examine genitalia. Masturbation. Oedipus complex- boys attraction to his mother.

Electra complex- girl attracted to her father.

Freud Latency Stage

6-12 years

Sexual urges dormant. More social. Peer relationships with same sex.

Freud Genital stage

13-20 years

Onset of puberty. Sexual attraction awakens.

Erickson Trust vs Mistrust

Birth-18 months

Dependent on others. When needs are met trust is established

Erickson- Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

18months- 3 years

Gain sense of independence. Autonomy- acquisition of skills, such as feeding, dressing. Without loving support child has feelings of shame and doubt.

Erickson- Initiative vs Guilt

3- 6 years

Begins to explore their environment and try different roles. Without freedom the child may develope guilt and feelings of inadequacy.

Erickson- Industry vs Inferiority

6- 11 years

Acquires many new social and physical skills. Want praise and recognition. Without positive responses from family the child may feel inferior.

Erickson- Indentity vs Role Confusion

12- 20 years

Transition from child to adult. Need to find place in society. Role confusion occurs when they have no love and support.

Erickson- Intimacy vs Isolation

20-30 years

Establish close meaningful relationship with another person. Failing this results in loneliness and isolation.

Erickson- Generativity vs Stagnation

30- 65 years

Generativity- focuses on leadership, productivity, and concern for future generations. Stagnation- occurs when they are unconcerned with the welfare of others and preoccupied with themselves.

Erickson- Ego Integrity vs Despair

65 and over

Life experiences are reviewed. Ego integrity- person feels their past choices are acceptable to the best of their ability.

Dissatisfaction with life review results in despair.

Piagets cognitive development- Schema

Patterns consisting of a number of organized ideas that grow with a childs experiences.

(Infants suck)

Piaget cognitive development- Assimilation

Ability to absorb new information into existing schemas.

(Infant broadens sucking into sucking on toys)

Piaget cognitive development- accommodation

New experiences that no longer fit or can be assimilated into existing schemas

(Infant uses spoon)

Piaget- Sensorimotor

Birth-2 years

Respond through reflexes. Object permanence or limited to what they can see, hear, or touch.

Gradually attaches meaning to things and eventually sees themselves as separate from objects in their environment.

Piaget- Preoperational stage

2-6 years

Concerned with mastery of language. Sees themself as the center of the universe.

Animistic-child belives objects have feelings and motives.

Piaget- Concrete Operational Stage

6- 12 years

Child thinks and converses on many topics. Thinks logically and solves problems. Unable to deal with hypothetical or complex situations.

Piaget- Formal Operational stage

12-15 years

Ability to think logically. Organizes thoughts and is capable of scientific reasoning.

Maslow's Hierachy of Needs

5- physiological (oxygen, food)

4- safety

3- love and belonging

2- esteem (feeling selfworth)

1- self actualization (meeting full potential)

Kohlberg- level 1-Preconvectional Thinking

4-10 years

Learns reasoning through parents demand for obedience.

Kohlberg- level 2- Conventional Thinking

10-13 years

Begin to seek approval from society.

Kohlbergs- level 3- Postconventional thinking


Develop their own moral code.


Operates on conscious level.

Putting away one's awareness of a distressing feeling


Most widely used by all ages.

Used to justify or excuse undesirable actions or feelings.


Takes on the personality traits of another person


Channels or redirects unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable outlets.


When facing a conflict they return to an earlier more developmentally secure stage.


Used on the unconscious level.

Used when they experience unbearable news.


Transfers emotions associated with a person or object to another less threatening person or object

(Ex- man angry at boss, then yells at wife)


Blaming mechanism


Allows person to make up for deficiencies in one area by excelling in another area.


Acting in a manner that symbolically cancels a previous wrong doing

Reaction formation


Unacceptable thoughts are kept out of one's awareness and replaced with the opposite feeling


Converts unconscious feelings and anxiety into a physical symptom

(Scared stiff)

Freud- Id

Bodies basic primitive urges. Primarily concerned with satisfaction and pleasure.

Freud- ego

"Executive of the mind"- most related to reality. Learning to delay needs.

Freud- Superego

Further development of the ego.

It judges, controls, and punishes.

Therapeutic communication

Listening & observing, warmth, genuineness, attentiveness, empathy, positive reward

Roles of PN

Caregiver, teacher, advocate, collaborator, role model

Disease prevention- Primary

Basic hygiene, nutrition, and exercise

Disease prevention- secondary

Diagnosis of disease or infection

Disease prevention- tertiary

Health restoration

Holistic Nursing

Defining the concept of health to include physical aspects, psychological, social, cognitive, and environmental influences

Cultural sensitivity

Recognizes that diversity exists and one needs to respect a person's uniqueness.

Cultural competence

A conscious process of learning about diverse cultures

Cultural awareness

Understanding of culture, race, and ethnicity of diverse minority groups


Belief that one's culture is superior


Parents make all decisions


Offer its members choices and participation and individual responsibilities


Famiky offers complete freedom


Show little to no commitment to parenting